>But Goyim, I am your greatest ally! It's the Muslims, who are the real enemy! They did 9/11! It was their idea!
But Goyim, I am your greatest ally! It's the Muslims, who are the real enemy! They did 9/11! It was their idea!
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Holocaust never happened!
Scar is basically the modern Democrat party.
Isn’t scar gay
Imagine thinking Muslims don’t deserve to be exterminated just because you don’t like jews
imagine thinking the only modern religion that preaches masculinity and keeping holes in their place is your enemy, inshallah
No, Scar is a Jew. Go back to R*ddit please.
Good thread, reply to me or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
Also the lion king sucis
imagine thinking a religion is based that practises inbreeding, pedophilia, rape and slavery
>took out the scene were he tries to seduce nala
nearly a perfect movie.
This is false dichotomy that the Jews have created. You’re either for degeneracy and the moral collapse of European civilization or you’re for a barbarous foreign religion of inbred savages. There IS a third way.
>imagine thinking a religion is based that practises inbreeding, rape and slavery
Sounds pretty based to me. As for pedophilia, remind me again, which civilization has elite pedo rings?
Why not both?
Based and redpilled.
>No, Scar is a Jew.
Duh, Democrats are the party of the Jew.
and republicans are not?
What party has been shamed by boomers for anti-semitism lately?
Which party has more Jews, appeals to more Jews and floods the country with shitskins?
don't forget to support israel fellow patriot!
Based partisan retard
Democrats push jewed culture, Republican push Jewish wars and business interests. American voters never get the immigration reform or labor reform we want, and the parties never have to update their platforms.
That's cheating nigger
Make Israel strong then deport all Jews there and cease financial aid completely.
Both. Scar invited immigrants to take over and ruined the economy. Then Simba (Trump) showed up and fixed everything, then built a wall.
Based scar
Intcel closet gay lions rise up
Right, that's why Israel hates them with a passion.
This, both are fucking awful
Also Scar is Obama. Notice how both are black while previous kings were all light skinned.
most jews vote Democrat and most jewish money went to the Democrats, but whatever shlomo persist with your headcanon by all means
Israel literally calls everything Anti-Semitic. Why listen to what those kikes are whining about? Use your judgement, dumbass.
Simba didn't take credit for the success of the previous leader and then nosedive the economy though.
>success of the previous leader
The previous leader had no successes.
Is this what Republicans tell themselves now to justify being the the Slaves of Zion while denying that Obama was the only US president to stand up to Israel?
>gets mauled to death by a pack of hyenas
All holocaust deniers should share this fate.
So Trump is Scar. Right down to saying the previous leader had no successes.
Good fuck off and die bigot.
Yes, Republicans call out Israel for being idiots while being "Slaves of Zion".
I got a better idea let’s kill all racists and bigots like yourself first.
Can we nuke this fucking board already?
ABC News - Israelis Detained on 9/11 Spies
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth - Marc Perelman - Forward
FBI report - Israelis caught celebrating after first tower was struck
DEA report on Israeli "art student" spies who visited sensitive DEA and DoD locations directly prior to 9/11
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? [good summary]
FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1
Ryan Dawson - War By Deception [contains info on how ((neocons)) used 9/11 to get us into Iraq]
Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, (mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot
2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...
3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'
continues to blame the CIA for storing bombs in the towers
That sounds based asfk. I'm in
Then he invites back the hyenas and immigrants and lets a black lion fuck his daughter.
Found you.
>Republicans call out Israel for being idiots
I bet you can't name even one who has criticized Israel.
Kill your self you anti-Semitic freak
Try it, kike.
>racists and bigots
so, jews then. pretty antisemitic there dude
Only when enough Jews have perished.
Just wait soon we’ll have you and the rest of your kind hanged.
>Everything the light touches is our kingdom.
Scar is Obama. Plain and simple.
Imagine not knowing Muslims dress boys up as girls, rape them, and then stone them when they grow up to be faggots.
Nah, you won't. But by all means push people to the point where everyone will realise what you're doing.
thank you for the redpilled information!
Man I can't believe no one listened to Scar about 9/11
More or less what happens in Lion King 2.
>everyone debating who the jews and saviors are in The Lion King
>everyone forgets it's the chink poachers who will ride in eventually and ground all their bones into holistic viagra
Scar is Trump you mean. Since he's going to ruin the country.
whats the difference?
