>The last real filmmaker.
- Jay Bauman
The last real filmmaker
That’s Quentin Tarantino you stupid fucking idiot
Was Mike offended?
He meant in a mainstream sense - a director who still makes non-superhero movies but can pack in a big audience while having his own style.
I must say, I can't quickly think of another example.
Scorsese, Nolan, Spielberg
And hello to Spielberg, Scorsese, De Palma, Woody Allen, Werner Herzog, Clint Eastwood, Terrence Malick, Oliver Stone, Warren Beatty, Ridley Scott, Paul Schrader, Stephen Frears, George Miller, the Coen brothers, Steven Soderbergh, Michael Mann and Jean Luc Godard too
remember that big hit the BFG?
Post 2000 Spielberg Is a hack
>Spielberg isnt a big hit director
weak bait
Nolan, perhaps, but you must be joking with Scorsese and Spielberg.
>I like to eat
Jay Bauman
Nolan was the first possibility that came to mind but of course we're talking guys who haven't done capeshit. Even if his Batman movies somehow feel as if they don't qualify, and I guess they really aren't comparable to current Marvelshit etc.
Scorsese and Spielberg are well past their prime. And I don't think Scorsese has the draw now that Tarantino does.
Still has 6 no. 1 blockbusters.
I liked the stuntman annihilating the killers face
Nolan is the definition of a hack. I don't think he's ever directed a single film that wasnt a pseudointellectual wankfest. He's unironically Michael Bay for redditcucks.
he's not these days and now he's shilling for Apples streaming service
I haven't seen his new flick and don't think I want to spend $15 to spend 3 hours in a theater, but Django and The Hateful 8 were both pretty low quality compared to what he did before. It's silly to put Tarantino on a pedestal like that when Lynch put out The Return less than 2 years ago.
That's not the point, his name is a mainstream draw.
Capeshit really doesn't apply to the Nolan batman movies, the Raimi spiderman trilogy, the 1970's superman movie, etc. It's less about being about superheroes and more about being churned out corporate garbage that's been focus-tested to appeal to the broadest number of people without being really memorable or unique. The new star wars movies are closer to capeshit than the dark knight.
He gave us bane though
Ready Player One
Worldwide: $582,890,172
yeah remember when everyone was talking about the latest stephen frears movie
here he is sucking a little girls foot, he's a pedo
He's the only director who brings out the best in any actor.
My gf has size 4 feet and she's 31
that gay movie with Hugh Grant? Probably got a couple of threads in /pol/
Yeah, I can agree with that. There's a distinct, calculated satisfactory-ness / pleasing mediocrity to everything Disney in particular makes lately that is a different class than previous superhero stuff.
class *from previous
Not now, but a couple yars ago Harvey used to buy him oscar nominations
Yeah this is very true. Has anyone put their finger on what it is exactly? The story structure + tone + action + tension all being fine tuned to this maybe?
i'm guessing her calfs are thinner than your wrists as well right pedo faggot
There's a fast-paced, pleasing kind of quippy humor Disney has been running with since the early 90s... I think it maybe started with Timon and Pumba and then defined the tone / pacing with all the comedic side-characters in their animations since. Then they adopted that Joss Whedon-y thing of having all the characters, including the lead characters, constantly quipping and they just found it a winning part of their formula.
In their Marvel movies in particular though I think it partly started with Robert Downey Jr.'s whole crowd-pleasing quips, and then Joss Whedon starting to direct some of their movies which really upped the ante with that tone. And Marvel always had a bit of quips like with old Spiderman jokes.
Otherwise there are other parts of the formula that seem to hit certain beats, leading up to the same world-threatening / city flattening crescendo with spectacular digital effects.
>He's unironically Michael Bay
This. Nolan is competent a director from technical standpoint, but his films has no cultural value whatsoever
>popular director doesn't make cape shit