Why did it bomb?

why did it bomb?

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book was unfilmable I’m the first and had horrible marketing. But this is really a thread about black people

>Unga bunga black peepol bad, huwaito peepol gud.


But it didn't! Disney dumped it in theaters for months just so it eventually would become profitable and they could claim it wasn't a flop.

>Barely advertised
>Uninteresting title
>No stars people actually care about (except perhaps Chris Pine). Who goes to the movies to watch Oprah?
>Nobody has read the book so there's no interest in seeing the adaptation
>Posters tell you absolutely nothing about the film, and are uninteresting
Were they even trying?

Why did Black Panther not bomb despite niggers?

seriously look at the cast. its not even suave nigger bulls or black panther's african culture. its just unappealing nigger sows.

Is this film any fun? Also, is the book good?

>make an adaptation of the whitest kids' book imaginable
>cast a bunch of minorities
pretty simple really

People didn't want to see magic black women who look like Dragon Ball Z characters.

How the fuck does something like this get green lit

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racism, white supremacy, racism, etc

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Because it wasn't white people made black. Black panther was always black.

The same reason shit like "Mars Needs Moms" gets made: money laundering.

leftist executives and producers (especially white leftist women) patting themselves on the back and showing everyone how "inclusive" they are

>we want the brown girl audience
>but we forgot to make the movie for them
>or for anyone
>men did it

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It was a c list franchise with no advertising or big name stars attached to it with a budget far too large.

Of course retarded nazis will tell you its because of race swapping.


based virtue signaling user

Oprah made it to feel good about herself.