Mulder I'm a sceptic I only believe what I can see...

>Mulder I'm a sceptic I only believe what I can see. Since there's no evidence that those aliens you keep rambling about exist it's really hard for me to just believe they exist. Now give me a minute so I can pray to the funny guy in the sky whose existens can't be proven at all.

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Other urls found in this thread: Article 16-45-35.pdf

God, atheists are so cringe



I have been on this site for years and I have yet to see one single theist provide a counter argument to an athiest that doesn't consist of calling them "cringe" and posting pictures of fedoras.

christcucks seethe so easy

>at work
>somebody mentions humans are only animals with clothing on
>christfag asks how he can explain all the evils going on in africa then

>I am le atheist btw
>Oh, but I don't criticize Islam, just christianity, what are you, a bigot??

Zoomer literally have zero understanding when it comes to character depth and the human battles of emotion and internal logic that happen between them.
Youtube and snapchat really fucked you faggots up.

Haven't seen it for a while.
So Moulder believes in Satan but not in God right?

>So you're telling me you're an atheist who's not a strict social Darwinist, doesn't follow fascism as a guiding moral hand, doesn't subscribe to mass eugenics to better the human race, and doesn't plan on having kids despite that being the only objective biological purpose there is to existence?

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all religions are retarted, paganism seems pretty based though

Mulder doesn't believe in religion, but he keeps an open mind about God.

i'm a christian eugenicist, but how the fuck can you be an athiest and not be one?

The duo in 90s
> the woman is catholic
The duo in 2019
>the woman is pantheist

Yes, there are many episodes that deal with that topic.
The X Files is ultimately about faith, just not necessarily faith in God.

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I mean, in the episodes where catholic demons are real, did he predict it right?
I know in one episode about catholic angel he got it wrong.

I just watched a episode where she got abducted by some dude... two episodes after she got abducted by a different dude!
now i don't wanna blame the victim of course but.. you know, multiple times?

Because atheists don't realize that their entire moral foundation rests on principles that are antithetical to an objective godless reality.

>I mean, in the episodes where catholic demons are real, did he predict it right?
There was one ep in which Bruce Campbell played a demon that was marrying women and trying to give birth to half human kids.
3 minutes into the ep Mulder says "I know what you are" after talking to the guy for like 5 seconds. So at the very least he believes in demons.

this is what is referred to as an intriguing dynamic. shows used to have them all the time. i know, shocking!

you know, i general, a lot of the times we tried to make things better, we made it worse. either because we didn't know the full effects of our change, or quite often because our idea of 'better' was somewhat of a time and place

Skully there is an alien fucking you in the ass right now

There was this episode in pre revival later season (you know, when the show attempted to be quirky and ironic).
It was about Lazarus's Spell of Resurrection.

>Jesus Christ was a monster of the week

>The design and incredible complex design of the universe and life itself happened by accident and without purpose.
>There is far to much complexity and order behind life and the universe for a creator to not exist.

There, I'm glad I've converted you to belief in God.

Life is misery and failure. Either you struggle or commit suicide. There's nothing reasonable about it.

you need mental pills

>(((take your medication and stop questioning our agenda goyim)))
No thanks.

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Scully being religious episodes and Scully being in the hospital episodes are the worst.

>life is just me existing

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still rambling

>no punctuation
>no capitalization
>doesn't offer a rebuttal point
>lacks a grasp on critical thinking
Yep, it's a Zoomer.

cringey pseud

still rambling

>be catholic
>believe that God created heaven and planet Earth, created men and women in his image, gave them souls that no other creatures can have, and made them rule over all creatures
>in a show where gray aliens literally fuck you in the ass
Makes you want to ask her where is your god now when she was being fucked


>that episode where scully has to save the sperg children of the nephilim
>that episode where she protects a child with the stigmata from satan

unironically kino

cringey pseud

>Scully being in the hospital episodes
That would be Mulder coming to terms with his religion episodes.


well on top of your rambling, you did neither of your check list

you did at the end of it which was weird

still rambling

>capitalizing greentext
Jesus, just how new are you?

i used to bully nerd faggots like you LMAO

I don't remember anything like that. Then again, mytharc a shit.

