Say it with me. One Billion Dollars

Say it with me. One Billion Dollars.

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Other urls found in this thread:

would murder everyone on Yea Forums to fuck her
and nobody would care because we're all hateful incels


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what does her breath smell like

10 billion dead sperm on opening day

fajitas and her bf’s cum

She's a very beautiful girl.

Based fpbp

i read somewhere that upwards of 1 TRILLION sperm cells can be released in a single ejaculation. imagine how much fucking sperm will be lost to moner when this movie is released

I'll buy it at a high price

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Prime breeding age. Pedophiles, keep moving, she's our waifu now.

~*been waiting so rong*~

~*i'm waiting*~

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Moner is for ____

this but holding hands


Honestly want the bastardization of an adaptation to happen just so we can have a Moner Casca.

She's so hot it hurts

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I'd eat her ass without even hesitating. Just spend a whole day worshipping her holes with my mouth.
I bet they're gorgeous too, pristine hygiene and appearance.

i don't think it would be that hard to adapt it, we have millions of movies with similar settings

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Doesn't matter. Burned coal.

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Mark my words, ten years of Yea Forums domination by Moner.

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You're going to post the gay other guy next is it? It's the same song and dance every time.

Would you sell your soul to the devil?
Would you?

>gay other guy
Don't you feel dirty having to cope so desperately all the time?

3 and counting

>she will never spit that on your face
Why live...



Does she have an oral fixation?

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Every day, I pray that she has a sex tape leak online.

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muh dick

I wonder if she swallowed that toothpaste out of reflex.

Would eat the toothpaste out of her mouth desu

She's the McDonalds of actresses. And predictably, she's already overdoing it with the makeup to signal she's 'adult' now like every lowbrow actress does.

She'll be doing cheesy schlock and probably fade the moment her looks go. Her best shot is being in something like the Fast and Furious franchise. I can't see her likely getting into 'respectable' movies, not that I particularly have anything against her (and I don't generally like respectable movies).

Her best bet is trying to be the new Michelle Rodriguez

She is at least 11 times more beautiful than Michelle Rodrieguez ever was, she doesn't need to do typecast "action" roles, she can do variety

Shes 5 feet tall. She cant be a leading lady.

She's no shorter than Portman or various others

She's beautiful enough that she could ease into Oscarbait type stuff if she could get into that mentality, but she's too "Disney", I don't think she'll be able to socialize herself to get into that middlebrow world. So you're right, she's better off trying to find solid, consistent sectors of lowbrow, working class type material that Rodriguez would do - schlocky action and sci-fi, maybe some Fast & the Furious, some movies featuring her 'hotness'.

That's even hotter.

Like, she should stay buddies with Mark Walhberg, he does a lot of popular schlock. And she should try to get into movies with Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, people like that. Maybe even a John Wick movie.

I guess she could try to do romantic comedy too, but do they even make those anymore really?

Yeah but they’re all on netflix now

She can do comedies, rom-coms, etc

I will admit, she has a sweet, friendly disposition. She's hot in that mainstream, really symmetrical kind of way, but seems populist and friendly enough that it would be relatable to ordinary people rather than inspire jealousy. Hence, her being a possible lead in chick flicks.

Child bearing hips

>when she pushes the toothbrush against the inside of her cheek


She does know what that makes us think about, right?

>Watching Transformers with my dad on TV while eating pizza
>Moner appears
>Tell my dad that she's pretty
>"You don't mean the kid right?"
>Mumble up and pretend that it was the 6/10 side chick

Fuck you Yea Forums

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What kind of mental illness is it that you have that makes you do and say things over and over?

based dad

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Are you supposed to pretend she isn't pretty? Your dad is a pedophile in denial

How do you brush with full makeup and not get anything on your lips?


Your dad is a homo but what kind of retard randomly blurts out "she's pretty"? Please murder-suicide your whole family.

Teens aren't pedo, and user was making that story up because he's an actual pedo so he feels the need to project all day. He's a bitter schizo.


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>been dating hs girl
>parents try to shame me calling me pedo
>I'm all out of fucks to give cause I spent all on my gf
Sorry my story isn't as exciting as yours

she's honestly not

She's long past her prime at this point.

Her selling feature was that she hit the crosspoint between hot and cute perfectly when she was younger, but now she's just generic pretty girl actress in her old age.

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That's wrong though.

I'd be more worried about people calling the police than calling you a pedo.

>155cm hispanic whore
dollar a dime. shortstack with a predictably "thicc" bunda and boring looks up top. and roast beef for ra pussy.

lol bruh looka this dude


Oh what makes her special now?

>Hello police! My son is fucking legal teen girl, do something!

Latinas don't have pretty faces like that normally.

>boring looks up top

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She still has her cute aspects but it seems she's making the mistake every lowbrow actress and is trying to cover up her cuteness with makeup and just go for 'hot'. Which will just make her generic and just plain less attractive.

seems a little much to buy her virginity desu

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It’s funny, you can start telling who people are in Moner threads.
There’s the guy who insist she’s white
The guy who post her with black guys
And the dude who really hates her wearing makeup

y not wash the pupper?

