Still hasnt breached 1 million views

so sad, its not even funny

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well now that you advertised it here it just might 'cause I'm gonna watch it. Thanks.

Thanks for the heads up Kieran

Shame, I liked it. Sure the overuse of greenscreen was kinda sad and it ran a little long for the number of laughs, but it wasn't a dud by any means.

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>le funny open mouth face

youtube basically mandates that people do this now
its why almost every single youtuber does it

He does it in videos too, all the fucking time


Absolutely atrocious episode. The worst one ever probably. That and Kingdom Hearts.

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kingdom hearts is a zoomer weeb franchise he should have never touched it
fucking screenwave hacks just wanted to capitalise on the hype of a new release

We need Mike back writing. He would've kept James in check at least somewhat. He was the hero we didn't deserve. Without his help in writing there is no AVGN. Fuck James for ruining it all. It's all his fault, honestly.

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Most recent pic of Ryan

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Literally who?

He’s always done that face, it’s a signature nerd face

This would have been a lot funnier if it wasn't Life of Black Tiger that he reviewed. AVGN is a lot funnier when it's a game he is familiar with. I don't think AVGN really gives that much of a shit about these Indian developed mobile games, nor does it make sense to waste a Gilbert Gottfried role in this. I would have honestly preferred him do like an Aladdin games episode, even if the games are good. He did an AVGN for Earthbound and that was pretty good.

What the fuck, tony

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I think we need a situation where somebody kidnaps james, ties him to a chair, sets up a live stream, and forces him to answer questions on like
>Why won't you admit that your movie was atrocious?
>Why don't you give credit to the people writing the show?
>Why did you think it was a good idea to make episodes with guests like fucking Gilbert Gottfried, Lloyd Kaufman, & Macaulay Culkin?

The show was literally built around past. How many years has James said in videos "I'm all about taking you back to the past!" What the fuck, now it's okay to be the modern gaming nerd? Since when? Since fucking Screenwave.

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That's great, you just know Tony didn't even take a picture he just lifted his phone up at that autist and he's been seething about it for years

>your movie was atrocious
It's the Citizen Kane of internet reviewer movies


get this trending

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James tried to compare his shitfest movie to Peewee's Big Adventure. What a laugh.

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"It's time to say goodnight, James..."

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Mike is the one who is actually autisticly angry about old retro games. It has become blatently obvious now where the good gameplay commentary came from. Love him or hate him, the AVGN series NEEDS Mike there to have the same spirit and tone. But the fans decided they hate him. So he left.

well, they're both unwatchable

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lol all the fat fucks

It was incredibly unfunny. Makes me astounded that I liked this guy's videos all those years ago.

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where it all began....

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this dude is now on twitter saying fuck drumpf

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Consolation (you).

too bad Bootsie left. I legit liked his playthoughs and commentaries.

What he's leaving out is that he was pants-less at the time.

mikes twitch is unironically like the classic avgn. too bad I outgrew it

he fucking spazzed out on Yea Forums few days ago

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Bores hasn't had a video in years.

He's more successful than ever at the moment.

How many subs on his Twitch bro?
post some real kino instead of faggot shit

Is he still doing the ghost hunting thing?

Oh really? Where's his million-view videos then?

Yes, but I don't publish videos about it anymore.
Check out the Minecraft Puppet Steve channel, he's doing way better with it than he ever did with the Irate Gamer character.

>Minecraft Puppet Steve channel
So no million-view videos AND he gave up video game reviews.

It's so sad.

>Yes, but I don't publish videos about it anymore.
>I don't

Hi, Bores.

just in case hes here I want him to know that him and everyone that isnt James, Mike, and Bootsy ruined the channel and you deserve to not get shit for what you have done.

where was this?

200 k view videos a day adds up. better than having once in a while million view

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>i dont publish

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is this white face?

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Who were those guys anyway? Any AVGN Stans want to fill my n00b ass in with your creamy knowledge of the lore

That’s the “Token Negro Face”.

Is this Chris Bores/The Irate Gamer/LadyBuggin777/Batdan?

It's 8k, Bores. No one plays Minecraft anymore.

Kingdom Hearts didn't feel like a real episode, felt more like a humble video he just wanted to make. This episode was much worse because it was clearly meant to be a big one and it still sucked really hard. At least Video Game Magazines was pretty good. Gives me hope that AVGN still has one foot out of the grave.

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Oh look on the right. It's Steal.