Still waiting on you to partake in any level of critical thought and offer an actual reply per my standards. What's the matter Zoomer? Don't have the mental facility to do so adequately? Hmmmm?


>this level of projection
I'd have hit you so hard it'd feel like you got throat fucked by a sledge hammer lmao. It's fun watching a Zoomer act "tough", since they literally have no idea what "tough" is.

lmao you probably only made eye contact with the floor you pasty dweeb loser LMAOOO pussy

Just to play it safe I follow every single religion.
Religionlets, atheists and agnostics btfo

this is literally the point though, it was a role reversal. Mulder used to scrutinise it all the time

Shieeet, you got it all wrong nigger. I put you and your kind in your place on the daily. They called me the "Zoo Keeper" since I had niggers like you eating out the palm of my hand. Obedient. Just as God intended.

>I'm an athiest
>that means I can be gay change my sex or fap to horse vagina without guilt or judgement

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triggered some repressed high school memories, did I? lmaoooooooo

God has a great sense of humor.
>make masturbation, blowjobs and sex in general feel pretty good
>forbid your followers 2 out of these 3 things and only allow them to have sex once they are married

>Yes, there are many episodes that deal with that topic.
>The X Files is ultimately about faith, just not necessarily faith in God.
Based fellow oldfag.

>repressed high school memories
Of putting niggers in their place? Sure did.

Are you black? (one-drop rule applies)

t. bully victim
give up the act, you were a spineless beta, and still are

When did atheists become the lower IQ posters on here?

no, I'm not a nigger


I want season 3 - 9 Scully to sit on my face.

>smart people can't be physically fit or intimidating
I got the best of both worlds, a blessed body and mind. I run circles around you boy. Did then, still do now =]

>this entire thread

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Reminder that Scully was a way more interesting and fleshed out character than Mulder. Mulder's departure from the show wasn't that bad.


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Well you're obviously not white, the lack of sentence structure reveals that pretty clearly. So what flavor of shitskin are you?

Typical reddit tier atheist.

Masturbation is not forbidden. The story is about a guy pulling out and spilling his seed on the floor, when he had been specifically told to knock up his wife, and God punishes him. Oh, and it's a story from the Old Testament. It's not in the law. It's not in the commandments. And not in the New Testament.

Oh, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about regarding oral sex. It's not mentioned anywhere.

>it's a scully has a supernatural christian revelation episode while mulder is skeptical
>at the end of the episode scully says that it could all be in her heard, to which mulder asks why after all she's seen she still won't believe
The Christian episodes were the absolute worst, especially the one with the chosen child or whatever the fuck and Scully thinking she's been chosen by god to protect him from the devil.

t. manlet/chinlet
cope autismo

are you another bully victim too?
>m-muh sentence structure
it's fucking Yea Forums you dumb nerdy faggot get over yourself

>high IQ chaps become atheists
>the pseudo-intellectual crowd, not wanting to be left behind, joins them in their atheism
>most atheists are now double IQ pseudo cunts who love to shit on religion whilst blindly following pop culture """science"""
And that's how atheism turned into a joke *tips*

Holy fuck that theist cope right there. Have a (you) so you don't feel so bad.


>be in her heard


The episode with the killer who lusted for redheads and ended up catching Scully was pretty good, and then the sequel turns him into an actual Demon from Christian hell. That was so fucking retarded.

You're the only one coping.

Blessed post.
Atheists are unironically almost always coping midwits.


>Imagine worshipping an evil entity that kills children.
>Imagine worshipping the same God as Muslims

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I want scully to squat with a disgusted look and pee in my mouth

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Tipping intensity,
Are you feeling euforic

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Imagine not knowing how to greentext properly. Go back to r*ddit, tourist faggot.


>life is misery
uh no i meant opposite. it's good to just live normally and not try to 'improve' things that are fine. it's good enough

>Imagine being proud of wasting time on this shithole.
Been here since chanology

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i don't remember ever seeing this, what ep is this from?

>Imagine worshipping an evil entity that kills children
God is also the one who gave them life.
>Imagine worshipping the same God as Muslims
All religions worship the same God, or the "divine". Each religion just has an imperfect understanding of God, hence the differences between each religion.

>d-do I fit in yet guise?!

