Why don't they just use time-travel to undo anything bad which has ever happened throughout history and bring back...

Why don't they just use time-travel to undo anything bad which has ever happened throughout history and bring back people who have died?

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They should go back in time and stop the trans Atlantic slave trade in it's tracks. I just fixed the world with one idea.

Didn't you listen?
That's not how time works.

They literally explain that they cannot change history.

I'm actually confused at this point as to whether these posts missing how the time travel is suppose to work in the movie are just shitposts or anons actually too stupid to grasp a simple capshit plot point.

Timeline is fixed so it would just become the catalyst for why anything happened at all. Did you learn nothing from 12 monkeys?

why didn't they time travel and get another tony

Then what was the point of time travelling in the first place? Thanos still won. All they did was abandon their world to live in a new one with dopplegangers of everyone they knew.

Some fucking heroes.

except cap can go back and live into his 80s
yeah, film doesn't understand it's own rules

Why didn't Strange just send Thanos to the North Pole?

>they can unsnap people who were on airplanes or submarines and those were were killed as a result of the snap
beats me, that CGI suit looks good tho compared to nano suit and spidey suit

How is that changing history?

literally over explained in the movie

>Cap abandons his post as Captain America without telling anybody.
>Somehow this is a heroic arc.

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Sucks for the people who suicided after losing loved ones during The Snap.

Captain Cuck changes the past though, I think the writers knew their audience would clap at anything and just stopped giving a fuck, hence the massive plot holes

Imagine your 6/10 wife getting snapped then falling in love with a 10/10 and getting married and having kids. Then she comes back. Thanks a lot Hulk

How did he change the past? How do you know that Cap didn't always exist in that era?

> (OP)
>They should go back in time and stop the trans Atlantic slave trade in it's tracks. I just fixed the world with one idea.

Nope, only needed to kill the slaves at the end. Like the Muslims did.

If no, kill Lincoln earlier.

If no, then yes, never have let slavery reach the west.

Did he actually tried to fuck his own daughter in Winter Soldier?

Where was he when Carter was dying of pussycanser or something?

>Tony snaps his fingers
>all nigs, chinks, joos, lgbtqwerty,furry,poo, moslem,jannies,abo l,degenerate,communist "people" are gone aswell
Hehehe, nothin personnel, cucks

We meet tits mcgee as an old lady. She got married to someone else and had a family.
How is swooping in on that not changing things?

Because Cap would have noticed all the picturws of himself and his waifue during all these years he's been obsessing over her. That's even more retarded than the actual movie which is unbelievably stupid to begin with

Telling grand tales to a different Peggy that never got cancer through the magic of Wakanda most likely. In a different timeline.


I don't think time travel makes sense in this movie. Not even the rules it established

Because cap A is back in the 70's and cap B is is the cryostasis, you doofus.

Tbh he should have just fucked Sharon's niece. She was hotter anyways

>Telling grand tales to a different Peggy that never got cancer through the magic of Wakanda most likely. In a different timeline
Well you tried, but the movie is still plot hole central

But it was the same timeline. Also I think Cap would know that Carter had a man.

I think he did.

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>Jarvis, invent time travel.

I will regret this but name one.
Or more even.

Now that they can travel to anywhere in the universe thanks to dr. weird just toss the bad guy to the other corner of creation. Problem solved.

Not his daugther. And not related to him at all in any case.
When he jumped back to 45 she did have a man. Alternate himself, whom he presumably left in the ice. And it obviously was not.
But really I feel like I am getting baited hard here.

>They should go back in time and stop agriculture from ever being developed

>leaves all us mixed race Chads alive
WTF pretty based tbqhwy

Captain America's ending changing his own past in direct contradiction with what the movie said about time travel

why don't you go back in time and actually watch the movie that literally fucking explains that their future wouldn't change


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It does not.
Jumping back in time means that he leaves alternate him frozen in the water in the wreckage of the Valkyrie, unless he had Stark go and fetch him so that they can double team Peggy or so that he can fuck Bucky on the side or something.
Noones past was changed, as explicitly told and shown in the movie.
Case in point, Nebula killed her 2014 self without issue. Similarly the Tesseract was exactly where it was meant to be and not ever in Loki's hands in their timeline or his past, even as he leaves with it when they fuck up.
And so on.

Arabic slave trade lasted about over thousand years with ten times the number atlantic slave trade though
Arguably world would just be better place, if they went to africa and culled everyone there around 1300~, maybe do so for Middle-East and South Asia as well, maybe mongols too, and the chinese, and the japanese

Fas old Cap just hiding in the basement when young cap came to say farewell to Carter on her death bed?

