Is there a certain point at which controversy and negative PR hurts the success of a TV-show?
Is there a certain point at which controversy and negative PR hurts the success of a TV-show?
couldn't care less about the witcher but that lady is cute as fuk
>poland is not white
She needs a beating
>America has a history
What does that have to do with Poland?
America is 200 years old, that isn't very old like at all. If you wanna go back to colombus, and 1492, that's not that far back either, 1500 is only 500 years ago, that's nothing in the terms of history.
So is slavery literally a get out of jail free card for american niggers or something?
Why did they pick a white man to play the main character then?
it only works on onions reddit types
>Eastern European fan fiction
>Slavic spirit
la creatura writes witcher 3 as slavery metaphor
That Empire guy demonstrates that it's actually a "don't even get sent to jail free" card.
where's her black boyfriend and white husband?
>my Slavic friends
Who invents a conversation with imaginary Slavs for Christ sake?
'Asked around to polish friends', meaning jews in Hollywood whose families have emigrated from Poland some time in the past.
Why in fucks name would American slavery have an impact on the casting of a Polish fantasy series set in medieval slavic countries ? She says they are targeting 190 countries, yet she is casting it based upon the racial history of one particular country, of which the adapted story and setting couldn't be further apart from.
It's all about making sure there is no such thing as a 'white culture' depicted on screen ever again, because that would go against the globalist agenda where predominantly white countries need to be 'diversified'.
>old crazy crone
I never owned any slaves, so don't put that shit on me fags, I'm not responsible for other peoples shit.
Quit letting people try to blame you for other peoples things in the past.
and she ate the whole cake.
If they cast whites in a fantasy show about African folklore it would be retarded. That's the main reason this is racist and hypocritical. Poland does not owe any racial debt to anyone. Why the hell don't they just start making fantasy about non white cultures so they don't have to do this shit?
she can weasel it however she likes, she is fooling precisely no one
>'Asked around to polish friends', meaning jews in Hollywood whose families have emigrated from Poland some time in the past.
Beat me to posting this
The Witcher is dead on arrival so there's no success to hurt anyways.
Netflix knows it won't bring them new subscriptions or money so they may as well turn the woke rhetoric up to eleven.It will please their current user demo.
Didn’t she also spend months insisting and reassuring they would stay true to the source material?
Who could’ve seen it coming that they use their loyal-to-the-books adaptation as a soapbox for their sociopolitical commentary on the United States?
They are not just compelled to inject their politics into everything, they feel it’s their moral duty to. It’s like the scorpion and the frog story, it’s just in the SJW nature
The ride will never end user. They will never shut up but you do have the power to tune them out. Just turn them off.
>Just think about how the new Lord of the Rings is going to look
End this timeline.
>They are not just compelled to inject their politics into everything, they feel it’s their moral duty to.
It is their religion unironically.
The Witch King was a fat orange man originally.
post discarded on behalf of being from /pol/.
'Slavic friends' just means her liberal American friends who just so happen to have a Polish great grandfather hidden somewhere in their family tree.
The writing room is really diverse.
Why are Americans so full of themselves they have to inject their politics and history into movies about other cultures?
You are talking about the channel that gave a 2nd season to Iron fist.
100% regardless of the outcome the witcher will have at least 3 seasons even if its the most dissapointing piece of shit ever screened. Which i hope is not cause i would love it to be good
>that reasoning
what do poles have to do with America
have sex
Hahah got emmmmm
>Which i hope is not cause i would love it to be good
>poles are not white
litterly hitler
>Video game uses American accents
Jesus fucking Christ, is there a more infuriating shitpiece of an excuse than this?
>No one pays attention to skin colour
Push diversity all you want you evil cunt, but don't pretend that it's somehow being done with a dedication to being true to the original. Be honest and upfront about your crimes.
WW2 was a mistake.
have sex
>America has
The arrogance of Americans never ceases to astound me. It doesn't matter whether it's a self-loathing leftist or a boneheaded conservative, both of them think the world suddenly popped into existence in 1776.
it did, the modern world of self determinate peoples sprang into being when Americans awoke from the long night of mankind's subservience to kings, nobles, and dictators
This image angers me
have sex
Hear hear! Now we are subservient to Israel!
As a Polish Slav I can tell her fuck off
if anything they're our subsidiary
Iron Fist despite being utter trash was still their second most popular Marvel show after Daredevil.
I can't, your hole isn't healing.
have sex
whole complaining about show not being "slavic" really shows what niggers poles really are
you dont see other nations complaining about it when theirs authors books get adapted
it is mix of polish far-right govt support+reddits gamers culture of complaining, very sad
And yet the whole world has to now deal with your identity crisis for how you once treated black people.
fine, but I'm not paying for the trip to Thailand to get your blown out tire patched up.
jsut because your country is dead , you are soon to be forgotten, we remember what happens to countries like yours
that would be the renaissance that started in France. which you should thank for helping you get indepence in the first place arrogant mutt
>your identity crisis
that ain't me
have sex
ah yes, the mewling hordes of muderers that were only too happy replace kings with emperors, and presidents with pretenders
>it's just whole countries complaining about representation
Yes, they get accolades from SJW's who won't watch the show and only care about furthering the culture war, and they think that they scored a PR win when in reality they just turned away all of the fans who have been excited about the show for years.
