How do we stop whitewashing movies?
How do we stop whitewashing movies?
>whitewashed movies flop
more like anime movies lol
kill all wh*te "people"
>a white character being played by a white actor is white washing
>example of WHITEwashing
Speed Racer was fucking great
Reminder that Ghost in the Shell was kino and only assblasted weebs were upset about it.
Since when was Avatar the Last Airbender ever anime?
yeah those movies totally wouldve been great with gooks in all the roles
By doing this.
Why does the white man feel like he owns our heritage?
Anime characters are drawn to be white...
These comics are made by a furiously insecure Philippino hapa
There's a lot to unpack here...
I rather have whtiewashing then blackwashing
just say mutt
>White lives matter
>All lives matter
>Blue lives matter
>Black lives matter
>filthypino hapa
I’ll be mad too if my mother was a whore for sexpats.
>Being this retarded in the year of our lord 2019
People of Color are learning to decode whitespeak. Your days are numbered
context dumbass, lives matter isnt about pride its about police brutality. Read a book
>Everyone is racist but me
>Now if you'll excuse me I have to go spend all of my free time drawing some internet cartoons wherein I endlessly obsess over race
I never used to wonder what it's like being an asian guy but now I'm starting to and it seems more fucking pathetic than I could ever imagine
Speed Racer was good though.
no its about killing cops
Being a person of color is about having your cultural identity stolen from you every moment of every day. I'm sure you wouldn't understand.
I'd gladly give up all 10 instances of whitewashing characters if Hollywood would stop blackstaining characters.
Whites were the last race that I became racist against. They're very subtle with their bullshit but it's definitely there and undeniable
Why is a fucking Fillipino of all things pretending he shares anything with the Japanese?
God, this guy is so passive-aggressive he should cute his dick and become a woman
There is nothing wrong with being Filipino. My maid is one and very good in housekeeping.
Being a white person is about having your cultural identity, money, and technological advancement stolen from you every moment of every day.
Being a person of color in america means you have no connection to your culture user, your parents traded it for your future and look at what you do with it. Multiculturalism isn't an anti white sentiment its an anti culture sentiment, it used to be considered good but now its just used as an ideological beat stick for fags like you to say nothing of value and blame it on whitey
Because we both are Asian people of color and we know about white theft?
they're the mexicans of asia
Cope, white people.
We don't. White actresses are beautiful. I want to see beauty in film. I prefer to look at Scarlett Johansson rather than some slitty-eyed Abominasian because of muh original anime.
this guy could make a pretty decent action/drama comic if he wasn't so pent up being as butthurt as the guy who made comics about radical feminism
>Goku is a white character
He gets more attention from rage, its why he has nothing to say other than look at how oppressed I am
why do they hide behind things like "filipino american" you're literally mutts lmao
What are the chances on this artist posts on r/asianmasculinity?
So are we just going to ignore that they made L black?
It doesn't fit into his narrative so of course not. We have to bitch about movies where robots are white and aliens look white, and the only people who bitch about it are snooty americans who don't realize the people who created these things give less than a fuck about it
Imagine complaining about no one respecting your food and then also getting the shits when they start eating your food
This guy is a bigoted anti-white piece of shit with zero self awareness whatsoever.
Filipino people are fucking ugly not gonna lie.
Why does this ASIAN ETHNO NATIONALIST think Asians should have a culture but while people shouldn't..
He needs to eat shit.
holy fuck is this filthipino hapa pathetic.
It's time to add Alita in this pic.
why does everyone except whites, jews, and the occasional jap suck at making movies?
No it isn't you fucking racist. It is about killing white cops.
I wonder why Marverl and DC comics are zombies if so many of shitskins want to but stuff about non hwites
Bottom right is 100% accurate.
Yes yes, those movies flopped because of white actors, not because they were fucking trash in every respect like all anime live action adaptations
Fucking flips want a piece of everyone else's pie, but they're too stupid to pump out doctors and engineers like the Indians and East Asians do, so instead they become stupid nurses and maids.
Guy clearly has a lot of respect for Jesus lumping him in with a bunch of cartoon characters
Yes? Goku has always been white.
>black hair
>black eyes
>asian name
>speaks Japanese
Totally white.
If this were true to reality the white guy would be getting boo'd by a multiracial crowd whilst the asian would be getting cheered by them
has nobody mentioned that filipino food is fucking disgusting?
