Dark Knight

>be Dark Knight opening scene
>be better than 20 years of a """"cinematic""""" universe
Oh no no no....

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Bus scene was retarded though

So why do they call him the Joe Kerr?

MCU will never topple the Nolan trilogy. Even if TDKRis weaker than the other two it is infinitely more captivating and soulful than any MCU movie

So he just stands there with all the makeup and shit and no one is suspicious?
No wonder this movie aged like milk.

Is he related to Wang Kerr?

Entire scene was fucking retarded and have to be a dumbshit Amerimutt to not die of laughter.
Why do manchildren pretend that DC shit is in any way more profound than MCU drivel?

Why would anyone be? It's just a guy with makeup, he wasn't known yet.

>utterly improbable string of events
>hysterical breakneck editing speed
>awful dialogue
>just go among the school buses bro

Shit scene

>Seeing some freak with makeup and a mask in a major American city is odd.

You should see what people look like in Chicago, NY, and LA. This is not out of the ordinary

I hope you don't think that unironically

Nolan Batman is the only good capeshit.

It's not exactly the most subtle move before robbing bank. One could argue he didn't care about being scene or possibly getting caught and it may have played into the word of mouth scene at the end of Begining, "talks of a joker robbing banks" etc

Nolan Batman is embarassed of it's own source material and can't even coreograph a cool looking fight scene

TDK alone made a mark on an entire generation. It became instantly iconic. When you say "The Joker" most people think of Heath Ledger's rendition of The Joker. It's an absolute cultural landmark.
All this other capeshit released from this decade is instantly forgotten as soon as it leaves theaters.

Just admit it, the only reason you don't like it is because there aren't enough terrible quips and the fourth wall is never broken in a way that makes you think that your gay little superhero is actually interacting with you.


I still remember when the intro scene was leaked before the release and everyone was hype. These were the days before youtube was so monolithic. I watched it on some other video uploading website with it's own community, now defunct and forgotten.


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Because he is the son of Adrian Kerr
He says:
"My father was Adrian Kerr..."

Why he has Dunhier's mask?

If Nolan movies were released this year all the (((critics))) would take a big steaming shit over them.
Those movies were lucky to be released before Mouse started it's monopoly.

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What I really want to know is who was Yu Anya, and why did that mob banker want their friends dead?

why does everything have to be about jews you fucking retard

McDonald's arthouse

You misunderstood, he's just informing them of the bank's owner (Ewan Yuffrenz-Aded, a supposed big shot in the underground) to intimidate them in that line.

Believable relative to the stunts that Batman, Robin and the villains normally pull off in capeshit stories
Slick editing. Good pace.
Great dialogue. Great choice of actors with the Chicago accent, especially.
Just do capeshit bro.

is the top one an actual frame from a movie

shit like that is part and parcel of living in a big city

>just skulls

My first thought when watching the film was that I simply can't find a single shred of Heath Ledger in The Joker. Everytime he was on-screen I was trying to figure out how the fuck is that Heath Ledger. Not just the make-up but everything, from his tonal inflections, body language, mannerisms, the way he walked, everything. He was The Joker, no matter how cheesy that sounds.

Hell of a turn in his career, I still find him unrecognizable in that role to this day.

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Why is it always easy to spot Disney shills? I mean you guys need to work on your criticisms.

If you're not shills I am even more embarrassed for you brainlets.

Hitler would have given Ledger a pass so he's a goy in my book.

The real scary thing about the Joker is that any one of us could become him.

It's weird to see people talking about the ridiculousness of the movie when the comparisons is to marvel.

Endgame the supposed pinnacle of their franchise had a scene where they were testing their nu-gaunlet inside a closed chamber because it could be destructive while normal human level characters were literally inside the chamber.

If people nitpicked marvel movies, some of them would have more potholes and stupid shit than the entirety of the Nolan trilogy combined.

Ya, you throw any men in society and they could become the literal Joker. Scary thoughts

All kinds of weirdos in a city user. As long as you're not shouting or wielding a knife people will just ignore you.

You do realize I was also shitting on Marvel, you seething manbaby reject?

>capeshit is for retards
Shocking revelation. DC fanbabies are the only ones who pretend that their Guanoman adventures are some gritty realist ones.


Based and Dcpilled

Have fun snacking on that straw

Just a reminder he played a GAY MAN before Joker