Because this type of liberal is, unironically, the most, condescending, arrogant, ignorant and ill-intentioned group of racists in the world. The "big white liberal mommy knows best" type of racism is pure evil and a completely self-serving and destructive force for any society.
They don't care about the "insert race" they champion, they're just concerned with improving their position of power by literally nuking racial relations in the US and most of the western world. This is why you will never see entertainment media made about asians, africans, native americans.
Im so sick of america
Is there a non-cucked country that could replace Hollywood? China could hire american actors right?
Careful bud, you're veering into soispeak.
china is like the borg
those mewling hordes created america so you ether accept to be part of that horde or stop complaining about nobillity (if i'm responding to same user)
I wonder if she knows how Slavs suffered terribly under the mongols and their namesake being slave
no they didn't, the french mob had nothing to do with my country
your education is really quite awful whatever you are
What does american racism have to do with The Witcher? This is starting to have too many layers for me to decipher.
Yeah but Witcher is a Poland fantasy based on a slavic mythology. We never enslave no nigers
Yeah sure make a Chinese Witcher without magic, ghosts, and for some reason people keep mentioning how great the communist government is
and every werewolf is replaced with a japanese hiding in human form
If she made a show in the Chinese wuxia genre, would she insist on a diverse non-asian cast so it can be inclusive? Because that's literally what she's doing.
Just start watching Bollywood movies instead.
you enslave slavs, which are white niggers
>le chinese don't allow ghosts meme
Strange. Jews have a "Long and checkered history of enslaving, abusing, and deriding people who aren't Jewish" ESPECIALLY THE POLISH OF WHICH THIS WORK THEY ARE ADAPTING COME FROM.
God dammit gas these fucking kikes
my post was in reference to the chinese government's endless demonization of Japanese in state tv shows
diversity just means "non-white".
it really makes you think
Reminder that the USA is not the world, culture is not ALL about the USA and their history with their blacks. Non-United-Staters, it's time to put your Big Citizen Pants and support your local culture... usually the state sponsor the production of some films and tv shows and they have a hard time to compete with the burgers with their many channels and possession of cinemas ... anyway there should be a sticky thread where we post the good non-usa films/tv that get translated and is accessible to stream or download online.
any other examples besides the one famous for being the exception?
how does someone like this end up in charge of a show? really baffling.
no? no its fucking not.
Have you ever watched something made in China?
>how does someone like this end up in charge of a show?
it is a mystery
sure her reasoning is stupid, but is the show really affected by a character being brown? there were brown characters in the games after all.
But we are slavs
how could we enslave ourselves?
You did it for years
the same way americans enslave each other.
>how does someone like this end up in charge of a show?
Netflix sabotaged it at the start.
>some dumb bitch is the united states
is this how foreigners brains work?
Do you think the same reasoning used for race swapping will stop there and not influence the rest of the show?
it didn't do it for Preacher or Mad Max Fury Road, despite the push for muh racial/sexual equality they were still great (at least season 1 of the former was).
the brown characters in the game were specifically from a different region. in the netflix show they have just taken half the characters and swapped them with no rhyme or reason.
What a fucking cunt. She knows damn well that poles (real ones, not her kike friends whose families came to the USA in the 30s) hate niggers and muslims.
have sex virgin
again, how does that affect anything?
i don't get it, the main dude is a straight white male so who cares?
shes Jewish dude
thats literally all you have to say
> but is the show really affected by a character being brown?
Yes. Yennefer is supposed to look so much like Fringilla that Geralt fucks Fringilla. Yet, they cast two actresses from completely different ethnic backgrounds who look nothing alike. It will be a massive plot hole.
> there were brown characters in the games after all.
No, there weren't except those arabs in Hearts of Stone, which are explicitly foreign.
because its jarring and makes no sense?
I mean wasn't that the point of the dwarves and elves in the books? To be allegories for different peoples like the jews and the gypsies?
>american accents
>appeal to broader base
so If they used RP the appeal wouldn't be as broad?
If it doesn't affect anything, why change things?
Taiwan/Hong Kong
>I asked (especially my black friends): can I say nigger? The answer was resounding: he cute
how so? what is affected by a character's skin being brown?
irrelevant to the discussion at hand, I already said her reasoning is stupid.
By that logic we can make Wakanda full of white people.
>Yes. Yennefer is supposed to look so much like Fringilla that Geralt fucks Fringilla
Except they said it won't follow the original events and be its own thing.
So what the fuck is the point of adapting the books if you won't even follow the story?
>but is the show really affected by a character being brown?
Yes. Not only does it cheapen the world-building and setting, bigotry is pretty much the bread and butter of the books. Yet somehow we are expected to believe that a peasant who would stab an elf with a pitchfork for having pointy ears is also living in some racially unified utopia.
>there were brown characters in the games after all.
They were called Zerrekanians, and that was fine because it made sense in the setting. Them being brown was part of their cultural identity. The setting isn't taking place in some multicultural urban capital like modern day London. A multiracial society makes no fucking sense in a world where 99.999% of the people live in tiny villages.
>American voice actors have American accents
>Forgetting the original dub is in Polish, like the game devs, like everything else
This makes me more mad than anything else, the absolute stupidity of this statement and that someone that fucking dumb can be put in charge of anything.
the industrial revolution was a mistake
they flat out admitted they aren't adapting the books when they replied to the xbox twitter account about geralt's beard. Unless "We left the beard at home with the DAMN BOOKS" meant something else...
