>Hey Peggy, what day is tomorrow?
>I believe its September 11th 2001. Why? Did you have any plans?
>yeah, how about we go to the beach
Why didnt he do anything to stop it?
Hey Peggy, what day is tomorrow?
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He actually caused 9/11 in his timeline.
It wouldnt stop 9/11 from happening to us-- just create a new bubble world where 9/11 DIDNT happen.
He was busy playing with the big milkers to care
Except Old Cap existed in the original timeline, otherwise he wouldnt be on the park bench at the end.
Why would he stop Bush from killing more Jew Yorkers? He's Captain America not Captain Israel.
Their child will be part of Secret Avengers
>Why would he stop America fighting Israel's biggest enemies?
Actually he stopped the CIA from stopping the Mossad agents who caused it.
I was referencing 9/11 itself not the decade of desert warfare after. No one really cares if muslims die fyi.
The russos have said that he went to a completely differebt timeline (yes it makes no sense that he was there at the end of endgame) and that they find it intresting to think aboit what he mightve done in this new timeline; e.g. defeat hydra, balance work with his timelines cap. So yeah, he propably did stop 9/11
I hate this version of time travel.
Well that decade of desert shenanigans was immensely helpful to Israel, while being nothing but trouble for the US
>gets with Peggy's daughter then goes back in time to marry and grow old with Peggy
Then how the hell did the timelines converge to when he came back to Hulk, Bucky, and Falcon?
Cap stopping 9/11 would be an utterly different history, no reason for RDJ to be in Afghanistan. NO IRON MAN.
>No 9/11 means no para-rescue missions in Kandahar.
>That means no Sam/Riley bro team.
>That means no "on your left".
>That means no Falcon.
>That means the HYDRA helicarriers activate and wipe out millions.
See, this is why people like you can't be trusted with time travel
>Why didnt he do anything to stop it?
You actually don't know what he did in his timeline. Except Peggy.
He would have been called an anti-semite
Somehow he uses his magic time-watch to go back to the original timeline offscreen, without use of the platform.
How long until he dies of old age, I'm not sure. Maybe he went back immediately after
If any Jews died on 9/11, it was only because they didn’t check their e-mail like they were supposed to.
He was too busy being balls deep in the hottest woman ever.
He could've used a fresh batch of Pym particles in his device to return to the prime timeline, using the time platform as an anchoring point, and then just walk back to the bench and wait for Bucky and Falcon to notice.
>bangs his own daughter
Based indeed
Peggy's niece.
I know that separate timelines is the official explanation, but all the fuckery needed to make it work seems so unnecessarily complicated to "a second Cap was always there in the background, he can't stop 9/11 because the past already happened and in the past he didn't stop 9/11"
Harry Potter style time travel is a really elegant solution, I don't get why the Russo's hate it so
Niece. But that doesn't really help because that means Sharon grew up knowing "Uncle Steve" and then still made out with Cap anyway.
Unless SHIELD erased her memories of him at Peggy's request when she enlisted?
Imagine how Mark would have handled it were they Vietnamese terrorists instead.
But hes still old and exists in his separated timeline. How can he go back, then go forward again to be in the non altered timeline, then hope to return by going back then going forward to his altered one?
If they just showed an aged Cap appear on the platform, it'd make much more sense. Maybe even have it so they try to run the experiment, he doesn't show up, but they leave it running and Cap shows up hours later
>then hope to return by going back then going forward to his altered one?
I don't think he was coming back
Peggy is British, she'd have said it's the 11th of September.
Shit bait.
It would still require him to somehow time travel backwards, then time travel forwards to somehow get to the exact timeline where he started. It's not possible
>But that doesn't really help because that means Sharon grew up knowing "Uncle Steve" and then still made out with Cap anyway.
Different timeline. Steve bounced back to the prime timeline to deliver the shield.
did he just leave Peggy's timeline Steve frozen??
>If they just showed an aged Cap appear on the platform, it'd make much more sense.
Nah, then the audience would think they just fucked up the time travelling, like they did with Antman at the start of the movie.
>then time travel forwards to somehow get to the exact timeline where he started. It's not possible
How did any of the Avengers return to the main timeline after making off with the Infinity Stones and Mjolnir, while also permanently changing 2012 in one of them? The platform's an anchor the wristband devices home on to.
