Real talk, how reddit is it?
Real talk, how reddit is it?
it's both quasi-reddit and lowkey-sjw
This, but barely.
It's good.
>Christianity bad
>america bad
>capitalism bad
>being a whore good
>atheism good
Nice buzzwords, larper.
It's the umbrella academy, if the umbrella academy wasn't shit
is it really like this?
i wanted to give it a try
It’s pretty strongly reddit. You could also just watch it and decide for yourself
Well, at least the show is not wrong on the facts.
Megachurches are objectively bad
>Never Gonna Give You Up is the black guy's ringtone
whatever. I liked it.
Shut up, SJW.
r/the_donald BTFO
Cringe and bluepilled
I'm a Christian right-winger you tard
I just hate how megachurches use religion for profit
the women can do no wrong, if they is because they situation was so shit it was the only logical thing to do so they're "morally justified" to the viewer
Nothing at all
>If reddit likes it I must hate it
Why is Yea Forums so naive?
There is an entire episode dedicated to bashing christianity
Then you are against all churches and against capitalism, you fucking piece of shit.
Have you ever been to a megachurch? I went to one in Florida, big evangelical one. One of the most surreal experiences I've ever had, its like a mall, they had a starbucks and kiosks selling church shit and everything. Big production value visuals for speakers/sermon/hymn lyrics and all that. Did not care for it.
You must be a retard if you think its morally justified to use faith for personal gain
Is good. Homeboilander is /pol/, the Deep is /fit/ who got lucky once, frenchman is /k/, Hughie is reddit, butcher is /r9k/, starlight is Tumblr with a splash of Mee too
>Created by 3 Jews
>Turn a main character into a cuck
Yea but it doesn't just denounce megachurches. Starlight gets up and goes just be agnostic lmao. We dont know lmao. Faith bad fuck you mum. And the
Nice socialist mindset, Bernie.
She says after that she still believes in God
did you watch the show?
Watched ep 1 and deleted all the episodes
Re-downloaded them all when I learned Homeland Chad = Sherrif Lucus Hood from Banshee
>>Christianity bad
>>america bad
>>capitalism bad
>>being a whore good
>>atheism good
Wrong on every single count.
It rails a bit against religious hypocrisy (a homosexual anti-gay preacher), corporatism (clearly portraying Vought's involvement with the DoD as bad), and false flags.
There is no pro-atheism message in the show, there is no anti-american message in the show and there is no pro-whore, pro-sexual degeneracy message in the show.
Agnostics can believe in God you spacker.
Actually Butcher's shown acting like an absolute cunt, so I'd say there's a bit of an anti-atheistic message.
>actually believing this shithole isn't Reddit 2.0 since /pol/ was created
>being this deluded
>Spend 4-5 digit figures to attend some open air event where a flagrantly homosexual pastor tells you to pray the gay away
Do Americans really do this?
>I believe in God
>just not any of his teachings lol
Seth Rogan reddit taste is all over it
there's a dude wearing the american flag as a costume, literally the country personified, shown being a homicidal maniac
how is that not anti-american?
>there's a dude wearing the american flag as a costume, literally the country personified, shown being a homicidal maniac
that's America tho
The Abrahamic religions are for retards
Jesus was a Jew who fooled everyone
Yes. And then they have sex with him.
Not the guy you're replying to but i know that feel
I would probably be a regular churchgoer today if my retarded mother had picked a small, close-knit church during her born-again christian phase instead of a massive megachurch that the pastor used as a weekly gig for his shitty cringe christian rock band.
My mom woke up manic at 5 am one day and gave my entire college fund to Joel Osteen after one of his TV sermons. It ruined my life. I hate my mom and I hate organized religion and I think I hate God too if I'm being totally honest. Megachurches have seriously caused me so much personal grief and I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I can stop being angry about all the wasted hours feeling deeply uncomfortable around huge crowds of strangers and bitter about the education I never got.
They should be banned or at the very least taxed because the southern baptist megachurch bullshit has turned an entire generation away from christianity. I won't say I have PTSD because that makes me sound like a whiny liberal faggot, but resentment and anxiety are probably better words for what I feel when my mom drags me to church with her once a year. I'm not sure I'll ever be able walk into a church of any kind ever again of my own free will without feeling sick to my stomach.
My greatest sin is envy, in that I am extremely envious of faithful right-wing Christians. I don't know how you keep it up, man.
>dude capeshit but dark, violent and serious!
Literally trash for retards.
Capitalism and the church shouldn't be in the same sentence.
That's literally how most religious people are.
>there's a dude wearing the american flag as a costume, literally the country personified, shown being a homicidal maniac
>how is that not anti-american?
This is the ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE FUCKING SHOW. That the superheroes are hypocrites and aren't who they appear to be publicly.
>That's how most people who say they're religious are.
Who is your favourite character, bros?
For me, it's Frenchie.
>I love corporations so much give me more corporate cock pls
And gets told off by MM for being a christianity-hating cunt.