So the show is pointless. Great.
to subvert your expectations of course
>adaptations need to be 1:1
Says who? Remember when 500 dracula movies adapted the book perfectly? Oh wait not a single dracula movie has ever done that.
The racism in the games has NOTHING to do with skin color, it's between species.
You fucking retard. Geralt doesn't have a beard in the books.
>Them being brown was part of their cultural identity.
They aren't brown. Geralt recognized them by thier swords and they have blond hair.
I guess Kubrick's The Shining is a piece of shit because hey, it doesn't follow the book perfectly!
i dont know man every depiction of a character has her with pale skin and then the show race swaps her, kind of hard to not notice and have that on your mind.
>Says who?
The fanbase you're targetting, asshole.
>Oh wait not a single dracula movie has ever done that.
And oh wait, they're mostly shit.
And they wonder why people are losing interest.
Every show/movie coming out is now looking the same in terms of ethnic makeup, as in maximum diversity.
Instead of being transported to a fantasy based around slavic culture and identity which would give us something we don't see very often, we are handed the Hollywood progressive version.
The Witcher, LOTR prequels, Wheel of Time, they will all end up looking the same, there will be no ethnically specific cultures because every culture must now be extremely ethnically mixed so as to continue the globalist narrative of 'diversity is our strength'.
sounds like a personal problem to me. you have issues.
>America has a long and checkered history of enslaving, abusing and deriding people who aren't white
Wow, what an interesting and original take from a privileged shitskin living in America.
>The fanbase you're targetting, asshole.
Bullshit, plenty of adaptations take liberties that are still liked by fans, like Kubrick's The Shining.
>And oh wait, they're mostly shit.
See above, is The Shining shit for being inaccurate?
I know you fuckface, which is why that quote is confusing. It's implying that they think book geralt has a beard.
why? cause i notice the shit casting? sorry.
>REALLY interesting when it comes to depicting racism because it’s about species not skin color
This is fucking bog standard for fantasy. Where do they dredge up all these normalfags?
Poles never enslaved anyone and I find her whole reasoning typical american's cultural imperialism, you people just HAVE TO insert yourself everywhere.
And that's a good thing!
I don't know who she is but that statement made her yet another bitching nigger
>Bullshit, plenty of adaptations take liberties that are still liked by fans
This isn't one of them. And just because something managed to work despite changes doesn't mean it will work every time. There is absolutely no valid reason to race bend the characters. It's an insult to slavic lore.
Isn't The Witcher Polish? Do they not realise non-Americans have access to Netflix too?
>source: my ass
>Is there a certain point at which controversy and negative PR hurts the success of a TV-show?
if the show was going to be shit anyway controversy never helps
>The racism in the games has NOTHING to do with skin color, it's between species.
It had nothing to do with skin color because everyone is white, because they knew making the world into Los Angeles was a stupid idea. BECAUSE PEASANTS BEING BIGOTED AND HATING EVERYTHING DIFFERENT FROM THEM IS THE BACKBONE OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING SERIES. There cannot exist a universe in which people hate other people with pointy ears while being fully accepting of someone with a completely different skin color.
>Unless "We left the beard at home with the DAMN BOOKS" meant something else...
It means that whatever intern made that tweet is a fucking retard who was trying to come up with an epic burn.
Don't read too much into it.
>does X because Y
Every time
Self-insert by mystery meat woman.
As an eastern European, I have to tell you that we don't use Netflix over here. We just torrent everything, so I doubt they care about our opinion.
Race swapping is a Jewish ploy and part of a larger project of white genocide.
pattern recognition is racist ok?!
>It had nothing to do with skin color because everyone is white,
Conjecture is not an argument. Sorry.
True that. It was like they were trying to say one thing but it came out literally the exact opposite of what they were trying to say
The fucking idea that poles - being as based as they are - would toe her faggot Hollywood Jew line about race being disconnected from culture is so fucking counter to reality that these tweets should be considered slander against the polish people.
>waaah her skin is brown this affects my autistic brain that means it's shit
why does the history of america matter when making a show based on a book series based on european folklore?
>This isn't one of them
Oh you've seen the show already?
>And just because something managed to work despite changes doesn't mean it will work every time
It also doesn't mean that this will be shit by default like your argument about inaccuracy suggests.
Nice non-arguments.
If you ask Hollywood to fill out one of those blank maps you just get “America” and “China” labeled.
>everywhere wants to be American so bad they pretend they did slavery as well
Wtf does Poland have to do with America? why do Americans think the world revolves around them?
I don't care, this isn't a high school debate club.
The simple fact remains that ethnicity is a huge part of people's identity, and pretending that it doesn't exist in a setting is a retarded and infantile way to write a story and only makes it worse. No amount of complaining about semantics is gonna change that.
They literally pointed out how Geralt is using only one sword in contrast to him normally having 2 to show how it differs.
This isn't semantics at all, I'm saying your argument is moot because it's based on conjecture and not actual lore. There's nothing in the books that says brown people are hated, ergo your assumptions are meaningless.