>no one plays minecraft anymore
nigga, have you seen pewdiepies videos? 99% of the ones that came out this month are all minecraft vids with millions of views

Nope nevermind just realized that was a fist smashing the Swastika, oops.

MAKE A TIMESTAMP, CHRIS! Also, shoe on head.

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What now ? even content that are aimed towards +16y/o ?

It's not nice to say the N-word on a Christian board, Christian Bores.

If you cuss on YouTube, you better have a Patreon or an advertiser set up.

shut up jannie, or ill post loco bandito

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Unironically the worst AVGN episode so far. Here's something better

>Yes, but I don't publish videos about it anymore.

Ok but would you team up with Mike Stoklasa to find Justin's ghost so you can get his side of the story on the allegations?

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Didn't know Chris Bores was a big Loco Bandido fan.

>I don't publish

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No Chris, you're a nice religious man, you couldn't be on 6chan. Pretty sure this is decent-quality bait though.

>Yes, but I don't publish videos about it anymore.


jarrett needs his ass kicked

Honestly doubt James even played it or else they would have had it on James and Mike Monday plus James is too busy with muh kids to do anything but the bare minimum.

go to hell, slob

IMAGINE being proud you're making a puppet show for kids.

You should've sold out and made Fortnite videos. Oh wait, you suck as videos, that would never work.

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He checks all these threads. Fat ass legit rages when people make fun of him and his hamplanet friends.

Unfortunately as much as you can blame them you can put blame on James for being a cuck

tits or gtfo

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>i dont publish

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Why did you change your epic intro song into something that sucks? It's the one thing about your show that's epic.

It's like Goldberg changing his stock music intro into a rock remix. Bring back the old one.

>Chris Bores doing a children's puppet show
Eh. At least he's not Spoony.


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Chris, whatever happen to that faggot clone of yours in hell? did he finally have sex?

I am nostalgic.

Woah they sure showed that group of people who existed over half a century ago and have never caused any problems to them or anyone they know in their or their parents lifetimes! They should target the Huns next!

>reduced to being a children's entertainer because the YouTube algorithm screwed him over

Many such tales.

You should've made a cameo in Ghostbusters 2016 as the main manbaby villain.

>dude now makes videos for 5 year olds
oh no no no no

>What the fuck am I doing with my life?
>Bottom text

whats your opinion on james family, bores?

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>Mediocre bait is getting this many replies

That autistic stalker is worse than Bores.

>Dear Bores, I wrote you but still ain't callin'
I left my cell, my blog, and my home phone at the bottom

I'm more relevant than Tyler Oakley but that's not saying much!

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Should be called at this point.

What's even sadder is that his blog posts still get comments.

It's sad that he abandoned the lore of his videos and his many characters (like him versus him with a different shirt).

Blake July 18, 2019 at 7:29 PM
He has time for Pubba Steve, but not Irate Gamer/Chris NEO!? More proof that he's full of shit and talking out of his ass!

That JUST hairline though.

Every time he focuses too much on shit and writing a "story", the episode is shit. That is why the movie was garbage too.

AVGN is funny when it is natural out of the moment rage.

Also the reason why Bores' videos are also shit. It focuses on "story" so much. Like Doug Walker's videos too, come to think of it.

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>With hardcore tiger fucking!
got a good laugh out of me

Stop posting your cellphone pics here, Chris.

I don't think there's enough material for an AVGN on Life of Black Tiger tbqh

Why does Aflac Duck Man speak so slow?

What is the lesser of two evils Yea Forums, either I talk to my normie friends and it's all about mainstream celebs or I come here and its all about online celebs/BLACKED/jews/circlejerks

atleast in real life when you have a discussion the shame of calling someone a faggot every sentence makes people have to think about their arguments instead of preaching behind the user mask as marlon brando

Don't talk shit about peewee

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that was back when Mike wrote the show. That part of avgn died when Mike left writing

okay im gonna watch it now. i saw avgn first time in 2007 and have no idea about the content from 2010 to this day.

Does it make a difference? James never played Super Pitfall or Milons Secret Castle Either. Mike did all that.


Weren't these two caught in a porn theatre giving people handjobs at some point? They really creeped me out and I felt vindicated about reading it.

t. matei

That is because Mike wrote much of the classic avgn material. Nobody likes to admit how important Mike is to the avgn series. James can’t make a truly classic avgn episode without him. It needs both of them to have that right touch. But Mike stopped writing avgn 5 or 6 years ago. He hates avgn because the fans hate him.
Imagine writing a show for years and getting absolutely no credit or praise while your retarded friend reads your lines and gets praised by the internet. I would have left too.
Now avgn fans will get screenwave scripts. Show is over folks.

