Why are men scared of dating successful actresses?
Why are men scared of dating successful actresses?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be rich and famous
>still get rejected cuz niggerkids
'Shockingly' Someone Wants Charlize Theron To 'Grow A Pair' And Throw Her Niglets Out
I don't think anyone wants to date someone who adopted two niggers instead of passing on her aryan genes.
No, I don't want to date a white woman who has black kids who are transitioning into the opposite gender.
Yeah, I'm really lining up to date a woman with two adopted niglet children, one of which she brainwashed in to being a tranny and who probably will murder her in her sleep when he gets older and realizes what she has done to him.
How could anyone not want that?
Why doesn't she ask someone out?
Are men scared of women that overshadow them?
Doesn't she want her tranny daughter to grow a pair of balls too?
it's probably that she has back trannie kids.
>black """"""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""
She sealed her fate when she adopted the nigglet.
>get adopted in rich family
plot twist it's a crazy liberal say bye to your balls jamal
the fucked up thing about her adopting a couple of niggers, she's south African, she should know what niggers are like and she still adopts them.
Men seriously need to step up
is this why she's castrating him kek
So how long until this bitch snaps and kills the kids? I give it within the next 5 years.
There is a reason why shes torturing them
Most men aren't scared of women. What Charlize Theron is really saying is "no man in my life is interested in having a relationship with me." Women like this still don't understand how many options exist for attractive guys, they unironically think that their supermodel knight in shining armor will come along who loves their shallow personality and doesn't care about their shitty baggage. Sorry Charlize, you're still pretty hot, but you keep on adopting niglets and acting like a diva.
I feel bad for the boy, falling into the claws of neurotic wreck of a woman, ending up fucked up for the rest of your life because of her twisted ideas.
>play a cold sociopathic bitch in just about every movie you're in
>adopt monkey tranny kids
>complain when people think you're an undesirable mate
More like disgusted. I'd rather die than be a cuck raising her baby apes.
>insulate yourself from the world at large (probably rightfully so these days) and avoid the public
>Be surprised that nobody can interact with you
I really don’t blame her with all the paparazzi shit and all the general baggage that comes with being a celebrity, but these are the precautions you unfortunately need to sign up for when you choose this lifestyle.
I'm pretty sure a large part of Yea Forums fantasises about the idea of being adopted by a rich mommy who turns them into a girl.
this reminds me of that german user that was dating a woman until he found out she had a black kid.
Didnt end good
I asked a girl out last night. No call
>who turns them into a girl.
Not so sure about that part, buddy.
What the fuck is wrong with leftists?
Imagine how annoying dating her would be. Highest I dated above my league was 20yo model and she was insufferable cunt.
They even put it in quotes as if Dr Evil has written it.
>claims she can fart like a man
>adopts tons of negro kids
>wonders why no man is asking her out
That's part of the propaganda, monkey see monkey do.
Certain groups are trying to neutralize a threat (anons), that's why it's normalised so much here.
A good portion of the posters are AI bots, and/or agents from outside interests.
The Internet is the new field of warfare, and the field is the best place to test the viability of an asset.
they have a sense of humor
Fatansy=/=reality, that's what you tranny freaks don't understand.
>le scare quote meme for that
you are illiterate.
loving every laff
>Fucking date me you pussies!
Gee, I wonder why she's single. Has anyone ever told women no one wants to date an asshole?
What could be the reason?
It was supposed to be a joke, captain autismo.
her womb is too old now.
Imagine going from sexiest woman alive to no one wants that. I'm surprised suicide rates of 30+ women aren't that high
Because she has nothing to offer to the men she wants
She is a famous, rich actress
The men she wants are also famous and rich
So she offers literally nothing to them
Meanwhile, to an average joe she would offer a ton, but she just isn't interested in that
She doesn't realize that the higher you go, the harder it is to date up
>be modern woman
>born with a genetic victory hole
>manage to fuck it all up
Why are women so bad at being women nowadays?
>I’ve got a live one over heeeeeeeeere
What happened?
She has more money than you'll earn in your life, so she's clearly not doing too bad.
Feminism makes women end up miserable and alone
It's funny, tho
No one is scared of dating a millionaire. What she’s neglecting to mention (I’m not reading this clickbait) is that she wants a tall rich actor to ask her out, totally ignoring the probably millions of advances put forth by non celebs on social media or in person.
