>human dies
>feel nothing
>dog dies
Human dies
Humans die all the time in movies and just a small part of viewers have actually seen someone die, it's a lot more abstract than an emotional scene about a dog dying, a very relatable things as pets, especially short lived over genetically engineered dogs, die all the time
i dont get dumb people that whine over fucking animals if i could kill them all i would
>feel nothing
>bone chilling slow burn
Sneedposting is nothing compared to this scourge, and it's far more creative.
Soijak posting in this form should be a bannable offense, and you should kill yourself
>human dies
>start to feel hungry
>dog dies
>.... also start to feel hungry
absolutely underrated post
Anyone remember the shovel dog gif?
>Sneedposting is nothing compared to this scourge, and it's far more creative.
>Soijak posting in this form should be a bannable offense, and you should kill yourself
:) golden retrievers are the kino dog breed
Fucking this.
that or antisocial behavior
>feel nothing
>bone chilling slow burn
Mine passed away 6 months ago and it still hurts, but he lived 15 years which is a long time for a purebred golden. He used to wake me up for school every morning by jumping up on my bed and laying right on top of me, he was a good boy.
i had a friend like you who wasn't never liked by his parents, he killed himself afterwards. consider that.
ironically, reddit is the only one that's kinda fun
>have sex
>feel nothing
>see this post
>cum uncontrollably until it's just blood and dust
It's like redd*t "le so random funny let me put bananer next to object because it's so random and so funneh because we are on the right side of history xD I love black people!" kind of style
My parents never loved me either, but I found out that I was adopted and the rest of my family are their biological children so it kind of makes sense.
(males) should be /g/
What does that fucking banana do there?
ill do it if i get a gun and i would detonate all nukes if i could it must feel real good
For scale
why are we suddenly not allowed to have fun anymore? why is everything funny automatically LEL ONIONS FUCKING NIGGERS?
Sorry to hear that. My dog just died and there is something about the innocence of animals that makes them more sympathetic when they die. What are they thinking? Do they know what is happening? Do they understand death? How did they feel about their owner?
Not even the same dude but kys cuck i would kill you your dog and my dog and give zero fucks
fucking based
so sick of redditors who value animal life over their fellow man
compared to that, it literally is. soijak posting just means posting the same image over and over again and greentexting other posts. that's less than nothing.
sneed is annoying, but they are actually creative. I've seen two or three sneedposts that were creative enough to be actually funny.
Mine definitely knew he was dying, it had really bad cancer that spread to his brain and he could barely walk towards the end but when we were all in the vets office saying our goodbyes he licked everybodys hands and you could tell in his eyes that he was saying thank you for everything.
Makes me tear up just thinking about it but he had a long life surrounded by a family that loved him dearly, he had a better life than most humans get, let alone most dogs
Reddit fun is compromised of non-offensive words and behavior. You are allowed to have fun but not faggot fun like reddit does.
Would you give a fuck about killing yourself
Wojakposts at least convey opinions or ideas. Sneedposts are literally just "SAY SNEED LOL!"
I'd kms if i was redittor scum like you fucm reddit fuck dogs fuck animals in general and fuck niggers
Wojak is ok, Soijak absolutely isn't. Reddit and Discord don't ruin this board, the constant obsession over reddit and so.yboys ruining the board is ruining the board.
what’s with you soicucks being obsessed with reddit? go back you homesick faggot
why yes i feel sad when a good hearted human dies same as a good boy dog. Thing about pets is that we attribute such innocence to them, something we wish fellow humans had. The friends i have closer to my heart are the ones i feel they would help me no matter what and are kind, and only for them i would make sacrifices as well, for the rest of the people they can fuck themselves up and i'll just pass the page and move on.