New kino short from /ourgurl/

>Youtube, jews, homos, trannies and boomers get BTFO'd by underaged girl
>Afraid of an underaged 300iq girl who out smarted and out truth'd them.
>redpills millions of normies and zoomers
>calls out youtube for her channel deletion
>sacrifices her channel and becomes an online martyr for freespeech

were gonna be ok lads, its gonna get bad, but once zoomers take over, its gonna be ok.

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Looks like ben shapiro

Looks like a downie

I hope you are getting paid for this shilling because if ur just cucking yourself for some eceleb shyster like her you're even worse than those guys that throw money at camwhores.

Yea it's fucked. She's kind of cringe during her live streams tho. Maybe that's what makes her so magical though.

The absolute state of zoomers on Yea Forums

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>little girl says pedo is bad
>gets banned by gay mafia

Pretty ironic, isn't it?

getting your opinions from

hope this ugly bitch dies of her illness

triggered fags lmao

don't care. fuck you and your shitty threads pedo


is this shapiro's mini-me?

Significantly less cute with short hair. She's literally a boy now.

>all that hyperbole
>faggot zoomer eceleb

Just kys

it's literally her brother making these threads

>pumping kids full of hormone blockers is bad

Wake up, time to dilate.

>not even /poltv/ gives a fuck

Jesus Christ, when will this child abuse end? Will she ends up shooting ip her schools GSA club?

/pol/dophiles at it again

>little girl says pedo is bad
but that's her entire audience

post the youtube link instead

Fucking kill yourself shill

you dont know what this word means lefty

he hates shapiro lol

why are you leftists so visibly upset?

Why has she got that dyke cut? It's a travesty. She's a million times cuter with long hair.

>durr you’re a leftist because you don’t like my copy pasted spammed threads about an eceleb
Like I said, kill yourself.

>all the buttmad lefties in this thread

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>gets banned from youtube shekels so now her brother has to spam threads here

she does it again; how can one girl be so based

>Xer trans kid

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it's a wig for the bit, dummy

>it's a wig for the bit, dummy
thank god for that

Homosexuals are the most vitriolic, obsessive, violent and insane group in the world.


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Why do /pol/rats get political commentary from children?

FAS goblin

>but once zoomers take over, its gonna be ok.

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what are you, ageist? you bigot

What are you, a pedophile?

>Proceeds to read posts off /pol/
Yes, very kino indeed. Almost as kino as the latest sargoy video!