The Deep obviously
>Seth Rogan
1 yike
MM is fucking Anglican, he has no right to speak.
>There's nothing wrong with having a little faith in you
>said the priest to a nun
yeah im thinking he's based
fun but it kind of goes nowhere and just sets up for S2, i was hoping for a mini series where the bad guys win
>the guy is wearing an american flag
>therefore he represents all of america
its mostly anti corporation
I only watch this show because I want Hughie and the blond chick to bang. Does that happen in the comics?
If Butcher knew the invisible dude had invulnerable skin, then why did he attack him with a fucking crowbar?
>Rapping Gangster nigger
>not representing all of America
That emo chick he was with earlier was unbelievably hot. Him dropping her for The Female required suspension of disbelief on my part.
the real question is if the dude has skin as hard as diamonds how did butcher survive being punched
i was waiting for the reveal that the boys had superpowers too but not at the level of the seven
you can believe in a deity without believing in shit written in books
it would be more clever if everyone wasnt an insane asshole
but everyone is acting like the comedian with the edgy rape and murder shit on steroids dialled up to 11
You actually aren't aware that superman/homelander are metaphors for the entire country?
it was taylor-made for reddit
you'll understand when you grow up
yes superman, the guy made by two jews
More like 1 kike.
Frenchie and the black guy were my favorites. I don't mind Hughie or Kitana
They really need to show some more lower level superheros being good people, the show gives the illusion that if you powers you'll undoubtedly be a selfish dick.
I thought that too when they kept showing Hugh with that highly pitched sound. Thought he was gonna do some telekinesis shit
I don't necessarily have that issue since my parents barely took me to church. When I did start going back I didn't even like the Catholic church because it had the same 'churn them out' methodology. Nowhere near as bad as the megachurch I imagine though.
I eventually found an Orthodox church that I started going to and have started connecting with. From what I can tell most of the time they do have post church cafeterias where people gather and talk. The priest has even hired me to help fix his house a few times. Right now we're preparing to put on a festival.
Here's a picture of a Monastery church in California. All of the carvings were done by the nuns themselves, all of the blank walls are still yet to be painted by them.
>atheism good
You can blame the creator of the comic, Garth Ennis for that. Dude has some hate boner for religion in general, be it Christianity, Islam or Judaism. Even fucking Hinduism IIRC. His only good comics as far as I can tell was the first issue of Crossed, The Darkness and his Punisher run. All of his other comics were either mediocre or just good ideas bad execution (like Preacher). He's REALLY popular with Redditors.
>atheism good
>butcher's the only atheist in his team and gets called out by MM for being such an asshole towards christians.
Mega churches are absolute trash. I legitimately envy medieval peasants that used to go to Gothic style Churches and shit. Movies like Jan Hus that depict Preachers call out hypocrisy and ask for a version of Christianity closer to that of the scripture is my aesthetic (Jan Hus is kino, the rest of the trilogy is sadly filled with 50s commie propaganda because the director was forced at gunpoint to write that in).
Ignore megachurches for they are the true heretics of Christianity and are filled with false preachers that twist the scripture for their own means. They are no different to the Church that the Hussites and Protestants criticized in the 1400s-1600s.
>Real talk, how reddit is it?
it's based on a Garth Ennis comic, what else do you need to know
please,watch the show before posting
cute cute
Most retarded brainlet post Ive seen in awhile
I was persuaded she was a 13 yo kid and was really shocked by the edginess when she died
but then the frenchman was like "kimoki isn't a child !"
It it the most reddit show I have seen to this date
This thread is cringe
Your magical daddy in the sky doesn't exist
Have sex
make me.
This site is just reddit without point system
I hope this is copy pasta. This shit is really fucked up.
so brave
What time are we teeing off, user?
>Christianity bad
>america bad
>capitalism bad
Where's the lie?
censored and (((diversified))) cuckshit
>>Christianity bad
>>america bad
>>capitalism bad
>>atheism good
Too bad
>>being a whore good
Ruins it
No thicc and no nude girls the show
>capitalism is good!
imagine being this donkey
>>being a whore good
makes it based, you just have a monkey brain
so, you hate liberalism but you love capitalism? Disney, Microsoft, Facebook, AT&T, Tencent, etc, they support SJW's, blackilbsmatter, atheism, etc, because that sells
Too over the top. Like John Smith in TMITHC, you end up rooting for him.
Yes all women
Well it is from Garth "crossed" Ennis. He's literally an edgy college student leftist who screams constantly that he's a free speech advocate by saying "fuck priests" but then monologues on why islam is beyond critique.
and you're an edgy neet alt-righter screaming WHITE GENOCDEEEEEEEE lmao
>communism good!
You're a mouth breathing limp wristed noodle armed leftoid numale subhuman screaming WYPEEPO BAAAAAAAD ;_;
Its another capeshit in the era of capeshits, can't get more reddity than that.
