/sotm/ - Son of the Mask general

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/sneed dab/image/zy7E3lXD9v1b_8Efhiw4Aw/

Why does Stanley disappear whenever Le Masque shows up? I never understood that aspect of the original movie.

Can I get a rundown of the Sn//d incident that happened earlier?

Sneed of the Mask


Attached: deathofsneed.jpg (3329x3385, 1.45M)

some guy was samefagging like crazy, replying to himself pretending to be mad maskchads and sneedposting constantly. Then he got deleted and all his samefag posts got cleared at the same time, exposing himself

What’s up fellow /mask/ bros

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Why does Son of the Mask need a general? Shouldn't you be forcing the meme into any and all threads regardless of whether it fits or not? Much like Sneed and Bane?

Just torrented sotm, what am I in for?

Who the fuck plays GBA with a claw grip


I think he’s trying to communicate

any other kinos with great cinematography?

Attached: 1564567215785.jpg (2999x1684, 1.18M)

An unappreciated gem that you'll be part of the first wave of rediscovery/reevaluation for.

Attached: The Mask Omnibus v1-264.jpg (613x877, 193K)


They get BTFO any time they post their forced meme outside of their safe space. So really not a “meme” at all since it is incapable of spreading or growing.

Dis is da part where ya cope
Dis is da part where ya seethe

Attached: hahahaha.png (674x674, 415K)

It appears I have a job to do

"""my bad"""

>panic attack breathing
>eyes that look like youre screaming inside

el cringo

Not btfo, it's just people don't care.

Excuse me, heh heh, my "bad".

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>caring this much about a meme
You should get a real hobby

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Sneedcel destroyed

I hope someone cuts your fucking faggot throat

i unironically like the concept of the Mask

I have a mind control fetish, so I used to fall to the part in the first one where he makes the lady cop sing



it's literally dr jekyll and mr hyde

>mfw I will never be as pathetic as snoids

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Sneed niggers have always been absolute faggots. Whats the story behind mask posting?

Well it all started when a man was transfixed with a strange mask and held merry parties

My sides. I'm sure this was the same guy talking to himself in the empty mask threads last night.

were is guterman gone? where guterman?

Attached: inlandempire.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)

Whats the connection to sneed? Did different reddit zoomers decide to fuck with reddit sneed zoomers?

When Masks threads were blowing up Sneedposters were trying to stir shit.

Sneed's party was embarrassing, we just came to liven things up

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>that cringeworthy pretending to be Maskposters upset

Hey look it's snamefag, back again.

why isn't this thread stickied?

He's a really modest guy.

What compels this sort of madness?

No user, I just want maskposting to broaden to new horizons is all

It's just a bit of fun. The Mask has a lot of love for it, and Son of the Mask's musical scene is so bizarre and cracked that it's easily memeable.

It was, he was spamming the exact same pictures.

OH NO NO NO NO NO sneed"""""chads""""" on suicide watch

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There's no connection, other than that that one sneed autist is bitter that another meme exists and has tried and failed to spam these threads.

too good to be true

Attached: stayseething.jpg (893x91, 15K)

That first picture

>2212 results found.

Attached: lucky.jpg (481x720, 38K)

In case anyone missed the recent Punished Mask

Attached: punished mask.jpg (1000x666, 259K)

I always knew that cringy "us sneed fans eh, we fellow bros" came off as extra phony, now I know why.

>When Masks threads were blowing up
What are you on about? Another forced meme? Aren't there only around 25 mask posters pushing this meme?

the trash can don't lie

It doesn't really look good for the sneed image when you so obviously get pestered by another pest. I mean could you imagine the school bully crying home to mommy over the new guy in school? Sorry, kid. Had in your feed, and your other seed. You're donezo

It's a classic.

Attached: 1951 Studebaker_Loaner.jpg (800x600, 123K)

>bizarre and cracked that it's easily memeable.
zoomers should all be exectuted, worthless reddit nigger scum.

Attached: mask171.jpg (800x450, 96K)

Jekyll didnt become a dude with cartoon powers by wearing a mask

Absolute madlad, kek.

Also, Sneed.