This. Minecraft is making a comeback. Been noticing it at my LAN center too.

James rolfe's "idea" of avgn is probably not very deep but it works because the guy is singularly childish and genuine. It's all effortless peepee poopoo joke with not a lot of cynicism. He likes other stuff (gilbert gottfried, troma, hammer, kaufman etc) but conceptually this stuff comes from other places. It's usually more cynical and dark and probably more socially conscious even if it's just as trashy and silly on a surface-level.
That's why I think there's a bit of a disconnect with many of the guests, they rarely mesh well together with the unique comedy avgn is going for

But it's far from the worst episode, I think gilbert gottfried as a degenerate game developer building computers out of feces in the jungle is pretty good as far as avgn bits go. it probably should've just been reworked on a structural level, it's a bit too dragged out

nothing james does or says is very deep. All of his movie reviews just graze the surface of whatever he is talking about. He is a nice person but he doesnt have the intelligence to make a review or movie of any subject that has any depth.

He is probably popular because it relates to dumb people.

>be James
>you just want to make small films with your friends and be happy
>one of your throwaway videos actually becomes popular on the internet
>decide to go with it for a few years, eventually grow to hate it because you're limiting yourself
>become popular enough to where people will provide funds for your dream movie
>make movie
>it's shit, nobody likes it, Hollywood certainly isn't calling
>you had your one big chance and blew it
>back to the same old shit you clearly hate doing
>meanwhile, your 'friend" has taken over your channel and website to advance his own career, and your wife is a joyless cunt

This is the DEFINITIVE worst episode of AVGN.
Like there is no debate to be had as to "some parts were alright"

Nah 100% shit

Blessed post

Hes been doing this since the beginning and you know it Mike.
Those were the days. Maybe one day we'll get a sequel
When did this happen?
Who is this?

Go on...

Worse than the Toxic Avenger episode?

You have the wrong friends.

Piss off Mike, you are terrible on camera.

yes, I actually laughed at that one once.

tell us more.

Is that a groyper on the left?

Didn't everyone start hating on jew warrio recently because of a controversy?

Only sjw's at channel awesome.
Its real brave to acuse someone of statutory rape AFTER they die so they cant defend themselves

Gilbert has sunk so low.

lol if you think this is a low for Gilbert's career then you don't know Gilbert.

test if board is frozen

Based Bores.

It was the second worst episode. How the fuck did you like it?

kike magay sucks and you know it

aww sheit

>AVGN is a lot funnier when it's a game he is familiar with
Here's a pill that might be hard to swallow. AVGN never gave a fuck about video games growing up and used the series to vent his failed film making career


he has several videos of him as a kid raging at video games and getting them as presents etc

Doesnt mean he REALLY cared about them in his daily life, BUT it does mean hes not a total fraud that never even used to play them

Stop posting pics of his wife and kid, you spaz. bash James all you want, but leave his family out of it.

Far as I know it's just one video of him freaking out over Ghosts and Goblins. I mean I'm sure he played games as a kid, but nothing has felt authentic.

he has a few probably 5-10 of them, not going to search them all out though

hes super castlevania

>hes super castlevania
Are most of his fans as mentally handicap as he is?

>get btfo
>muh typos
Take the L faggot

It's completely normal for your passion in life to change sometime during your teenage years/young adulthood. I used to truly love vidya as a kid for instance, but by high school that changed to a love of music. For games in general he obviously doesn't care, but there is a real interest in the ones he played as a kid because the memories are genuine, and the observations are all from someone who clearly did care at one point. Kinda unlucky he hit it big on his secondary interest but most people still never get that far at all.

Pointing out a typo that minor makes you look retarded


even the normies are turning against him
tick tock James

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>fucking and sucking
>fuck and suck
what the hell did avgn mean by this?

Meh. They said the same thing with Toxic Crusader. James will come back from this.

holy shit this guy has like 200 in depth posts about Bores

talk about rent free

No, I want to be a creepy fanboy who might be a school shooter.


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It's pretty hilarious in a meta sort of way.
Lolcows beget lolcows. And this one has fans.

Confirmed sneedposter

Christ this guy is so slimy he makes that h3h3 faggot look clean, has his channel completely died yet?

I'll never understand how this video wasn't the end of it all

I'm still reading through the thread because I'm a slow ass retard, not sure if this link will work tho

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This is the first AVGN video I couldn't finish guise. Is AVGN cancelled?