Let's be real for a sec, do famous people not realize that like 95% of the population is not allowed to go anywhere near them?, so it makes it difficult to meet people
Even if you wanted to ask Theron out, you would either get tackled to the ground by hoards of security or laughed at by her because you don't have at least six figures in your bank account.
You would literally be surprised with the amount of cucks that exist.
I know boomers that literally brag about this shit
>Loool my wife said she would NEVER date me when we first met in high school
>But then I met her again when we were in our 30's and I made her fall in love with me
>Just goes to show that you should never give up haha!
This is an actual conversation I had with someone in their late 30's. He dated that woman for a year before they got married. I have never seen this amount of C U C K before in my life
She drowned the groid and became an hero
well look what do you expect ugly men to do? they can't get them when they are fresh
She's literally begging for dick publicly. How is that a good thing?
A woman would never date anyone who earns less money than them or is less successful, so if you can't come near her you don't even exist
Nigger sympethyser
The only thing less attractive than an old, washed up single mom
Is an old, washed up single mom who adopted niggers.
she tried to kill herself but didnt
Isn't she batshit insane?
What if I have 8 figures
Well. At least his kids look nice.
That's what Blue Valentine taught me
Is she a woman? There's your answer.
I'm glad it had a happy ending.
>go on bumble
>women MUST send the first message
>read all the profiles
>over half complain that no one makes the first move
KEK at pic
Is that real? That's fucking hilarious.
i think you mean boys
I don't think men are scare of successful women as much as they are scared of Theron. There just is a scary vibe about her, like a praying mantis.
If you're in that guy's spot, deep down, you must know why she's suddenly interested in you. Is it really better to live with a roastie who has taken twenty dicks and is only with you for the money? I think I'd rather spend my life alone than living such a lie.
>a rich woman 5 years older than you to give you nursing handjobs and peg you while making you dress like a girl in the privacy of the bedroom
>a rich woman 20-30 years older than you who will offload her tranny nigglet spawn on you to drag around in public while everyone takes pictures and laughs and may give you access to her dried up old beefcurtains if you've been a good cuck during the day
See the difference?
>his kids
he lookd slike hes in his 40s. seems like an ok deal to me
What i dont get...if shes so rich, why doesnt she hire like 3 nannies?
I know she wants to raise them herself, but why not get help?
She wants to show the world she is an independent woman and not a spoiled starlet she is. I reckon it's all nannies at home.
There's no way he was 23. Dude looks like a 50 year old man.
i'm single
women need to grow a pair of tits, step up and date me
fucking femcels
Burn the coal pay the toll, or as for her buy the coal pay the toll.
>couple of niglets running around her
Gee I wonder why she is single
All the money in the world can't buy you niggerlessness
I know a guy that is actually 25 but looks like he is 40.
Bad clothing, bad hair, bad glasses, bad posture
Hollywood is an evil place. It feels weird to say but I'm certain demon possession is common there. It's a portal to Hell.
>and may give you access to her dried up old beefcurtains if you've been a good cuck during the day
Yeah no, she is feeling really tired today...
I swipe on bumble mostly for the lulz.
Ive lost count how many i have matched only to see the 24 hour clock run out and we get auto de-matched.
Tinder was just as bad if not worse. Except there, women expect the opening line to be along the lines of
>I will give you a free expensive dinner tonight and each night after that until i figure out all you want are free meals.
Bumble is "slightly" better than Tinder since it forces women to do work. Tinder every profile is
>i like tacos
>i swipe right for your dog
>i pet all the dogs
>feed me and tell me im pretty
>I wont message first. Im an old soul. guys should be chivalrous
>massive nerd. (translation: i watched end game)
>final line usually is anti-trump (who the fuck bases a relationship on politics?)
>numerous gym rat photos
>nearly every picture is a group photo
>the rare solo picture is a wide shot in front of a mountain or Machu Picchu
>at least half of their photos are them drunk with drink in hand
Most of the time i dont even read the profile anymore. The first picture usually tells me
>high maint.
>you used to be popular in H.S./college but now you're in your 30's, no one wants to date you, but you still insist on living like its mean girls.
I'm 32 and get carded 90% of the time. I suppose it is better than the alternative.
>awkwardly tries to kiss Brad Pitt
I like how "surprise kisses" went down tje memory hole lel
And that clearly made her happy.
If you're 23 and look like you're fucking 50 (and you're a cuck) I don't think you are going to do a lot better than single mothers to begin with.