>there only around 25
Beats 1.

>I mean could you imagine the school bully crying home to mommy over the new guy in school?
thats very common dumb fuck.

The primary spammer has always been a crybaby bitch, throwing tantrums.


Even though he’s the hottest guy

Im talking about the first or second day people were jumping on it there were several threads on the catalogue about this shit.

This video started it all, they are just memeing this video "because it is so bad it's good"

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Theres no way it was just one sneed nigger ruining simpsons threads the last few years.

Why couldn't Pest-posting have caught on. It's infinitely better

Holy shit this can't be real

Attached: moe_mask_by_girmonster_d7ryndn-pre.jpg (1897x421, 98K)

>Shouldn't you be forcing the meme into any and all threads regardless of whether it fits or not?
No, that's for insecure faggots.



douge was already on the son of the mask train before it was cool

Jannies and mods have allowed sneed shit for the most part

so pretty much exactly this

Now seems like a good time to push it. I never saw that kino but I also never saw SotM or that Simpsons ep but I've been posting both. Just follow your dreams and put it out there.

is Cuban Pete figuratively or literally filled with spices?

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This is just ONE thread Look how much of it was one guy talking to himself and spamming. Imagine how much the average sneed spammed thread is just that one guy. It's always been obvious it's one person doing 80% of the spam. They're the one with the agenda trying to get rid of Simpsons threads from Yea Forums.

Kill yourself faggot

This is completely untrue. It's deleted as spam.

Was it pre or post bomb digestion? This is important.

You can’t be serious.

Alright which one of you made this deviantart with nothing but hot guys wearing the mask


There's the deadbeat.

I don't give a shit about simpsons, I just thought this was funny. and all of threads made about it now are just an excuse to sneed post.

is this how this meme began?

Dude a thread with a person banned for spamming sneed shit in a thread is linked here , what do you think we've been talking about?

See you absolute fucking newfag. Also sneed.

Attached: son of the mask.jpg (463x439, 24K)


What bomb? Do you mean the spicy meatball that was disguised as a bomb? Le Masque noticed the ruse when he ate it.

Absolutely incredible post

Attached: A84DE4AF-6424-4FC1-B95B-727F2437ADBE.png (386x465, 73K)

>They're the one with the agenda trying to get rid of Simpsons threads from Yea Forums.
and every piece of shit zoomer and newfag jumped on the bandwagon, look at these cock suckerszoomers ruin everything they touch.

Dude is this literally your first day?

You just linked me to an image that has multiple delete icons just from the last couple of days.

No, it was this

Kill yourself sneed nigger

It's certainly not one guy, I can attest to that. But it is true that there is 1 singular based autist spammer doing the heaviest work; without him it would probably would have died by now.
However, there are others, such as myself, who also enjoy posting sneed when we have the time. I personally will typically have 1 sneedposting session when I settle down to go to bed (like right now). But that guy posts it all day every day and also constantly false flags comfy Simpsons threads and ban evades. I personally find his work absolutely hilarious.

It gets deleted constantly.

>just from the last couple of days
No shit

I saw his shit get deleted from a different thread too, including posts specifically denying that he was samefagging.

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Attached: bender_wearing_the_mask_of_loki_by_carlosgloria3000_dbq7niv-350t.jpg (316x350, 17K)

that shit is posted like 4 times every single day, it's got 2000+ reposts

Damn why is there so much art of Naruto wearing the mask

Attached: naruto_mask_p2__com__by_stevan29_db5razt-pre.jpg (751x1064, 108K)

It gets worse if you search by filenames too:
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/filename/sneed dab/image/zy7E3lXD9v1b_8Efhiw4Aw/
and these are only from the first page

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>causes fear

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Based Sneed

the funny part is it's completely shit OC for a meme that died out like 18 months ago

You (shills ) should die

>Read this, and press down hard
>There's no cringe?
>There will be

Attached: there's no price.jpg (640x362, 47K)

what did christ mean with this?

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Not him, but there is one particular janny who will vehemently and aggressively attack sneed with great prejudice, banning and deleting everyone who posts it/all posts containing it. He babysits simpsons threads to delete/ban as soon as they come up, ignoring everything else on the board/site to do so. He likely joined the janitor team for the sole purpose of attacking sneed, because it incensed him so much.

