Did 'The Boys' tv show follow the comics' storyline?
Did 'The Boys' tv show follow the comics' storyline?
I never really understood the dynamics of these two, but I guess Ellis points out that Big Tech and Big Banks always have the last word and that death is trivial to them.
comic books are for children
Check out this one. Is exactly for that point of view. Capeshit and comic books are unironically trash and the author understand this.
So are imageboards
From what I have heard I feel that Homelander is portrayed much better in the show than in the comic.
stillwell is completely sociopathic and knows exactly how to deal with homelander. the latter on the other hand turned into a childish crybaby who cannot deal with people like him, hence why stillwell was a perfect match to deal with superheroes, they're all too far up their own asses that they legitimately do not know what to do when someone ISN'T intimidated by them, instant insecurity.
I hope not. Unless they don't do the ending shit till about the 5th and finale series.
We'll never get the "your a real superhuman" scene now with how his heartbeat never increases
I love the actor who plays Homelander, he's doing a great job playing a subtle sociopath with superman powers.
did this happen yet
Homelander is literally just a product for Stillwell, a dog at the show that he only cares to make sure it looks presentable to those he needs to sell it to. Everything Stillwell does is to increase profits, everything Homelander does is either something to be spun to increase profits or a mess that needs to be cleaned up to protect profits. In Stillwell's eyes Homelander is just a name and a suit, with a human to wear it all and as such he might as well be the kid in the mailroom down on the 2nd floor. Meanwhile Homelander sees Stillwell as some unshakeable face of a corporation that makes sure he can continue doing all the dumb bullshit he wants to do. To Homelander Stillwell is a father figure to try to impress and rebel against. To Stillwell Homelander is just a number on a spreadsheet.
stillwell is female in the show, so no.
I accidentally started with episode 8 and when I realized that halfway through the episode I suddenly lost all interest in the series.
Why Black Noir did all that shit?
The northern Irish sure hate capeshit.
>emperor’s children visiting loyalist world [colorized]
The psychological conditioning he was subjected to broke down, at least that's how I read it. He was set up to kill this guy(Homelander), and after thirty plus years he just couldn't wait anymore. Which leads to him setting everything in motion
I always thought that was an unsatisfying reason, like there needed to be something a bit more than that. I mean I'm sure there's real life men in suits keeping government puppets in check that don't go batshit insane.
is this bait or are you that stupid
he visits Yea Forums so he's most certainly dumb.