I saw the lightsaber fights from the film, I'm not gonna give details of the plot. I'm gonna describe the fights.
>Rey and Kylo have a big fight on the desert planet of Pasaana. From what I know they search the wayfinder device which unlocks Vader's legacy. The scene is like in the trailer, Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter, he flies to her and she jumps and cuts his TIE Fighters wings in half, the ship crashes and Kylo gets out of it. He ignites his lightsaber and attacks Rey. Then something happens, its called force flash fight, The background changes as they fight like the bond they had in TLJ. They end up in different place from all the saga films including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight în Lars's home). They end up back on Pasaana and then stop because the Sith Fleet arrived. That's all I saw from this fight. There is another one to the end. This fight was around 8-9 minute long, the background changed like it changed in Rey's vision from TFA.
Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker
This series is so dogshit that these stupid larps seem believable
How come you didn't report all this BEFORE leaks about the fight description, Wayfinder and speculation that the fight comes after the scene from the teaser opening? LARP.
Describe the fight at the end.
>super rey saves the day
this is what ep 9 will be, no need to watch it now
The last fight is on the ruins of the second death star,there they fight the Knights of Ren and The Dark Acolyte played by Matt Smith, Matt Smith's character is not a Knight of Ren. He open a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit which posseses him. He puts his cloak and we get Ian Mcdiarmed voice. He sends the KoR to Take care of Rey and Kylo as he rebuilds the second Death Star. The Sith Fleet also fights outside with star destroyers and all against the rebels. First Order aparently joins the fight too. We get a chase in the death star and it start rising from water all by Palpatine's command. Btw, he explain that all Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to ressurect himself.
In the end Rey and Kylo kill all the KoR and they fight Palpatine. Kylo kills the host but Palpatine posseses him and they get outside as Death Star 2 rises from water, posseses Kylo fights Rey but he has moment where he gwta control back and begs Rey to kill him. Kylo dies and Palpatine too. Ben is dying but Luke force ghost appears and he saves his life.
Thank you.
This is the most believable, safe shit they could go with.
The entire trilogy was pointless.
Regurgitatation from anonymous source word for word of something already reported isnt confirmation retard. Do you know what that word means? Fucking dumbass
>The scene is like in the trailer, Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter, he flies to her and she jumps and cuts his TIE Fighters wings in half
I have a feeling that this shitty remake of North by Northwest won't be in the movie. It's the kind of scene that is used as a trailer to build hype.
This is such TV-level writing that I can actually believe Abrams wrote it.
This sounds right. Do you mind me asking about some details?
>Matt Smith's character is not a Knight of Ren. He open a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit which posseses him. He puts his cloak and we get Ian Mcdiarmed voice. He sends the KoR to Take care of Rey and Kylo as he rebuilds the second Death Star.
It sounds like he's rebuilding the death Star quickly. Do you know how and also why he wants to do it if sith star destroyers now carry weapons capable to destroy planets?
>The Sith Fleet also fights outside with star destroyers and all against the rebels. First Order aparently joins the fight too.
You mention First Order separately from Sith Fleet. Are they allies or enemies?
> We get a chase in the death star and it start rising from water all by Palpatine's command. Btw, he explain that all Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to ressurect himself.
is he using the Force to raise it and also does he explain how he "orchestrated" Rey? Do you know what's her significance?
>they fight Palpatine
Does Palaptine have any weapon when Rey and Kylo fight him?
It's in the movie. Confirmed.
He is just reciting a prio r leak dumb dumb. He has no "other" details. First day here?
Let the man speak and then we'll be the judges. Doesn't hurt to let him answer, does it?
>(they fight în Lars's home)
What's with the i?
I cannot foresee a point in time where touchy-feely Biden memes won't be funny
Jesus Christ, they're literally resurrecting the Emperor AND bringing back the second Death Star? This is worse than a glib facsimile, and yet it's probably the best way they can end this piece of shit trilogy.