Do you have a version of this image that wasn't cropped by a retarded person?
ok you dumb shit motherfucker let me explain it for your retarded fucking pea brain
fringilla is supposed to be almost identical in appearence to yennefer so they already fucked that part of her character up, but also fringilla is cousin to anna henrietta of toussaint who is related to the fucking emperor of nilfgaard. so her character is going to be changed no matter what, unless they make nilfgaard completely african
it's on his horse retard
you know, like in the books?
>in contrast to him normally having 2
Lauren said he only carries one sword.
netflix shills are brain dead
>disagree with me? how dare you! SHILL
Yeah he carries one sword and keeps another in his saddlebag.
Did you forget that this thread is complaining about something that differs from the source material?
>no argument
saddlebag? is that what they call it in poland?
They're JIDF shills.
TO ALL SHILLS I ASK: why change the race? There's literally no reason to do that.
best post ITT
Okay, maybe I'm getting it wrong here so I'll spell it out more precisely for that user.
Lauren is saying Geralt only has one sword, the one he carries on his back, meaning he doesn't keep a sword with his horse or anywhere else. You get it now?
Notice how xe ignored this response
>Matt DeButts
And that argument is pointless. Nothing in the books says that people in Aidern aren't dressed like 60s Football mascots, but actually including that would be retarded and stupid.
This might blow your mind, but when writing fiction, you have to make it as believable as possible, or else the story and setting falls apart. And you end up with what we call "bad writing".
It is, but we don't ever see the consequences of it, in the Witcher our hero actually dies in a race riot.
This would literally not bother me at all if not for the fact that she almost certainly would not make the same exceptions for a non white culture
why isn't there more catgirl representation? nothing in harry potter said hermione isn't a catgirl
How is it no argument?
How is that relevant?
I get what you mean but I don't believe you.
Did you forget the part where I said the reason is stupid and that it has nothing to do with this argument?
They complain a lot, retard. Doesn't matter what gets adapted/copied, but they don't do it in English speaking media.
>How is that relevant?
Then why the fuck did you say "source: my ass" when the proof is this very fucking thread?
>it's okay because it's an adaptation!!!
Why make story and casting decisions that make it objectively worse? Shouldn't adaptions try to be BETTER?
>political agenda > creative substance
yea that never backfired
Didn't this person say verbatim that she wouldn't race swap characters because of how "liberal" she's feeling?
>proof is this very fucking thread
Like hell it is. Show me proof that "they" said that the show won't follow original events and will be its own thing.
Hilarious, except a character not being pearly white isn't comparable to that and is perfectly believable, since the only racism that exists is radically different from just skin color.
It doesn't matter what you say, your conjecture will never be true. You're just looking for excuses.
*lalalalalala I can't hear you!*
>no Schlomo silhouette edit
Is making her brown not a difference to you? Is your brain not working?
upvoted my fellow /pol/tard
yet you all faggots are going to watch it on netflix instead of pirating or not watching it at all
Is your reading comprehension lacking? Do you not understand the words that I'm writing?
I'm not asking you to prove that the show differs from the books. I am asking you to prove that "they" said that the show won't follow original events and it will be its own thing.
Stop feeding the troll, dude
>You're just looking for excuses.
No, I'm looking for passable fictional writing.
>comparing a film that was made with the directors personal views regarding plot vs a video game that is getting turned into a tv show being injected with political correctness and forced diversity.
>what is context
And why do you need that when the proof is already in this thread? What's wrong with your brain?
Then why not make people in this "adaptation" wear common t-shits then? Its gonna make it more inclusive, arent it? After all, not many americans wear middle-age european attire nowdays.
Its not important to the story, and its fantasy world anyway.
top notch background work, asking a bunch of leftist americuck polish imigrants
>doesn't even know the witcher didn't even start as a videogame
>doesn't actually refute the argument of "inaccuracy = bad by default" and assumes changing someone's skin color means the rest will be bad too because uhhhh...
Show me the proof then.
For god sake, if its already in this thread then link it in your response, you retarded newfag.
>Is there a certain point at which controversy and negative PR hurts the success of a TV-show?
No because only a tiny minority of right-wing incels gets triggered by actors not being white and no one gives a fuck about them.
Actually it would, because people wearing t-shirts in something that isn't contemporary modern world setting isn't as believable as someone having brown skin.
>characters never showed racism against brown people but they do because muh conjecture ergo this is bad writing
Listen to yourself.
they're gonna rape tolkien's imagination
makes me appreciate the hackson movies even more despite all the stupid additions
Is your reading comprehension this fucking atrocious? Do you not realize what I'm referring to even though the very previous reply points it out?
You are thinking about geology, retard.
Its a fantasy world mate, if brown people can just pop-out randomly and has nothing to do with evolution, then why cant they have technology to produce t-shirts? I dont recall anything in the books saying they cant? Plus they have magic aswell, that can help in this.
What the fuck does that prove you imbecile?
Show me a fucking quote from any of the people involved in the show stating that it won't follow original events etc.
why can't women and minorities make their own shitty post-racial fantasy utopia settings instead of shitting up the already established ones?
How are you types so consistently unfunny?
Did you not read the post you were replying to? Read it again, t-shirts break immersion more than brown skin, believe it or not.
>Didn't this person say verbatim that she wouldn't race swap characters because of how "liberal" she's feeling?