>people pretend that Disney isn't subversive
Don’t worry we will now please continue spending the last moments of your life seething at everything like a pathetic dog.
out of the way landlet
Obama was the one who wanted open borders though. Your analogy makes no sense. You're just being retarded.
Trump destroyed the country. Obama deported more people than Bush without mass detentions at the border.
But Obama's also the one whose term all the pictures of illegal immigrant kids in cages comes from
no surprise asians are better at copying
>seething at everything like a pathetic dog
like the jews who seethe about "antisemitism" 24/7
>Don’t worry we will
Mufasa: Mask
Scar: Dorian Tyrell
Simba: Son of the Mask
>collapses in less than a century
>no country ever landed a craft on the far side of the moon before since the logistics involved is more complex than just landing on the light side
>they copied us!
The cope is real.
Germany is still around, shlomo.
I hope Xi nukes you, stupid amerishart
Really? The Third Reich still exists? You sure?
You mean Neu Turkei?
It’s both you stupid lion.
Not even American, just pointing our how much massive failures Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were. Most civilizations can last for more than a century but the two civilizations edgelords circlejerk couldn’t even do that. Pathetic.
>sail to new world
>pretend it means you invented the boat
keep babbling amerishart, your days are numbered
>posts a picture of a canadian
Way to be, retard.
pedo cope
>I'm so pure and innocent, I would never suspect scar of doing wrong. He tricked me with his cunning. I am a mere victim of his charms.
Imagine being so obsessed with Jews you see them in cartoon movies about animals
Have sex ASAP
with blacks
>literally doesn't know what landing a craft on the far side of the moon involves
Also Americans should thank German scientists and get zero credit for landing on the moon by your logic.
>Also Americans should thank German scientists and get zero credit for landing on the moon by your logic.
All of them?
The Catholic Church will rise again like it always have, soldiers of Christ are already being trained at the FSSPX seminars.
Nothing will happen while Francis continues to be pope though. We need a younger and stronger pope like Athanasius
Dilate pol tranny
timon was jewish
Kushner shouldn't you be fucking a guy right now?
>Catholic Church
degenerate pagan boyfuckers, try again
Lmao who are you replying to ya weak faggot?
Trump stands with Israel oh say can you see
Gets blown the fuck back by Russian communists oh no oh oh no this can't be happening I am in charge here-tatata tranny nazisssss
>White man...
>Mr. Hitler?
>White man, you have forgotten me.
>No! How could I?
>You have forgotten who you are, and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself, white man. You are more than what you have become.
>How can I go back? I’m not who I used to be.
>Remember who you are. You are of Bavarian Phenotype, and the true Master Race. Remember who you are...
Christianity is false
Go back to your safe space, pol-cel
>black hair
Why are incels so obsessed with Jews
reminder there's a Yea Forums jidf discord that scans for threads critical of jews and then spams them with pilpul
>and dilate
Reminder you will die a virgin
holy shit hitler was a trans icon
This. Take the Pumba pill.
Wow was this really in the movie? Was it in the remake too? Very cool!
Dilate plz
exhibit a
please demonstrate this
That wouldn't be a problem if mods and jannies weren't also in on it. We could dab on them with evidence and information, but they always ban people who go against the (((narrative))).
who did this?? xD
reddit.com/r/Yea Forums/comments/cl45g8/scike_blames_the_muslims/
It’s not discord’s fault you’re a virgin mate
Imagine being so obsessed with jews you defend them on a Nazi Forum
All the replies to this comment prove it correct, really makes you think. All kikes deserve to die
Yer like how Jewish IQ is higher than white
bring on the excuses
>Simbawitz, follow me to the low orbit control room. All that the star of David touches is our responsibility to control
>even the EU far to the North
>And the former Soviet Union, East of that?
>of course
>what about the American Empire, across that massive ocean?
>that, most of all
>And what's that dark place, past the wall?
>That is Palestine. You must never go there.
I like how kikes are just making up ludicrous shit at this point, they've completely lost the plot
gay people are evil
got it
Imagine getting this butthurt over people making fun of you on a Malaysian pottery board
It doesn't though. 'The Bell Curve' was published as a book, not in a scientific paper, because it was funded by people who were looking for that outcome, and the guy knew it wouldn't stand up to scientific scrutiny.
the pattern basically goes
>point out thread in question
>mass report it
>proceed to spam basic pilpul (have sex, why are incels so obsessed with jews, nazis are gay, fat, ugly, trans, etc.)