Just tell me if Kylo survives
user, there is zero explantion on why he rebuilds the second death star. He uses the force, a power never seen before in the films. We see how he puts all the death star pieces back. He gets to rebuilds about half of it, why? He only says its time to end this. Thats it.
The Sith Fleet are all on Palpatine's side, Hux realizes that Palpatine wants to destroy ecerything so he joins the rebels in the fight. Rey was create by Palpatine by manipulating the force in her parents, he create her to be his new body but she has a good soul and she can't be possesed by him. He has no weapon, he uses his hosts weapon and uses force lighting a lot, he even says unlimited Power!
At what point does Kylo wear his repaired helmet? and why he repairs it at all?
No, he dies but Ben Solo survives
You can just tell that J.J. was tasked to do big fat massive damage control.
You don't spend two movies killing off "old Star Wars" and then do the 180° in the final act.
New Star Wars utterly failed. The Netflix series and EA's game will bomb too.
What is a resolution of Kylo/Rey relationship?
Arent they the same person?
Thank you! Do they explain why he created Rey/new body so many years/decades after his fall?
They love each other
HE does some symbolistic shit where he says kylo ren is dead. He gets resurected good
>Hux realizes that Palpatine wants to destroy ecerything so he joins the rebels in the fight.
I believed you before this.
Dude destroyed 5 planets and is an image of true gestapo, him surviving and joining good guys? nah.
My god you are one worthless newfag. He has nothing to say, get a grip retard.
Are you slow?
There will be 20 more larpers before the film gets here. Settle in
Let him speak. if you don't like this thread, go post in another Console of Rome or Brie Larson Fungus Feet or Miranda Cosgrove career.
I know, but there is no content for TROS and I'm starving.
WTF is disney thinking? >ending of the saga
>conclusion of the story
were is a marketing and content for that?
>Thank you!
Are there anything worse than reddit tourists who entertain these mouth breathers?
OP, thanks for doing this and please continue. If they don't like it, they can spam something else, don't let them gaslight your leaks.
Stop posting you retard. Its an embarrassment
>Soi Wars
No one cares, seriously.
>im starving for more disney content!
Fucking cancer
This is so fucking stupid that I totally believe this could happen
what is it, butthurt that the movie isn't shaping up to your liking? 70% of what OP posted is in reliable leaks. whether OP LARP'd 30% doesn't matter cause that isn't essential. everything of essence has leaked and is confirmed by multiple reliable people.
>let him speak, im starved for star wars content
Lmao. Kys falseflagger
>there is no content for TROS and I'm starving
Satan himself could be releasing these movies and cunts will still watch it by the millions because it's Star Wars.
That content is mostly confirmed so what's the problem?
Palpatine wants to destroy the entire universe and The first Order.
He wanted to create the ultimate force wielder, a woman. He said that the force itself and all life and creation is female.
>there is no content for TROS and I'm starving.
WTF is disney thinking
Now this how you out yourself. My god the memes are real
>He wanted to create the ultimate force wielder, a woman. He said that the force itself and all life and creation is female.
ha ha I want this to be in the movie. user, if this isn't in the movie, off with your head cause Yea Forums would implode if this was real. better we real for meltdowns.
>He wanted to create the ultimate force wielder, a woman. He said that the force itself and all life and creation is female.
OK, so this reveals you are LARPing based on known stuff but good LARP, better than usual shit.
>I'm starved for more corporate approved Disney Wars content
This sounds so dumb that I believe it
>Hellow fellow disney shill err I mean fan. I'm starving for more TROS content. Please tell more of your LAR... *ack* leak!
>there are Sith Jumptroopers that LITERALLY EJECT from their TIE Fighters to continue the fight on ground
Are you excited? They have jetpacks and eject like rockets.
>turn rey into el 56% mutt
what did r-ddit mean by this?