Yes, but she later said that the reason she race-swapped characters was not because of how liberal she was feeling.
one of the best bait pics ever
>What the fuck does that prove you imbecile?
You can see the pommel of a sword in the picture they released of Roach
You call it conjecture, I call it basic realism.
That said, pretty funny that Netflix decided to remove an allegory of real world racism and it's corrupting and harming effects in favor of a infantile "fictional species vs fictional species thing" and making a message of how we can all unite in hatred of people who are even more different. "We hung all the fags, but at least it brought our races together :)".
It does matter because you claimed that they said the show wouldn't follow original events etc. And I'm saying that they've never said anything like that.
I'm not trying to argue that the show doesn't differ from the books and you're an illiterate retard if you think I am.
>You call it conjecture, I call it basic realism.
Good for you honey, it doesn't change that it's objectively conjecture and nothing you say will change that fact.
how does saying they dont care about the source material and change whatever they want help your argument?
And why should I care about that?
I literally and unironically can't believe someone like this gets paid money for their writing
So what you're doing is arguing for no reason even though there's proof that they are indeed changing things? Good to know.
The fact that Kubrick's The Shining exists, where something that was inaccurate to the books (much like pretty much every book adaptation ever) ended up being praised.
When did I say you should? More power to you, man.
not only that but she asked poles and they agreed that poles didn't need to be slavic? nah. not fucking buying it. maybe she asked some faux "polish" descendants in cali.
>a-a non w-white p-person!!! the story is RUINED REEEEEEEEE
Zerrikanians stand out because of their skin colour, they are explicit foreigners. Medieval societies without airplanes and jews are not fucking modern melting pots.
Bonus for The Shining's "accurate" tv adaptation ended up being dogshit. Ultimate proof that book accuracy does not translate to quality.
That strawman is so pathetic, it doesn't even burn.
>Zerrikanians stand out because of their skin colour
It's more that they worship draconids and let them roam freely all over their lands.
How so? How do you quantify something like that? From my point of view, random brown people imply:
1. This universe has very modern way of travel, allowing common people to travel vast distances for no reason
2. Local populace is open-minded enough to accept them into the community - which is just silly considering the bigoted mobs in witcher universe, pogrom-ing elves just for knife-ears.
Cant wait for all those people calling chad Cavill "monster", "freak", but being color-blind for his neighbour tyrone. Im sure it wont break immersion for all those americans, since they live in post-racial society.
Good thing the adaptation differs from the original and it doesn't instantly mean it's bad, much like Kubrick's The Shining.
>even though there's proof that they are indeed changing things
Why are you still bringing that up when it has nothing to do with the argument.
You claimed that they've said it won't follow original events. Can you prove that they said it? Is there an interview you can show me or a quote that you can dig up somewhere?
You're retarded.
Right? Like how in the hell do you get paid probably six figures writing for Netflix while shitposting on Twitter all day
>hissrich... she's just like kubrick
>Why are you still bringing that up when it has nothing to do with the argument.
That is the whole point of the argument, you're being pedantic.
>long and checkered history of slavery
Okay. What does that have to do with magical medieval Slav land or Poland in general.
Also, does anyone even care about this show anymore?
Why didn't the cast my turkroach waifu as Triss? Are turks not allowed to have representation too?
Rent free
Nice strawman, I'm sure the show will be nothing special but claiming that it's bad by default because of inaccuracy is just laughable.
>1. This universe has very modern way of travel, allowing common people to travel vast distances for no reason
Says who? How do you know brown people didn't exist already in this adaptation? Why does this world have to mimic the real world (and even then that's not entirely true when the real world has multiple mixed communities).
>2. Local populace is open-minded enough to accept them into the community
There's nothing in the books that say they hate brown people, so claiming they must is just conjecture.
kill them pussy
Remember when /pol/tards got triggered by The Little Mermaid? Kek.
It's not a strawman, you literally compared it to the shining.
She is American. The rest of the world is just a vassal state.
latin americans are racist as hell, they make fun of black people a lot, yet they praise white people and find them attractive. do you not see how a group of people can realistically dislike knife ears but not someone like them who just happens to not be white as snow?
Ask me how I know you are a nigger? It's useless arguing with someone who will never be smart enough to understand
Whoa these mental gymnastics. Olympian tier.
>we Americans have a long history of enslaving
Yeah, like the rest of the fucking world. England? Spain? Also would like to point out that the USA had a whole fucking war to abolish slavery. I'm a Europoor and even I know this and she's supposed to be a fucking Murrican
>A lot of entertainment is made in America, so that gives use a free pass to ruin everything
yeah I don't think that's how it works Lauren
>The books are packed with Slavic spirit. Can the Slavic culture be reduced solely down to skin color?
Holy shit what a fucking ignorant question. Of course not you dumb shit. Slavs are slavs. But you know what, Lauren? Just because you were fishing for an easy reason to cite for raceswapping a shitton of characters, it doesn't make it okay. I'M just fuck I can't even type how fucking stupid her question was. Reducing a whole culture to skin color. Kill me.
>We're making the show for 190 countries so fuck you Poland
Weirdly opposite to what you were just using to prove your previous point, aight
>Noone in the books get racist because of skin color
Yeah protip 99.73% of people in the books are white
>In terms of casting we welcomed everyone
Yeah you think we forgot the BAME casting call for Ciri
>In summary, I'm full of shit
What a surprise
No it isn't. I called you out on lying about what they've said. That's all.
