What movies do girls watch?

What movies do girls watch?

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they don't watch movies, they just have them on in the background as they use their phone or do chores at home.

Woah, just like me.

mostly interracial porn

guess it's applicable to trannies too then

I haven't watched a movie from start to finish in the last year. Saw some snippets of Justice League while my dad was watching.
The last thing I watched in entirety was Rome about a month ago.

Yes, I am biologically female.

Show bob

my religion forbids it

Show penis


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They watched Dubbed not Subbed.

How do I get a gf that looks like this bros?

Harry Potter is the real Star Wars for girls. And I fucking hate it.

No action movies.
War but no action.
Romance but no porn.
Sci-fi but no spaceship.
Alien but no creatures.

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why would they watch that if they can experience the real thing in real life?

Very enlightening

>cropping out the tiny disparity to prove your point
have sex

So you think she gives good head?

>which movies have the largest disparity
Fucking retard.

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hnnngh head

Muh dick needs to get slurped on badly.

Mostly boat movies, especially the ones with 19th century setting

are you stupid? do you want it to list thousands of movies until the disparity is nearly equal?

Fucking plebs

Are you retarded? It's the largest disparity but it's still tiny. I had this discussion here before. You guys literally suck at arguing. Your fucking reddit statistic doesn't change that.
>inb4 rank, instead of ratings

>muh 0.7 difference
>all women are sluts
>I am so lonely, gib azn gf

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - IMDb.png (875x355, 42K)


Attached: spook.png (126x158, 32K)

I don't see it.

an ex of mine broke up with me because i wouldn't to and watch some capeshit at the cinema with her. previously refusing to go to some shitty heavy metal club with her also might have contributed to her decision

Damn, men are fucking based

who is she

>women are twice as likely to rate Das Boot below a 7/10
>a tiny difference
The only tiny difference here is that of your brain size and the size of a peanut.
All people are sluts.

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Only women can be sluts

>women are twice as likely to rate Das Boot below a 7/10
>implying the same amount of men and women vote on imdb
>implying there is no self selection going on
It's always fun to talk about these matter with you, when statistics are quite literally my job.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 Das Boot (1981) - IMDb.png (846x321, 20K)

this screenshot ironically confirms his point

8.5 and 6.1 is a huge difference, displaying just how retarded and shit taste young women are, then as they get older you can see the ratings slowly rise. 18-29 is because the guys they were fucking forced them to watch it, 30-44 they're still roasties who can't appreciate anything, and 45+ after having children they can finally appreciate art.

I just got off the phone with god, he says you've got a green light, just this once.

What's the film in pic related?

You resisting joining the 40% does not make statistics "your job".

>implying the same amount of men and women vote on imdb
Women are outnumbered everywhere on the internet so what's your point.
>implying there is no self selection going on
The impact of that is entirely unkown and not worth arguing about as a result.

>Women are outnumbered everywhere on the internet so what's your point.
The point is that the standard deviation is so fucking high here that any correlation is bullshit, even when you talk about the participants. You incels making claims about the whole population based on this really makes me laugh.
>6 votes
Confirmed brainlet.
I don't even know what you are talking about but I have a comfy job (without humans or manual labor) in medical statistics.


>"she" claims to work in medical statistics
>"she" claims to not know about the 40% statistic
Why not just get it over with? It must be tiring resisting.

Are you going to keep posting her until she's an old hag? She already hit the wall years ago

Harry Potter

Yeah yeah go on ignoring the fact that female votes make up 1/3rd of the 2/10s on Das Boot despite them having only 1/10th of the total votes that men have.

Anyway why are you this fucking offended by the notion that men and women have different tastes?

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Lifetime movies where the women get beat all the time.

The ones I tell them to watch
tfw told a girl to watch a movie and she actually did it
gave me a tingly feeling

Harry Potter and MCU. Nothing else.

>get assigned with 2 girls for a university project
>I am not a sperg so that's not a problem
>during the project we are forced to wait a few hours each day because of the lab equipment etc.
>after being bored for days I suggest playing "20 questions" with the most basic fictional characters
>they are happy with the suggestion so we start playing
>the girls exclusively pick MCU superheroes
>I picked Hannibal Lecter once
>they didn't even know who he was

Stop posting my girlfriend

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>I am not a sperg
>picked a cannibalistic serial killer
Oh they knew who he was, they were just petrified you were fantasising about killing them. 1st rule of talking to girls is keep it fucking light.

>Oh they knew who he was, they were just petrified you were fantasising about killing them.
Thanks for analyzing a social situation you didn't witness with people you don't know.

You keep doing you mate, don't change anything about yourself I'm sure you're doing super well

It's amazing what you think you know, but having literally no information at all.

Have you tried touring the country with your telepathic abilities?

I saw once upon a time in hollywood with my boyfriend on my birthday and I really liked it :) I typically like action (?) movies with violence. I don't like marvel movies although I have seen a few when my friends invite me. When I was a kid my favorite movies were LOTR, teen it was reservoir dogs & the departed, and now I don't really have an answer. I watch too much tv & not enough movies. Give me attention now because I have boobies

Horrors, comedies, and romcoms

Tried and true observations of a Tinder incel

You gave it a concerted effort and certain touches really worked, like not liking Marvel movies and incorporating your actual IRL tastes into the LARP, but overall dawg it just wasn't that satisfying... and I'm giving this one a 6/10

its a doorway to hell

Thanks for the (you). If anything though, saying I have friends and a bf indicates larping moreso. I USED to post a timestamp when people questioned my gender but I'm not underage anymore so I will refrain and be happy to be accused of lying! :)

Do you have any mental illnesses or personality disorders?

Supposing that you're real, you're an insufferable twat

I'm just hamming it up
I think I'm funny!

I'm not sure why you're surprised. This board has the lowest IQ site wide

Have you completed portal?

the video game? I said I'm a girl

No. 5 highest ranked filmed ranked by men is Bollypooed feminist propaganda where biology is ignored and boys being beat up and abused is played for laughs.

Why are men so cucked and have shit taste?

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poos rate poo-movies always extremely high, no matter the quality.

My sister is a subscriber of BLACKED

>you will never find out who she is

They watch romantic movies about true lovers, which gets them stimulated and then they go get gangbanged. Now feeling empty, they go and watch more romantic movies and the cycle continues.
Something like that

this. Yea Forums is the most reddit board by far. I just assume everyone here is some obese fatherless mulatto who just finished his first semester of sociology