Never said I was an atheist. Just don't worship a child murdering entity that demands penis sacrifice.

You're entitled to your opinion, as are we all.

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I want to rape Scully.

chanolgy was cringe, even moot pranked them

>Gets proven wrong.
>Shifts goal posts.
Lel. Can't expect an Abrahamic fag to have honor

>the universe began as a single dot 14 billion years ago which then exploded and then ordered itself into suns and planets and galaxies and was expanding but is now shrinking
This is what atheist actually believe. Because, as we know, scientists and their theories have never been proven wrong.

bible tells you multiple times not to get a tattoo or body modification

yet americans get a cross tattoos and circumcisions and fake tits

But that is incorrect, friend.

Your only argument is a subjective emotional appeal, ironically

That episode was fucking kinomatic

wow, you figured out the character of scully
very perceptive, you goddamn moron

Not by theists lol

You didn't prove anyone wrong, retard.

And you're not too well read.

Imagine being this dumb. Planets and stars are no more organised than individual clouds in a photograph.

but that was the best aspect of her character, also it was good to watch when she suddenly believed in some miracles by god and Mulder was like: nah no way, it's aliens

>Planets and stars are no more organised than individual clouds in a photograph.
Hmmm, totally. Except for all the organization though. Clouds also follow a pattern of organization as well. It's part of the reason why meteorologists can follow weather patterns. Why are Atheists so dumb and uneducated nowadays?

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>if you don’t agree with my anti natal shit you aren’t well read
Peak retard
Explain how that even makes sense beyond pseud cope

Big Bang theory was created by a catholic priest. Maybe read a book and you’d know that :)

the only sane comment in this thread

doesn't change the fact that the big bang and the growing universe has yet to be disproven by a theist

It doesn’t contradict theism so why would they

you think she ever beat off mulder?

But adding god is just another layer of complexity

>objective biological purpose


Makes sense to me that the only purpose of life is to make more of itself.


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On the contrary, it simplifies the equation. God is the architect, existence is his creation by design.

It's not necessary for an atheist to believe that

>mfw atheists don't understand the necessity of religion

The average IQ in the world is less than 90. By the time you get down to 85 you're talking about a majority of people in the world who have trouble processing basic empathy, let alone principles, logic, reasoning. Yet you think these people are just going to be moral and good because of a set of argumentative principles, imperatives, and values that you can secularly lay out to them in a book?

The final redpill is that some bluepills are necessary. There is a massive amount of the world's population that literally do NEED God to be moral. They are not going to understand or reason through secular ethics or morality, they just need to think in terms of punishment and reward for behaviour, and that's it. The best way to guide most people and keep them from becoming complete degenerates is to lay out a code of moral values that are universally decreed by a regulating force above what they can control. If you remove God from the equation, they just turn into fucking degenerates.

All scientists are degenerate perverts who stole their theories from a myriad of other sources.

Gnosticism is the only true religion.

"Sex" can only happen between a man and a woman, since "sex" is defined by the ability to create a child through the act. Anal and oral are not sex, they are acts of sodomy.

Christ what the fuck is wrong with you?! The only one who is triggered here is you!

I'm a strong believer in this. It's as simple as knowing that some people quite literally need religion to survive and function. It's a pillar of humanity, for better or worse.


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I've been agnostic longer than you've been alive and even I find you people tiresome.
If you aren't religious you should still understand that the structure it provides is a necessary component of society and that if you tear it down it will be replaced by another. As the current model is the backbone of the strongest and most moral societies the world has yet to know, to want to tear at it rather than respect it makes you a destructive, unthinking, trend-hopping, redditor.

Nice strawman you've made yourself there

>I'm agnostic btw but let me tell you why we need religion

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You can use any word you like, it doesn't change the fact that "sex" is, and has always been, defined as penis and vagina intercourse. Sticking your sex organ in someones face or anus might feel pleasurable, but it is not sex. Sex has the potential to result in pregnancy.

only lefties think this way
it’s somehow problematic to criticise Islam

>his wife
Who was also his brothers widow and hence why he didn't want to get her pregnant

>t. doesn't actually know what a strawman argument entails, but is just intelligent enough to parrot the point at arguments he doesn't have an answer to
Many such cases.

To be fair, nor does theism.

