>Ugh, another soijak thread ruining my precious jewish media discussion board...
Ugh, another soijak thread ruining my precious jewish media discussion board
I can smell this post
If this helps making your life a little bit less miserable, lonely and sad, even for a brief moment, you can have it. I hope things will get better for you soon, user.
>I hope things will get better for you soon
>If this helps making your life a little bit less miserable, lonely and sad, even for a brief moment, you can have it. I hope things will get better for you soon, user.
I've never ever made original content on Yea Forums. I just post the same image that somebody else made and pretend that I'm hilarious and original.
>I've never ever made original content on Yea Forums. I just post the same image that somebody else made and pretend that I'm hilarious and original.
>If this helps making your life a little bit less miserable, lonely and sad, even for a brief moment, you can have it. I hope things will get better for you soon, user.
>I can smell this post
Holy fuck I hate concern trolling
Its so disingenuous and passive aggressive
I just want to smash this faggots head into his desk for posting such faggot shit
Seriously you sound like a fucking woman
Anger issues and alcoholism have ruined my life. I'll either end up beaten to a pulp or in prison, but hey atleast I'm not a wojak poster.
oh yeah because wojacks and pepes are the only cancerous thing about this shithole arent they? face it, you keep coming back out of habit like a drug addict trying to get a fix of validation from your “friends” on the internet. get out of here and do anything else with your time, i guarantee it would be better spent.
>Anger issues and alcoholism have ruined my life. I'll either end up beaten to a pulp or in prison, but hey atleast I'm not a wojak poster.
>this is the person calling you an incel and telling you to have sex
>oh yeah because wojacks and pepes are the only cancerous thing about this shithole arent they? face it, you keep coming back out of habit like a drug addict trying to get a fix of validation from your “friends” on the internet. get out of here and do anything else with your time, i guarantee it would be better spent.
>Anger issues and alcoholism have ruined my life. I'll either end up beaten to a pulp or in prison, but hey atleast I'm not a wojak poster
Is this the lowest effort type of posting in Yea Forums history
sneed would like a word
>Is this the lowest effort type of posting in Yea Forums history
If you quote my post you’re a nigger tranny
strawman wojack=straw-jack?
>strawman wojack=straw-jack?
>If you quote my post you’re a nigger tranny
>Its so disingenuous and passive aggressive
Yes. The subtext is insulting and aggressive. That's, like, the whole point. Idiot.
>If you quote my post you’re a nigger tranny
Nigger tranny confirmed
>Nigger tranny confirmed
>>Its so disingenuous and passive aggressive
>Yes. The subtext is insulting and aggressive. That's, like, the whole point. Idiot.
what's goin on in this thread?
what discord are you guys in? I want to join
08/02/19(Fri)09:47:15 No.118981590
33 KB
08/02/19(Fri)09:47:29 No.118981597
11 KB
>Is this the lowest effort type of posting in Yea Forums history
08/02/19(Fri)09:48:21 No.118981626
If you quote my post you’re a nigger tranny
08/02/19(Fri)09:48:31 No.118981636
11 KB
08/02/19(Fri)09:49:24 No.118981671
strawman wojack=straw-jack?
08/02/19(Fri)09:51:13 No.118981741
11 KB
>strawman wojack=straw-jack?
>If you quote my post you’re a nigger tranny
08/02/19(Fri)09:52:21 No.118981783
>Its so disingenuous and passive aggressive
Yes. The subtext is insulting and aggressive. That's, like, the whole point. Idiot.
08/02/19(Fri)09:52:49 No.118981794
10 KB
>If you quote my post you’re a nigger tranny
08/02/19(Fri)09:53:01 No.118981800
Nigger tranny confirmed
08/02/19(Fri)09:54:02 No.118981836
11 KB
>Nigger tranny confirmed
>>Its so disingenuous and passive aggressive
>Yes. The subtext is insulting and aggressive. That's, like, the whole point. Idiot.
08/02/19(Fri)09:54:56 No.118981871
what's goin on in this thread?
Are zoomers what will finally kill Yea Forums?
those fucking nostrils
you cant kill a rotting corpse
>you cant kill a rotting corpse
>those fucking nostrils
>Are zoomers what will finally kill Yea Forums?
>what discord are you guys in? I want to join
>what's goin on in this thread?
08/02/19(Fri)09:58:14 No.118981989
>you cant kill a rotting corpse
>those fucking nostrils
>Are zoomers what will finally kill Yea Forums?
>what discord are you guys in? I want to join
>what's goin on in this thread?
>08/02/19(Fri)09:58:14 No.118981989
>11 KB PNG
>>you cant kill a rotting corpse
>>those fucking nostrils
>>Are zoomers what will finally kill Yea Forums?
>>what discord are you guys in? I want to join
>>what's goin on in this thread?
Yeah, it makes you sound like a faggot who just can’t come out and say what he means. Fucking pussy.
does he fuck dogs?