Why is their so many redditors and shills in one thread? Is Netflix afraid they can’t afford another flop?
The first time we see him he gets into a bar fight with the sole intention of getting the attention of the king and accidentally kills a man.
Point out where did I say it'll be as good as the Shining, dipshit. I mentioned the Shining against the point of "inaccuracy bad".
>Says who? How do you know t-shirt wearing people didn't exist already in this adaptation? Why does this world have to mimic the real world (and even then that's not entirely true when the real world has multiple mixed clothed communities).
>There's nothing in the books that say they there aren't t-shit wearing people, so claiming they can't is just conjecture.
>the Ottomans enslaved millions of whites
You have a 50/50 percent chance in Hollywood for representation.
I know right? Thank god we minorities and women have Hollywood out there to hand us palette swaps of successful things. God knows we can’t create anything on own own without their benevolent aid and no other cinema exists besides what they pump out of California! Now, can I please offer you my money and pussy to thank you for all this brave representation?
Islamized Greeks/Southern Slavs are white so basically Hitler.
Stellar argument, my dude. Are you actually going to refute or not?
But the people who enslaved them were brown and the slaves white so it's okay.
>haha look at me I'm being dumb on purpose and pretending t-shirts are as believable as someone who isn't white as snow haha btfo!
Who taught you how to argue?
>where did I say it'll be as good as the Shining
Now THATS a strawman
Cringe thread full of triggered incels
>can’t create anything on own own
women and minorities created this tv adaptation, though of the witcher, so they can do whatever they want with it, by your logic
Won't somebody think of the poor, oppressed white people!?
Cancelled my netflix because of it, granted I should have done it ages ago but kept it around for some third party stuff.
Just got too tiresome.
The whole thing that set this apart from other fantasy books was the focus on slavic medieval lore and setting, Netflix decides to give it the ethnical makeup of New York thus destroying any illusion of this taking place in medieval eastern europe.
Why even adapt something like this if you are just going to shit on the very thing that made it different from thousands of other books in the genre ?
Have sex
You don't even know what strawman is do you? Hint: you made this post , which is objectively strawman.
I learned It by watching you!
Because they changed their ethnicity to make it seem like they're from another region of the world you absolute moron.
remember when they got triggered by black panther? the last jedi? captain marvel? alladin? detective pikachu?
Sorry buddy your bait came a little too late as this thread so here is a (you) for your efforts :)
>Says who? How do you know brown people didn't exist already in this adaptation? Why does this world have to mimic the real world (and even then that's not entirely true when the real world has multiple mixed communities).
We are talking about breaking immersion here, and in school they taught me people have different colors of skin for a reason, so they are must be:
1: new additions
2. kept the bloodline "pure"
>There's nothing in the books that say they hate brown people, so claiming they must is just conjecture.
People in witcher world are very close-minded and bigoted, they have everyone "different", magic users, other races, witchers, everything that is unknown and different than themselfs. If they are ready to gore elf for having different ears... Ignoring someone that looks like spawn of demon to them is breaking my immersion more than modern textiles.
>nothing in harry potter said hermione isn't a catgirl
We know she isn't because she explicitly becomes one and then gets turned back
Why would I waste my time arguing with a braindead nigger like you? Dont make me laugh, other anons have been thoroughly BTFOing you anyway, all I need to do is sit back and watch
no but abstract and critical thinking are.
Remember when those evil right wingers started banning everyone across every major platform who disagreed with their political ideology and tried to fire anyone from their livelihoods for bit agreeing with them as well?
Fucking moron
Why are you assuming someone who isn't pure as snow is from a different part of the world in this fantasy world adaptation where apparently brown people have already integrated themselves here? Did you also have a problem with the non-whites in game of thrones even though the setting doesn't exactly scream "BLACK PEOPLE"?
>It's just changing their skin color
*Entire heritage in the show for no reason other for political pandering. That alone means the show is written in an echo chamber.
No, it is in fact a bad sign.
You literally justified the existence of this adaptation by mentioning The Shining.
Arguing about arguing. Congratulations.
>We are talking about breaking immersion here
The problem is that you assume there's some reason for this and not a different in of itself in this adaptation where brown people have integrated which doesn't collide with the original lore since they never showed contempt for said brown people.
>Ignoring someone that looks like spawn of demon
You have issues.
They can't break off from the hivemind, no matter how retarded it gets
>Why in fucks name would American slavery have an impact on the casting of a Polish fantasy series set in medieval slavic countries ? She says they are targeting 190 countries, yet she is casting it based upon the racial history of one particular country, of which the adapted story and setting couldn't be further apart from.
she literally says why in that same image
Right wingers are so sensitive.
>where apparently brown people have already integrated themselves here
They haven't. Ethnic and religious tensions are a major theme of this work , so yeah just whimsically changing the percieved ethnicity of one character because muh racism is retarded. It's clear they don't care about what they're writing more than the fact that they want to fit in with their Hollywood friends.
Yeah, it's going to be jarring to see forced diversity.