The fact that ultraviolet light exists is proof that there are things that are real which are beyond the scope.of our senses to perceive naturally. To say you only trust what you see is fucking stupid beyond all conception.

>Sex has the potential to result in pregnancy.
This. People forget that the act of sex is literally sacred. The (((powers))) that be want to forget that. There is a reason Jews are so prevalent in the pornography industry.

>and was expanding but is now shrinking

faggot cope

Christiancuck spotted.

You're assuming that the general non-theist conclusion is that everything happened by accident which isn't the case at all.

lmao. sounds legit af. religious fags literally never admit that they just HOPE there's a fucking god or a floating jesus. always with the non-sequitors.

God is not disproven. Atheism is a belief system completely based on personal faith. Just like theism.

>that everything happened by accident
That literally is what atheists believe though.

>You're the only one coping.
Based. Literally every religious person that believes in a god is undeniably coping.

this nigga knows

>Well I don't believe we can visually see any of those womens lib bullshit you're always going on about scully. How about you ose the shirt sugar tits?

>Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity
>a divinity
And stopped reading right there. Just as voluntarily delusional as the rest.

Only the stupid ones. Nobody atheist or theist knows the cause of the universe or why, or if there even is a cause or a why.

This isn't Yea Forums, this is an excuse for you to indulge in ideological cringe that really has nothing to do with X-Files. Fuck off to /r/ratheism, or our own fedorafag central, Yea Forums. Just fuck off.

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Concerning ourselves with such meaningless drivel is the problem. Humans could have simply always lived off of the land - from the start it provided what we needed to survive. We chose instead to suffer idiotic questions and changes and not be happy with what we had.

>Nobody atheist or theist knows the cause of the universe or why, or if there even is a cause or a why.
That is where faith in God comes into play. Also stop being an agnostic, agnostics are lame.

>That is where faith in God comes into play
It doesn't change anything.

>Concerning ourselves with such meaningless drivel is the problem.
This was literally the point of the Adam and Eve story where they ate from the tree of knowledge and were thereafter cast out from paradise.

Faith is its own reward.

Yeah, but I'm not interested in your religious fanfic. Just the plain facts.

>He doesn't understand the importance of archetypal narratives
Never gonna make it, bruh.

I guess if you can rely on it to handwave challenging questions, it is.

It can be proven, but only to yourself, only "inwards" and in very rare ocassions "outwords" (relating to events rather than personal experience). There are a plethora of ways; transcendental meditation, DMT (and it variations), philosophy/"thought experiments" etc. But the blind choose to be blind. Do not throw pearl before swine, for they will trample it.

Not looking to stoop down to your level, strange fellow.

Not a theist, but the central claim of Christianity is not evidential. No evidence can ever be presented for a God as he is supreme. He doesn't leave footprints where he appeared, there are no receipts from Home Depot for the materials he sourced. It is miraculous.

This is why Christians believe that Christ is the Son of the Trinity. He appeared to us openly and in the material world, to deliver his messag eto us in person, rather than having people argue over how the eye evolved or where DNA come sfrom or some such.

And this is why Faith is so extremely insisted on. Christ requires faith, not proof, because Man cannot obtain proof of something beyond the material world. He haven't the mind or tools to grasp something like this.

Having faith is the first step taken to understand the challenging questions friend. There is a reason almost every great mind throughout history was a theist.

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Why do autists always point out the fact that people ON THE INTERNET, IN THE WESTERN WORLD, will likely complain about the religion that actually impacts their day to day life instead of a goat fucker religion that is only relevant to the 3rd world?

Don't worry man. After you've outgrown your cringe rebellious Atheist stage where your angst manifests as a "resentment of God", the path to enlightenment and inner tranquility will begin right where you left it. I look forward to seeing you on it in the future after you've matured a little more in life (and I say that with no offense intended, teenagers can be a bit defensive about their "know-it-all" attitude).

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Never stop being ignorant, and I await the days when you and your "enlightened" kind are devastated by the world you abuse and give no respect to. You have the belief system of a small child, friend. Teenagers are nearly a cancer these days, sad to say. I'm well past "stages," young one.

Heisenberg had to strip back his own concept of God quite a bit to reconcile with his science.