Already went through why that wouldnt work, cape shitter shill. Maybe you should defend movies with better writing
>then time travel forwards to somehow get to the exact timeline where he started
Sorry, wasn't this a basic function of the time machine thing? They were all able to go back to the original time? Him not appearing on the platform is a problem, but I think the Russo's said something about Steve's marrying-peggy timeline developing some new time travel tech
>It's been a long time
There I fixed it for the 50 IQ viewers
Did you see old steve appear on the platform? No, you didnt. Therefore what you're suggesting he did is not possible
See above
>For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam.
Then explain how with the movies in universe rules. The directors and writers clearly dont know themselves
What happened to show don't tell?
They ignored the rule about the platform to make something more cinematic, aka the nice lakeside moment with Cap and Sam
ofc. he wouldnt like the competition
Specifically she'd have said it was the 11th, because she assumes people can remember what month it is in general conversation
He did.
It was a new timeline so you didn't get to see it.
>where did Captain America learn to steal a car?
>Nazi Germany. And it's borriwed, take your feet off the dash
I like to think that in a single timeline version, after they got blown up in Zola's bunker and went to find Sam, alt-Cap drove to New Jersey and did in fact return that car.
It's an AMA. What did you mean by this?
show it in the fucking movie dickhead
Show what? Steve going to the different timeline and marrying Peggy? Him coming back and giving Sam the Sheild? Showing him coming back and making it explicitly consistent with the set time travel rules is a minor detail
>hey peggy somebody told me you fucked some negro in the 40s. is that true?
>honey. it was so long ago. I don't remember. besides, the past is the past, right?
based cuckposter
I usually don't like to criticise every single detail in a movie but I kind of hated the time travel mechanics in this movie. They went all out on the "hahaha, it's not your TYPICAL time travel theories in this movie!!!" thing, yet really fucked up on the execution to the point where fans are wondering how half of the movie was possible.
How was what Cap was doing a time travel? To me, it appears to be more of a dimension jump thing than actual time travelling. If he generates another timeline by going back and stays there, he's in another dimension or universe, hence he changes the dimension when going back to the others
Did 9/11 even happen in the MCU?
He may have in his new timeline.
I think so, the MCU doesnt really start until iron man in 08 where he is literally kidnapped by the Taliban.
Maybe he just decides that he wants to stay in that timeline. Didn't Peggy die in his timeline anyway?
Yes, the rules don't make sense, but I think they wanted Cap to appear on the bench rather than the quantum tunnel. If he appeared on the Quantum Tunnel as an old man, I think audiences would think he had the same problem as Scott did.
One way of looking at is that the MCU timeline is now an alternate timeline going forward. That fits the rules.
I wonder if that's how they're going to explain mutants suddenly being around.
A random thought I had, but I'm almost wondering if they aren't going to treat mutants in the MCU kind of like magic people in the Harry Potter story, where they try to keep their existence a secret from normal humans.
I think he only came back to see Sam after he had lived his full life, aka, now that Peggy was dead. I don't think he was going back, unless he had kids or something.
Then what was the point of going back in time to stop Thanos? He already won. In essence all they did was abandon their world and travel to a new one, meaning that not only did they lose half the population they also lost the heroes who time travelled, and every MCU movie past Infinity Wars takes place in a new universe with essentially different people.
That's shit. Ah well it doesn't affect me I hate capeshit
The alternate timeline theory is pretty clean too. Nothing you do affects the current timeline, ezpz.
It wouldn't be hard to explain it. You could even have Hulk freak out and try and fix things, and Cap quietly tells him "No, nothing went wrong, Sam come sit with me."
Appearing on the bench was nicer, theatrically. but it broke the rules.
>If he generates another timeline by going back and stays there, he's in another dimension or universe, hence he changes the dimension when going back to the others
Yes, I think so too. Returning the stones does nothing since it just creates a new timeline, one where he retuned and one where he didn't. Thre are still 5 timelines that suffer as the Ancient One said.
No, the quantum tunnel returns them to their current timeline. They fixed their current timeline but fucked up 5/6 others. Selfish fuckers.
I reckon Doctor Strange exploring the multiverse is going to explain the introduction of mutants to their universe.
>Why didnt he do anything to stop it?
He didn't even know about it. No one told him to look it up so he never wrote it down in his notebook. The trade towers didn't exist when he was frozen so he's not able to notice them missing.
On 9/11 cap was just as surprised by it as the rest of us.