But all the other jannies don't care at all. So your perception of sneed being allowed/punished will be heavily skewed depending on which jannygger is on "duty" today.

Take your meds.

My point is that you’re just talking about shit getting deleted in the last few days. It’s been going on, and generally tolerated, for literally years. Thanks for confirming that you’re an absolute fucking newfag. Please lurk more and the kys you’re selve and return to r e d d i t.

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>"Leave Sneed to me"

Attached: jack_finds_the_mask_by_wendellplocek_dc942q8-250t.jpg (167x250, 9K)

This is accurate.

That's a very rude response after I took the time to explain the confusion. Completely uncalled for, really.

Jannies can't ban you retard.

You don't have Yea Forums X do you?

In Havana

>Maskposting was created by losers who never got their sneed content noticed.

top lel

Have boogie, sneedcels.

Attached: whatmaskchadslooklikeirl.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)


We didn't start the fire.

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It all makes sense

"My bad"

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You can tell the Bergman influences here

Its actually Christ worship

Most people will call both mods and janitors simply "jannies" as a sign of disregard and disrespect. But yes this guy is an actual mod.

The plot thickens:

Attached: 1545924472473.png (1612x1226, 587K)

The director believes he is Bergman reborn. Granted, Bergman was not dead at this time, hence why the director took care of that with a well timed accident.

"My bad, nigga."

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Somebody stop moe

Attached: moe_mask_by_girmonster_d7ryndn-pre~2.jpg (274x343, 23K)

He also "doesn't exist" except in your deranged mind where you think everyone is obsessed with your terrible meme like you are

They should make a sequel where he's a farmer

Attached: calarts sneed.png (638x325, 50K)

Look what I found in his archive!

Attached: Ogre.jpg (800x448, 128K)

Anyone read this fanfic Ive heard good things

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As niggers try to co-op it to destroy this site

>two posts made in conveniently one hour
The plot's a dead end unless you can provide more, popular threads.

Is this movie good ironically, like the Pest?

I would not go that far.

how will mask posters ever recover?

Attached: 45645641561.png (706x680, 84K)

Terrible atttempt.


that's site's UI is complete garbage, but I managed to find older mask threads:
at least one of the maskposters is a retarded spic from a shitty website

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Yeah it's a dead end.


Attached: hairdryer.jpg (700x393, 48K)

retarded video

formerly great attempt

you guys know there was a horrible mask cartoon show, right?


Attached: ah yes very pungent my dear.jpg (929x659, 72K)

You sound really upset, not sure why. The very reason I started sneedposting was to annoy that janny when I saw him getting assblasted in a Simpsons thread and thought it looked like a laugh. I never "got" sneed before then.

are the bouncers related?

No I would say this is upset

They shared a college dorm. The Bouncing College.

Attached: OHFUCK.jpg (881x623, 60K)


poor rob paulson. he doesn't deserve this.

Attached: download (10).png (640x480, 277K)

That looks like a casual explanation of a situation to me, bud. Not sure why you are so enraged over it, doesn't make sense to me at all.

Some people are just rude and angry by their nature, I guess.

Cookie BaBoom

I expect you react to imaginary things a great deal.

Okay, tiger.

good troll



This thread is embarrassing, can't we stir things up a little?

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Attached: delet.png (613x356, 185K)

Finally, a good post.

Care for Buck Naked?

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>Yeah French city in the house!

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>That guy was literally named Chad

where does he fit in on the chart?

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Time to B O O G I E.

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Hop in, dude.

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I found it very interesting when Ipkiss said this because we never saw him eat a meatball. he ate a bomb, true, but he obviously wasn't talking about that.
When did you think he at the meatball, and why? Why was he reminiscing on its spice?

Attached: Mama Mia that.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>Implying I would ever post that garbage to begin with.

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Well you see he had a quick Italian snack while he was behind the bar after putting on the Mask, but before he emerged. Have to keep up your energy levels.

Awful forced meme. But its not as bad as Cat in the Hat

that kind of attention to bodybuilding really sets this franchise apart

"My bad".

