Why was it panned so hard?

Why was it panned so hard?

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Was it?

because it was really long and too realistic with gore or some shit

The level of gore was killing grannies and it doesn’t make you feel the Christian glow of love on your heart like Prince of Egypt etc just antisemitism.

Mostly jews tho.

the only thing more gay than being religious is pretending to be religious for memes

listen here sugartits, if you dont do what the jewish masters tell you, your career is over

Because Mel named the jew

YHWH smite you!

because (((they))) feared it

It's a mystery

(((We might never know.)))


Every Jew in America had this exact dream

I don't think the movies are a good medium to translate the BIble.

It's called the Word of God for a reason not the pictures of God.

No (((idea)))

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Jesus of Nazareth is comfy as fuck, though

Prots are so soft they don't even depict Christ hanging on the cross. Not sure why so many Jesus films make 50 whips, beatings, carrying your cross until you collapse and getting nailed to a cross to die slowly as a clean execution.

protestants don't even know the stages of the cross

People on here love to blame le jews for its shitty reception but the fact of the matter is CHRISTIANS were the ones who were upset by the movie.

The symbol of Christendom is literally the cross. It's a symbol of the sacrifice Jesus went through a.k.a. the gruesome torture. That's the whole point. This movie is specifically about that torture. Saying that the portrayal of the torture is gratuitous is missing the entire point.

I'm not even religious, but the hate this movie got is clearly Hollywood Jews being butthurt at Mel + them genuinely just not getting it.

Yes. (((Christians))) who claimed (((we))) should be offended by it's antisemitism.

while there is nothing wrong with being religious you do have a point. it's definitely stupid to be like the many /pol/tards who pretend to be religious "for memes"


BS. Christians went to see this movie in droves. It made a shitton of money.

And why wouldn't they be? It literally said nothing new, it was merely a film specifically designed to vilify jews, and because Gibson is such a hack the only way he could do that was by creating what is essentially torture-porn.

it's funny because christians were its prime demographic. how does someone like mel fail this hard.

Nope, Christians went out in droves to see it. Jew movie critics saying it was antisemitic were the only whiners.

Hell Pope John Paul II claimed "It is as it was." to his friend after seeing it.

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>50 shekels have been added to your account

Christians literally LOVED the movie, and had public disagreements with Jewish media publications who claimed the movies portrayal of Jews was anti-semitic.

There was literally a Christian group that started that demanded Judaism make a formal apology to Christians for killing Christ. So you're a misinformed moron.

Because it told the Truth

>payment reversed
>5 shekels have been added to your account

What a masterpiece, too bad Mel couldn't make more native language kino like this and Apocalypto.

Idk. I'm completely libertarian in the sense that I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want. However that doesn't mean I legitimize degeneracy or would let my children have tattoos or let my daughter whore it up or shit like that. Just because I think it should be legal for people to do heroine, doesn't mean I think it's a healthy way to live your life.

Even though I am fully enlightened by my own intelligence, I still kinda respect religious people as they are the last people to resist the current cringy wave of nihilistic hedonism people are going through, where watching superhero movies in your 30's is normal and having kids is the worse thing ever.

>make film about jesus
>turn it into a schlock fest in which jesus gets brutalized for half the picture

>missing the point this hard

Reminder that he was crucified on a stake not a cross.

Every single spic christian loves this movie

Because it spoke the truth about Jews.


Christianity is a jewish religion

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Pagan is a LARP religion


I'm an atheist but this film is kino, but I was raised Catholic so I guess I can still understand it from some kind of spiritual point of view despite not having faith anymore

Vargs 20 years in prison clearly left him unhinged and stupid. It amazes me so many people here seem to agree witb his videos

I read an article somewhere about apocalypto being like the sequel to the passion in that Mel Gibson is a believer along with many scholars in that the story of Jesus occurred in the Americas and not in Israel. The concept is nativity. Back in the day if you weren’t native you did not know your father. Because they were all impregnated in a ritual orgy for not having nativity. Why should they give you land if you are not of their ilk? The concepts go together with the Hindu, Australian and American politics. The nativity scandals that’s been going on in the world of French legalism. They realized if they somehow set a social chain of command the laws won’t afflict them. Meaning I have and Australian Abo guarding my land whom most likely will say is native America. However his native land is being guarded by native Madagascarians whose lands are being guarded by South Africans, Pacific Islanders and Hindus. Whom consider themselves aboriginals of it. With a legal disposition set back to India and etc. ultimately they all lose their aboriginal land and are given nativity. identity. Sort of like Judas failing to pay for Jesus abo-gado. So he hung off a tree in his land. The psychology behind it is to see what they really want. Did they want to help the causes for the other and operate as open solicitors or did they want to steal and how far are they willing to go to set up a theft lobby. Did they really love themselves?

They see nothing but Australian Abos and Pacific Islanders play the Jewish card. Somehow they must stay upto date with land policies in respect with the chain of command.

Yet it’s only England’s because the Americans use Australia as a military lobby to trade with Japan. So it needs strong English laws of nativity and land ownership to show them it is their keep and no one else’s.

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Has a retarded son
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie written and directed by a JEW. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

Attached: mel gibs-son just.png (760x1361, 402K)

If you had sex and were less of a tranny, you'd be less angsty about jews


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Ahh look, it's the schizo jew that has literally posted this same image over 1,200 times in the past 3 months. Welcome to the thread buddy, it wouldn't be the same without you.

I love Mel

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Instead of the US working to much with NATO it should be helping SPIC. South Pacific Intelligence Comission.

Because Jews launched a MASSIVE campaign pre-release to smear the film and let it be known that they wouldn't forget anyone who didn't pan the film.
Luckily for us all their tricks only got people mobilized for the film and it went on to be one of the biggest hits ever.
Passion and the Holocaust are 2 times we won.

That’s why all they could do is chain block at this moment. But it will never benefit them.

Nice. silly

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I'm pretty sure this is a bot.

We didn't win, they did.

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The masonry screwed up everything for England. While they were too busy rescuing people from the genocides in India the took them to the Americas from where they could easily launch Siberian campaigns. So who are the baddest indians those whom you blame or those from the South Pacific that they try to help to the point of self deceit? Yet have all legislation to censor them for safety. Meanwhile the true natives are never censored.

>It amazes me so many people here seem to agree witb his videos

There is a never ending supply of teenagers

relax tranny, history is history

>stupid religion movie comes out

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