Yes it is. He travelled forward in time the normal way, by getting old.
Then he just used his gps to jump back, the way its shown to work in the movie. And no, the pad is not required for this, the way they don't use a pad to travel back to the 70s.
They can explicitly target specific timelines. a requirement to put the stones back.
Scarlet Witch and a reverse House of M.
>the pad is not required for this, the way they don't use a pad to travel back to the 70s.
The Quatum Tunnel is required to return to the main timeline, otherwise you're just creating alternate timelines.
It makes sense if you assume the MCU from now on is an alternate timeline.
No, because he was not using the tunnel to jump to everytime timeline, just the gps. Thus the gps can allow for specific timeline jumps, even if only going backwards. Conveniently, that is consistent with him getting old then jumping back from a point further in time relative to his departure from the main timeline with the pad.
Might I add, he explicitly misses his window, meaning he overshot timeline wise. In other words, he came from the future, even by a second. Ergo, he was not there in the main timeline, and did not need the pad, exactly the way it has worked for the entire movie.
Its capeshit, not Primer. Its really not hard.
bullshit, after the holohoax, 9/11 is the one thing americans won't let you not know about
You'd think so, but he was only around for less than a year, and then "The Incident," happened, killing more people and destroying more buildings than 9/11. Then Thanos snapped half of earth away a few years later. It's reasonable he could just not find out about 9/11 if he popped into existence around 2013.
>tfw Cap didn't take you back to the past
>tfw Cap gave Falcon the shield
I though secret avengers was team cap in infinty war
What the fuck is this?
Alternate cuck timeline.
agent carter. tv show about peggy adventures after ww2. in one of the episodes she burns the coal. and of course captain america has no problem with that.
the russos confirmed steve traveled back in time after the evens of the show, thus making it canon. they even included the young jarvis in the endgame movie.
its a known fact that captain of america is a certified cuck. he embodies the best values of the great nation of america.
Too handsome to care
Seek the truth.
>Why didnt he do anything to stop it?
Too busy some wrinkly boob from Peggy.
I don't blame him.
I'm confused, are you agreeing with me?
They need the quantum tunnel to anchor them to the main timeline, hence why I think the MCU is now on an alternate timeline since Cap created a new timeline by travelling back.
The MCU is the main timeline, he just created an alternate timeline to fuck Peggy.
Then he went back to drop the shield. Should also have dropped his still iced over counterpart while he was there.
I really have no idea what the writers were on when they decided that it would be a good idea, but then I believe it was stated that where the writer was concerned he did live in hiding which is obviously wrong by the set rules in the movie.
At any rate since timeline traveling is possible between established timelines, there was no split when he dropped the shield since that split is much earlier in the timeline.
>Hmm, 9/11... Why does that sound familiar? 9/11... 9... 11... - Bwah! That was today???
>What's wrong, dad?
>Dang it, Bobby! It told you to keep me reminded of the date today!
>Sorry, dad...
>Ah, dammit! Now I gotta straighten up here.
THIS. Falcon can already fly and doesn't he need super strength to use the shield efficiently?
>its a pol don't understand basic story telling episode
Reminder, he knew about stark father and didn't do anything (just watch a laughing of course)
>The MCU is the main timeline, he just created an alternate timeline to fuck Peggy.
Yes, I agree.
>Then he went back to drop the shield.
Define "back". He can't return to the main timeline without appearing on the quantum tunnel, hence why I think it's an alternate timeline.
>Should also have dropped his still iced over counterpart while he was there.
Very good point, but then that timeline would be fucked with no Cap.
>I really have no idea what the writers were on when they decided that it would be a good idea, but then I believe it was stated that where the writer was concerned he did live in hiding which is obviously wrong by the set rules in the movie.
Yes, he wasn't living in hiding in the main timeline, his life with Peggy had no effect on the past events of the MCU.
>At any rate since timeline traveling is possible between established timelines, there was no split when he dropped the shield since that split is much earlier in the timeline.
Timeline travelling is possible, but it still creates a new timeline. Cap taking each of the stones back creates a new timeline in each already fractured timeline since there were now two Caps.
We don't know when Cap travelled to give Sam the shield, but the timeline would still be split.
Yeah I can't see him using the shield properly at all. He won't be able to throw it like a bullet, he won't be able to bounce it around so it comes back to him.
I wonder how they'll make him utilise it? Maybe they give him super soldier serum?