(visible confusion)
Satan here nailed it, feminism is unironically the most harmful thing that ever happened to women. It benefits the 0.1% of women who are career-obsessed, competitive and essentially men in drag, but destroys everyone else's chances of happiness.
lol also this
>woman has niglets
>complains about racist men in her profile dumping her when they find out she burned the coal.
>puts that she has "mixed" kids in her profile
>next line complains that everyone is racist because she no longer matches with anyone.
>What i dont get...if shes so rich, why doesnt she hire like 3 nannies?
She probably has a nanny but the photos are taken when she actually hangs out with them. She doesn't look happy at all so I assume she must be regretting. She says it wasn't her idea to dress the nigglet as a girl but I don't believe it. When you raise a kid telling him it's ok to wear tutu and paint your nails you created it
>Get in the car you fucking Kaffer
>Hendrik Verwoerd was right
>Hey goy, why don't you want this 40-year old woman who has hit the wall to raise these tranny apes together with in a beautiful diverse family?
She overshadowed those little men so hard their skin looks black,lol.
Tbh the match and no talk thing is because they don't actually find you attractive and don't want to go out. They're just swiping on you for the confidence boost of a match and to see what type of guys swipe them. If they catch a Chad they'll talk of course. For normal dudes tinder and bumble are fucking pointless, the women on there are low quality. Honestly any advice I'd give for dudes looking for a girl would be just ask girls out in person if you find them attractive, literally anywhere is fine. You'll get tons of no's but as long as you're polite noone will care.
of course it was her idea, it's Münchausen by proxy, she is literally mental
Maybe it is because she is old and ugly now.
>you used to be popular in H.S./college but now you're in your 30's, no one wants to date you, but you still insist on living like its mean girls.
yup. they are still looking for their chad. and rage in their profiles that no chad is asking them out in their late 30s
..... What does it taste like?
Feminism in the 20th century was almost entirely pushed by Jewish lesbians.
It's not some weird coincidence that the entire movement encourages white women not to breed and is rabidly hostile to Christianity.
>who turns them into a girl
you had me until there but i'd be a baby boy to BDH anyday ADOPT ME ALREADY
Oh, but don't do this at work you fucking aspies. It's fine asking a bird at work out (preferably not in your department) but get to know her first otherwise you're just gonna cause problems.
Tastes kinda funny.
Like baloney.
how to ruin the life of your kids by constantly confusing them for political reasons : lesson 1.
>kiss me like a shiksa bradd
A buddy of mine was already balding in high school and is so hairy everywhere else that he looks 20 years older than he is.
Julia Roberts is literally the only example I can think of. She married some key grip or set electrician and they live in New Mexico or some shit. Can’t think of a single other.
According to insiders Julia Roberts has no body hygiene, so there's that.
margot robbie married a guy who was the "third assistant director" on a movie she was doing, although all he's done since is get producer credits on her movies
Sweaty pussy juice?
yeah asking women out in person is how you you get someone "out of your league". People evaluate by totally different standards online
these people usually tend to breed with members of their caste, and the fact that nowadays she's very irrelevant in the industry (plus god knows what her chest looks like after the cancer treatment) doesn't help.
charlize wouldn't have this issue if she hadn't her spawns around
She doesn't shower nor shave apparently.
it's kaffir, you fucking boere
>swipe left if you voted for trump
It's always a fat chick with tattoos and dyed hair
Ive never been able to get past small talk or friendly talk.
I try to flirt or be more persuasive, but it never goes beyond small talk
How to fix this?
lol, dating Angelina Jolie is like getting the worst of both Charlize Theron and Amber Heard
>turns one of her kids transgender
>goes on to enforce the very gender roles she set out to destroy by telling people to grow a pair
oh no no no no
In her league men can get the woman they want, they won't want a 50 year old egocentric woman when a 20 year old Stacy 10/10 is an option
Angelina Jolie used to fuck her brother and got her tits amputated, because she's scared of breast cancer. That bitch is fucking crazy.
you literally just ask them out. There's no inching towards it, this isn't high school, a pleasant 5 minute conversation is the only chance you get. Then be prepared to take a "no" with no further prodding by you and move on. It ultimately won't feel that bad since you don't have a crush on her or anything. But women will be more receptive than online and you'll be able to learn quicker what works vs the void of online reactions
Probably still a better life than they would have in Africa.
