and tear his fucking teddy bear apart before beating Bashir even more in a drunken rage after finding out Keiko cheated on him with a ridged nose faggot to the point that DS9 needs to import a new doctor so that Bashir can even be recognizable edition
/trek/ I want to see O'Brien get fucking shit-faced and beat Bashir into a pulp
Other urls found in this thread:
Will always be the one and only
Just divorce your fucking whore wife instead of polluting the board with your retarded Trek fanfic.
>Computer load the simulation
>Y'know the one
At least it's content.
>Running Keiko loli guro program 2.0
Jadzia was played by a dude right? I refuse to believe that's a woman
Trek characters you wish you could punch in the face.
squire was a lot of fun
If I only list main characters
Barclay and Picard
every single bajoran ever
I like to think Bashir and O'Brien are both part of section 31 but O'Brien is from when they purposely didn't climb rank to avoid detection but eventually they realised they needed people in higher positions so Bashir is allowed to climb rank so this caused the initial tension between the two characters.
Kai Winn, right as she is calling me child ideally
that's right miles, you were only just laying low as a transporter operator ensign for nearly a decade
at least i know how be inconspicuous, you have lunch with a known spy everyday
Kira as I'm fucking her
excited for the future, /trek/?
Why do you keep posting that?
this is not the future I chose!
I want to go back to page 44!
Say something nice about her, /trek/
>Diversity is key to Roddenberry's vision
I gotta admit. This is true. The STD cast was constantly bullshitting themselves by praising their diversity when a diverse Star Trek cast has been happening since the 60s.
He wants to fuck her.
Yeah I totally forgot when TOS, TAS and TNG had mudslimes, trannies, faggots and pedos
who even types like this
lol calm down
go to sleep, grandpa
>who even types like this
And yet ceremonial marriage is still a thing.
Possibly also the CATS CATS CATS spammer or are all furfags autistic and cringey?
Marriage and their ceremonies predate religion, brainlet.
lol fuck your gay ass twitter screenshots
>Marriage is not religious. Gays should be able to get married.
>Marriage is religious. It must be eradicated now that marriage equality has been enacted.
They're all spastic pedos.
Some people use the holodeck for sex, this is what I would use it for
Prove it.
>absolutely anything human predating religion
How do I know you're uneducated.
Lol this
>religious ceremonies, a tribal social construct, predate people fucking
real retard hours who up
I would use it to visit the withered steps of ancient rome, to witness the glorious ruin of carthage, hear the cries of death as fate closes over the legions at cannae
>religion predates tool use
Did you get your undergraduate degree from a Christian community college?
>only humans fuck
think the enhanced freak Bashir could take on O'Drunken
>he thinks God is a religion
oh loool
>Neanderthals had early religion
>LOL CHRISTIAN XD Anthropology is a patriarchal imperialist construct
No, religion isn't over as a concept. It's just that being a Christian in Starfleet would seem as silly now as someone who unironically worships Anubis(not the SG1 guy) would now.
Everyone knows that religion was invented a hundred years ago by racist Christian men
Back when we were hunter gatherers, we were completely without religion, myth or superstition. They were all atheist scientists.
>thinking worshipping snakes and lightning has anything to do with two people spending their lives together
jesusfags on suicide watch
>Egyptian religion has been dead for 1800 years
>Christianity is still practiced in 2019, only 130 years before Enterprise
Tool use predates neanderthals. Additionally, the neanderthals were religious stuff is just speculation by a minority who classify burials as strictly religious in nature.
>thinks hygiene has anything to do with eat eat raw meats
zug zug zug,! civilization bad!
No one brought up tool use but you, cumbrain.
>one religion is replaced by a new religion
>thinking that makes the new religion more valid instead of realizing it proves all religions are bullshit
>cultures in the Amazon have never even heard of Jesus dying for their sins
ok retard
There are atheists in this thread that not only think Christians invented marriage but also think Christianity is the first religion.
they've probably gone back in time and figured out how jesus did his three day respawn trick.
Yes, I go to /trek/ threads to scream about Christians while I nervously claim there's no such thing as a God or afterlife. How could you tell?