He repairs it because he îs told to by a Oracle. Its some kind of ritual that takes place on a castele on a lava planet not mustafar though that one appears în The film as well. The KoR are very insane and autiști and scream and help the repairing of the helmet. They are degenerates.
Anything about Finn fighting KoR?
oh no no no Yea Forums overtaken by reddit a ha ha ha ha. how will Yea Forums ever recover?
Something oddly cold and soulless between these posts. Ive been noticing these shills come in pairs. One to larp and the other to responded with thanks and anticipation for more. Quite the strategy actually as other sois would fall in line
They should have just ended this whole pile of overrated dog shit with Return of the Jedi. They just ruined it all by continuing with more money grabbing shit.
He fights against Sith troopers. No fight against the KoR
The "screaming autistic knights of ren" should have given it away retard
But thats accurate. They are insane
>there is no content for TROS and I'm starving
They are hiding in plain sight now, fuckin kek
>It sounds like he's rebuilding the death Star quickly.
He rebuilds via a force ability that's never been seen in Star Wars before. It's in a way that's similar to how Superman rebuilt the Great Wall of China in Superman IV.
How does it end for Ben Solo and Rey? Do they end up together?
Yup moron, completely legit
lol, retard, force is female gave it away before screaming autistic kor. how fuckin slow can you be?
Is it sois or is it JJ and the Disney demons all ready starting to spread violent amounts of misinformation because major plot points have been leaked.
Yes, they kiss
So they try to out-greenscreen RotS?
But which stuff is legit from OP?
>Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight în Lars's home
this whole series might as well have been set in a village with 200 people instead of the galaxy considering it's always about the same 2 families at the same 3-4 spots.
Trying too hard. Tone it down next time and it wont be as embarrassing
Or its a shill hit for sure. Theyve popped up in a bunch of forums in pairs like i noticed. Played the exact same way the last month and a half
Thank you OP! So FO turns against Sith Fleet when Hux has change of heart, correct? Do we see something like Storm trooper rebellion led by Finn or is Hux about face the only big twist here?
Palpatine is the first transgender Star wars character
Ever since discovering the disneyland reys I've lose even the tiny spark of interest I had for the fucking movie
The boring-ass fight in TFA already showed that JJ Abrams can't direct a lightsaber fight scene to save his life, so 9 minutes of that just sounds like concentrated cancer
The stuff from OP was posted here days ago moron. There was a legit leak with the wayfinder, palps possessing spirit and all. Not to mention the end fight posted a month ago. Youre an idiot if you are this gullible. Funny how this pops up after everything has already been outed and not before
You may larp but today I will asleep with a tears of happiness before tomorrow brings me doubts
An easy way to tell, see this post
It cant be anymore obvious
Force Flash Fight is legit
Rey and Kylo vs Matt Smith is legit
Kylo kills Matt and gets possessed by Palpatine is legit
Kylo asks Rey to kill him in order to kill Palpatine who cannot possess Rey is legit
This is all leaked by makingstarwars.net and was confirmed in Peter Sciretta of Slashfilm tweet warning fans to avoid makingstarwars leaks if they don't want to be spoiled. Everything else that OP posted may be a good guess LARP but important stuff is correct.
Now this is pathetic. These new interns need more training
What happens with Ben? Literally all I care about.
>there is no content for TROS and I'm starving
Gonna need a palate cleanser after this thread
I remember when makingstarwars.net leaked han solo death 8 months before tfa so I believe their leaks
Learn to read you moron. Makingstarwars already spoiled the ending
yep they leaked full TFA in may 2015, obviously based on old script/call sheets but still very on point.
Quit skipping the important stuff.
Where are the ewoks?
hey, Disney, shitting your pants that your movie leaked like a bitch? trying to gaslight real leaks won't do the trick. It's out. you can't stop it from spreading.
Matt Smith said he isnt in The film retards
>there is no content for TROS and I'm starving
Nobody talks like this lmao. Christ
And Cumberbatch wasn't Khan retard.