You can't by an atheist and simultaneously resent God.

This is what christfags actually believe.

>There is a reason almost every great mind throughout history was a theist.
a lot less after the 1880s or so

>You can't by an atheist and simultaneously resent God.
Atheism was literally founded (and fueled) by a resentment of God.

You can't teach a religious nutter logic. I'm not an atheist either. I merely see religion as a disease. Not god(s) to deny, just deliberately ignorant mindsets to walk away from.

Resentment of the concept of god or gods sure, but of a literal God no. You can't resent something you don't think exists.

Except not really though. High intellects almost always believe some version of theism. Atheism is reserved for midwits. The man with the highest recorded IQ, whom is still alive, is also a theist.
>pic related

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>You can't resent something you don't think exists.
Atheists hate God to the point that they deny his existence. This denial forms of the backbone of Atheism. There is a reason Atheists are always so angry and filled with angst.

Based but post the earless wojak next time.

As I said, you cannot speak logic to a religious fool. The proof is there in its responses. Notice how it calls atheists "know-it-alls" when that's precisely its own attitude. But condescending with its put-upon polite words make it "good." Can't make this shit up.

So how is the solar system organized? Did god put the planets in the order he did because of aesthetics?

He's a deist

You'll get no answer, theists think they have all the answers but when it gets a tad more complex theyll shut up and ignore you

But why Christianity and not Islam or Hinduism for example?

>Atheists hate God to the point that they deny his existence
To do this an atheist would have to acknowledge on some level that God exists which would therefore make them not an atheist.

Not always. There are still the ones who break into this stuff:

Atheism is derived from existential angst. My point is that all Atheists subconsciously know God and the divine exist, even if they outwardly deny his existence.

Then they're not an atheist

Theists in turn know their religion is bullshit, why would 3000+ other gods all be fake but yours would be the one true thing?

It's like putting all your money on one race horse knowing he doesnt exist.

The average IQ is by definiton 100


The IQ of most of Africa is even below 80. They need supreme authority.

>why would 3000+ other gods all be fake but yours would be the one true thing?
It's always fun knowing that Atheists get their knowledge from washed up comedians like Ricky Gervais and not credible philosophers or metaphysics. To answer your reductive question, all religions (and their 3000+ gods) are attempts to understand the same God and the divinity of existence. Think of religions as the differing translations of the same singular thing.

>your god is actually my god lol

ok mate

>your god is actually my god lol
There is only God, and the many ways men attempt to understand him. That is what religion has always been. I hope that helps you understand.

>give them live
>also give them cancer, or starve them to death, or whatever lmao

Yeah sure, "goodness"

>boo hoo! bad things happen and life isn't an infinite stretch of pleasure therefore God must not exist
That is a foolish approach to understanding life.

You are a fool.

Personal attacks help no one, user.

You are a personal attack on our species as a whole. All religious people are. It is thanks to you lot on your knees before fairy tales that our species is beyond reviving.

Don't worry man. After you've outgrown your cringe rebellious Atheist stage where your angst manifests as a "resentment of God", the path to enlightenment and inner tranquility will begin right where you left it. I look forward to seeing you on it in the future after you've matured a little more in life (and I say that with no offense intended, teenagers can be a bit defensive about their "know-it-all" attitude).

Just do the world a favor and slit your and your family's throats already. You make no sense, and your poor beliefs serve no purpose.

This is a very low IQ post. Why are vocal Atheists always the dumbest? For example, you have no rebuttal so you immediately turn to violence and insults. I wonder why that is?

A religious fool calling anyone "dumb" is a laugh. Just like your mental state is. You with your zero logic and meaningless "rebuttals." Death truly suits your kind best.

It is very telling how you parrot my own words back to me (fool, dumb, logic, rebuttal) yet offer nothing else uniquely your own in addition to further your point. Almost as if your critical thought doesn't exist. Very telling indeed.

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>All religions worship the same God, or the "divine".
The Bible admits there are "false gods", which are manifestations of the devil.

The Bible is just one of thousands attempts to understand the divine (a.k.a God). It is not infallible, same as every other religion. Religions are simply mans translation of the divine.

Your dim way of wording things doesn't work on me. I see how stupid you are. You don't even know what critical thought is, let alone what it's like to have it.

