>is literally r*ddit incarnate when he first became popular
>does a 180 and comes out as conservative christian, triggering libs everywhere (see Ellen Page)
>divorces hag wife and marries into Kennedy/Schwarzenegger
is he /ourguy/?
>is literally r*ddit incarnate when he first became popular
>does a 180 and comes out as conservative christian, triggering libs everywhere (see Ellen Page)
>divorces hag wife and marries into Kennedy/Schwarzenegger
is he /ourguy/?
why didnt he have a dance off to distract his wife from their failed marriage?
>comes out as conservative christian, triggering libs everywhere
>is he /ourguy/?
considering no-one gave a shit I'd have to say he's at least in with a chance
except he's prosperous and you're poor
>triggering libs
are there any words that are more reddit than reddit itself?
>still has the same one-note acting ability and stars in the same shitty movies
>but now hes based because he holds one set of idiotic beliefs instead of another
Reddit is 99% sjw
Believing in an imaginary sky wizard to trigger the libs is pretty cringe bro
>conservative christian
>divorces a woman he has a child with
words really do mean nothing anymore, do they?
conservative christian really just means "boring faggot" now I assume, because clearly it has absolutely nothing to do with strictly following the tenets of the christian faith
>t. riggered reddit libkek
you're right, these are much worse
>you're right, these are much worse
he's a white supremacist now
Another libtard rekt
Don't be an autistic. The guy made it big because he comes across as likable and charasmatic. He wouldn't be a allowed a career otherwise if they didn't struggle to find actors like that.
Christianity is a beta religion anyway
>DUDE forgive your cheating whore wife just because she’s says sorry LMAO
>DUDE don’t divorce your wife for being an adulterous slut, remain a cuck LMAO
Masculine Christian men don’t exist
his wife left him retards
I guarantee you haven't got a single reliable source to back this up
lmao seethe more
she's an alcoholic and a slut
>lmao seethe more
beat the shit out of a tranny that tried to grab my dick at bartime last night. left the freak on the ground bleeding. didnt see anything on the news this morning so I think im in the clear
It's actually very divided
T. Started using reddit recently
>can't even do soijack posting properly
epic style
>>can't even do soijack posting properly
>beat the shit out of a tranny that tried to grab my dick at bartime last night. left the freak on the ground bleeding. didnt see anything on the news this morning so I think im in the clear
>do I fit in yet
Repressed homosexual
A man secure with his sexuality doesnt need to beat up a gay guy
Speak of the devil...
>it’s actually very divided
Oh so, sjw and moderately liberal
>t.reddit user
fun fact
if you reverse image search this gif one of the first results is reddit
>>do I fit in yet
So women who attack men who sexually assault them are repressed rape/grope lovers.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.
Not for me dude. Clearly it's catered to your browser history.
>comes out as conservative christian
Pol doesnt go into posts with white people as topics
google search uses your browser history. if you go to reddit often then it'll popup more likely from searches.
t.triggered lib
>responding to old pasta
i'm proud of you, son
First page is all tenor and giphy
this changes the fact that your sense of humour and personality which you express in epic-style .gif format is identical to that found on the website you're so vehemently against how
>comes out as conservative christian
lmao ok reddit
Literally everyone knows your website is the biggest liberal anti-trump circlejerk on the internet. This is one of your dumbest tactics by far. You are the reddit. And you even outed yourself with the reverse image thing dumbo.
I don't actively browse reddit at all, but I'm also not virginal enough to spend my days having a tantrum about it either
the fact remains that you personality-void faggots who define your whole persona on the fact that you're so "not reddit" are in fact indistinguishable from them in many ways
deal with it lmao
>so mad can't even respond to the right person
If you had self-awareness you'd know how easy it is to detect all the projection you're shitting out all over the thread.
I think it's pretty clear who is mad given the responses I've got just by pointing out that your epic gif has made the rounds on several reddit boards lmao
All your lmaos can't hide your absolute seethe. You are a redditor calling reddit. And your actual views and mindset is what's actually going around 99.9% of reddit 24/7. Go back.
Oh sweet summer child let's unpack this
did you not hear me? I'm not the sort of turbovirgin who gets buttflustered when someone says that they are a "redditor"
I can't imagine anything more faggoty than placing all your chips on an int3rn3t w@r persona which is, again, indistinguishable from the site you spend all your time obsessing about
again, I know it's tough, and I can hear you seething, but this is just something you have to deal with :^)
I think we found the answer to your original question
Even ignoring that you contradicted yourself. This was a sad showing for reddit ITT. Even for reddit.
You got to lazy to make responses? Looks like you are praying the yous to end and save face
uh oh
uh oh
uh oh
How? You guys aren't "conservative christians".
>conservative christian
>got divorced
well well well if it isn't reddit
kek redditshart on life alert
No shit, and you also aren't posting for the first time.
Divorcing your wife for cheating is biblical
reddit's endlessly mutable depending on what some extremely sad adults who cherish the idea of a one-sided "internet gang" rivalry want on a given day
get a load of all that redditry
>Fathers children with woman he's sworn before God to spend the rest of his life with
>Lol who cares lmao marriage is just a social construct, I'll find a younger one
Also you can't weasel out of this one with the New Testament either, Jesus preached hard against divorce.
Mark 10:2-11
>And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.
>And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you?
>And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.
>And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.
>But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
>For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
>And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
>What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
>And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter.
>And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
>played the long con as the lovable dummy to make everyone love him
>says hes a christian