Just walk up to them, say "Hey ladies you're looking good tonight," and walk away. Works every time.
wew lads
Because of metoo and the fact they’re all shallow cretins with the personality of a brick
>Men now know what Princess Leia went through with Jabba
I bet she wouldnt even date seth rogan
>tfw she calls the police instead of saying 'no'
This cant be real. I refuse to believe this. Is this a joke, user?
God, women cant be this retarded.
cringe, why did she do that?
how the fuck can't you read a singular sentence correctly
>22 years ago when i was 23
he's 45 now
Become taller and more attractive
Very attractive men are often not funny or interesting, but women will feign it to get that sweet sweet chad dick
>mfw the kids grow up to resent their mom cause she's white
The irony is that she'll be the one to teach them to hate wait people cause liberal
You literally have to be blunt.
open with small talk for about a minute, then go DIRECTLY for the jugular.
Unless you're in Ireland. Irish girls for whatever the fuck reason prefer to play games for months on end and assertiveness is seen as a turn-off.
no wait
i'm the retarded one
why didnt anyone tell me
And that's his wedding photo, you dumb cunt.
imagine if the genders were reversed in that picture
some ugly fat guy trying to kiss a pretty actress
in modern day's metoo hollywood
I'm sure the women would just feel sorry for the ugly bastard and not overreact at all
the kids stayed prepubescent for 22 years? incredible!
Irish girls always like to fondle you sexually and then back off when you respond. Like what you jokingly grab my dick five times how is that hilarious after the fourth time?
Charlize doesn't even like the kids, she keeps them with babysitters all day unless she's going to be seen in public.
If you did marry her, you'd only have to be around them like one day in the week.
No, she just had new black kids while they were married.
Go make an account
the rule of three in comedy is entirely lost on most women. Its why female comics always tell the same jokes. They dont understand that after 3 times, a joke is no longer funny and forcing it will NOT make it funny again.
I have literally seen anyone be this retarded on this website.
me too, plenty of times.
il y a 8 mois
What an ugly language
'The Rule of 3'? Shouldn't it be 'The Rule of 1'? But I'm not a comedian for a living, so...eh.
>If you did marry her, you'd only have to be around them like one day in the week.
That's one day too much if I'm hollywood-tier rich.
She's used goods, and there are tons of women who look better than her everywhere.
Everything points to her having a shitty personality too, so why bother?
He will never get to fuck a cunny, so I wouldn't be so sure.
I went on one date with the sole purpose of being a 200% asshole
>get to table
>begin to order drinks
>tell waiter 2 checks
>see a combination of horror and rage flash on her face
>waiter walks off with orders
>she asks WTF!?
>i tell her, you made it abundantly clear that you are a strong independent woman who is able to take care of herself.
>FINE! im leaving and you can just enjoy my meal by yourself
>she comes back 3 min later
>You're my ride, and im hungry. im eating and we arent talking
>ROFL! who said i was taking you home?
I deliberately took her to a (rather good mind you) restaurant 45 minutes from her house. Once i paid my bill and started to leave and broke down, cried, and began to offer sex as a means to get home without having to pay a $300 uber ride.
I went home and masturbated instead.
"scared" is just their strategy to attack your ego if their selfish needs aren't fulfilled. immediately drop women who do that, they'll respect you more and their friends will know you are a man while they bullshit them how you are an insecure asshole.
Women 2019
wtf is this real?
And then everyone clapped
Disgusting. I would just fuck her, for nostalgia sake, and then proceed to marry a 18 yo hottie, who still smells of milk.
spend a year on any of the mobile dating apps. It will make you bitter to the point all you want to do fuck over the tinder thots instead of actually dating/fucking them.
After a certain point money doesn't bring more happiness.
The problem with this is that she can take your picture and this story and fuck you up by writing it on facebook or reddit.
Even being mean on a date can fuck you up if ut went meme viral
femcels on suicide watch
I think this one is true because of the despair at the end. Women don't know what to do when their routine fails. They are entirely dependent on social norms and would immediately be slaves if the power went out for two weeks
would this work on grindr?
asking for someone i know.
Lean Dun-"Ate Too Much"-ham
Dating apps are the most toxic things on this planet.
Id argue 6 months is enough to make any male bitter to the point of just fucking with any girl for amusement over pleasure.
>Yeah no, she is feeling really tired today...
I would too if I had to take care of those kids
Slander is illegal.
Guys wanna fuck. Guys have lower expectations
Guys dont mind splitting the check
It depends.
