I don't get it

I don't get it

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Typical man thread

Read the book, it's better

Main point is that cucking your husband is a good thing.


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roadside picnic , clueless bitch edition.

they should have just done Roadside instead of what ever this was supposed to be.

Women love The BAC


i liked it

Everything was explained. What the fuck didn't you get?

it's about relationships
but you wouldn't know anything about that

You still can't explain the ending

he was a double from the shimmer
she was the original who was changed in the shimmer, she killed her double - she is different now too (remember the guy whose guts started moving)
am i the brainlet or was the movie not that difficult to follow

You can.
It was not difficult to follow at all.

Or why in general the events of the film took place


Correction, Book 1 is good, the other two of the trilogy, especially the second, are difficult to get through. Overall though, I'm glad I read the books after watching the great film, if that means anything. I read it all to understand wtf was going on.

t. retard

alien meteorite falls
people investigate because it's fucking cool
it's actually fucking weird
normal people don't go on suicide missions to investigate fucking weird things, weird or damaged people do
oscar isaac got cucked and went to suicide mission, died there, his unit was wiped out, his alien double returned
natalie portman went in because she got blacked and her cuck husband died, other women in the unit are damaged too (cancer, drugs, loss of a loved one, etc)
things are "reflected" inside the alien meteorite drop zone - two of the same weird deer, the 56% girl's tattoo is found on both a dead guy from previous research mission and later on natalie portman's hand
(this is important because she had no tattoo, then got a bruise, and then the bruise became the tattoo)

it's been almost a year since I've seen it and I have little trouble recalling the events

We know, incel.

It's about the cancer survivor experience. The five of them roughly represent have the four stages of acceptance. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

you're either a liar or an idiot savant. i don't recall the tattoo part, and putting it all together was only accomplished after i read the trilogy. disclaimer: i watched the film only once and never followed up with reviews or explanations.

It's The Grey for women.

Now that was a good film

i swear it's the same fucking guy posting these

No it wasn’t don’t lie

before I watched it, my friend told me she liked it and that it had a major plothole
I watched it and there was no plothole, asked her, she said that the tattoo appears out of nowhere on natalie portman's arm
it kind of does come out of nowhere when she lifts her arm right after a chapter titile, but I did remember the tattoo being on other people (dead guy in the pool - he was in the netflix logo so I saw it coming, the 56% girl), so I kind of assumed it came from general shimmer weirdness
scrolled through the movie and screenshotted all tattoo appearences and confirmed it for myself

i'm gonna post the screenshots, this first one is the flashforward from the beginning of the movie, you can kind of make it out on her left arm

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good summary

then the movie doesn't show her forearms for some time

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this girl had it

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and this guy had it

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natalie portman shows a bruise and no tattoo

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Shit movie

and then the tattoo appears

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did this guy have it before or did the shimmer make him (or his corpse) get the tattoo - I don't know, but here it is in the tape with the moving guts, he probably had it from before
did the mutt girl have it? no idea, the movie doesn't show her forearms until it does and you can see the tattoo

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btw here are the weird deer, the left one seems to be decaying, yet they are in sync - maybe the left one is a copy and the right is a normal deer but altered by the shimmer

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there are more "reflections" - natalie portman's house MYSTERIOUSLY appearing in the shimmer, the bear repeating the dead woman's cry for help (the only scene I really liked), maybe I also missed some stuff

it's a good movie, maybe it's better if you're a woman, girls seem to like it

It's literally written around the 20 seconds racemixing propaganda. There is nothing to get.

Just typical Netflix trash.

it was shit

the cucking destroys her relationship with her husband and her friendship with the black guy, then all the women go on a suicide mission and die off one by one, fucking based

how did you manage to solve the captcha, being this retarded

my friend showed me this movie. It was interesting an all but it was kinda ugly honestly. So much CGI in the shimmer and barely any hard shadows. I pay a lot of attention to details like that and it really impacted my enjoyment of the movie.

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please, never stop


The part fucking the black threw me off, seemed out of place, I dismissed it as a clue to forthcoming revelations

I will never ever accept the fucking of many guys, the curling of toes, and the many orgasms as a "self destructive" period in a woman's life. When did these meme become fact wtf.

Fucking based. Name 3 movies you think are flawless in that regard and I will watch them if I haven't already.

Do you recommend reading the 2nd one? I only read the first so far

Not an argument

My favorite is the real Oscar Isaac's accent being refracted in the recording where he kills himself. Having the wrong accent just makes that scene even more unnerving. This is why I occassionally make a thread pretending that I don't understand that plot point and call Annihilation a shitty movie.

I mainly watch older movies, so I might be the wrong guy to tell whats right. I'd still recommend
Badlands ('73)
Stand by me ('86)
and Mad Max II ('81)
if you haven't seen them already.

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Think of the Shimmer as the alien’s expanding consciousness. It’s not “refracting” anything beyond the point where it’s consciousness interfaces with our world. What exists within the Shimmer are basically thoughts in its mind, and it’s free to combine them however it wants. The Shimmer expands as it comes to understand more of our world.

>woman fucks black dude
>wants to kill herself
How's that racemixing propaganda.