Cast him

Cast him.

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Danny Devito

I would've said Jeff Bridges but he's too old.

Matt Berry

Ian Mcshane

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Jk simmons

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Ray Romano

Brad Pitt. And Leo as Arthur

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That's backwards you dumb fuck.

When does it stop hurting, bros?

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It doesn't, I finished this game weeks ago and still think about Arthur every now and then

unironically his VA

Yeah they all kinda look like the characters they play.

Leo could do it if he lost the weight.

Leo could be Micah, he already has the bloat

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He already played that role in assassination of jesse james

This could actually be good. But I'm not sure Brolin has the ''big'' charisma needed. He's usually playing the more thoughtful roles, whereas Dutch is a more outgoing character. Although his Hail, Caesar! character was pretty charismatic.

i finished it over half a year ago and there's still piercing pain

Powers Boothe from deadwood, it's basically the same character.

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Be a better Arthur

Just reboot the game and actually make it a cowboy simulator next time.

He’s dead my friend


oh... maybe they can just CGI him in.

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+ 50 pounds

David Spade

Brad Pitt would be Arthur

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Only choice