She could just be telling what happen
Look at Aziz ansari
Oh yeah I'm sure an emotional jilted roastie is going to also be an expert on jurisprudence
You're not sure of anything, you fucking retarded redditor
i worked with a flaming homo for a few months in my last dept.
yea no. Men just care about fucking and dont care about splitting the check.
No but it would be a funny prank ha ha
>I went home and masturbated instead.
This would be the right choice because after all of that, there's no way she would actually have sex with you unless you're literally Henry Cavil.
And if she had, she would just accuse you of rape later.
On reddit there was a girl, the kind that is into dominant stuff. She said when she goes on a date she choose the place and pays for both her and the guy. That's just as as fucked. Imagine a girl that is as much controling on your first date, she's looking for a bitch boy
>a $300 uber ride
LOL @ coastiecucks
this seems easier than one would think. why do bitches make it over complicated then? is it something their mothers teach them?
>accuse you of rape later.
And this is why i chose masturbation.
I'll date her if she kills her niglets in front of me.
Hit me up, Charlize. I know you want it too.
Based and redpilled
>Step up
If you ever hear this from a woman, it's the calling card of desperation and only vapid cunts say it. Run a mile.
She's famous and actively seeks fame, people like that are batshit insane by default. And she's an actor, which is just crazy icing on the bonkers cake. She's also probably a massive self important cunt.
I used to think this was just a Hollywood meme. To me this seems like such a weird, awkward thing to do. Once I have a girls number I just buy 2 bottles vodka and invite her over. You go to a restaurant with your gf/wife and not random skanks lol
Just don't be black and explain the situation to the officers, politely.
Have sex with me incel
>already has children AKA single mother
>why won't men ask me out?
She's a legit psycho, people evolved to sniff those types out a long time ago, just look at her eyes.
Two bottles of vodka? What the fuck man that's a ridiculous amount of alcohol
Shit like this is why I specifically don't date American women. Asian women, European women, hell get a some Tribal bush African woman. Anything is better than entitled overweight idiotic slutty American women.
This. Most of these women search a partner on same level or higher. But give her position many equal her have already a wife or seek younger, less complicated women.
can confirm, not saying I 100% buy this user's story, but after six months on tinder I decided to delete it because of how fucking shitty it is, got a much bigger success ratio IRL
>Daily reminder that she's a literal dad fucker and when her mom found out murdered the poor bastard in cold blood
Really? Because that is hot as fuck
Women know they are hot. They can pick the best guy
Women want to be dine and wine.
Women know their vagina is treasured by men.
Women are childish. Child like.
A nice friday evening with a mate. But I sure as fuck wouldn't be able to have sex after that lmao.
Not that I intend to shag my mate
Dont forget she bullied our guy Tom Hardy on the set of mad max
Tom hardy wanted to stay in character and be alone and this fucking bitch bullied him in front of everyone
are South African cuties better than Aussie ones?
More info?
Where did u go in real life
depends what's your looking for
Well look he could have shut that down immediately no? Guys are too nice to women. Even saying "whatever you stupid bitch" would have left everyone gobsmacked
I saw it on youtube, watchmojo or something . She mocked him and trash talked him because he was staying in character and acting autistic. So she was like a high school bully. Mocked him on set.
Toasty Roastie once had it all
Toasty Roastie crashed in the wall
All of the white knights and all the cucked "men"
Couldn't make Roastie attractive again
obviously overdoing it on the makeup but my goodness what a piece
He just wanted to stay alone in character.
>>adopt monkey tranny kids
This is your brain on tv/pol. Memes galore.
>bud light
She looks like MILF material.
I have more spidermans than you, m8
Well that's unprofessional,my guess is she felt threatened and needed to throw her weight around like a female cop or something
And the only male child she has went trans.
I don't think you could create more red flags if you tried.
Both are pretty cute desu
To be honest "method actors" deserve to be bullied. Your job consists on faking it, not becoming a fictional character yourself
I want slow anal with her. Slow trusts. Feeling every inch till im balls deep.
While i stick my tongue down her mouth.
>SHOCKING!! Star From TDRK Tom Hardy Insults Co-Star Charlize Theron On The Set Of The New "Mad Max" Movie
>Sources tell he ignored her and when she was talking with him, and later the British actor shut her down calling her a "stupid b*tch" in a surprising misogynistic bout
Yeah, going full retard and destroying his career with no survivors would have been the smart choice
>crazy MILF + pre-teen trap combo
Isn't that fucking aweso...