Attached: expression.jpg (429x434, 22K)

That "bomb" as you called it was actually a carefully disguised meatball. Rather than reminiscing, Le Masque was voicing his shock over the fact that it was a spicy meatball and not a bomb as he expected.

Duplicity like this is nothing new for Dorian. Just earlier he had sent in one of his henchmen disguised as Peggy to steal the mask from Le Masque, showing his mastery of the art of disguise.

Furthermore, it would be impossible for Dorian to actually purchase a bomb at that time, since he was missing so much backpay.

Dastardly Dorian, Icer of Deadbeats

Was Dorian the good guy all along?

maybe he got it on credit

huh, could that be why his henchmen were talking to an accountant?

If you pay close attention to the subplots, the true villains of the story are Jack's son, Grant, Len, and Frank. Not only do they corruptly wield their influence to allow people into clubs without their names on the list or even a work ID, but they also didn't pay their employees properly, ultimately leading to their disgruntled employee Dorian to threaten them with meatballs to get his pay back.

>If an employee was prevented from completing a job for some reason, they might also be eligible to collect back pay. For example, if an employer unlawfully fires an employee, the employee might be due back wages for the time he or she was not allowed to work.

>You might believe you deserve pay that you have not yet received, and your employer thinks you do not. In these cases, you might have to collect back pay yourself, sometimes through legal action.

>The FLSA provides several methods to recover unpaid minimum and overtime wages:

>1. The Wage and Hour Division or the Secretary of Labor might supervise the payment of back wages, sometimes through litigation.

>2. The Secretary of Labor might instigate a lawsuit for back wages and an equal amount as liquidated damages.

>3. An employee can file a private suit against an employer for back pay plus attorneys' fees and court costs. In some cases, employees can also request that benefits be included in the total back amount to be repaid.

>4 An employee may shoot their ex-employer eight times with bullets that moments earlier had been fired into the employee by the ex-employer, if aided by a Norse or Greek artifact.

So you see, the law was on Dorian's side

Attached: Ex-Employee.jpg (1145x1087, 187K)

Why did he have complete shell casings in his mouth? can anybody explain this?

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>Alright twinkletoes, I wanna know how best to handle my credit, being short on cash, and I wanna know RIGHT NOW

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Didn't the dog take a piss or something?

Mask Dorian is pretty scary ngl

Literally magic powers

this slowed down the action but GODDAMN was it an amazing character moment

Hi I'm new here

I thought this was the movie about the baby and dog putting on the mask??

Did Dorian kill all those guys in the club so he could deduct the cost of funeral flowers?

damn these corporate laws are labyrinthine

>Why did they give him plastic hair?
>why cant Jamie Kennedy emote under the make up? It always looks like he cant move his face
>did they dub over all of his lines? His voice is super clear while other audio is grainy
>who was he quoting when he said "my bad"

I cant believe there was a point in time where they were trying to push Jamie Kennedy as a leading man. The fact that this movie exists is shocking.

I remember being terrified of him as a little kid.
looking back now, he kinda thicc. ngl Dorian Masque kinda a snacc

The hair looks faker than the fucking eyepatch

I don't get it

Good heavens

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>I'm just an ex-employees, who's here for some bouQUETS

mmm, glad I'm not the only one. you think Dorian Mask likes to have his belly licked?

Is that Jerma?

Oh how naive. This movie is an intricate tapestry of subtle innuendo and intrigue so complex and multi-layered that a man can barely hope to scratch the surface after years of research. And despite all our efforts, many mysteries still lay unanswered. Who stole Stanley Ipkiss' pajamas? Where did Le Masque meet Kellaway's wife? Why did Cuban Pete rescue Le Masque? We may never know.

>Ice em. Every deadbeat in the city. Ice em all.

Attached: make the call.jpg (800x449, 78K)

sick bastard

This is standard Yea Forums fare, honestly. It happens in most generals.

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I firmly follow the theory that the One Armed Man stole his pajamas. Though I feel putting on pajamas with one arm would be a frustrating exercise at best, so clearly he planned to ransom them.

