Did she notice him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i dunno but anyone festering over white women deserve to be shot

>even "nerd" women have no time for the dudes in their own subculture and still only want Chad
Gradually I began to hate them

Me in the back

Suddenly I don't feel bad about that twitch roastie getting her throat cut open

Isn’t that the guy who ranted about her having a husband or something

>that nerd chad laughing his ass off in the back
How do I get this BASADO?

Actually relating to some thirsty orbiter

that was an instathot though

Moreso than a 20 year old woman who dresses like capeshit on camera. Or are you a lithe 20 year old woman?

actual interaction reminds them that they're little more than prostitutes

>dudes in their own subculture
shes a top tier woman, she could pick out the rare top tier chad thats in the same subculture as her. thats how this shit works. just because a hot chick and an ugly retard like the same movies doesnt mean they have to get married

>white beta cucks worshiping a white woman who has an asian husband


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This is what gets these e-whores killed.

Based and ricedpilled

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Yes, she was looking at the screen
She has a video of it on her own channel making fun of him


The Asian looks like a middle aged woman

why do e thots like asian men?

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people still care about playmates?

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why should she?

Asian men do kek

the incel mind is fascinating

>get banned from Yea Forums
>spam Yea Forums with offtopic shit

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lmao have sex
based roastie

based roastie

There was something weird going on with stpeach though, like she'd whore out live on twitch and the asian dude would come in and get all upset and remind her she's gonna get banned lmao

Maybe he was just there for the twitch bux

>shes a top tier woman
imagine having this bad taste

this dude isnt even good looking so clearly something more going on there

she has had alot of plastic surgery done and bleaches her skin

Fuckkk imagine the smell

Some women want someone they can completely manipulate / always win with. He will never challenge her on a single thing for fear of losing her, she can do whatever she wants without any repercussions yet still have the emotional support she craves from a relationship.

Isn't this the woman who makes fun of cosplayers on livestream at conventions? She's a bit of a cunt.

t. seething whitoid

imagine never having sex with a woman

never understood why she left him hanging like that.
she wasnt looking at him directly but she could still see him because of the stream window on the laptop.

though, i dont feel bad for him because of the comment that guy makes afterwards.

Didn’t this guy have a complete meltdown online afterwards?

that's really impressive user are you a psychologist?

>though, i dont feel bad for him because of the comment that guy makes afterwards.
roastie logic

So are the innards of prideful women

She looks like she ONLY dates Asian guys

ethots don't like asian dudes
asian dudes create ethots
they're smart. they saw the trend on twitch of sitting an attractive girl in front of the stream with a tank top and shorts and let her play something anything really doesnt matter beta bucks will come flying
do you think these two hoes would've gotten the idea to stream video games on their own? not a chance.
the asian dudes were probably just their "managers/handlers" at first. proposing the business idea to her setting her up with the equipment and some initial advice on how to behave how to react etc.
after they saw what kind of money they make with that formula they probably felt the bond of female - male partnership and got together.

based roastie

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based twitch thot dabbin on her own janny

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>stacy should date incel because both play vidya
lmao get a load of this autist.

>brags that hes a mod and acts as if hes better than everyone

uh huh.

this is so obviously fake and you are retarded if you think it's real

Trying to own the word doesn't change it, rosbif

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Me in the blue shirt

Attached: Amouranth - I´m a mod btw haHAA.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

I have more respect for twitch thots than their beta orbiters. At least I can respect the hustle on the thot's part, the orbiters are just pathetic.

Holy shit she destroyed him

Arab Andy > Amish Andy


did they have a female moto cross event in the following year?

anyone has his reply to the webm?


holy fuck the cringe is unbearable

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Thank god, it's spoonfeeding time. Best part of the day.

How do i get arms this tiny, bros?

she does a lot of workout I think
probably eats healthy

>Doesn't drop 1k a week for some stream thot
What are you, some sort of loser? Lol

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hey, isnt he supposed to be out by now?

how long is the streaming ban?