>if the cat's out of the bag completely, claim jews are a superior race while keeping up the basic pilpul and ad hominem
Average pissraeli IQ is sub-100, inbred kike retard
>it’s fake reeee
>embedded lies about hall of cost
>muh hitler had 1 ball was a drug addict, penis addict and was a tranny who killed himself after destroying Germany (btw the jews are God’s chosen and totally innocent!)
>le high jewish IQ meme
Exactly, why do kikes even come here? Stupid inbred hook nosed pube headed hunch backed Bernie Sanders looking rats
Nazis were gay, you are obsessed, and you’re a virgin
It’s not the Jews fault these are true
then why are niggers so stupid and literally dumber than all races except maybe abos?
>it's real reeeee ;_;
Yeah, I'm sure all the liberal talking points are legit and not retarded cringe worthy propaganda
Calm down tranny geez they’re just memes
>Nazis were gay
so why do you hate them? homophobic much?
Dilate freakshow kike
why does your tribe try to make it illegal to criticize you and you have to group up and spam ad hominem when people become even slightly critical of you
do you have something to hide?
>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world
Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites
Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"
Really makes you think, gas yourself Shlomo Kikestein
Evidence and studies vs butthurt denial
Crying about Jews won’t debunk the studies man
Pissraeli IQ is sub-100
Stop inbreeding subhuman kike retard
>Oy vey, Pumba it’s a superpower! Run, move it!
It’s just a little superpower. Look at him, he’s so cute and all alone.
>Are you nuts? Superpowers gas guys like us!
What if he’s on our side?
>You know, having a superpower around might not be such a bad idea.
Israel and Saudi Arabia have the US by the balls. The Saudis through oil and Israel through all the billionaire jews in the US. If by now you have not realized this than you were too occupied with entertainment to notice wtf is going on.
no one cares that jews have high iq. gooks have high iq. it's literally not an issue
Deflection from the fact that nazis were trannies, you’re a virgin, and you’re obsessed
If you had sex and dilated less you’d be less obsessed with Jews
>b-but muh gay and tranny studies ;_;
Talk about butthurt denial, kill yourself kike Heil Hitler
Not a rebuttal tranny
>b-but my specific tiny subset of Jews has big IQ!!!
Now cut all races into subsets and see who ends up on top after that.
America has been self sufficient in oil for a while though?
Cool then stop crying about it
>tranny defending libcel numale tries to project his creepy perverted fantasies onto WW2 German Soldiers
Cult Marxist are mentally ill
>Scar is basically the modern Democrat party.
>the only modern religion that preaches masculinity and keeping holes in their place
>I got a better idea let’s kill all racists and bigots like yourself first.
>All holocaust deniers should share this fate.
>Have sex ASAP
Why though? Any arguments? No?
>high trust societies are dumb
You first
Timon: Israel
Pumbaa: USA
Was Lion King redpilled the whole time?
Dilate kike glow nigger
Fuck off, tranny.
This flat out denial is not a very good rebuttal to the facts presented
Imagine kvetching on a Filipino trading card forum, kikes are disgusting vermin
lmao, you people are so fucking fragile, and you project it onto europeans, the one who's obsessed is you, you literally can't stomach even if a whiff of criticism without trying to SHUT IT DOWN while your tribe has an entire media monopoly demonizing europeans everyday for decade after decade
>tiny subsect
Ashkenazi Jews are 80%of Jews worldwide
Hitler personally rode with me on my shower railcart section of the holocauster while I washed myself with a bar(code) of Jude(tm) soap. He sucked me off then used Jude(tm) as lube so I could sodomize him before he was trapeze’d out of the cart and I was gassed 60 times before the ride ended.
>(((Cia))) said thing so that means it's true
Good kike boot licker
>Hitler was gay
>Hitler was a tranny
>Hitler was bisexual
Did he ever make up his mind?
Hitler also killed himself
More evidence he was tranny
Jews fund and work with Muslim activists who hate them. Surveys have shown that Jews prefer Muslims to Christians.
Why can’t you incel trannys make your own media instead of demanding affirmative action so you can compete with Jews?
Just libkikes projecting their degeneracy
He escaped to Argentina you literal retard
Jews have a lower or equal IQ to Whites. Look for the article on "pumpkinspiceperson.com", I'm too lazy to make quotes, but in 2 categories of a recent intelligence test the Jews scored equal to Whites and in 2 other ones, they scored less.