Jace's extremely sloppy seconds

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I rarely stop by Moner threads, only a handful of times, mainly just to say 'meh she's cute but doesn't quite do it for me somehow' and 'meh too much makeup', but every time I've noticed there's other anons saying the same thing about the makeup. It's a pretty common sentiment. And she literally just started piling it on more, judging by the pictures being posted all the time lately.

What is a more likely scenario in which I acquire a girl like this;
>I meet Isabela while she is in California and become her BF
>I become a dictator and institute a eugenics program to breed Slavs and Peruvians, which in 15 years may yield a specimen similar to Moner

If she's in high school it's more likely not to be legal.

Also if you remotely knew the girl before she turned 18 there's a slew of laws regarding to grooming that can be slapped on you.

That kid is gay, she was his beard

Imagine being the first to slam a load inside that body and then dump it for cucks to have after you


All the recent pics are from the Dora press tour.

Those are all me btw

Oh right, I guess it would all be for that. For her sake I'd hope she doesn't stay with that look. It's just pointless, unnecessary, and will brand her for the wrong movies.

Cope, he was the one who got to break her in and there's nothing you can do about it

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closet faggot obsessed with black cock

this dude is a instagram fashion twink nigger,she literally never hangs out with him outside of that one pic (you'd know this if you follow her on instagram) Shes preppy as fuck and hangs out with almost anyone,stop obsessing over cuck fantasies you mentally ill sissy. Shes perfection and you cant do anything to ruin it.

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shes 8/10 but the niggerish shit brown eyes bring her down to 4/10 unfortunately


I will say, (not that user), having lived among a lot of latinas in my day, she seems much more like the type of latina who goes for really blonde white guys. And there are many.

I'm not in the land of freedom for niggers and trannies. Age of consent is 16 and no bullshit like grooming, age difference etc

Who is she?

>liking fish eyes

next movie moner needs to be a sex slave held on an island owned by a financier. the financier would fly bankers, politicians, and celebrities to breed her and the children sold off to israel, qatar, and other middle east countries.

Where are you Paraguay or something? Every first world country has a selection of laws to fuck you and add a million asterisks to that age of "consent" like an age range of five years or less between parties, grooming laws, positions of trust, etc.

Fucking hell I'm from Paraguay
Age of consent is 14 here, supposedly

Is there a limit to what you'd do to her?

American detected. Literally everywhere normal is 16 or younger.

Honestly my attraction to Moaner isn't that she's got the hot body, cause lots of girls have that, it's that she has just the right amount of cuteness to her to make me want to sexually victimize her. Imagine how hot it'd be slamming into her guts and holding her down by the throat with her big eyes watering up and mouth gaping open trying to breath. She's so tiny she could do literally nothing to stop you exerting whatever thing you wanted to her.

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This. The perfect Sex doll.

Yes and everywhere normal also comes with a litany of other laws to functionally make 16 and 17 still illegal for anyone who's not within 3-5 years of age of the minor. Check out your third world country's laws around age of consent to see.

Can someone deepfake moner's face on this? Asking for a friend:

God this shit man, just carried on looks because as this thread exists as much as incels here love to pretend their relationship with women is different they inadvertently worship them more

In Canada the age of consent is 16, with TWO (2) exceptions:
- No anal until both people are 18+ (No, I have no idea why. It's discriminatory against gay couples and people who can't do vaginal).
- The adult can't be in a position of authority over the minor (teacher, boss, landlord, etc).

These two things are very easy to self-identify. There's no legal trickery or grey areas. Are you gonna do some buttfucking with a minor? Don't. Are you trying to fuck a minor subordinate? Don't.

Is your sexual parter 16-17, not involved in anal activities, and isn't under your command? Go right on ahead, Mr./Mrs. Adult. Even if you're cousins.

she peaked at 16

I realized how you can get latina hotties while not inviting in all the shitskins: restrict immigration to just females from certain countries. that way they will only get bred by the white men here, mostly, plus they cannot complain about sexism since you are, again, only letting in the women

Why is that pupper so dirty?


>dog got in pool in background eariler
>dog got out of pool and rolled in dirt
>put dog in kiddie pool to wash off dirt so it doesn't get in the regular pool
not that hard to figure out, bud

>every woman ever

You are all redditors that post about shitskins whos like the plebs you are

Monerposting made me want to fap to brown tomboys on Sadpanda

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Holy shit this is peak moner

The entire point of immigration is cheap labor. Restricting males kinda defeats the purpose

I'm also Canadian my dude, you should read our laws at more than just a surface level.

>Sexual exploitation
>A 16 or 17 year old cannot consent to sexual activity if:
> the relationship between the young person and their sexual partner is exploitative
>The following factors may be taken into account when determining whether a relationship is exploitative of the young person:
>the young person's age
>the age difference between the young person and their partner
>how the relationship developed (for example, quickly, secretly, or over the internet)
>whether the partner may have controlled or influenced the young person

All of these things are there so that any judge can look at the case in question and decide to do whatever he or she pleases based on their feelings. These laws are written in a vague and interpretive enough way so that those who enforce them can make their own calls.