Daily reminder than Amouranth is a tranny

Honest question. Why do these girls show up if they don't want to interact with the main demographic?

attention and money

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I mean she has a somewhat mannish face due to the cheek bones and big nose (she hides it very well with lightin and angles most of the time)
but I don't really see other indicators. small frame big hips etc

stop eating, do cardio

>findom as low as 80 dollars

Don't hate women for being women. Hate men for not being men.

females have it hard in the western world I can tell

Imagine moderating some thots reddit page for free while she’s getting her ass destroyed by her chad bf and getting awarded like this.
How does someone fail this hard at life?


Would you be okay if your gf or wife was a thot streamer on twitch? Playing with the hearts of thousands of nerds while saying she's single?

Jaw, shoulders and hands are all dead giveaways. She is freakish looking.


Daily reminder that everyone who says that an obvious woman is a tranny is an actual tranny who wants to force the idea that trannies can look feminine.

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holy based
white women can be saved after all, nonwhites BTFO

We need another war for people to get a reality check and so women don't have many men to pick.
After WW1 1/3 of the young men were dead and women were marrying men below their status.

Nobody does.
It's just millennials are a generation that won't be happy unless literally everything is delivered to their door for free.

its hard to say, theres a certain power trip of knowing theres thousands of men who'd do anything just to smell her chair while she completely submitted to my whims

It would depend on the power dynamic. If i was the beta constantly afraid of losing her, than no i wouldnt take that deal

As long as I get an allowance and nightly hand jobs I’m cool

It's called love ya incel. Something your kind will never had the courtesy of experiencing.

As long as she never meets the betas and never sends nudes and shit, sure, it's a big source of money and it would be hilarious.


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Watch any video of her. She is not feminine looking, she's a freak.

I have no idea what is going on

she noticed him just enough to never notice him ever again




I mean...if that's true then maybe the "feminine penis guys" are onto something?

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As long as she brings the money and never meets her orbiters irl, of course.
I get the money and the pussy.

Man hands

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Man voice, too. Still would though.

>respecting mods
I bet you thank the jannies too. The era of Mods = Gods is long since passed.

Holy fuck, usually I laugh at cringe but this was straight up unbearable.

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man hips

eh I can get past shitty hips like that

God,i wish.
Imagine her feminine penis


false, I've seen her around at my local conventions for years even before she got famous


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I'd touch balls with that dude.

Lmao@ seething trannies and jannies itt!

That white dude with the glasses has the eyes of a deranged person

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he has a kid's body

would give the succ for free

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Why do discord trannies try to convince that everyone is a tranny?
Trannies are not ambiguous, they are all obvious abomination like this.

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>shes a top tier woman,
She's not even top 50%

It's their tactic to make themselves "passable".
Since they are all abominations, their only hope is to bring actual women down.


Unironically based. Sadly you're in the minority.

they are mentally ill, kind of like a schizo will tell everyone about how he talks to jesus and fucks aliens. when trannies take schizo meds their dysphoria goes away, fun fact

twitch thots are hot

Look at this and tell me it's not incredibly suspect

she's laid out the whole thing in an interview before

Basically she grew up in a very small Canadian town and her first crush was an asian dude. Also her husband is the complete opposite of a beta orbiter, he literally asked her out, got her drunk, and started complimenting her ass. He even makes crude remarks during the interview. Dude's clearly not an alpha, but he's not exactly some cucked "nice" guy.

I have thought about this because my gf is a gaymer and I'm not. I don't think I would allow her to become a streamthot, but I do let her ask losers to buy her shit. I sometimes let her ask some orbiter to order her food when I'm on the mood for free pizza.

I know I'm gonna sound like a huge faggot, but that seems really shitty tbqhwyf.

That fucking freeze he makes with the slow arm movement downwards. I know people who act like this. They all think that life is a movie and they're acting "funny" for the audience's sake.

Are you saying that this ugly irredeemable incel should rape her? Isn't that what men do? Real men I mean, not boomer race traitors

It's easy to hate women, but never forget it's other, pathetic men who are equally if not more responsible for these kinds of problems.

