What if i were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?

what if i were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?

Attached: skinner.jpg (640x480, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/another potentially great Simpsons thread/

what if i were to purchase sneed

what if i were to post sneed and disguise it as a valid thread

Jesus fucking Christ... another potentially great Simpsons thread ruined by you underaged cocksuckers. Seriously, how is uttering the same one or two phrases, or some variant of "Formerly X" funny? How is ruining any potential discussion of the greatest sitcom ever made enjoyable? I didn't have much growing up... in fact I was a latchkey kid. I didn't have many role models, but I did have The Simpsons growing up. Every week I would watch The Simpsons, recording each episode on my parents' VHS machine, then rewatch every episode during the summer. Eventually I enlisted in the Marine Corps and got sent to Iraq. Again, all I had was The Simpsons, seeing as how I had nothing waiting for me back home. My motivation to see the end of my tour alive was knowing that when I got back to the States I could look forward to seeing what kind of hijinks Homer and his family would be up to next. And I loved discussing this show on Yea Forums, one of the coolest places on the internet. Well, no more. I can't take this obnoxious spam for a second longer, I'm gone.

sneed you later

have sneed

what if i were to purchase fast feed and disguise it as my own seed?

I hope there's no falseflagger in this thread just because of that one specific thread.

Attached: delightfully seedy.jpg (640x480, 140K)

Sneedposting is pretty much mimicking the spread of a real world mutated virus, it will be studied for years to come like that WoW bug that infected millions of players and could be transferred from server to server


archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/another potentially great Simpsons thread/


Formerly discussed.

this but formerly chuck


What if I were to purchase feed & seed and disguise it as my own fuck & suck?

I need seed to feed my sneed

Patented Skinner Burgers (formerly fast food)

*chuckles* Delightfully devillous, Seymour


*devilish Fuck


Attached: Screenshot_20190730-050819.jpg (802x488, 260K)