This is the absolute worst episode, but as you should know by now, AVGN in the last 5+ years always goes in a cycle, something like:

Mediocre episode
AMAZING episode
repeat cycle

>starts with James shilling an advertisement
>lazy AF review with phoned in acting
>cringe guest sequence

There is nothing to like here, just avoid.

>watching AVGN in 2019

Attached: yikes.jpg (501x500, 65K)

Where what began?

Literally why did Gilbert agree to this? How much money did Ryan shit out for it?

>Using impact text in 2019

Attached: yikes.jpg (521x738, 264K)

Rental Reviews. Collaborating with the Fat Crew. The Downfall of Cinemassacre.

Probably wants to relate to muh fellow kids.

The rebirth of the channel. Thank you fattie #1, fattie #2 and fattie #3 for doing all the work James can no longer do as he spends all his time writing his sixth book about himself.

Mate Gilbert is doing fucking Fiver style vids, AVGN is a step up for him

I like his movie reviews cause he actually offers constructive criticism instead of nitpicking the fuck out of everything like that dogfucker YMS guy , but he doesn't really go in depth a lot of the time and just says what he likes and didn't like I'm more of a rlm fan personally

Every thread I've seen for this episode people keep saying "how did they get Gilbert?" or "wow they got Gilbert, James has made it". Gilbert will literally take any role that is given to him. I could hire Gilbert for a homemade porno and he'd do it for a free lunch.

Why did the old guy had to talk and scream like that ?

Oh God, is that what did it? I can't stand those fat idiots and rental reviews is retarded.

That's his thing user, that's what he does


LOL his mother's account messaged me once and it gives me shivers now knowing it wasn't a weird larp but Chris himself. So strange and psycho.

why would anyone be happy about him losing viewers?
he's nice, doesn't act like a tool, doesn't add in politics in his vids, doesn't act like he deserves more or anything like that; he just keeps making videos because he likes it and he can still make a career out of it

They still use his theme, but has he ever been asked back or is it still because his cunty wife?

>Gilbert is 64 years old.
>looks 94

His spiderman episode was one of my favorites for like 10 years, made me laugh so hard. But like james, he cant improv for shit and kind of just sits there on cam saying nothing in regular non scripted videos

He looked 94 when he was 30. Chill.

In fairness he's looked like since I first saw him 20 years or so ago

>Toxic Crusader
I don't understand why everyone hates this episode so much. It was fine, he did much worse episodes in that era like Lester the Unlikely. I'd take the Toxy episode over any of the Screenwave era episodes any day.


Lester the Unlikely was the very first avgn episode I did not like at all. For me thats when shit started going down hill

>I don't understand why everyone hates this episode so much.
It wasn't funny, you shit-taste faggot.

Kek imagine being this delusional about history

You never age if you were born an old man.

Nazi-Con 2019?

This isn't reddit.

I liked it too, but I knew Lloyd before. I see why people hate this one.

ANTI Nazi-Con 2019

you have to be 18 to post on this website

Gilbert Gottfried's entire career is built around not being funny, and then every other comedian defending his comedy as esoteric. And then people want to feel like they "get" his humor, so they give him more work, and then he's not funny again, and the cycle repeats.

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That 9/11 joke was fucking funny though

Tell it. I forgot what it was.
Also, 9/11 is almost 18 years ago.

So is everyone else with an iq above 2300.

>“I have to leave early tonight, I have a flight to California. I can’t get a direct flight — they said I have to stop at the Empire State Building first"

It's not that clever, not that bad. A pretty standard joke. Almost entire dependent on timing.

>4/10 and i'm being generous here.

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This was the first AVGN episode I just stopped watching halfway through. Props to James that he is unironically a better actor than a successful Hollywood star but that's all this episode gave me.

It's all based on shock value. Then the narrative becomes "Well, Gilbert is a comedian's comedian. Comedians have dark senses of humor, because we're all fucked up, so we laugh a inappropriate things. But he didn't mean anything by it."

And then there's you, the mark. like "I'm down. I'm fucked up too. I like dark humor. N-no, the joke is actually funny, h-haha... See? I'm laughing. I just forgot to laugh when you told it the first time."

it's funny because he's a gumball machine of filth. there's no pretense of cleverness or sentimentality. he's exhausting and unbearable at length and there's something darkly humorous about someone constantly being that character

It's a legitimately funny joke BECAUSE of the timing you fucking autist

a joke is dependent on timing? please give us more of your master class on comedy

>gumball machine of filth
You fancy yourself a comedian or writer yourself, don't you? This is something Penn Jilette or Patton oswalt would say.