>Blue lives matter
As soon as possible.
Even the handful of current actors are being replaced with women or goofy looking black men in roles. It's hilarious seeing it.
Into the trash it goes
Cops, retard.
Peak bugman insecurity.
Well the crowd cheering is white so he isn't wrong
Cops aren't people.
He speaks English and sounds kind of american, chinkcel. Stop watching subs.
It's more mainstream even amongst whites to be against any kind of European pride so I'd say it could go either way. The way the guy makes it out like it is a big problem is stupid though. He's strawmanning people saying they have cognitive dissonance but he's just as bad himself and proves that with all his terrible comics
Literally kill yourself nigger.
I support cops protecting me from niggers.
To be fair, two of those is because he was raised by a Japanese martial arts master. His race just naturally has black hair and black eyes with no exceptions, which is actually a point in favor of non-Asian ancestry since in Dragon Ball canonically Asian characters commonly have non-black hair, like Bulma and Launch, as well as a bunch of side-characters, and half of the canonically white characters have black hair (Android 17).
They are when suicide-by cop is such a common trend in society and not even racial in nature.
There's faggots who opt to get killed by a cop instead of doing it alone, and when it's trendy enough you shouldn't be surprised that cops are always jumpy when literal jump-scare suicidal zombies are a constant danger.
>He speaks English and sounds kind of american
He literally sounds like an old grandma and doesn't know any language other than Japanese.
That's canon. Just because you don't like it doesn't make any other version more official. They are all non-canon.
>canonically white characters
Don't exist.
Why is this faggot being spammed all of a sudden? Giving us an even worse reputation than the usual.
inb4 the most powerful race in the world
> white producer
> white director
> white writer
I-it’s the one nigger’s fault.
Rent free
>moves to a white country
>wtf why is everyone European and doing European things and making things for other Euros
>wtf why is america white and not pandering to me don't they know they had slaves 400 years ago
>dresses in jeans t-shirt, wears a suite and tie
>err white culture is non existent, noooo don't dress in a kimono thats my culture
Jesus wasn’t white bro he was middle eastern
This just goes to prove that as much as you try to appease these subhumans, it doesn't make a difference.
I'd love to see this whiny chink counteract someone who openly admits to being racist.
He's white and that's that, Ask any boomer and even zoomer who grew up on the cartoons and they'll tell you that. Cope and have sex, ricecel.
>retards discussing what race Goku is
>in a Japanese anime wholly influenced by Chinese Xianxia and Chinese fantasy
The best argument you can shit out is that Goku is from one of the Turkic tribes around China or a few of the Slavic tribes who went farther east and even that would be retarded.
Gotta love how pinoys would sell out one of their own. Being European and Chinese cock sleeves makes you think like that, I suppose
No they aren't, retard. They are drawn to be Japanese. Nips see them as Japanese.
It is very obvious when a you have a white anime character.
Then neither do Asians. If 17 and 18 aren't American teenagers, and Chiaotzu and Tien aren't Chinese martial artists to contrast with Krillin and Goku's Japanese martial artistry, then race in Dragon Ball is non-existent.
Speed Racer and GitS were not bad.
Think of it this way.
If a character isn't specifically said to have come from a specific place in a manga/anime, they are Japanese.
Those movies flopped because they were shit. And admit it, they would have flopped even harder if the cast wasn't whitewashed
He's a self-righteous faggot with a victim complex and can't move on from the past. Are the Spanish or any Europeans still making the Philippines a hellhole that it is now?
He is no different than stonetoss. Both of them know their target audience and how to milk reactions for money
Hah trick comic, but niggers AND pitbulls are dangerous.
This is a good panel though
That's a terrible way to think about it. By that logic, the Pillar Men are Japanese because it's merely implied in their designs and origin that they're Meso-American.
I see way more white trash owners of pitbulls than niggers
Yet that's exactly how anime and manga work.
>some kike pretends to be asian
>draws a bunch of comics blaming whites for petty stuff
>white people get mad at asians
Don't fall for these jewish tricks lads, there is no reason why whites and asians cannot get along.
Yeah it's always trailer whites or latinos.
I would like to thank asian men for making asian women
top lads
I agree desu, and honestly I gotta agree a bit with some of the whitewashing examples
Speed Racer was pure kino. Fantastic eye candy and story faithful to the anime in its goofiness.