Captain America, being the Patriotic American he is, Knew that 9/11 had to happen to give America Casus belli to cement it's future and protect it's interests, in fact he was Instrumental in the creation of Neo-Con foreign policy document, Project For a New American Century: "Rebuilding Americas Defenses" where he states and I quote
>"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
The hardest choices require the strongest wills, and if price of securing the future of america and it's people, is two buildings, thousand of dead civilians, 18 years of war, countless Millions of dead civilians in Iraq/afghanastan
well thats a price Cap is willing to make.
morals have no place in realpolitik
>tfw he's got Peggy so he doesn't have to google search "large bosoms" anymore while nervously looking over his shoulder
Technically he should just be dropping from one split timeline into the previous through the coordinates he has on his gps.
Taking the wanking far enough, his timeline is some manner of utopia where they dealt with Hydra and other issues much more conclusively, got in contact with Asgard so that they deal with Thanos early and got super Wakandan tech for everyone. Also getting Banner to not become the Hulk and whatever else is required, All of that in theory allows for super sliding tech that would make it possible for him to jump into his original timeline using a different type of equipment or just going to just after the split time the way he does when dropping the stones.
At any rate it was a completely retarded way to deal with the character and a dick move to his counterpart, but it is what it is. I suppose it might set up the Incursions if need be, as well as making it possible to bring Cap back if its really needed, alond with a Tony Stark. By the time they need it, they may as well make him entirely CGI or just cast someone else with the handwave that different timelines makes him a similar but different person.
Jesus Christ.
>there will never be a movie in which Cap has to cause 9/11 so the timeline doesn't get messed up
Reminder that Cap cucked the Steve Rogers who was still frozen and undiscovered in the timeline created when the gem was removed, and that Steve Rogers woke up to a world that never missed him because he had been replaced by our Cap, who then stole that timeline's shield to take it back home and give it to the guy who couldn't even keep up with Cap while he jogged and got beat up by Rumslow.
Why are Americans so obssesed with 9/11?
>"The Incident" happened, killing more people and destroying more buildings than 9/11.
In Civil War they explicitly say that only 74 people died in the Battle of New York.
Did you really think the C in MCU stood for "Cinematic"?
They didn't go back to stop Thanos, they went back to retrieve some chaos emeralds to bring back to their timeline and undo his fuckery.
you fucking idiot he went back with his gps you fucking retard
Because he invested in an oil company that will prospect in the M-E
Those are big ifs, but you're right, he may have developed some new time travel technology to return to his current timeline without the quantum tunnel. Maybe they can use the time stone with quantum tech, who knows?
I don't think Cap is the type to mess with anything either. I don't think he'd be preventing Thanos or 9/11 or anything like that.
You don't think it ended well? I think Cap retiring with the woman of his dreams and returning to his own time was a pretty great move for the character. It sucks he won't be around, but I think Chris was kind of annoyed with playing the same charcater over again.
>remember cap you gotta return the stones exactly where we got the or you open up some nasty alternate realities
will they use this as the explanation for the other future movies like love and thunder?
We have movies set way back in the past. The early middle ages and WWII as well as the 90's.
I think they could use that for where the multiverse came from. We'll have plenty of adventures taking part in alternate timelines where things are completely different.
he did his part and tiped the jews about it.
If you actually go to the theaters and pay Disney for a ticket to “Love and Thunder” where Natalie Portman and Tessa fucking Thompson put Hemsworth in a cockcage and LARP as gay kweeeens you’d better fuck right off to Reddit
The MCU ended with Endgame. Far From Home was shit and the new slate looks awful
Why do Americans think 9/11 is the worst thing ever ?
if you think I pay for anything you're gravely mistaken user. I'm poor as fuck but if I could I would've went to the theaters to see End Game.
Because they weren’t the terrorists for once
That’s acceptable, I suppose, but still... why would you want to watch it? I could torrent Captain Marvel for free right now but why the hell would I ever want to see it? It’s explicitly not made for you and it has all the subtlety and appeal of an HR lecture about sensitivity training. Are you really that invested in the extremely loose, mostly mindless, entirely as hoc overarching story?
really indifferent about it but I do have some free time and not really picky about my movies. I avoided black panther and cap marvel though. I just like the avengers being a casual fan of the cartoons and comics as a kid. I actually think the avengers films are best thing we have right now in terms of comic adaptations.