>literal who site that spoiled both prior films accurately for years now
Dont bother playing retarded
>He wanted to create the ultimate force wielder, a woman. He said that the force itself and all life and creation is female.
Yeah no, it was believable before but you fucked up here
The real leaks were out a week ago moron. Not a larper literally copy pasting all of it after they already did the rounds. Stop outing yourself newfag. Its embarrassing
Who the fuck is Ben?
Ill link you to a vid with the real shizzzz. youtu.be
Thank you! Please post more. Love your leaks and they are pissing off idiots so it's worth it.
Larper and his drone doing the rounds from forum to forum to cover disney's scent. Makingstarwars.net and slash film confirmed and covered the real details ages ago. They are trying to save face by adding in nonsense
no shit sherlock. we all know that. so no harm in hearing what OP has to say on top of that whether it's a fanfic or not.
Mike Zeroh vids the real shizzz kek
But the OP stuff is makingstarwars.net leaks? They add stuff to make it fake?
Is the ancient Sith Lord Georgio revealed to be the mastermind behind Kylo's descent into evil?
OP posts have real details from MSW leaks so all other added details don't change anything. Big shit such as Palaptine possession, Reylo vs Palpatine, kylo getting possessed, rey killing Kylo at his request and maaaybe Kylo resurrection remain the same and legit. whether Palaptine pulls deathsta out or not does not change what really matters.
>gaslight real leaks
>real leaks were posted by a credible site proven right in the past for yrs and have already done the rounds
>anonymous larper regurgitating what has already been outed is worth a gaslight
Thats not how it works moron
Lmao what a fucking trash. There was NOT a single good action scene in either of the sequels and this will be the same.
So basically this trilogy pointlessly ruins absolutely everything from the other films. Fucking pointless fanfic shite that isn't cannon no matter how much anybody want's to say it is.
they don't add stuff to make it fake, just more exciting. rey and Kylo fight palpatine on the remnant of the death Star sounds more exciting if Palpatine is also using the force to lift it. But the essence doesn't change. they fight. That's legit.
>OPs post has copy pasted details from the actual makingstarwars leak with filled in shit to dilute the water.
Fixed that for you. Thats called damage control newfag. Lurk moar
I don’t care about Star Wars.
Give it a rest retard. The real leaks are already out there and old news. You and this larping autist have no more to say.
>Palpatine rebuilds the death star
Nope. if he was to dilute water he would change some essential things from the leak. for exmaple, instead of keeping the palaptine vs rey and kylo scenario word for word, he would say that possessed kylo attacked rey and she had to kill him without his asking her to do it. or that kylo declared that this was his goal all along. that's diluting. you repeat eevrything except one essential detail which is changed. that's how rian cucked MSW in 2016-2017. MSW got the word that rey was fighting Kylo in the rain on Ahch-to. Everything was right, the set, the rain, rey's look (no vest)...except who she was actually fighting. it was Luke. That's real diluting. this isn't.
What are you even so pissed about?
Yes, its to dilute the water. That way whats real and what isnt is muddled. Now something like this happening 3 or so more times with larpers and drones like >>118984557will simply keep adding in more fake details in between the real stuff. Rinse and repeat for months till whats real and what isnt is completely blurred out. Theyve done this for avengers films and other SW films. Its like clockwork. Youll see this thread and these anons multiple times till december
I'm glad TFA killed my interest in this franchise already years ago.
Reading that made me gay
Whole lot of nothing in this worthless post, didnt bother. Nice try retard. The real leaks already did the rounds. The damage is done. Threads like these wont change it.
you are complete autist since nobody denies that there are real leaks and that this leak repeats real leaks without contradicting them you dumb feggit.
Give it a rest retard. You clearly have nothing more to say, no need to embarrass yourself trying to find more to add
guys I saw the fight. they are on a planet called Pasadena California and in the background a bunch of homeless people are cheering them on as someone flicks a light switch on and off. churros can be seen sold in the background. its epic. im not larping, its real.