It's almost fascinating though how some of these other movies failed. Like Ghost in the Shell seeming to abandon the core concept of the original as it had the fake identity plot shoved in and did the whole fake memories thing rather than focus on just making a decent action action movie involving an AI that's sentient.
Or Last Airbender that had the Twist man trying to make the ending look so mundane for the majority of the movie instead of fantastical eye candy.
At this point he's just pretending to be retarded if he doesn't understand why modern artists learn from the European masters ("dead white guys").
Shut the fuck up, weebfag
No one blames black people for that, idiot.
Skeleton with a gun sounds way fucking cooler than whatever we got now.
i'm 5'11 and go to the gym
I don't wear jeans since its not 2001 and I don't like anime, but I have to endure it If I am smashing yellow pus
>yeh I totally love akira and ghost in the shell
>in the butt it goes
anal is punishment for making me watch anime, but they seem to enjoy it I think there is a thin layer separating the vagina wall
Enjoy living your new form of Facism.
Josh is such an insecure microcock faggot
Blonde hair, blue eyes
He can fuck off back to the Philippines.
What whitewashing? The faggot keeps mentioning the same four shitty cartoon adaptations that should never have been made in the first place.
What about Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee? What about Chinese movies like Ip Man and Hard Boiled? What about half Asians like Keanu Reeves?
There are plenty of good movies for Asians if you look a little beyond capeshit and Star Wars.
But of course he doesn't, is evident of the fact that this guy doesn't care for anything that isn't produced by Disney. He's an uncultured whiner.
cops kill more whites than blacks
>inb4 proportional
fbi stats
Why does he eat out for his own cuisine, when he should be able to cook it himself.
thank you wise ritsu
This is some impressive reaching supported almost entirely by his obvious insecurity.
It's a copy of superman
>kids have less developed taste buds and are more prone to socially outcast others because of their lack of empathic development
Color me SHOCKED.
How's it a copy of Superman if Xianxia is millennia old? Crazy superhumans who can fly and shoot beams of Qi energy that explode everything up and all the other shit were there long before Superman ever came into existence, if anything Superman is a ripoff of old Chinese fantasy.
>literal aryan that gets more powerful when blonde and blue eyed
his origin is the Indian monkey god Hanuman
Literally every single race and ethnicity is racist. It is how humans encode unique cultural identities and separate the in-group from the out-group; the "us" from the "them". You can learn tolerance but can't force acceptance, which is what Lefties want but still don't realize is impossible to achieve.
All characters in manga are drawn as if they are white
Looks like a faggot
And that's a good thing.
>It's a copy of superman
Think of it this way. What if Superman landed in Japan or Russia like in "Red Sun"? He'd be raised in that country's language/culture/customs. Saiyans are pretty much Kryptonians, so their race would likely be white. I consider Goku and Vegeta's kids as half Japanese.
13 and 50, nigger-loving cuck.
Why is it the western nations' duty to make films for non-western audiences? Can't they make their own films? Why would you travel to a foreign nation, insert yourself into their society, and then expect them to make films about you and your homeland?
Replace "White" with "Jew".
>Art after unlearning
>Exactly the same but draws non-white ( With caucasian features at that )
Imagine not liking speed racer lmao
top left is such a retarded cringelord with his FF7 videos cant even pronounce regen correctly
Him and his brother are the two insectoid noodledicks behind the perennial Yea Forums story-time of pain fodder known as "Girls".
I like how he drew Daisy Ridley and Jodie Whittaker with dark skin to try and make his point stronger
which one are you faggot?
i'm not gonna lie i like this guy's art style
>that plesiosaurus looking ass nigga
far right
But East Asians are whiter than whites.
Put their arms together and Scandinavians will be niggers next to them.
>having taste that's this terrible
>not liking gits
>not talking about gits with yellow waifu-tier girls
>not filling them up in the right hole
Wew. You suck, mate.
Didn't the Japanese guy who made Ghost in the Shell approve of ScarJo's casting?
Also TLA was directed by an Indian who stuck a heap of brown in the film.
Anime and Hollywood don't mix. Anime is inherently Japanese and not aimed at a mainstream audience. They should stop trying to capeshit it.
based luna bros
>shots of wine
hard to argue with kushandlyrikz.tumblr
Dobson has a point here. The real concern should be, that all of these movies are shit.