Other urls found in this thread:
The one with Gimme Shelter
It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, mostly man children, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite ‘universe’ presented by the MCU. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times.
*tips MAGA cap*
Every single one of them.
We call it Just A Shot Away on this wacky board.
Finally. Our white savior has appeared!!!
>unironically enjoying scorsese movies
kill yourself fascist
Alice Cooper looking rough
Every single Martin Scorsese film is the same.
horrible take
Aren’t Star Wars and marvel also white male nerd shit?
no movie is better than black panther
Don't post your tweets here, faggot
Tell me how
>Mean Streets
>Alice doesn't live here anymore
>Taxi Driver
>New York, New York
>After Hours
>The Color of Money
>The Last Temptation of Christ
>Cape Fear
>Age of Innocence
>Bringing out the Dead
>The Aviator
>Shutter Island
Are all the same
cringe if unironic
Not anymore
the only reason blacks are getting major roles in franchises are because of white male nerds but go off
common misconception. the biggest target audience for that shit are hispanics and asians. in fact, white people are the worst consumers of movies from the standpoint of movie studios.
This. Scorsese shits better movies than Black Panther.
>Black Panther is superior to Goodfellas
aka "I fuck niggers"
>Twitter retard thread
>The Wolf of Wallstreet
all of them you dumb bitch
None. They are all better.
People only say that because Goodfellas and Casino came out relatively close to each other. It's a dumb meme by people who think Scorsese is just "the mob movie guy" because they don't actually care about film.
Shark Tale
How can people so freely admit to being a fucking tasteless moron with no shame?
Reminder that the writers of these kind of articles dont even believe what they're saying
Even his weakest films are probably better than Black Panther
Das bait
What’s his next move?
Cape Fear. When a theme song is so good you just gotta do a remake.
the fact that they exist for a reason other than to sell merchandise to kids and manchildren makes them better movies already
Yes, several of his films follow the arc of a character's unethical rise to power followed by a downfall caused by decadence and pride (wolf of wall street, goodfellas, casino) but the majority of his filmography is widely varied
>Black panther
Top kek
goodfellas is basically just casino but better, and an hour shorter. wolf came out decades after the first two so your point isretarded AND YOU SUCK DIDKC FAGGOGOTL OLOL9OL
Name ONE Martin Scorsese movie as bad as Black Panther. I'll wait.
>an entire race got baited to see a shitty superhero movie
it's funny and sad at the same time
Every single MCU film*
The End of Innocence
I know it's not a movie but Martin Scorsese's Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas is way better than Black Panther.
His only good movies are Silence and The Departed
*Age not end
This is a lot just to say that people always seek out fantasy worlds to escape their real one. It happened already with Lord of the Rings but one could even argue we were doing this all the way back to the Shakespeare Theatric Universe and the 1001 Arabian Knights and even Beowulf and the Greeks even.
Greek Gods might have just been the same thing as MCU and every Greek kid was fantasizing who would win in a fight, Mercury or Apollo.
Came here to post this.
Casino has more intricate characters and plot
Honestly this is retarded but look at those likes and retweets? Who gives a fuck. Everyone knows this is retarded and wrong, even normies and niggers.
The Departed
ebin trollage :3
kind fitting that the ira handle was stolen by a nigger
too deep for that
DiCaprio dominated box office in 1998 with Titanic, and honestly any actor would have done the same with a movie like that.
As for him "dominating" the awards seasons, let's say he's a shameless Oscar chaser.
Yeah yeah, great. Epic troll thread and all but what the FUCK is that in the picture?
All of them and I think Scorsese is overrated.
Fuck Scorsese though
Black people come to my work
They say they love movies and bash the new lion king as souless
I like them and we discuss more movies
We get into bad CGI discussiins
I mention black panther had garbage CGI
You should've seen their faces all stern and dead faced like they weren't allowed to bash it
Then I mentioned how the tunnel fight looked like ps2 graphics and they realized I was right and they laughed and agreed with me
They got brainwashed into thinking it's this untouchable movie and I broke the spell
Felt good
We then proceeded to bash Disney and laughed until they left.
Great shit
How did Disney brainwash blacks into thinking black panther is a masterpiece and cannot be insulted???
Literally all of them.
But why all Marvel movie look the same despite having different directors?
*dilates loudly in your direction*
We really need to start locking these creatures up.
All of them.
I've seen comercials that are better than Black Panther...
>Greek myths are just like muh comic books
Redditors should be gassed
Vinyl S01E01
Well for starters, nice digits.
And furthermore Martin Scorsese has yet to make a good movie.
Goodfellas is the only one. If it weren’t for that, she’d probably be right.
I agree. Let’s get back at Trump by boycotting Robert De Niro movies!!
Who the fuck's Martin Scorsese? lol