Embarrassing damage control. Why bother at this point? Lmao see Its too late. I look forward to "palpatine trying to physically rebuilding the death star with the force" popping up in these shitty threads down the line kek
There is still time for reshooting the end, we are safe
You seem worse than him at this point kek.
Leave your mother's basement and find out you autist
Nice try retard
>there is no content for TROS and I'm starving
>it’s a possessed/mindcontrolled/loss of sanity person regains control for half a minute to beg the Mc to kill him episode
Jesus Christ this trope is getting old
it makes sense. black people (aka the sith) put the pussy on a pedastol. I wouldn't be surprised if the emperor screams "FOOLISH JEDI (cough white men).. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE!!!" que john Williams end credits song.
You incels realize how autistic are this replies when you yourself are snooping around on nu wars larping board? I can't believe so many people collectively were dropped on the floor at the day of their birth.
Post the full plot
hue hue jj is terrible at creating hype, or good films.
oh wait hes directing last jedi
what a garbage fire.
>He wanted to create the ultimate force wielder, a woman
Sheeve should become a tranny then
This is fake for a simple reason, this whole story is centered on Kylo Ren and KK wouldn't allow that. The actaul movie will be the adventures of Rey , the gay nigger and the gay cholo looking for some stupid Mcguffin throughout the movie and when they find it it Kylo shows up, they fight, she wins, game over. Ben won't' even have a rdemeption, it will be like ROTS, he will die full of hate to subvert your expectations and men are evil so it makes sense. Screencap this faggots
I really hope the Disney+ show fail completely and Disney will end up completely confused with no direction at all. It seems these shows are quite risky as they are trying to cater to the old fans who have already checked out, meanwhile it's obvious they still want the female audience. They're concerned by stupid and superficial aspect of Star Wars and completely neglected the stroies, characters and actors. I predict another big failure and that'll be a good thing
Pretend like I'm mentally deficient. How has the movie not leaked yet? Will they not pass out screeners to the chosen few? What about critics and "influencers" or test screenings? Can someone ask someone or find a reliable source to spoil this film already? Is JJ really the only one with a copy of the film not to be out of his sight for fear of leaks?
I just want the new Disney Star Wars to end. Like Rian said, "Time for the Jedi to end."
They're reshooting, it's not even ready.
They said at celebration that they leaked some fake stuff so who knows
If Kylo's redemption is so out of expectation for the likes like you, they have nothing to worry about in terms of spoilers and leaks
Just how could a company buy an IP and destroy it in a little over 5 years? Why? Pretend I'm naive. What possible motivation could Disney have for destroying such a profitable franchise?
Fans destroyed it by shitting on prequels and destroying Luca's mental health, same people now complain how evil corporation is ruining their childhood. Autistic fans like you should have died out at the time of prequels and now there would have not been disney era.
I mean why would Disney presumably tank a billion dollar franchise? They're capable of producing some great memorable films, why couldn't they do so with Star Wars?
Literally: "desperate fan service", the force power.
>another fucking desert planet
As is the usual spread misinformation
>Fans destroyed it by shitting on prequels and destroying Luca's mental health, same people now complain how evil corporation is ruining their childhood.
You mean fans in position of power
Sorry JJ cats out of the bag.
How new are you?
>hurr let’s use our air support as ground troops
Women wrote this
What cat ?
This is literally just the RLM video, who are you fooling
>builds his career off of the back of George and le epic nerdy persona
>stabs him in the back after he makes it
What a cunt.
JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio are writing the film.
Simon Pleb
>Not realizing that the point of Anakin choking Padme was to demonstrate that his corruption wholly surpassed his original intention to do good by saving her above all else
Does Kylo wear the mask during a fight for once?
This this this this
This sounds a lot like a youtube video I watched taking a shit.