They're a bunch of failed filmmakers who got lucky with the Plinkett reviews and are milking that success till it dries up.
Consider the following
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it's also the reason why they're so bitter and cynical
harsh but true
Have they ever actually tried to make a real film or crack into the business? I know they have Spacecop, but that was basically just them fucking around and not really trying to get into the industry.
Most people are failed somethings, so considering the audience they've managed to gather, I'd say they are quite successful. Not many movie critics have a fanbase as large as theirs.
They slapped together the recovered just to see if they could get distribution.
Consider this: they are highly charismatic and entertaining and fill a niche that no one else is filling. If they were just lucky idiots milking their success from ten (!) years ago then they would have fallen into obscurity long ago.
True.'s not like they don't work hard and didn't capitalize on their good fortune. Most people who get 15 minutes of Fame just sqaunder it and vanish. The rlm boys make bank hanging out with their friends.
I doubt it will run dry soon. They are this generations movie critics.
hi guys
And you are a nobody on a stupid board
And you’re a shift manager at Walmart. If you havent gone to California and actually tried to break into the industry, youre not a failed filmmaker. Theyre hobbyists.
>RLM defense force
And they are 1000x more successful in life than you will ever be.
the implication is that the medium is shrinking. It is not. this is just how things are.
their movie is fucking embarrassing
I mean, wouldn't you milk it too? I would
Yeah. This was their attempt to make a real movie.
They’re not very talented at all.
They went to film school, enjoy a lot of movies, and do work filming things or did in the past, mostly stuff like weddings and stuff like that.
They're funny to listen to and know enough about movies to be able to point out things that are just weirdly flawed, like the framing in Jack and Jill or how there was a lack of characterization in the prequels.
Sounds legit
That's all true, but still doesn't invalidate them as critics. Their stuff is consistently entertaining and mostly well thought-out, so I can't use their failure in the industry as a bludgeon to invalidate that.
Damn. How much do you guys donate each month?
>Consider this: they are highly charismatic and entertaining
They're alright
Well. Maybe, but I don´t see them bitter because they are failed filmmakers. They are bitter because muh boomer regrets. Jay is a pleb anyway. Besides his horrorfag inclinations he has no fucking idea what´s he´s talking about. But, at the same time, they have a certain charming quality. They are clever enough for using their friendship dynamics to maintain their audience. Sometimes I laugh with them, sometimes not. I can´t understand the hatred.
this shit is as reputable as blind items
>only talk about american films
How the hell do people even consider them good critics?
>They're funny to listen to
Occasionally. A lot of their comedy is intentionally bad because they struggle with the execution.
>who got lucky
They didn't just get lucky, there's actual talent behind the star wars reviews. All the mr plinkett reviews are extremely entertaining and informative.
And who gives a shit, their show is really fucking entertaining. Very sympathetic guys, very funny stuff. That's the only reason I watch them.
It's my ultimate friends simulator
>Reddit spacing
Consider the following: you're an e-celeb obsessed faggot
If they attempted anything close to serious filmmaking internet critics would nitpick it to hell and back, not worth it for them desu
>reddit spacing
kill yourself, newfag. And besides, that wasn't even reddit spacing. Reddit spacing is a paragraph for each sentence.
How can a single newfag fuck up so much, seriously dude?
>Reddit spacing AGAIN
If they just "got lucky" with the Plinkett reviews and were milking it, they wouldn't still be around and consistently popular 10 years later. They did the exact opposite of milk the Plinkett reviews, they expanded their content and expanded their fanbase. I sense a tinge of jealousy in your post, OP.
I can tell you’ve never watched their stuff
So you are also a failed filmmaker but haven't found an audience or had the talent to develop a fanbase and make a living doing what you enjoy, thus you are jealous of RLM. Got it.
Nah. They're legitimately funny and entertaining. Luck had little to do with it. They're the only ones I support on patreon.
>drinking free, ice-cold patreon beer, making silly videos with your high school friends, and watching old movies with Macaulay Culkin
but this is what success looks like
Did 4channelers really talk like this unironically back in the mid 2000s?
>they're failed filmmakers even though they are literally successful
>they're milking the Plinkett reviews even though they rarely make Plinkett reviews
>make reviews from 10 years ago
>new people keep seeing them therefore giving you more traffic
yeah bro its totally there movies bringing in the fans not there plinkett reviews or random celebrity guests every couple of years
Yes. It was literally a different time. You wouldn't know of course, you jumped out of your fat mama's womb at least a year after that and you were already as cool as you are now
>still has less subscribers than YMS and IHE
Not successful at being film makers though
You have a limited idea of what filmmaking is if you think writing, filming, and editing content isn't considered filmmaking. I'm sorry you flunked out of film school and are jealous of RLM now, loser.
