Was he suposed to be the bad guy?
Was he suposed to be the bad guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>murder peaceful indigenous race
>not the bad guy
kikeness is transmited by the mother so it's okay
He's american what did you expect?
>Abandon your mission, betray your people and doom your species so you can bang a hot alien chick.
Good protagonist you got there.
it depends on your POV
>1/2 German
>1/2 Jew
I bet his grandfather was disappointed
post a pic of your entire folder, user. I want to see how many of these you've collected, ready to post at any second.
What's wrong with being jewish?
He's going to be the bad guy in all 4 sequels
Shit will be litty
She wasn’t even hot. Na’vi look like something drawn to troll furries.
kill yourself underage
Pity this isn't in the real movie and that no character in it has depth like this.
according to Yea Forums being jewish means you're an enemy of the white race
Was he supposed to be a good character?
Does this clown have those tats in real life or that's just for this movie?
You must have missed the part where they killed innocent workers because they stepped on the wrong fern.
cocksucking mohels who mutilate babbydicks
The worst part is that if you report this post the jannies and mods do nothing, but if you reply with facts then you're the one who gets banned. Really makes you think.
Lurk more newfag
Holy shit I forgot how ham fisted that guy was. He's got the scars and everything.
No, the writers and director were.
"Wanna know how I got these scars? Attacked by a pack of wild Jews. Dangerous lot. They hate white folk like me."
>white man bad
Oh no
I dont know because I dont remember anything about this movie, all I remember is that IMAX was a meme
I dont know if it has improved since but back then I r8 2/10
he never was
but of course, he's a confident and principled WYAT MALE
he was the good guy, fighting for mankind.
But some hippy niggers sided with ayylamos and doomed mankind to die out.
GG no RE
He tried to fuck an underage boy so yeah
This doesn't make any sense though unless humanity finds a way to prolong the life of the universe or ascend into godhood.
fuck off reptilian
How can he hold breath for so long
>Yea Forums pretending they would fuck over their jewish boss for this
lanky lurches without tits
humans were fucked from the getgo
couldn't even "help" him unless he played devil's advocate
they were essentially just plastic and metal rats at that point
the na'vi were just trying to save their women from the human rapefugees
This, but keep it to yourself. This board is mostly flat earthers who will just call that pseudoscience to avoid thinking too hard about the fate of all mankind.
thank mr shekelsberg for censorship, and radical "feminism"
*exotic athletic forest goddesses
Until the actual military comes back and glasses them.
but the entire planet will mobilize against them! and they can not lose!!!!
>humans invent a machine to allow people to remote control an artificial alien body
>somehow the aliens have a magical ritual just for transporting the consciousness from a human to an alien body
cor blimey
colonizing planets orbiting within the green zone of red dwarfs would let people survive long enough to laugh at the blue monkeys
Eywa's just that good
>tidally locked to a manlet star and have a 20 day long year
aint nobody got time for that shit
The actor is actually jewish
> Lang's mother was a Catholic of German and Irish descent, while his father was Jewish. Lang's paternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Hungary and Russia.[2][3]
>muhreen boy died on pandora and his copy walks around in the cat suit
I don't see what his religion has to do with his race
this CGI is so good I can't help but wonder how bad the sequel will turn out now that it's owned by disney
it'll probably be worse than pacific rimjob 2
No. He was based.
he's based
I'm the bad guy :)
based goy
no one is ethnically catholic
you wouldn't betray humanity for 18yo alien princess tail, right user?
>ascend into godhood.
We already have
nah, too old.
huge fucking cringe
go back to sulking over exhentai
>He says while watching capeshit.
I’m sorry he didn’t call anyone Squidward.
>fapping to 2D
You fucking better not be american
haha so true fellow anonymous. Say why don't you put a fellow user in touch with this material?
How are people still so butt blasted over such a simplistic and by the book story?
It literally just Pocahontas but with aliens
Wow such an astute observation and a totally unique criticism fellow redditor, here have an upvote.
>be white
>evade planet that doesn't belong to them
>declare planet theirs anyways
>start killing indigenous people because that's what white propel do
Yeah, he was the bad guy. All white people are.
Why are you being so passive-aggressive for? I was agreeing with you no need to get all feisty.
>invading a foreign land and committing genocide on it's people to harvest their resources
I can see why americans would think he was a cool guy, that's basically been their foreign policy since their inception
Bombing the planet fom orbit with napalm-type weapons would actually be perfect because the only thing interesting over there is the metal thing they were mining.
Must suck being a nigger lmao
first result on google says no known tattoos so it is just for the film
Not a bad guy, just a bad commander. How on Earth do you lose when you have an overwhelming military advantage?
Must suck being cucked by one. lmao
must suck actually having niggers in your country lmao
yes he did, he was a fag
He didnt have the power of plot armor
>military advantage?
He didn't, firepower is just one element of combat power and the ayy lmaos had more advantages in other areas that overshadowed that.
>randall fucking weems
>no hitler
how jewish can you be?
Literal deus ex machina at the end. He was winning before that.
Granted, it was somewhat his fault for not listening to Dr. Augustine, but why the hell would you believe somebody telling you that the trees can think
zamasu, roh, and aizen
oh shit...
Criticism doesn't have to be unique you retarded contrarian.
I unironically agree with 99% of this list, what does that say about me?
Must suck your race is slowly dying. Lmao
Do you mean you agree they did nothing wrong, or you agree they did less wrong than their protagonist counterparts? Because if the former, you're a contrarian retard, but if the latter, you're a healthy individual.
You mean invade dumbass
Was this co-directed by Zach Snyder?
must suck being left behind to be enslaved by chinks lmao
die latte
the colonel needed to have sex
yeah he is not.
its maternal