Based Natalie

Based Natalie

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Cheat sheets? Someone doesn’t know about?

Who even reads these things?

That run of comics was legendarily awful, this flick will be pandering pozzed gay racemixing transgender pushing shit, and anyone that pays Disney to see it is a permacuck. Don’t (You) me

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every comic written after 1996 is garbage

>That run of comics was legendarily awful,
Except it wasn't.

What happened in 1996?

I was born

Yes it absolutely was, you LARPing tourist. Aaronson is a hack and that run is one of the biggest jokes of the decade. Go fuck yourself

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Phenomenal dialogue

Natalie Portman is the worst choice, even worse than having some zionist sticc jew play Wonder Woman because natalie is even more STICC than that and someone how must pull off a muscular Norse Goddess I mean she doesn't even have blonde hair or non-brown eyes FFS

Margot Robbie was the choice

the quality of writing dropped off and the amount of comic buyers plummeted after the speculator market crashed

Autistics would be too confused about Harley Quin being Thor

Would make sense since Disney own Marvel and DC


>because natalie is even more STICC than that

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Damn, at least hand her some good comics

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you do realize you're on Yea Forums right, Yea Forumsmblr tourist

She isn't going to read a single one.

Interesting non-cookie cutter interview here with her

Come on dude, let's give some leeway, let's agree on 99.

wtf I love Hershlag?

is she going to cut her hair again

what's so interesting about it?

>don't know much about comics
>pick up the comics for your new role
>it's the most dumb disgusting shit imaginable
>think all comics are this bad and gain a new level of disgust for nerds

a pixel in the upper right corner flashes a morse code message by changing color value by one bit

What does it say?

I don't know morse code

>gain a new level of disgust for nerds
that's based tho

"gentile child slaves worship my feet"

Attached: Natalie-Portman-Feet-3670867.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

Why is Yea Forums so intimidated by powerful women?

More like bored by.
Also Powerful women don't really exist.

Who is intimidated by a fictional character? lol

This is a truly awful set of panels you have here. Surely the entire fem thor is not this stupid.

I wan to suc her bobs and lick meaty puss

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>thinking you're worthy enough to be allowed near her pussy
she'll only let goyim lick her feet and pits

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good. those comics are ass

She will wear the helmet for 5 minutes and then either ditch it or it will be one of the magic dissapearing/reappearing helmets.

I fucking hate this shit.

All comics are garbage for degenerates mate. Cheers mate

They literally sold like shit due to political based writing. At no point were they ever top selling.

Can't wait till the movie then I can see my first appearance Jane Foster thor for big bux

thanks mate

Any good pictures of Portman looking fit?

Google Natalie Portman Song to Song

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ELI5: Why did they get Jewy McJewerson to play female version of the nordic super hero?

Because Marvel is woke

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Ummmmmm, sweetie, WTF is this masculine garbage? Comics are female now hon.


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