He's doing a really shitty job playing it off. It would have been less embarrassing if he just walked off.

well I mean, she is actually streaming it

based bob ross

>stupid teenie bopper with a cadre of orbiters
>she gets into drugs, fornication, and porn trade
>befriends thirsty /r9k/-type weirdos from discord
>she goes out to a concert with one of them
>they meet another guy who is the actual BF
>other dude becomes third wheel
>dude gets mad
>slashes her throat open
She was basically a giga-roastie murdered by a orbiter gone mad. Two less idiots to worry about.

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Oh god i hate mankind

Yeah, no. For the "audience". They act offstream exactly the same. They've read too many comic books and self inserted too much.

First off there are no nerdy girls, there are however:
>Fat girls who pretend to be nerdy to date up
>Asexual girls who just crave attention (pic related)
>Committed girls who just love their partners and want to participate in their interests

Option 3 is the best you'll ever get, accept it and move on.

Disney princess memes.
They hit way to hard.

No. Its basically the same as dating a prostitute. Degeneracy of the highest order.

>Asexual girls who just crave attention (pic related)
wow spot on, I have a friend who is exactly that. She's "nerdy" in that she plays board games with us and MMOs when her boyfriend (yes she's apparently asexual and has a boyfriend who just buys her things) plays

She never really gets as interested and is always the fucking worst at whatever we play

This. I bet you 100% that it's always some male beta Jew who is the catalyst for this type of phenomena/culture because what kind of sane man would ever let it get to this point.

Kys faggot

>i don't care, i'm a mod
they actually think this virtual position gives them power, when in reality they're just working for someone, literally giving away their free time, without as much as getting paid for it
that's not even funny, its actually kinda sad

Mental illness

t. retard

Like another user says, depends on the power dynamic in relationship. If current gf started this, I imagine I'd get off on it. Just imagine she pauses stream for 5 minutes while she sucks you off, goes back on stream with your seed still lingering in her mouth and reads off the donations she got while she was choking on your dick off cam

Link? Names?

t. reetard

Not really.
Some women are just fridges, I don't see anything obvious.
Trannies are incapable of passing.

she's more a combo of 2 and 3. Mostly though she's just an attention whore.

When did Yea Forums go from self aware weirdos to larping as chads?

Reddit invaded after Tribes, which was around 2009 I think? But the first few years weren't what you described. I don't know when Reddit became normalfags, but it probably wasn't long after that.

Some trannys can pasa on internet and social media. Irl no fucking way. We move and walk very different

Which individual in this webm is worth your time?

The guy in the background laughing at the beta orbiter.

What’s the difference between this and a cam girl?

cam girl you actually get to see naked with less pretense, same desperate faggots watching them tho.

You'll have to search the archives. I don't have that info off-hand

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You can take a cam girl private and show them your peen


What is it about burgers that makes them so retarded?

I understand where you're coming from. I thought like you in the beginning too. But after a while you learn some things.

1) These orbiters are scumbags. Yes they are pathetic and could never get her but they will still openly push her to be with them completely unprovoked even if they know she is taken. I would personally NEVER do that to another guy. Even if some bitch in a relationship would try to get with me I would kick her to the curb and let the guy know. That's just basic bro code.

2) These guys just cannot stop their pestering even if my gf tells them she's not interested. They WANT to buy her shit, even if she tells them she doesn't want it. After a while most girls just kinda give in and say, whatever, if you want to buy me shit here's a wishlist. It's not so much them being whores as these manchildren just being relentless.

Now I'm not denying that there's actual e-thots out there that completely play into these betas, but for an average Gurl Gaymer this is just how it is.

Some of them are legit crazy too. This one total omega Swedish cucky guy found her facebook. Then when she blocked him he found her mother's facebook and tried flirting with her mom, sending her dickpics of his weird purple dick and shit.

Now that does sound sad. Why would you voluntarily perform service for someone and in turn receive no compensation? Who would do such a thing?


fucking idiot couldn't even off himself.

Pics of her murdered if anyone's interested.

He now has a badass scar though

there's no recovery from that

>hurr people act silly
>not me tho i'm super serious and mature

mother of cringe...

Why do you guys hate on jannies so much? What have they ever done to you besides clean up the shithole you lurk in every day?

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No there isn't, but there's doing less damage.