>black pre-teen trap
I'll pass.
whenever it happened, it's not something you plan
if you actually do that like an autist you're just going to be that, an autist
But you dont mock someone on set in front of everyone.... you dont bully someone in front of crew. FUCKING BITCH
Theres an episode on that shit show Aziz Ansari Has on nopeflix that has a scene that accurately portrays why dating apps are shit. He meets a girl for a date and she orders a fuck load of food and asks for to go boxes before the food arrives, making it obvious she's only there for free food.
That's about 75% of the experiences I've had through tinder, of the remaining quarter most didn't show up and/or completely ghosted me with no warning or reason given.
imagine if women worked like men do and suddenly you have desperate Charlize Theron was dating some fatass neckbeard and treated him like king
Also I never saw her name spelled out before and assumed it's "Charlie Zethron"
Does Theron and Jolie hate their adopted children? They must realize that there is 0% chance of having relationship with someone worthwhile when they are surrounded by them.
>suddenly you have desperate Charlize Theron was dating some fatass neckbeard and treated him like king
What??? Explain further
Lads, this is the fella. Yeah that one over there. See him? He based.
Pls date Elon musk
Maternal instinct should kick in
>she orders a fuck load of food and asks for to go boxes before the food arrives
are you serious? what in the fuck..
>Charlize was uncomfortable with Tom's method acting. They said: 'Charlize and Tom are just not getting on together.
>Professionally, they are doing a wonderful job, but in-between takes Tom likes to stay in character and is constantly talking to himself and mumbling things.
>'Charlize has tried to talk to him during breaks in filming but he shuts himself off from the rest of the cast.' Mad Max: Fury Road will be released next year.
Did she actually do anything? Tom sounds like a retard, he also had big problems on the Revenant set
>Here you go, I hope you like Bud Light, I put a little lime salt to spice it up a bit.
DESU I'd probably never get the hint.
>Chain smoker old hag with tranny black kids
That shit was written by a white knight.
She yelled at him and mocked him.
hes a big autist
>middle age
>adopted kids because she doesn't want to have kids herself
>lives a super busy life
>is constantly targeted by press and gossip mongers
Seriously man. Even if she looks good it doesn't mean that she's worth dating.
>began to offer sex as a means to get home without having to pay a $300 uber ride.
I dont know but this sounds like a good deal
Maybe they both suck
>Tom, who shows off his extensive collection of tattoos as he poses in just a pair of Alfred Dunhill trousers on the front cover of the magazine, also let slip that he doesn't consider himself to be as manly as some might think.
>He told the publication: 'I don't feel very manly. I don't feel rugged and strong and capable in real life, not how I imagine a man ought to be.
>'So I seek it, to mimic it and maybe understand it, or maybe to draw it into my own reality. People who are scary, they terrify me, but I can imitate them.
>I'm not a fighter. I'm a petite little bourgeois boy from London. I don't fight, I mimic.'
He sounds insecure af
I don't entirely believe that story, but I've done similar things in the past. If I'm on a date and it becomes obvious she's only there for a free movie/meal and isn't going to at least try to be as engaging or entertaining as I'm attempting to be I immediately say good bye and leave. If we're at a restaurant I pay for only myself.
Aside from the initial tantrum most of them threw I've suffered no repercussions.
This guy gets it.
Instant rape accusation next day.
That is if she doesnt change her mind as soon as you reach her house
has a girl invite me to a play she was in, introduced me to her friends afterwards, then immediately told me she had a party to go to and left and I never heard from her again.
>Why don't man ask me out
>being a responsible adult is a fetish for women
I was talking about his attitude to her
About Hardy and Theron
>She told Esquire magazine back in April 2015 that they 'drove each other crazy.'
>And when filming finally ended, her co-star presented her with a self-portrait and the note: 'You are an absolute nightmare, BUT you are also f***ing awesome. I'll kind of miss you. Love, Tommy.'
It sounds like it wasn't that bad
Virgin detected.
never NEVER accept sex as a form of payment from a woman.
unless you have an lawyer present to witness the date, the offer, and the actual act of the sex.
She made a commitment she regretted and rather than man up and tell you, she fulfilled what she felt was the very minimum required of her and then ghosted, guilt free.