Heard you talkin shit like I wouldn't find out

Attached: Zjcoood.jpg (640x347, 53K)

Attached: P WOJAK CLOSEUP.png (214x236, 5K)

It was a deadly way to restore some balance to his accounts. But it sure smelled nice.





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>he never even saw it coming

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Why is it called “Edge City” ? One can’t help but thinking of common practice of edging; was everyone in the city close to climaxing, but not letting go? Was everyone on the edge in Edge City?

why would someone who was modest have an entire musical number about himself?

Attached: taxplan.webm (640x368, 361K)

Is this a birth defect or was Pachuco wearing a dog mask?

Was Pachuco some kind of a local celebrity? That would explain why the band knows his name.

It was merely a humble factual description in the style of his native land.

No, he is a werewolf. His appearance in the Coco Bongo remains a mystery.

I think it was "Ledge City" because it's modelled on New York where everyone jumps off ledges when committing suicide

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What was his problem?

Attached: Mr. Dickey.jpg (800x448, 100K)

its on the edge of another city.

I thought they committed suicide by gong to jail and beating themselves to death with nightsticks while in police custody

His name was Dickey

So many layers...

Ipkiss was being a jerk.

At various intervals of the day, with no warning or pattern, he would recall that his name was Dickey, and it would darken his mood.

If I put this on, will someone die?

Are you on the list?

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why was he not on the list, yet his son was?


Attached: id.png (1280x711, 944K)



Will somebody stop me?


Attached: okay.png (752x780, 872K)

The cartoon was genuinely, unironically good

Why do you all like this so much? Why are you bringing The Mask back?

"my bad"

Attached: the mask.jpg (668x498, 303K)

We don't need a list, EDGE CITY POLICE!

Attached: Kellaway and Doyle.jpg (600x324, 56K)

They will try.

>that image name


After a few clicks on other's profiles I learned that there is an honested to god Mask fandom. And I thought my autism was bad. I mean, everyone has their interests but wow.

I said list. Not twist.

Attached: twist.png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

>DOYLE's total lack of trigger discipline and the gun nearly pointed at himself
attention to character detail

It's a popular movie a lot of people in their 20s grew up with.

Attached: ONCELER DOUBLES.gif (400x217, 628K)

there's a lot of fanfics out there were random character #38 puts on the mask

>decks him

That makes a lot more sense if people grew up with it. Those sorts of things tend to stick in your brain.

Attached: BFE83888-15EF-43D8-85B9-992E9A93A027.jpg (341x468, 57K)

I mean three characters put on the Mask in the first film alone and are all totally different, it's an easy thing to make fan stuff out of, "what if this character wore the Mask" blah blah

why did the mask turn into a skeleton?

Attached: spoopy.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

his own personal tribute to Marv from Home Alone

Sad Skelly

same reason Marv did

Explain it to me fucker

Maybe that is Marv's skeleton, who was lurking in Ipkiss' apartment for some reason and was briefly illuminating by Ipkiss' transformation.

Attached: home-alone-2-daniel-stern-as-marvs-skeleton.jpg (936x532, 96K)

Was he there to steal Ipkiss' pajamas?

If anyone wants some shops, provide pics and what you need and I'll see what I can do.
Enjoy this gem, fresh of the presses

Attached: Christian-Bale_American_Psycho_hip-to-be-square02.jpg (1440x810, 413K)

Was he the pajama thief?

Attached: marv.jpg (650x400, 19K)

WTF character is this? Is this Thewan Ahmedman?

Have it so Avery is farting in Sneed and/or Chuck's face, rather than Loki's

Attached: Skunk.png (859x443, 642K)


>Besides, now we have our new nickname. We're the PJ Bandits!

Attached: Home-Alone-Thief-Marv-Respon.jpg (1024x550, 75K)


The mask comes when the mask is needed.

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Sneed was good, kid, real good. But as long as I'm around he'll always be second best, see?

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I would like Dorian standing or indicating towards financial charts of some sort, for wages.

Attached: mask108.jpg (800x448, 77K)

is this high octane nightmare fuel?

Attached: Maskeleton.png (288x268, 133K)

If he'd listened to the financial planner's advice maybe he wouldn't have been so desperate for his backpay?