Imagine equating religion with primitive hominids thinking lighting came from giant birds in the sky and then unironically being religious yourself
Obviously he was a magic baby given cheat codes by the one true God, king of kings, praise him, our Lord. Where do you think they came up with replicators? It's all there in the Holly Bibble
>one theory is replaced by a new theory
>thinking that makes the new theory more valid instead of realizing it proves all theories are bullshit
>cultures in the Amazon have never even heard of evolution by natural selection
ok retard
well yeah, after all God provided Moses and his people with mana from heaven in the fucking desert
>hurr faith is not logical
>this is news to anyone
Are you all still 10?
>Neanderthals bury their dead family members along with some of their belongings instead of letting their bodies rot in the open air eaten by maggots
And literally divided an sea for the Israelites as they were running away from Ramses. The whole wandering around aimlessly in the desert for 40 years thing was just to teach them humility so they would appreciate the land of milk and honey they were about to pillage and rape, their Promised Land. It's all true stuff that really happened. The talking snake, the angels made of spinning wheels, the big dragon at the end, it's all real.
it's more real than you shall ever be
Do christfags like RLM and Midnight's Edge? Why do they seek out friend simulators and why are they alone?
get the fuck out of this thread derailing faggot
No need to get personal. There are plenty of Reddatheists who like that stuff.
I'll take that as a yes, the same people who believe in imaginary friends enjoy friend simulators on youtube. Good to know.
which one
You're in a friend simulator.
yes obviously all furries are one faggot that's also a pedo
not the loli weebfags, nah, but the boogieman dogfucker
what do you have against bashir?
so what's under the decks about anyhow?
Being this mad about other people and their religion
You must be successful at life
Why are you so defensive?
I'm not mad, I'm laughing at the absurdity of believing in a book of fairy tales.
Being contrarian doesn’t bake you smarter buddy
This is you missing out on the human experience like being the weirdo in school, different and going against the grain isn’t always good
the faiths were a mistake
>what we left behind
this is a meme image intended for trolling as the nazi regime was a totalitarian socialist regime and had nothing at all connected with religion, unless you're going to label philosophy as a religion man should destroy
that was also what they said to agricultures.
Section 31 did nothing wrong
>someone got so butthurt about this comment that he capped it and made a new thread about it, which was deleted immediately
> the big dragon at the end
That wasn't real? That's my favorite part
My top three...
The Trouble With Tribbles
City on the Edge of Forever
The Ultimate Computer
The Inner Light
Yesterday's Enterprise
Death Wish
ah o brien
Fuck religion, it's literally not true. Cope.
Religion is over amongst the Humans and other Federation races post-TNG Treks just took a huge dump on the original vision though adding a bunch of religious propaganda to DS9.
She is also gay lol why is so hard for morons like this to just drop their religion and not be living contradiction.
Hey, cool it with the anti-bajoran remarks.
Stop fucking dogs
>A joke episode is the best TOS episode
>The one with the flute is the best TNG episode
>Will never try Discovery because of memes
Big brain power
People should stop looking at her everytime a plasma relay blows up.
This is the [current stardate] for fuck's sake. We should be better.
>diversity is key to Roddenberry's vision
>islam is anti-lgbt
>islam doesn't tolerate non believers
hella diverse
>Lions mane
>Caitians are lions and not aliens
Based retard
Whatever makes you not feel like a faggot
>implying Star Trek hasn't consistently portrayed violent, authoritarian religions as morally wrong and totally incompatible with Gene's vision of the future
The absolute state of Trek. Gene is rolling in his grave and probably has been for about 25 years now, in fairness.
Didnt Ensign Roe get shit for her religious earring?
>2004 Trekkies 2 (Documentary) (executive producer)
>1997 Trekkies (Documentary) (co-executive producer)
This is what regret looks like.
All Bajorans.
>Big brain power
Discovery is SJW trash made for faggots like you!!!FACT!!!
Discovery is actually quite good just watch it.
I want to fuck Kira Nerys
I want to live in a basement with Kira and have her teach me how to be a terrorist.
I sure hope the NSA doesn't read th
stop being a masochistic retard
This! StarTrek is Roddenberrys vision of fullyautomatedspaceluxurycomminism. Prove me wrong!
just can't stop thinking about those southern jungles on bajor
>finish TNG
>its fucking amazing
>start DS9
>so boring I can't finish an episode without dosing off
What season does it get good, Yea Forums-bros?
Its one bad screenshot fuck me
From Duet onwards.
ds9 is good from the start imo but it doesn't become absolute kino until like season 3