>stable people capable of stable relationships
pick one. Never, ever date an actress.
it's 2019
No, it sounds like Charlize is a cunt and Tom is a professional and a well adjusted adult.
literally none of you would ever have a chance with her anyway
Did she seriously adopt a black boy and start dressing him as a girl?
What does it have to do with responsibility?
and? you think I would want her?
No means no, Charlize
how the fuck did he do it?
Hah i sang that while reading it, someone needs to make a song out of it!
yeah I'm sure you're committed to protecting your virginity at all costs at this point. Thats why you can't get laid.
She's a cumbucket. A nymphomaniac well beyond her prime.
look mate, I understand you're used to projecting your own issues onto others, but some people have standards even if you don't
Haha yeah wouldn't that be just terrible, having a woman dominate you like that just imagine
>I-I just have standards
>thats why im a virgin well into my 30's
lmao cope harder, incel
Im literally virgin waiting for my mom to make dinner for me while I jerk off to porn, Id rather keep my life as it is than play family man for crazy and her adopted nigglets.
I'm 22.
It was just a shitty joke, but actually making a choice as to where they want to eat AND paying for it are both examples of taking responsibility, rather than just passively going along until Something you dislike happens and disappearing into the wind with out a word.
yeah i figured i was just an ass in the seat so she could say she had some guy coming to flex or whatever
women truly are disgusting
screwing over a guy just for a free meal
i doubt these women are too poor to be able to afford food, they're just too lazy to cook
>more successful and rich than you could ever dream of being
The Architect is our hero!
>literally none of you would ever have a chance with her anyway
Why not if she is so desperate to have a bf?
>Tom is a professional and a well adjusted adult.
he's gay as fuck. any straight man can tell you that.
Is for
nice larp, incel
She is kinda bitchy tho and I don't find her that attractive.
In turn she wouldn't find me attractive at all either so it's a win/win
because none of you pussies have balls, it's very clearly stated.
Do you have anything worthwhile to say?
>literally none of you would ever have a chance with her anyway
Well that doesn't really matter since I'm not interested, you know
Your previous post implied that even if any of the ugly autists that dwell on this site had the balls to ask her out she would reject them as they have no chance with her.
>Meet shy introverted QT at college.
>Take her out to dinner.
>Check comes.
>Reach for wallet.
>QT says that she want to pay.
>"Really? Alright, thank you."
>"H-how do I do it, user?"
>Explain the check is in the little folder and to put her debit card in it and the waitress will bring it back, etc.
>She pays and for a moment beams with pride.
Plus during the dinner itself she kept pulling out strips of paper out of her purse that that conversation ideas and questions written on them. Such as:
>What's your favorite dinosaur and why?
Won't lie, her autism was cute as fuck.
That doesn't sound like responsibility to me but more like being bossy. Generally you ask the person if she wants to go there, it's an agreement. And whene did feminists go from I pay for my own meal to i decide what we eat and I pay for your food and there's no discussion.
>went trans.
i'm sure he had no real say in the matter
>we want equality!
>women should receive the same pay at work! i'm a progressive liberal!
>but women should never need to pay for their dinner, i'm traditional like that
did you fingerbang her anus?
>Honestly any advice I'd give for dudes looking for a girl would be just ask girls out in person if you find them attractive, literally anywhere is fine
Shittiest advide ever to get a partner next to just bee yourself bruh
Pretty great at getting harrasment complaints tho.
What happened next? Sounds too cute to be true
Women are just individuals like everybody, you can't make generalization based on loud feminists. Most women despise the feminist movement although they like to enjoy the gibs it has created for them. Feminsists don't date men anyway so what would they know about paying the restaurant bill.
I accept that.
I still don't want to be close to niggers.
>Say that women are whores and are actually privileged
Just like my anime
>shy introverted QT at college
As a male with asperger, I call bullshit.
Well I had lived my my grillfriend at the time but luckily my mother was out of town so I took the QT there and fucked her in my mother's bed.
I ended up dating her on the side for 1.5 years.
Living the dream.
not intrested my girl is young and nigger free
i would be very confused during the date, but still very interested.
but also reading this story has my gut screaming at me to run away because it is abundantly clear that she was not raised to be an adult and i would essentially be taking care of and needing to educate her on what she missed during her teens, not actually dating her.
she sounds cute AF, but the inability to adult really sets my alarm bells into GTFO mode.
>you can't make generalization based on loud feminists.
Yes we can.
>Most women despise the feminist movement
and until this majority you speak of speaks out against the movement, we will continue to put all women in the same category.