Based retard
They have shit taste in movies, only discuss garbage, and are absolute hypocrites. We only watch them because they’re funny
Even ignoring that they actually do have more subs than YMS, subs don't mean shit. Views do. And RLM consistently gets three or four times the views as most YMS videos.
>Redditlettermedia Defense Force
Jesus Christ, you should kill yourself if you care so much about your stupid friend simulator. By God, go outside and make some real friends.
They do have really shit taste for the most part. Sometimes I'm really surprised, like when they liked the last two hobbit movies.
But best of the worst is great, mr plinket is great, RLM is great if you skip the unfunny acting shit. Very entertaining. Same reason I watch Adam. Some of his reviews are hilarious.
You are seriously fucking deluded if you think their audience at this point only cares about Plinkett reviews.
They are the best part though
cope make another "ironic" bad movie so you don't need to listen to criticism
>>Redditlettermedia Defense Force
Or maybe, you know, the points you're trying to make are shit and people are pointing that out.
They are popular enough for blockbuster directors to be afraid of their reviews.
Kinda crazy how I actually got to see Mike go from a wide eyed hope filled guy to a grumpy cynical elderly person. It's like watching a family member slowly succumb to alzheimers
>wide eyed hope filled guy
He was never wide eyed or hope filled.
People unironically think supporting RLM is the same as supporting far right men's rights activists.
People unironically think a channel that constantly sucks Disney dick is "problematic"
t. newfag
>implying anything made outside of America matters
fucking die weeb 3rd worlder
He's thinner, that's all. But he's already depressed and talking about the death of Star Wars. Literally nothing has changed about his demeanor, he just looks younger.
>not being here from day one
Imagine being this new
man, young mike was a good looking man. he should eat less.
Redditers who loved greentext stories helped create the fantasy that Yea Forums never did spaces in posts.
He looks extremely stereotypical Italo-American, like he's Tony Monzetti from Brooklyn, not like a guy with Czech parents from Milwaukee
It's so fucking retarded and absurd to even think about that shit, let alone call each other out for "reddit spacing". It's just to make shit easier to read, that's all.
>prequelfags are still seething over RLM
do you think they'll ever stop being upset over Mike telling them how Lucas is a retarded hack and the fanbase s full of autistic manchildren?
I very much prefer Tanner over RLM, the Dogfucker, that Britbong fag, or that fat spaghetti cowboy. Tanner is funny, he's pure, he's analytic, and he's not only reviewing movies, he is providing us with 1st hand interviews of every female actress in Disneyland.
Tanner is truly /ourautist/
>milking success till it dries up
that's literally everything in every industry ever, and nothing wrong about it.
>they're milking the Plinkett reviews by...not making Plinkett reviews
They make entertaining videos that I watch, sometimes multiple times. I don't care if their films are shit or if their opinions are shit, just give me drunk Mike and Rich and Jay and someone else
Space Cop was their real attempt at a real movie. They devoted 2 fucking years to that thing and exhausted themselves making it. They just pretend it was a "fun stupid movie" to cover up how shitty it was because they're afraid of going for broke and trying their best and failing, hiding behind the schlock label. They're incapable of creating a good movie because they actually don't understand movies at all and just have a basic first year film student understanding of shot composition and screen writing.
People like their videos because they're funny without being tryhard and they're creative editors. Stop obsessing over them and pretending to hate them as an excuse to make multiple threads about them every day, you fucking retard.
This, anybody who tries to convince you that Space Cop was only bad and amateurish because of the low budget or shooting problems is lying, everything they do have tons of problems that have nothing to do with budget limitations:
>ugly lighting with harsh shadows
>overexposed images shot at completely flat angles
>no color correction
>wrong shutter speeds (this was really bad in Space Cop and made most of it look like highschool film class stuff),
>no real sound design, worse than early youtube videos
>absolutely terrible, Newgrounds-tier vfx other than the few scenes in Space Cop that Colin and Jim did that stood out like crazy cause they looked too good compared to the rest.
their editing is fine in HitB and BotW, but it's also kinda hard to mess up that much when you have a multi-cam setup. their shittiness on a technical level fits HitB so perfectly that i think a lot of people thought all of it was intentional and got surprised when Space Cop was also came out very amateurish.
>They just pretend it was a "fun stupid movie" to cover up how shitty it was
There is nothing in the text of the movie to indicate it was ever intended as anything but a fun stupid movie.
