Will J.J. Abrams retcon her out of existence?
Will J.J. Abrams retcon her out of existence?
I fucking hope so this dumb cunt saved Finn when he could have been ash on that salt planet
No she'll be shoved into the background to make room for yet even more new characters and another love interest for Finn. This time it'll be a sassy black woman so...people will buy it this time right? It's not that Boyega is an uncharismatic chimp faced cinematic black hole, he just needs the right girlfriend so there'll be someone besides Reylo for fans to clamp onto right? It has to work!
Based Sammo Hung
I have retconned disney's purchase of star wars out of existence
I haven't watched the new films, and I don't buy anything with the legends tramp stamp on it
JJ said hiring her was the best thing Rian did. We've seen a still of her talking to Rey in IX.
I suspect he tied her fate to Leia. they'll both die when they base gets nuked by the FO
Who knows? Who cares? I won't be watching any more Disney Star Wars after The Last Travesty.
Never in my life I thought there would be a character worse than Jar Jar, but here we are. Thanks Rian. Jar Jar wasn't even that bad in retrospect.
He should retcon it so her and her sister switch places.
Buddy, she'd still be a tumour of a character even if she was hot
She will get the Jar Jar treatment. In AOTC Jar Jar became a senator and had 2 minutes of screen time. Rose will become a Resistance general, have 1 line of dialogue at the start and will be in the background at the end
Insider here
She dies in the first 10 minutes when she is raped to death by a pack of Gundarks.
Hey, I'm just saying that if I had a choice between an ugly poorly written character or an attractive poorly written character, then I'm to go with the attractive one. Anyways, literally every character not named Rey, Leia or Holdo was character assassinated in TFA so it doesn't matter.
>JJ said hiring her was the best thing Rian did.
That's a backhanded compliment if i've ever seen one
>Rose will become a Resistance general
it will be clunky as shit, and the woke-bots will try to point out that han and lando were made generals in the ot.
Those characters earned the acceptance of the audience in those roles though through actions and reputation.
Rose is literally a wrench turning grease monkey, how does that translate to a command tract?
Someone please for the love of God post the Kamikaze Rose image I really need to save it
There's only like 15 of them left what does being a general even matter by that point anyway?
I think the assumption is that they will have rebuilt the reb-sistance.
It wouldn't matter, but we need more stronk women of color (color meaning non white of course) in leadership positions, telling men what to do, even though the audience knows they are shit orders.
Not quite true. She is high ranked and spends most of the movie at the Resistance base...while there's still the base. It gets obliterated in Act 2 so they have to leave and that's when her role gets bigger. She fights in the big ground battle with her lover Finn and his sister Jannah. She doesn't die. Neither of them dies.
What does it matter? It's all shit. In fact I hope Episode IX is as shit as can be, should be good for a laugh at least.
I don't know if it's going to be shit but it's going to be divisive. There's lore stuff and power displays that won't sit well with purists.
Jar Jar was only a Representative.
Thanks for wishing him a Senatorial promotion... but then he wouldn't be representin'.
That all went out of the window with Mary Poppins Leia, Interplanetary Force Projections and Force Ghost Lightning. They could make Rey summon a black hole for all I care.
I'm so glad I don't have to care, else I'd be so unbearably angry...