>butthurt spaghetti tosser

Wagecucks are pathetic.
Now imagine an unpaid wagecuck.

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>still no proof shes married

that;'s her Mod, she did but doesn't wanna touch him lmao

major yikes

know your place, loser

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What's he doing here?

these people think they are legit friends with the streamer, so it's totally fine to just go ahead and kiss them on the cheek, or touch them in general. LMAO

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What went wrong?
Why do people give money to some random woman who plays video games? Call me an old fashioned boomer but why not pay a hooker to fuck you instead?

Do you genuinely unironically believe this attention whoring ethot loves her yellow fever fetish "boyfriend"?

Everytime a friend or someone I know would get talking to a girl and say "aw, man she's such a Dude/Nerd/Gamer/Film Buff!, etc, I'd feel the cold rush of anxiousness crawl over my skin.

It's the ultimate trap to be lured in by women because they seemingly share your interests - 95% of the time their liking of your oh-so-totally-awesome hobby is an affectation. Several really good friends fell for that trap and not ONE of the fucks have or had a relationship I envied - Gamer Girl be damned.

There's something sickening about your best friend trying to convince you and the lads that "oh my GF loves that game, man!" only for it to be a lie. I've seen this this many times. In the end it's desperation by betas

Point is, betas get drawn in by Le Epic gamer/film Gurl meme, then gets trapped by the woman because they are still beta and can't handle the real way women are when she's not playing the fucking Sims.

>beta men too chicken shit to outright pay for sex
>think sluts are too impure for their smega covered cock
>worship nerd girls because they aren’t like other women
>get obsessed and go broke because they are still dumbasses

answering you like you're a complete retard

>at some amusement park rides, they take your photo at a drop
>when you get off ride, you usually pass by a kiosk/booth/stand/whatever where you can buy your photo
>they display the photos so you can see yours if you don't want to buy
>20 years ago this wasn't a problem because no one had camera phones

But why pay them money?

what's even going on here? I have no idea what the OP is referencing, just more e-celeb zoomer garbage I guess

at least post a link you retard

What's the opposite of r/asianmasculinity? Still a fucking virgin lmao

A fool and his money.

just imagine having a 9/10 e-thot gf who regularly strokes you with her stinky feet!!

I'm guessing it's probably about $30 or something if you want a photo of yourself on this amusement park ride so the dude just filmed his pic for free and the wage cuck was trying (and failing) to ensure the lining of his precious employers pockets.

Shh, the only narrative that matters is that an incel tried to talk to her like they both exist in the same universe, resulting in ebin cringe

I haven't been to an amusement park before, there's no way I could have known that was a thing. I would have thought that if they take photos it'd be included in the price of the ride. And I'm not retarded, I scored 87% on my IQ test

What a bootlicker. Trying to be the Steve Jobs of rollercoaster attendants

Someone post that guy talking to a streamer via text that goes like:
>Hey man, I dropped 100 dollars earlier, you didn't see it. Just got off work so you can get your cut - will I drop another 20?

Insane. WHY do these fucks just give their money away. Why do streamers not say something?


I wouldn't say anything either. Why complain about free money?

>Tfw you were born too early to understand why people would dedicate their time and money for a woman who will never even know what they look like
>Born too late and fell for the marriage meme, and now in the process of divorce Jews taking all my shit

Women are just the worst thing. Faggots are so lucky...

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am I meant to know what this is? what's the context behind this image?

>WHY do these fucks just give their money away.
Try to imagine how lonely and pathetic you would have to be to do the same thing. That's literally it.
>Why do streamers not say something?
They do if they're good people, but how many video game addicts do you know who are actually good people? Probably not many.


Lmao. That cuck isn’t even worth her time. Just because she’s a ‘nerd’ doesn’t mean she has to settle for trash.

It's a prerequisite for the thread, yes.

I Couldn't do it. I'd feel like a fucking mug getting messages like that.

It's wrong to me picturing some wagie eagerly getting off work to give me money for playing Fortnite.

she's not even a nerd, she's just pandering to the demo.

>I Couldn't do it. I'd feel like a fucking mug getting messages like that.
you only say that because you'll never be in that position.