>Did you have a problem with no whites in Game of Thrones
No, because they didn't just randomly make a Stark an Asian because white people used to underpay Chinese railroad workers in 19th century America
I'm more interested in how the fuck you shoot a show in Poland, a historically white ethostate who's population is largely conservative Christians (or Catholics, I guess), who's been going through big upheavals against the multicultural EU shit recently, and somehow the answer to your question "Does being Polish mean being white" is "Holy fuck no, any person of any color from anywhere can be Polish!"
That makes no sense to me.
>waaaaah stop censoring and deplatforming nazis REEEEEEEE
die mad :^)
even *eddit are tierd of her shit
>American accents
The fuck? I can remember a multitude of European accents in W3, even Welsh, but I unironically can't recall an American besides wolf school witchers - 4 characters.
>gets btfo
>s-s-shit, I have no argument, better insult him! that'll show him!
Simply epic.
And by other people you mean the people who get triggered at the sight of brown people and use conjecture to claim it doesn't make sense even though the books never said anything about it?
What part don't you get? People are claiming inaccuracy instantly means it's bad by default, The Shining proves them wrong, simple as that. Whether or not this will be good is a different argument that I'm not participating in.
>constantly throwing a bitch fit about one thing or another
Hmm... a secondary, gotta be
Because if they were integrated there wouldn't be any dark people.
That's the thing with tiny farming villages. Unless there is a large black population(which it's not gonna be, they might try to make the show be diverse, but it will still be 90% white people), the genes are gonna get washed out until they are more or less white again.
The reason we see dark people today is 1, because they congregate in large communities and breed among themselves, keeping their skin color pure.
2, because they or their very close ancestors traveled halfway around the world from a place where people of their skin color congregate.
>They haven't
Clearly they have, as shown by the fact that she's brown. You're mixing up the source material with the adaptation.
>No, because they didn't just randomly make a Stark an Asian because white people used to underpay Chinese railroad workers in 19th century America
But black people are in it despite the region clearly not being something that black people would sprout out of.
this thing will crash and burn anyway
>An unarchived article from *the guardian*
More laughable than seeing neocons post Fox News articles here. Yes, not broadcasting a gay marriage in one of the most religious states in the US (clearly trying to provoke people) is totally the same as getting people fired from their jobs, assaulted, and slandered for making any mildly ethnocentric or right wing comment.
You make it sound like she's dark as the night or something. She looks mixed as hell.
>The problem is that you assume there's some reason for this and not a different in of itself in this adaptation where brown people have integrated which doesn't collide with the original lore since they never showed contempt for said brown people.
My friend, in the end all this media- books, movies, tv shows, whatever- is created for us, humans to consume. Showing a society where people are EXTREMELY bigoted on every front, like, thats THE theme of the books, but are "color-blind"... Yes, its possible, but its gonna break immersion of every consumer that has at least a bit of understanding of current and past word and its racial tensions.
>You have issues.
You think if you showed a "black like pitch"proper negro to medieval Poland-villager he wouldnt call him just like that? Then tried to kill him with his pitchfork
American accents were a lot more prevalent in TW1, Aslo, Triss.
I'm just sad, there are so many cute Polish girls who could have been cast in this series. Or even non-Polish cute girls who are white. I'm tired of everything being forcefully culturally enriched. Poland is so white that when a kid from a Polish village goes to Warsaw (or any bigger city) and sees a black person, or someone whatever non-white race you have, they literally yell their head off and point fingers. "Mama, look, a black man!"
I saw this happen more than once.
Yes right wingers would never do any of that, like SHOOT PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY'RE MUSLIM like that australian madlad or attempt unsuccesful shootouts.
In the fantasy world of the Witcher is not a multicultural paradise by the mere fact that the tv show cast someone outside of the source material's ethnic appearance. No.
>But black people are in it
Yes, and they're from desert lands and islands way outside of Westeros. Fucks sake
>Showing a society where people are EXTREMELY bigoted on every front
Repat after me,
So long as that's your only argument, you cannot prove anything, not to mention, again, this is an adaptation that clearly differs from the original.
In other words the only one with a personal problem is you, most people will look past this pedantry of yours.
>You think if you showed a "black like pitch"proper negro
good thing she's not.
>People are claiming inaccuracy instantly means it's bad by default
This part. This is the part you don't get. They're not claiming it's bad by default. They're saying they don't want it.
>The Shining proves
It proves that Kubrick can adapt a Stephen King novel such that the movie is better regarded than the book. If this matters to your argument, then it's a tacit comparison of the quality of the output of your writer to that of Kubrick.
By the way, The Shining, while considered superior to the source material, is considered ONE OF ONLY A HANDFUL WHERE THE MOVIE WAS BETTER THAN THE BOOK, effectively making it the exception that proves the rule. You donkey.
>on behalf of
"in support of"
>Did you also have a problem with the non-whites in game of thrones even though the setting doesn't exactly scream "BLACK PEOPLE"?
In Game of Thrones every single non-white character was explicitly a foreigner with their own backstory or reason for being on the 'Westerosi' homeland.
I'm sick and tired of you /pol/cels seeing jewish silhouettes in everything. Here, take another look, and this time maybe open your eyes! Even a racist like you can't tell me you see a jew in this.
Your admired Polish writer sold out to American Netflix user. Deal with it.
>In the fantasy world of the Witcher is not a multicultural paradise by the mere fact that the tv show cast someone outside of the source material's ethnic appearance
In the adaptation it is apparently, again, you're mixing up the adaptation with the book.