It's more likely that the bell curve of the Jews is farther stretched out, meaning they have more retarded and more genius men rather than those who score average. I don't think they checked the incestuous Orthodox communities.
why do you always refer to yourselves in the third person? are you instinctively scared of identifying yourself?
All semite sand niggers are inbred rats
We'll do that when kikes stop crying about the holocaust and antisemitism;_;
Trannies didn't fight in WW1, dear globo Shlomo.
Jews are obsessed with the natural beauty of ‘goyim’, not the other way around. Why do you think they hire so many goys for porn?
Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQ's. All the others are really stupid and average Israeli intelligence is like 94.
Hitler was a faggot and his writing is mediocre as was his art and all his mental midget followers
>picture without context
>a-are you triggered by our revinoism goyim ;_;
Kikes deserve another holocaust tbqh fampais
Why does pol get so mad over nazi tranny memes. Seriously it always causes a chimpout
Yeah the US has a fair amount of oil, but you don't sustain global dominance through military dominance with devices such as aircraft carriers and increasing economic growth by only using your own oil.
You're a faggot and Hitler lives rent free in your small rodent skull, inbred kike
What context do pol trannys think it’s okay to be a tranny?
So 80% of Jews have higher IQ. Cool.
Why do libkikes pretend castrating yourself makes you a woman and why do they project their sick delusions onto WW2 German Soldiers?
So you admit you can’t make your own media? Weird
>iq tests showing niggers have lower iq
*snort* heh those dumb apes they should be grateful we proud 100% europeans even brought them to this place otherwise they would be still living in mud huts
>ashkenazi median iq found to be higher
REEEEEE unrealistic small samples they are cheating NEPOTISM NEPOTISM psychometrics and psychology are psuedosciences anyway
>c-context doesn't matter ;_;
The absolute state of inbred libkike trannies
Answering a question with a deflection is prime way to tell if someone is butthurt
Imagine failing in life because you’re stupid and unwilling to work hard, winding up still living with your parents at 32 and blaming immigrants, Jews and Muslims for it instead of taking responsibility.
>It always gets to a chimpout, I can guarantee, I have seen many chimpouts, trust me, you are seething, I know.
What you call "trannies" were people who dressed as women for comedic purpose, unlike today, this was not a sign of LGBT pride. The SA purged faggots in civilian places and the SS later purged the faggot in the SA.
Medieval roleplayers used to play female roles, does that mean 12th century Catholics were trannies?
Better learn what context is.
weird their jidf discord won't respond to this, almost as though they're pissing themselves at the idea of identifying explicitly who they are because then the goyim will know, and the more that know, the closer the gig is to being up
So you admit you won't stop crying about the holocaust and antisemitism;_;? Weird
>being up Jewish IQ scores
>pol turns into SJWs trying to debunk white vs black IQ suddenly
Every tome
Projection, lay off the inbreeding libkike tranny rodent
So do you pol guys have a rebuttal for this besides “x/y/z is Jewish”?
The IQ scores that show inbred Pissraeli IQ is sub-100?
I posted a rebuttal somewhere above your post.
What you don't see is that MAGAtards are Civic nationalists, which is why your projection is ironic.
I’m a redpilled Ashkenazi with a tested IQ of 141 who prioritizes his white interests over any sort of allegiance to a religion I don’t believe in or devotion to a particular ancestry. What now?
>No, Goyim, please.
>You lying kike! You Jew rat! Tell them the truth!
>The truth? But truth is in the eye of the behold-
I don’t think anyone else obsessed over shitposters as much as you do
Yeah, I'm sure all the faggot and tranny propaganda within the last year is real and not a (((coincidence)))
Fuckin Capo
>haha it was a joke it’s only gay if the balls touch
This tranny cope
So what context do you guys think it’s fine to be a tranny then? I never knew incels were so sexually progressive
Prioritizing individual racial interest over religion and ancestry does not make you a proper nationalist, Shlomo.
Don't forget the (((Weimar Republic))) being a precursor to Nazi Germany
whoops, i struck a nerve with shlomo and he comes at me with anger-laced ad hominem that has nothing to do with my post, jewish fragility at work, why won't you just say you're jewish? i'm a white guy
The fact that you know the word “kvetching” as an anti-Semite bastard is hilarious to me.