Or even just an infographic for backpay

Attached: moneymax_back_pay_3.jpg (950x633, 85K)

Holy shit I forgot about that awful shit.

What will 2019's worst forced meme be?

>“My bad”

Attached: FA34388D-3DDC-43D0-A06B-CA418EF2F688.jpg (2518x1024, 774K)

And there I thought we were finally overrun.

Attached: th.jpg (474x397, 17K)

>singlehandedly destroyed Jamie Kennedy's career

Attached: IMAGINE MASK.png (1528x192, 79K)

Frankly I wouldn't mind Marv skeleton in the pic

I consider pestposting to be a prototype of maskposting. The problem was it didn't have a successful predecessor, nor did it have any visible shame coming from Leguizamo to make it relatable. Didn't help that nobody watched the Pest either. At the very least newcomers have just seen The Mask.


Attached: JGDTpaH.jpg (1220x686, 82K)

He grew them with his mask powers.
Why fire a bullet if you can't fire the whole bullet?

The only funny maskpost/image ITT.

Here you go!

Attached: 1564733546149.jpg (859x443, 173K)


That's a lot of screens.

Just to be clear

Attached: charts.jpg (876x514, 52K)

I might upload the comics tomorrow if anyone wants them. I've been rereading them for the first time in years and SotM actually takes a ton of shit from them.

Attached: The Mask Omnibus v1-315.jpg (1800x2700, 1.97M)

just threw this together now.

Attached: pczBa.png (684x692, 495K)

>an entire database of movies that made every frame an image
>no Son of the Mask
We need to put in requests.

yep, like a presentation

wait is 500 the bump limit now?

So many scenes I was relying only on google or youtube for

Attached: PEENMAN.jpg (1920x1080, 107K)

Nah, I think it's something stupid like 305.

I'll get on it

Why were there two the masks in that scene?

Hey mister...got an upgrade?

Attached: Hey mister.jpg (1220x686, 105K)

It's already done. Son of the Mask is on his list of requested films.

Stanley was facing his own transgender feelings


I'll explain.

Attached: Can't make the scream if you don't have the green.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)


looks better than Jamie Kennedy's mask makeup

Alright twinkletoes.

Attached: DuhrtIH.jpg (920x518, 37K)

Attached: RcIQKyK.jpg (1220x686, 97K)

It's both movies are timeless classic. Especially the Party scene in SotM

Attached: jETpZ49.jpg (920x518, 36K)



What if (You)__ wore the mask?

Well, let me talk to you about funeral bouquets...

Attached: fortunately.jpg (500x673, 53K)



It brings your innermost desires to life, so the world around me would probably be something anime related I don't fuckin know.
It wouldn't be as awesome as what Carrey's mask did, but at least the magic of the Mask would make you play along anyway.

Those screencaps...those screencaps, those were....stolen

Attached: AGsBhRb.jpg (920x518, 35K)

The whole goddamn planet would get pranked in stupid and mildly annoying ways.
Everybody would receive shit from ruinedday

Somebody stole your screencaps no longer sourced from a crappy youtube video?

Attached: PqnU0MW.jpg (920x518, 30K)

damn, Thewan Ahmedman strikes again

new thread

>Mr. Bond it has come to my attention that it is BOOGIE TIME

Attached: Untitled8.png (1080x1080, 1.51M)

Fresh off the rack?


>This thread finally stays up while the other night it kept getting deleted in the middle of an HG match

Attached: mask132.jpg (800x448, 68K)

Attached: 1564733855549 (1).jpg (800x448, 171K)

Vaguely remember this as a kid and I remember liking it.

kek, the pointer
thank you

Join us

I forgot to mask some of the board
Here is the right one

Attached: 1564733855549 (2).jpg (800x448, 172K)

This. Most people have seen the mask and everyone knows Jim Carrey, even if you haven't seen SotM the merry parties clip is pretty telling

much obliged

>Some are nudes with full dicks out

That poster was giving Jamie Kennedy too much credit. All that cringy shit and music was probably all his doing. It stinks of him.

can you view these without making an account?