And if you think winding up in a courtroom as a man in their 20's or more in a sexual relationship with a 16 year old girl is going anywhere but getting your ass slammed by a big native guy in one of our beautiful prisons, you're just delusional. As soon as any adult found out, especially a teacher since they would have a duty to report, that relationship would be over. Our laws are specifically designed so that law enforcement can make a call if something simply is "yucky".

Americans sure hate their male population

>give women the right to vote
>100 years later
>men can no longer court girls in their early biological prime
>men are taxed to pay for women's sexual decisions
>men are taxed to pay for women's children that aren't theirs
>men are precluded from jobs for filling female staff quotas
>family courts are oriented towards female interest
>men have to pay for women to exist even after divorcing them
>the majority of marriages fail
>the majority of children do not have both of their parents
>men are being replaced by foreigners in their own countries

Nice job, the West, haha

little slut

um shes a child in that pic...

We know. You already told us. Consider suicide.

>Tell my dad that she's pretty
Who the fuck does that? Absolute retard

Is she doing a jew cosplay?

Wtf is she doing to her teeth?

imagine if that toothpaste was your sperm hahah

A hot sexy child

you are supposed to not say inappropriate things in real life. too much imageboards has degraded your sense of whats socially acceptable to say and whats not. no one ever says a child is pretty, most you say is "cute", and only when they are doing something cute, or are dressed up like a princess or something.

that shit would get you an automatic wig split in prison

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

she doesnt have the body for hot. shes petite, you need cleavage and long legs for those kind of movies

All the women who ever lived. Women peaks at 16~17, men at 25~35.

Imagine being this beta

just trying to give him advice. ive noticed that guys in their high school college years that look nerdy are much more socially inept than 10 years ago. they either say ridiculous shit with too much curse words or are totally clammed up, afraid to speak their minds since their minds are fucked up by gore threads and consequence-free shitposting.
im being genuine when i say this, but if you think this relates to you, then change your habits, only say stuff that you wouldnt be mortified if it got traced back to you. i started doing this when i was 16, and i noticed after a lot of deaths during call of duty or other games, i would say nigger instead of something more normal like "damnit", "fuck", or *sighs*. im not trying to win an argument here, just give a wakeup call to anyone reading

>Implying she didnt lose it at 12

Pretty is not an inappropriate word, flowers are pretty, it's not like he said she's sexy

Why the fuck do I hate sloppy seconds? Imagining my girl with her legs spread sweating and squirming as a guy unloads in her is a such a turn off. I'm either a real man or "an insecure faggot" like retards like to propagandize.

Strangah, strangah! Now THAT'S a woman.

Speak English shitskin

you would be the first to perish
she's mine fellow incel

Moaner threads are my favourite thing on tv
and Moaner is my favourite thing all together!

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Did you suck his cock after you said it?

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She's so cute! I can't stand it!

she's like a real life anime girl or a disney princess!

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I stopped reading at oral

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Interracial dating is wrong whites should stick to whites blacks with blacks and Asians with asians. Latinos should only date Latinas its not racist it's just reality.

No, stop smiling at me! I can't take it! It's too much!


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you are now a furry

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Interracial dating is how we got Isabela Moner.

This is really fucking gay dude.

Because her father is white

>And predictably, she's already overdoing it with the makeup to signal she's 'adult' now like every lowbrow actress does.

This. She's peaked. It's ogre.

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how long until her nudes leak or she does porn?

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>that pic
beta cope

Platypus Jlolet niggerlover.

Hard pass.


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Bros I'm fairly "whites only", but I would make an exception for Moner. I hope you're happy with what you've done.

Uncanny valley. Between the unnatural white teeth and all that makeup it looks like a kpop abomination

Just a little.

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I hope there aren't scenes where Dora gets tied up and gagged by the baddies hahaha that would be weird heheh.

I'm the only who loves those trees in the back? What is name of this species?

she's a womanlet which ruins her for me

also she does her makeup like a tranny now

She already did that in Sicario

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And her mother is not.

Clearly you aren't very "whites only" then.

Reminder, Moner loves us all.

Why is she brushing her teeth with a make-up on?

Don't ask questions, just enjoy the Monerposting.

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>oral fixation
>wearing a choke
>perfect DSL and face
you just KNOW lads. no one would last 10 seconds.

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Who could?

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Why are latinas so sexual?

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me on the left

They all get diddled by older male relatives

I don't know, they just are.

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>Yea Forums meetup

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Full outfit.

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Jesus christ she has like perfect teeth. They got to be veneers right? Even celebs that young get them?

why is this whore's attention seeking on Yea Forums allowed but any other actress thread gets deleted?

are all the mods here south american or something?

Cause Moner is objectively really attractive

I doubt it, she has been a actor since she was a little kid, she would have just had them taken care of growing up.

Because she's queen of Yea Forums. duh

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Say it with me. Two Million Dollars.

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