>thinks TV is older than pol
>capitalism or communism/socialism, there is literally NOTHING ELSE
Frenchie was my favourite too, also mayev is kinda nice
>no simon pegg
how she can make such perfect eyebrows and a make-up while being literal maugli
It doesn't have filthy trannies so it's very low on reddit.
Why? Hughie looks like a fifty year old skinny fat boomer.
Homeland, Butcher, Deep - Yea Forums. The rest - reddit/tumblr
Calm down, Tyler Hoechlin.
I like it.
>actively defending protestants
There is nothing in The Boys that is pandering. It was all entirely just realistic. This is coming from a pol regular who sees lefty agendas hidden in their noodle soup. If you read Garth Ennis' The crossed he authored it has the same amount of sexual violence and "That's life eat shit" brutally unfair and unjust moments.
This is Kino and I hope we see more if Garth Ennis' work come to life.
>being a whore good
Yeah, which is why starlight is so thrilled about the new whorish outfit, despite notdisney saying that it is feminist cos it is about being proud to show off.
Megachurches are literally sinful dumbass. Christianity is not synonymous with capitalism and all that America considers sacred.
Kek why can’t Americans accept any form of criticism about America? Your country isn’t perfect
to be fair America is pure evil
Where's the lie?
Anticapitalist /= communist
How many facesitting scenes total are there
Only the one that ends with the dude's head exploding
I wish that were me
How stank could her pussy be that his head exploded?
Too much man ass
She probably let loose a big stinker
>Male ass is fine on tv but a woman's ass is not
>Rape warning for sexual assault against females but not against males
Are the writers trying to say something here?
He wasn't raped
>this comment has received reddit gold
not even american and obviously murrica isnt perfect but saying america is a rapist murderer with laser eyes isn't exactly constructive criticism
They gave us homelander, so that's pretty based
>Rape warning for sexual assault against females but not against males
I noticed that too. How the fuck wasn't that rape?
Strangely, it directs all of its animus toward "religious hypocrisy" exclusively towards Christians. I agree that it isn't necessarily an atheist message, or even agnostic, but it is decidedly anti-Christian. It's also not explicitly anti-American per se, but it substitutes an utterly ahistorical and nonsensical new American identity to displace the traditional one in exactly the same way the modern immigration debate refers to illegal alien invader criminals as "undocumented Americans".
I was actually somewhat pleased to see any kind of sexual promiscuity or degeneracy associate only with criminals.
That not what corporatist means, though. Corporate political power is not corporatism.
Very,it's edgy shit with a few good scenes. You'll miss nothing
No. Many evangelicals do. A massive supermajority of Americans are not evangelicals, so no. It's also worth noting every major evangelical movement in the US also has a huge presence as well as huge competition abroad and that these events occur at precisely the same scale in Australia, the UK and throughout the Anglosphere as well as any other place missionary work is permitted. Kirk Cameron's ministry partner is a Kiwi. Half the people at Mount Carmel/Waco were foreign-born, mostly Brits and Aussies. And they got into that shit before the web was widely available.
Faggot Europeans and other faggot foreigners try to externalize this problem by associating it exclusively with Americans while also overstating its scale, but that fact is it's an issue for them, too.
>america fought a war in bosnia
Faggot retard detected. Apart from Iraq, everyone on that list deserved it.
We all know the intent when somone is being fiercely anti capitalist. Its not hidden.
Homelander, you massive faggot.
I have to ask the question did no one notice the fly buzzing around them on occasion? It wasnt just a one off thing either and you could even hear and see that it was cgi
What does it mean?
I lol'd when she said Gandhi doesn't deserve to be in hell. At least that part was funny.
I love how this entire thread runs through this one post 11/10 Beyond Bait
Probably another supe I thought at least.
>why can't americans just submit to a one-way conduit of constant, withering and false criticism from people who operated concentration camps
Do you know what I do to get back at Europeans? Every time one of you queer fucking faggots with shitty, uppity attitudes and homofaggot accents asks me for directions while you're shitting up my city on vacation (oops, I mean "hawlidie") I send you to the niggerest place in North America. I once got two of you killed and I fucking laugh about it every God-damned day.
real time stanker
I noticed it, too. It went unanswered this season.
Nah the umbrella academy was reddit, The Boys is manly and fucked up.
I like this show because I'm tired of capeshit, and like superhero faggots being portrayed as narcisstic assholes being killed.
It's not against christianity, it's against what amerimutts call christianity.
>there is no anti-american message
>how reddit is it?
>real talk
I can't TAKE this shit no mo'
T. person who has never stepped inside a church let alone a megachurch.
It's extremely reddit but it's also really good so idk.
Hoes mad
10/10 (you) fuel
>>Christianity bad
Project much?
>>america bad
And? No country is perfect
>>capitalism bad
Yes and? No system is good
>>being a whore good
Way to misread
>>atheism good
Fuck sake these zoomers get dumber every day
ur the retard who cant read between the lines and understand what people mean. he referring to the philosophical standpoint that is popular on reddit. Are those ideas fucking retarded left shit? yeah. Does the show cater to those views? yeah.