I accept your submission
Trying to justify trannies on “haha just a joke man” is the oldest closeted fag trick in the book
>I posted a rebuttal somewhere above your post.
sweaty posting image macros is not a valid rebuttal :(
sorry your life turned out so bad you took a mishmash of 20 century ethnonationalism babble and amerimutt and eurotrash 21 century populism as your ideology :)
How is it Weimar Germany’s fault that most nazis were trannies?
The context that it's a blatant lie pushed by Cult Marxist kikes who are behind the same tranny cancer currently infesting the West
Rule 1 of pol: nobody on pol is white
You’re Mexican or Arab in all likelihood
>*snort* heh those dumb apes they should be grateful we proud 100% europeans even brought them to this place otherwise they would be still living in mud huts
Sub-Saharan Africans hadn’t even invented the wheel or the written word before Europeans arrived, so I this is pretty indisputably accurate
That’s because they’re are something like 8 million dull-witted Arabs living in Israel as well as several million dull-witted Sephardim. Ashkenazi intelligence has been rigorously proven to be above even East Asian tier
From what I understand about Marxist history they pretend to give a shit about poofters and other sexfiends until they stabilize the state, and then immediately outlaw it again
So it can't be from a theatre because you say so?
Read the German rules for soldiers, faggots get shot.
No comment, just a big KEK
So how gay do you gotta get before the joke excuse doesn’t work anymore? You seem very experienced in this lmao
are you jewish?
It's like pretending 60 years from now that Weimerica trannies like you weren't ostracized abomination freakshows
God calm down I was just explaining why nobody cares about your discord conspiracy stuff. This is just a shitposting thread, you trannys take this stuff way too seriously
I figured you would know
are you jewish?
Nope, jews have sub-100 IQs because of inbreeding, also why they're prone to schizophrenia
Being an American nationalist inherently requires subordinating my own ethnic ancestry and minority birth religion. Which part are you struggling with?
Nah I’m from Korea
>Read the German rules for soldiers, faggots get shot
What rules were soldiers like the Dirlewanger or Kaminski units operating under?
I just hate Americans, desu.
Really makes you think, final solution when?
>it’s a lie
Penal units they were, so of course the soldiers lifes were already forsaken.
Yet they rule the world apparently. Weird.
If only we had affirmative action for whites so they could compete
I’m all for giving you oxy-zombies a helping hand in all honesty
Bell curve bell curve bell curve
Context context context
Lmao you incels can’t fight your blood sugar
What context is it okay to be a drag queen? I thought you guys were against that stuff
Apparently it’s okay if nazis do it tho
can't believe raimi got away with it
Common sense, obvious cult marxist kike propaganda is obvious
Through subversion, not superior intelligence, inbred kike rat
>makes billions out of WW2
Bit hypocritical tbqh
lets assume jewish capitalists are greedy hoarders(they are) who use their wealth for their own selfish purposes (which they do)
now that you deport every single jew out of the country who takes their place? only wasp capitalists? how will they be any different? capitalist is a capitalist, he is only there to make money
pls explain, I'm not in favor of both
Maybe start with medieval history, baffoon-san.
"He who shall not work shall not it"
"Thou shalt work with sweat on thy face"
That was church doctrine.
Charlemagne forbid Jews from physical work as they were not Christian and Jews started putting up finance and non-physical work according to the Talmud.
As handiworker, I can tell you that there is no honesty where kikes push pencils and manipulate money.
It's funny because you 100% believe castrated mentally ill men are women if they delude themselves enough, it's hilarious that you project your perverted delusions onto WW2 German Soldiers. Why would you do this if you weren't a mentally ill schizoid kike?
>it’s a lie because I said so
That’s not a very good argument dude.
why isn't there a single pilpulling jew in here willing to admit that they're jewish?
Learn reading comprehension you dumbass
>dey cheatin
You sound like a black talking about whites. Weird.
>look at all these totally not photo shopped images that appeared magically from nowhere within the past year
Really makes you think, libkike trannies are mentally ill
Don't feed the jew, mate.
>it's true because muh lugenpresse said so
>rule world through these ridiculously complicated convoluted comic book villain plans that outsmart everyone
>but it doesn’t count they’re not smarter
Lmao this tranny cope
Islam might just be the least masculine religion ever conceived apart from maybe that old Indian one where a wife of a man must be shared with his brothers.
Monsieur, you are really spoiling us with zis bait.
>it’s shopped
First realize things are fucked.
Post body
it's okay a lot of people have been there but unless you're u20 i think it's pretty obvious where your iq score stands on the curve :/