If the formulation of the joke doesn't matter, then it's just cheap shock value.

>he actually offers constructive criticism
James couldn't offer anything of structure, even if his medically disabled daughter depended on it. Watch the Shin Godzilla review with Mike. Mike talks about the themes and ideas the film is going for while James just goes "m-muh suit".

How many vaccinations did you have as a kid?

the game had better plot than most western games nowadays

I'm still of the belief that AVGN ran out of material in 08'
The last time I genuinely enjoyed him was his Castlevania retrospective

How much toxoplasma were you exposed to?

I assume he was making a reference to the gumball machine that James had on the desk of the video store setup he had at the old house.

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>youtube comedy reviewer video
>Dark reviewer/game character/evil game cartridge appears
>"I'm here to stop the review"

But do they have a spaceship hmmmm?

Episodes where the focus is more on a guest than on the game are generally bad.


Kind of like how Simpsons fell apart when every episode shoved in a guest appearance.

i liked it a lot too. Peoole are too stuck up. When they heard the ceingy justin biebee joke, they assume wveeything abiut the ep and lloyd is cringy

it was a major downfall at the time. it was like the first "bad" avgn rp

AVGN jumped the shark when he reviewed Superman 64

as a kid, i thiught monster madness were really smart in deoth reviews, but as i git older, i realized all james can do is recite plots and just say what he thought was cool. thats his main criteria for film, "is this scene cool?"
i have no idea hiw james made it all the way through film school. Beginner film studies classes require you to do at least a paragrapgh of analysis, and james plot summaries would get in F.
>godzilla review

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do antifacists really all look like this?

>engine room, divert all power to the air conditioning units
>"i'm givin' er all she's got, captain. I can't give no more!"

>do antifacists really all look like this?
They heard that fascists were trying to get rid of the jujubes.

Honestly, I’d take Irate gamer over modern AVGN any day.

Based Stevechad.

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James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

Attached: James is a beta loser. Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha..jpg (1300x800, 235K)

He said it like a month after the attack, summerfag

The problem is that this is a shitty high effort episode.

Angry Video Game Nerd... Angry FUCKIN' PIECE OF DOGSHIT! This episode is diarrhea comin' out of my dick! This episode is as appealing as a fuckin' ooze-infested dirty fuckin' sewer rat shit! I've had more fun playing with dog turds! Screenwave's my ass and Mike's my balls! This episode is an inside-out asshole regurgitating putrid anal fecal matter! I'd rather fuckin' yank all the hairs out of my scrotum! I'd rather drink diarrhea vomited out of a buffalo's anus! It suckin' fucks, it fuckin' sucks, IT FUCKIN' BLOWS, IT'S A PIECE OF SHIT... and I don't like it.

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>I would eat out April’s asshole for muscular dystrophy

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Wasted potential, to be quite honest.

They should have just talked about old horror movies while Gilbert does his Dracula impression for twenty minutes.

>Playing random shitty indie titles
We're really scrapping the bottom now

Even worse, this is phone shovelware, like those Amazing Rope Hero and neighbor games that Vinny plays from time to time.

>Silverman is James' uncharismatic boyfriend now
why? What the fuck happened?

Hey remember when they played this game on J&MM and neither one of them understood what a save file was or how installing games works? Good times.

>even though he's an antifa dumbass, Ryan keeps his opinions out of the videos
Based Ryan

More like they keep Ryan out of the videos.

Attached: gettingcaughtup.png (968x186, 37K)

>bad game is cursed
>stuffed animal used like a puppet is a character in the review

He lost a ton of views after the Diablo mobile shilling

But I thought Ryan was the mastermind behind Screenwaveassacre

Lloyd Kaufman is a weird man

main problem with this episode is the game itself, who cares about this piece of china fucking crap

It's kinda like how the Nostalgia Critic originally only made crappy reviews of old movies, but now he makes shitty reviews of movies that are still being played in theaters.

I don't know if you're unaware but "le" actually means "the" in French.
We here on Yea Forums are cultured enough to know this and interject into into everday sentences.

It was so fucking garbage. The writing was atrocious. James doesn't give a single shit he's content with doing the minimum amount of work required and letting Screenwave write everything.

