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ThiS needs to stop

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damn... she based!

>our /femautist/

>using Yea Forums(nel) jargon outside of Yea Forums
I seriously hope you guys dont do this

Dead meme

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Attached: dignity3.jpg (960x960, 115K)

Formerly Mark's

>imagine being this turbodonkeys

Is this hila klein?

I don't have donkeybrains, and I have the paperwork to prove it.

wtf is this real???? (lol?)

I prefer the term turbo-ass, thank you

I do it all the time and people call me mentally unstable. I guess that sums up our board culture.

formerly fake

is this real hahahahaha

Yes, Sneed is a major hit even outside Yea Forums. Maybe you should go outside sometime.

they will jump on to any fucking bandwagon. ''look at me I know memes lol'' seriously, fuck women they fucking ruin everything. Useless whore.

ITs not real you fucking retarded nigger ape.

is the sneed autist going to samefag his entire thread again

>you fucking retarded nigger ape

Why can’t phoneniggers kill themselves?


Talking to yourself again.