>They devoted 2 fucking years to that thing and exhausted themselves making it
They didn't spend 2 years nonstop on it. They did a few scenes here and there while doing their youtube videos.
What is it about RLM and Space Cop in particular that turns you faggots into armchair psychologists about their motivations and their "true feelings" and shit? You sound like you're projecting and insecure as hell.
>Consider this: they are highly charismatic and entertaining
They're not, but they aren't hyperactive cringey nerds and that sets them apart from all the other youtube pop culture film reviewers. They don't have a stupid character like that video game nerd and they aren't constantly shilling and over reacting and telling you to smash that like button or being really smug and pretentious about capeshit and children's cartoons like that Dishonored Furfag or pol;taRd fuckwad.
Not being annoying and unfunny pretentious dweebs is all that seperates them from the rest of the pack, they're just as stupid as all the other youtubers but they aren't a chore to listen to as they complain about the same shit every one else does.
>ons of problems that have nothing to do with budget limitations
>>ugly lighting with harsh shadows
This can 100% be attributed to having no budget. No money=no professional cinematographer
>>overexposed images shot at completely flat angles
The shot compositions in the movie are fine. There's a variety to the angles used, some camera movement when needed without being distracting, and a general knowledge of what coverage is needed to execute the idea of a scene.
>>no color correction
There is though. Look at the outtakes to see what un-graded footage looks like.
>>wrong shutter speeds (this was really bad in Space Cop and made most of it look like highschool film class stuff),
This literally makes no sense and makes it look like you have no clue what you're actually talking about.
>>no real sound design, worse than early youtube videos
There is a ton of sound effects and general audio mixing. The ADR is pretty distracting in several scenes because it's not mixed very well, but the fact that they thought to even bother with ADR shows that they're aware of the problems with on-set audio that pretty much every movie faces.
>>absolutely terrible, Newgrounds-tier vfx other than the few scenes in Space Cop that Colin and Jim did that stood out like crazy cause they looked too good compared to the rest.
This is the only complaint I can agree with.
Just so we're clear, I thought Space Cop sucked. But your attempt to analyze it makes you look like a moron that's trying way too hard to sound like they know what they're talking about when you clearly don't.
That's some really bad camera work
>they aren't hyperactive cringey nerds and that sets them apart from all the other youtube pop culture film reviewer
lol what? Am I in bizarro world? Mike is literally the exact opposite of hyperactive.
>They don't have a stupid character like that video game nerd
Do you think Mr. Plinkett is a real person? Or that Mike and Jay are really VCR repairmen?
What's bad about it? There's dolly shots and even a car trucking shot. I'm sure the movie is bad but it looks fine for a no budget movie they made over a decade ago.
bro you need to stop replying to everyone, calm your tits and take a second to actually read and comprehend what people are saying
>They're a bunch of failed filmmakers who got lucky with the Plinkett reviews and are milking that success till it dries up.
There's absolutely nothing cinematic about it
Bad framing, a mix of flat shots and angled shots in the wrong places and context, way too close to the subject or way to far, etc. Basically watch their critique of any Len Kabasinski and apply it to their movies because they both have the same shortcomings.
>don't attempt discussion or debate. Yea Forums should just be a big circlejerk.
So are you going to make an attempt at explaining what that means? Maybe give examples and expand what you're attempting to say or do you just want to complain without understanding what you're talking about?
lol it's so clear which posts in this thread are yours because they all read the same: vague criticisms that sound like they have substance but aren't actually saying anything or related to any actual examples.
t. posted on Yea Forums in 2006 when I was 15
Here's a pretty blatant example of their lack of talent then. Reminder this is made by film makers in their late 30s who had been making films since their teenage years.
Internet culture was only just evolving you fucking retard. It was just a bunch of misfits and bullied losers getting together in a newly founded anonymous image board who shared funny and shocking stuff and over time, created everything that is known today as internet culture.
That shit was the fucking start you brainlet.
>Plinkett reviews
What is this?
Very good reviews of all the star wars movies, the first one, of Episode 1, was extremely successful and widely shared.
Mr plinket is a character that Mike created for these reviews.
>Summarizing is vagueness durrrrr
I'm not creating a 2000 word post critiquing in detail why every shot in their movies is shit. People who aren't brainlets and who watched the movie know what I'm referring to.
I like them. Rich Evans is my favorite. That's enough.
>dat deflection
Yes, most of what we consider to be the worst kinds of cringe on the internet today is deribed from Yea Forums around that time. I remember meeting people who talked like that in real life.