Most cinemagenic war

what war is the most kino on film?

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boring fuckin answer but Nam
Apocalypse Now is truly, the highest level.

WWII Pacific or Vietnam
The jungle is just too kino

Malick would disagree

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Malick is a hack.

>WWII Pacific

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A war film trilogy or miniseries I'd like to see would be based on the Second Punic War.

The meme war

Right now it's WW2, but we definitely need more films about the Napoleonic wars and the 30 years war.


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>each side squanders its multiple advantages over the other until it just ends in human wave assaults

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this movie fucking sucked, cant believe i got memed by a bunch of boomers from this website

The War on drugs

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>God preserve Ireland if ever your race takes control

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viet ladyboy fuckers confirmed


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WW2 Pacific is just Vietnam with worse music.
1) Vietnam
2) Post-Colonial Africa bolted machine guns to toyotas
3) North Africa WW2.

4) The Troubles
5) Zulu War
6) Napoleonic Naval

US Civil War


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Bosnian '92 war.

It's not "cinemagenic" at all, 90% of it is just civilians being bombed.

WW2 Eastern Front

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But if you like docukino, it's by far the best.

Honestly based on the appearance of the Pollacks in this I think the Germans were 100% right in classifying them as subhumans.

there's no polish people in Come and See you dumb fuck

Malick can only do cinematography. Everything else in his films is a pile of buffalo dung.


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Vietnam. Bosnian war is close second.

Are the Paddy's gonna kill Hitchens for Blasphemy?

It's obviously the most critically underrated and under "appreciated" world war 1. Not only was WW1 the catalyst for WW2 the most beat to death war in exsistance and allow for the rise of radical ideologies shaping the remainder of the 20th century but also had the most interesting dichotomy between humans and technology.

From late 19th century to early 20th century there was an insane amount of industrial and technological advancement. At this point technology had outpaced military tactics leading to the insane amount of bloodshed that we saw. Militaries had no idea what to do now with the advent of machine guns, artillery, planes, bombs, grenades, tanks, GAS. Trenches were a super interesting development that resulted from WW1. Soldiers essentially lived in these little hovels in the ground under near constant enemy fire, filled with rats, sewage, disease, hell their dead comrades would be forgotten and covered with mud only to be found by some poor soul tripping over them in a puddle. Not to mention many soldiers near lost their feet to trench foot.

And to end it all it was one of the first extremely psychologically tolling wars, or at least the first war to be extensively documented as having such an effect. With the advancement of medicine we saw shell shock, psychosis, and with better medical hygiene and surgical practices more people survived being maimed resulting in horribly disfigured people walking around.

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Also world war 1 what the most horrid as well. Check out deathwatch