Haha you did it again! You're a fun one user, even if you are hopelessly predictable.

>Religions are simply mans translation of the divine.
It's simply rationalizations of our imperfect minds that imagine "the divine" when we don't understand something. Religious people have different brain structures than non-religious ones for this reason.

She was a fucking professional doctor that was put on the X-Files specifically to look at the cases from a purely scientific perspective. She can still believe in god and do her job properly you absolute retard.

Know what the difference is? I know the actual meanings of the words while you've twisted them into nothingness. Like your useless brain.

Nigga, we have studies that show the shroud of Turin was made by an instantaneous beam of right emerging from the body of a man standing upright. The Host of Lanciano was turned into a slice of living cardiac tissue that's been somehow preserved for 1300 years without decomposition. This has all been heavily documented, nigga. Atheists are the ones who claim to believe in evidence and yet take tranny gender claims at face value. Article 16-45-35.pdf

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>paganism seems pretty based though
Hey rabbi.

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>proof of divinity

>snide dismissal instead of argument

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>Atheists aren't the best goyim

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>wasting time arguing with brainwashed idiots
Sign me up! No.

Same. It's just name calling. The last refuge of the intellectually bankrupt.

Assuming education levels continue to go up, there is no reason to believe that religion will be replaced by something else of similar purpose.

You have a reasonable stance on this issue and though I consider myself an atheist, I actually agree with you. But at the same time I'd argue that this isn't really describing 99% of all religions or their practicioners. Most of them would probably consider you a blasphemer and not someone to speak for them.

You're what's wrong with the world. You're why we can't have nice things. Did you know? Of course you didn't. I hate you so much.

>education levels continue to go up
>continue to
Intelligence among humans has only been declining. There's no reason to assume it'll climb even after nature kills the majority of us off, but we can hope. It may just get us all though. Still a plus.

Stay out of personal lives, you meddling busybodies! Don't you have anything better to do all day than belittle people on the internet?

>pic related, it's you

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People have been debating the existence of gods since the ancient greeks, good luck finding anything new or useful on a shitposting site.

"Agnostic" means "lack of knowlege." One can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist.

No answer can be confirmed on this life. Have faith in the faithless or put your faith in something faithful. If life is a test to see if we can solve such a problem, the answer is easy and the consequence of failure is more than warranted.

>gay bich

It's cute how you parrot what your pastor taught you, but it's starting to become annoying.

I used to be an atheist when I was younger. Very opinionated. Knew everything about the Bible and how absurd it was. Was very aware as to how Christianity had a terrible impact on the world, both now and throughout history. Thousands of posts on an atheist forum.

But then I grew up. Hopefully most of you will get wisdom as well and snap out of the atheist stage.

And don't worry, I know how angrily I would have replies to this post 10 years ago.

chris langan is also pseud lost in his own fantasies and word games. he's probably the perfect example of high IQ not meaning jack shit; richard feynman had a modestly high IQ but was one of the most influential men of the last century.

>assumes that user is a Christian
Why do Atheists always project themselves (and their personal failings, both intellectual and spiritual) onto others? He didn't mention any religious denomination at all, yet you assume he's a Christian?

His posts reek of the midwest. Probably from Milwaukee.

Your projection has no bounds, does it? I suppose I expect as much from an Atheist. It's funny though, I always thought Atheists never jumped to conclusions without proof. Hmmm, how strange.

He comes off as better spoken/educated than you dude...even despite his views.

Who said I'm an atheist?

I actually live on the East coast, North East metropolitan area to be precise. Does that blow your mind user?

Honestly can't imagine how sad and empty someone's brain must be for them to retain their belief in physicalism past high school.

An agnostic is just a cowardly atheist, user. Not much better.


>I have been on this site for years and I have yet to see one single theist provide a counter argument to an athiest that doesn't consist of calling them "cringe" and posting pictures of fedoras.

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Which makes him even sadder. All that education and throws it away for literally nothing. That action speaks louder than anything he or anyone could ever say.

believing is something that doesn't exist past childhood is as sad and empty as it gets. you don't deserve a brain. was it hard for you to stop believing in santa?

Except it fucking does effect our lives, sometimes pretty explosively.