Attached: when you've been playing for 45 minutes and it's time to stop so you can take care of the (1280x720, 428K)

this was bad 2bh
James just needs to stop for a bit. every new nerd ep feels like those hambeasts just grab him from his home and make him recite some shit on a sheet in front of a greenscreen a few times before letting him go about his business again

he can't need the screenblob entities THAT fucking much

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on top of that used his friend Mike who was actually into nes games to get in depth opinions to look like he knew what he was talking about. This went on for many years until Mike got fed up and left. Now you get episodes like these.

Handsome man

No, that would be the Cinema Snob one where his D cup wife gets butt naked. "Hooker with a heart of Gold" I think it is called.


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Probably less than the vaccinations you had

That's why Chris Bores and Mike Stoklasa need to team up to find Justin Carmical's ghost to get his side of the story.

He's a jew. He is in Hollywood for that reason alone. There is a reason 89 percent of Hollywood is Jewish.

>Why did you think it was a good idea to make episodes with guests like fucking Gilbert Gottfried, Lloyd Kaufman, & Macaulay Culkin?
why are those guests bad? the question should be about writing for them, and not being able to improve at all with them
James barely keeping it together when Kyle sings about scrotum guns is endearing enough because it's two friends making a video. When you get a famous guest star, it's a waste not seeing the Nerd play off of them. James just smiles and nods, he acts almost the same as he does in rental review episodes.


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remember when mike would only appear as himself if he was wearing his leather jacket, and always had to do that head tilt when saying "let's check it out" or something?
internet bullying probably helped him normalize his autism, lord knows my friends being dicks in high school reigned mine in

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Tony or the other guy?

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How many views does your YouTube channel have? How many men have been UP your anushole?

Chris, name the place in Ohio where you used to lead ghost tours

Did they bring him back for Aladdin? If not who was the retard that didn't?

The open mouth face thumnails get more clicks because they make the videos look more exciting according to social media marketing research.

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he could at least use a real flamethrower

cinemassacre is so shit right now god damn

I keep hoping for a good monster madness production, but he dropped that ball too. Maybe Justin can tell us more about Doom (2007) and James can nod appropriately.

>This went on for many years until Mike got fed up and left.

Are you sure you're not from Berenstein universe or something?

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has james sucked a cock before?

I know I am

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This was the last great video they did and surprise surprise, it's just James talking about something he's passionate about.

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true. I can listen to that autistic dummy ramble about anything as long as he's not being interrupted by wierdos

He literally has videos of opening it up and always had an anecdote about renting a game from the store. The problem was that he clearly stopped playing game in his teens. There's a reason most of the NES-94/95 stuff is where he sounds the most interested. I actually think him going back to play games he missed is a better approach. People really liked the Earthbound episode because it wasn't as scripted. I thought the Tomb Raider one was great as well, for the same reasons.

I don't get why needs all those people to write or help him. Just get a Patreon, nigga.

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has anyone ever produced more or better things after getting on patreon? it's the devil

absolute comfy

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Monster Madness came first tho

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The kaufman one is fucking fantastic you faggot

damn,he could've had a qt brown gf instead of that hambeast with restful bitch face.

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You're not fooling anyone redditor. Leave before I fuck you in the ass and make you moan in pleasure like the fucking faggot you are.

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this is going to make me cry


My threads been up for 11 hours

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Is it surprising? Has Screenwave ever done anything good? Seem like everything Ryan and the Fat fucks touch turns to shit.

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I have respect for Etho's Lab, a popular Minecraft youtuber, for never doing that. He doesn't even use custom thumbnails at all.

Mike takes meds

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God this pig needs his diabetes medication...sweats all the time. His blood must be fucked up.

plus Bootsy was actually good at video games

how autistic do you have to be to make threads like this? seriously why the fuck do you care about views or sales or x number you fucking spergs

Who cares about that? These videos are all about the personality of the group. Its entertainment.

ask me how I know these posts are made by Crusty Justy

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It's just Screenwave trying to shill another low effort, terribly edited video.

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they fucking took down the last good monster madness they did
I would still love to find a copy of this stream, Mike scrubbed it the next day for some reason

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I'm glad Board James won't be brought back

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The only known picture of April Rolfe smiling

why do they like this picture on Yea Forums so much?

Yeah but he does it because he's a boomer who grew up with home alone

angry vidoe game JUST nerd

it's on auto-sage now, cunt

oh yes Mike is just fine
nothing to worry about at all

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>millions of youtubers doing stuff
>Yea Forums only cares about rlm and cinemassacre

why is that?

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You want to talk about Nostalgia Critic?