>half the earths population is gone
>5 years later people have moved on, the world economy has corrected itself
>food production has lessened to the appropriate levels
>war and crime is at an all time low
>one day they all just come back, at the same time with no warning
>implying that wouldn't absolutely be the worst thing to happen to the planet and be even more devastating than the snap itself
>suddenly you have 3+ billion more mouths to feed
>suddenly a bunch of people that weren't there for 5 years want their shit back including wives/husbands/familes
>wars everywhere
>suicide and murder rampant
>sickness and disease, ubiquitous
>roving band of the returned the undusted going around raping and pillaging
>not a single thought as to deal with this
>"naw just don't worry about it bro, this is a universe with a talking raccoon, a man who flies around in an armor suit he made with BOX OF SCRAPS and a thundergod alien. But you want to talk about logistics? XD bro come on"

They had a perfect opportunity to explore how end game impacted the world in Far from Home but they inisted on making ANOTHER comedy

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He went back, created an alternate timeline by deciding to shack up with Peggy, then went back to his original timeline to pass the shield on with the Russos simply citing he found a way and there's a story in there somewhere, and I'll give them some leeway as him sitting there on the bench rather than showing up again on the machine platform old looking in that nanosuit is a visual and director's choice. Cap was never an old man secretly hiding in the main timeline during, say, 9/11 cause it's not Back to the Future time travel
>inb4 the writers claiming it is Back to the Future time travel
Don't care. They contradict everything, the Russos made the most sense by far, and those writers don't seem that talented anyhow considering they needed a producer to come up with Iron Man's line before the snap. They also dropped the ball hard when it came to handling Thanos in EG.

>then went back to his original timeline
Headcannon doesn't fix plotholes, user

I'm going off what the directors said. They said something to the effect of 'there's a story in there somewhere' with regards to how he got back to his original timeline from the new one he created by deciding to vigorously fuck Peggy's tits.

>“If Cap were to go back into the past and live there, he would create a branched reality,” Joe Russo explains to EW.com. “The question then becomes, how is he back in this reality to give the shield away?”
>“Interesting question, right?” Joe Russo says. “Maybe there’s a story there. There’s a lot of layers built into this movie and we spent three years thinking through it, so it’s fun to talk about it and hopefully fill in holes for people so they understand what we’re thinking.”
There. If you want to bitch about that, that's your choice. I, personally, will grant leeway cause film is visual and shit and directors will sacrifice what's the most logically soundproof for what's more satisfying and cathartic to watch unfold. They could, however, have had Sam asked, clearly puzzled, how this is all possible with Cap only smiling cryptically and saying some shit like 'I found a way' or whatever.

>there's a story in there somewhere
Not in the movie, travelling between timelines would have come handy when they were getting invaded by Thanos' army but it's just an asspull from some sad hacks trying to fix a glaring, embarrassing plothole

>If you want to bitch about that, that's your choice
Yep I'll keep pointing out the shit writing wherever I find it. There are people who think this garbage filmmakig is acceptable so it's kind of a moral duty to remind them it's objetively not

>implying people care so much about the time travel logic you'll undo the entertainment and enjoyment people got out of it via bitching excessively about the time travel like some YMS-lite
Lol. At least bitch about them making it too vague and confusing with the ending rather than shit like 'y didn't he stop 9/11!'

A better complaint about Endgame I've read is how much they dropped the ball with Thanos by killing off the better IW version to replace him with the EG version, specifically his final defeat. It's way less satisfying considering we've already seen the better version murdered without ceremony. The inferior one with way less history with the main characters that got shoved into the film nearly 2/3rds into it getting the final dramatic defeat doesn't work anywhere near as well. They lost all momentum by killing off the IW one, and robbed the film of any sense of urgency and lingering danger until the 2014 one accidently stumbled onto the time heist plot. I'll take those complaints over dry YMS-esque nitpicks about time travel mechanics any day.

>implying I give a fuck about what makes bugmen clap
The movie was shit for many reasons, having shit writing is just one of them. But it does have shit writing, like really really REALLY fucking awful writing

Cap wasn't around to live with his old lady. Cap wasn't old as fuck in present time.
>goes back in time
Spends time with his old lady. Lives out the decades and becomes old as fuck in the present.
>how is that changing history?
Fucking moron.

Not a burger, but how common are bugmen? In UK, you get obnoxious nerd/SJW stereotypes that congregate if it's opening night but even they sound pretty restrained compared to soi faggots and even normie burgers considering they don't clap like defective seals every 10 seconds. It's like Marvel is a neo-religion in burgerland, curryland, etc.

As for EG, I enjoyed it to an extent and don't get hung up on capeshit logic holes if I find the entertaining (i.e. I really don't care about the fact the Civil War villain's plan didn't make sense) but it never lived up to the hype as some grand finale to me. It should have exceeded IW in that regard. The film's first 20 minutes to me is a highlight rather than the time heist stuff cause it has the sense of urgency and pacing IW had. They could have made a much more satisfying narrative with a sense of urgency, stakes, etc. if they never killed off IW Thanos.

the movie makes no sense and contradicts itself on numerous occasions

I get annoyed at how EG is riddled with problems yet almost all of the bitching is intellectually lazy as fuck YMS-tier logic nitpicks about the time travel and shit. Veer on the lack of urgency, the lackluster final battle, them dropping with the ball with the narrative with how they handled with Thanos, i.e. the shit that actually held the film back instread of le epic 'y didn't he stahp 9/11 lel xD' nitpicks.

Why didn't that bald wizard bitch that effortlessly took banner's soul out of his body do that to thanos? That spell looked OP as fuck. Why didn't strange just send thanos to the senter of a star?
Also, (infinty war)
>Dr. Strange. Powers: bunch of reality warping spells and shit
>thano's alien lackey dude. Powers: telekinesis
>strange gets fucking owned

>bald wizard bitch that effortlessly took banner's soul out of his body do that to thanos?
She's dead at the time of the Thanos battle but Strange can do that too

Why do you keep making this same post over and over? Do you think people are going give a pass to these massive plotholes because you don't like your capegarbage being laughed at?