>Yes, and they're from desert lands and islands way outside of Westeros.
Oh so non whites could exist here, good to know.
but ur racist for thinking bad about brown ppl
Arent all non-white people from the countries on WHOLE DIFFERENT contient than GoT main characters? With deserts and shit?
>Unorganized violence is the same as organized violence
No, stop denying that leftists have been constantly poking and prodding the right for last decade already. Yes, people are pissed off that they're having every aspect of their lives filled with your inane political protests. Not even movies and tv are safe from this retarded bourgie Twitter activism seeping into everywhere.
It just sucks. Stop it.
shitskin detected
How is she not proper dark?
But the fact remains that a multiracial society is the cause of huge populations living in the same area, segregation(through various means) and cheap air travel. You can't really have that in small primitive cities or tiny farming villages.
What are you even talking about here? Im arguing from the point of breaking immersion, I dont care for your "adaptation" pass.
>good thing she's not.
Who the fuck are you talking about?
>In the tv show it is
No, it's not. If they remove all of the religious and ethnic themes of the work then it's going to be trash. They're just changing the appearances of different characters for Twitter brownie points.
>So black people could exist
Yes. In their own lands, in a pre-industrialzed society where that was a demographic fact for thousands of years. Heritage is actually important to people who aren't totally deracinated consumerists or schizotypal introverts
>Oh so non whites could exist here, good to know.
Yes, I understand the education is not equal everywhere, but some people have black skin for a reason, not randomly.
>This part. This is the part you don't get. They're not claiming it's bad by default
Bullfucking shit
And to claim "they just don't want it!" and pretend like they're not saying it's bad is disingenuous as hell.
>It proves that Kubrick can adapt a Stephen King novel such that the movie is better regarded than the book.
It can prove more than one thing you know. It objectively proves that inaccuracy doesn't mean bad things which is the point here.
Good thing nobody said the witcher adaptation is gonna be better than the book then. Only that it doesn't mean bad like people claim.
In fact every adaptation changes stuff from the original in one way or another, that's the inevitability of an adaptation.
John Carpenter's The Thing. Great movie, yet also inaccurate, for example, the dog tender dude was a Thing, yet in the movie he's not.
Cronenberg's The Fly. Great movie, differs a shitton from the original source material.
Again, nobody said the witcher will be better than the books, nobody even said it will be good at all. This whole argument is about whether or not inaccuracy = bad, that's all.
>But the fact remains that a multiracial society is the cause of huge populations living in the same area, segregation(through various means) and cheap air travel. You can't really have that in small primitive cities or tiny farming villages.
Yeah, although the only one you realistically need is segregation. Example; the Jewish population throughout Medieval Europe was (partially self) segregated from the general population to the extent that they exhibit significant signs of in-breeding and do not share DNA with the nations they inhabited.
You know, I hate the snarky bullshit these people pull to feel superior and shut down the people they don't like as much as the next guy.
But what burns my ballhair more is the fact that they do that snarky bullshit WHILE NEVER ANSWERING THE FUCKING QUESTION.
"Oh that quote is made up, it's not true"
So what is the truth?
Fuckin' silence.
How hard is it to just follow up with an actual fucking answer instead of pretending that handwaving that shit makes the problem go away?
>Oh sweety
She lost the argument before she even made one.
Literally, what the fuck is her problem? Is she just assmad that people are calling her out so she's "getting at us" now?
>>Unorganized violence is the same as organized violence
Yes remind me of all those leftists shootings, oh wait, the vast majority are from right wingers. And you're plenty organized, see: /pol/, stormfront, breitbart, r/t_d etc. Echo chambers for you lot.
> seeping into everywhere.
Hypocrite, this whole site complains all the time that you fucks are invading the whole board and ruining most threads with your political bullshit.
Didn't read but this is futile so I'm done.
Give birth.
>Im arguing from the point of breaking immersion
But your immersion is based on the books, which, again, never said they hate brown people.
>No, it's not
Yes, yes it is. She's proof of it. Not that they're going to put a backstory, that's just what it entails according to your pedantry.
>Yes. In their own lands, in a pre-industrialzed society where that was a demographic fact for thousands of years.
Not in the adaptation apparently.
I hope they pay you for this.
What character from the shining book was changed into a negro and turned the movie for the better that way?
Please, enlighten me, since you are so adamant on using that one example.
It means in the adaptation black people exist in these villages, that's all. Your pedantry won't change a thing.
People checked out months ago.
I just feel bad for our boy, he gave up a Shazam cameo for this dumpster fire.
>But your immersion is based on the books, which, again, never said they hate brown people.
Dont put words into my mouth :) my immersion is based on REAL WORLD, as I mentioned before
True, but judging by the characters that are brown or black, racial segregation won't really be a part of the show's setting, seeing as Triss, Fingilla and Yenn are all worldly people from the Northern Kingdoms.
And ignoring basic genetics breaks the immersion, therefore its objectively bad adaptation :)
I honestly think xhe is doing it for free.
>But it's an adaptation so it's okay
We've been arguing over whether or not it's trash and just agreed with me that it is, in fact, ideological garbage
Fucking fascist SCUM!
I want to see Slav girls getting BLACKED, and i want it NOW!