The cancer killing Yea Forums

The cancer killing Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

also Yea Forums

trannies are good

Anti-film faggots are the real cancer.

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>no /pol/ banner


Well yeah that's why Yea Forums is on it

Yea Forums has one of the worst on-topic discussions anyways.
Not a single post in a film thread
all movies, tv show or netflix plebs hit

Yea Forums has been in a coma for more than 5 years now
this is all just a fever dream, a never ending nightmare

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Why would someone post an image about non-film discussion in a thread about film? Retard.

5 years you say?

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>kills your board with unironic feminism disguised as edginess
Pssssssssssh, nothing personnel you misogynistic incels who don’t respect all women

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>Euphoria general

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>cast them
>movies about x
>twitter posting
>threads with no comment just image
>mods that leave off topic threads up for hours but will ban you for an on topic thread in under 10 minutes

das rite libtard

Face it faggots, this website rightfully belongs to the /pol/ master race! We, the white people, will prevail.

>catalog completely full of shitty soijak threads
>but tumblr and twitter are killing Yea Forums

The cancer that is killing Yea Forums is the obsession over reddit and discord trannies. 90% of shitposts are LEEEEL SOOOYY GO BACK DISCORD TRANNY HAHA BRAP

Just fucking ignore them and do your own thing instead of defining yourself over your antagony to reddit

>more than 5 years

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