KINO taste
"1. Vertigo (1958)
“I fell in love with Kim Novak’s character and the ‘Oh no, that’s not what happened at all’ aspect of the movie.”
2. Inception (2010)
“I love a twist ending or a twist middle. I am a big fan of Christopher Nolan.”
3. North By Northwest (1959)
“The suave sophistication of Cary Grant’s character is unmatched. It also serves as a proxy for great Hitchcock films: ‘Spellbound,’ ‘Notorious’ and ‘Rebecca.'”
4. Double Indemnity (1944)
“It’s a Billy Wilder film where he does superb film noir.”
5. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
“In my opinion, this is the funniest movie ever made. It stars my all-time favorite actor, Cary Grant, and my all-time favorite actress, Katharine Hepburn (after whom I named one of my daughters).”
6. Aliens (1986)
“This is actually the film I’ve seen more than any other film — more than 60 times, including twice in French… ‘Aliens’ has relentless thrills and action. Once everything starts to go wrong on that planet it’s non-stop.”
7. Se7en (1995)
“That was one of my most tense viewing experiences. The conflict at the end is the best part: Should he dispense justice or not?”
8. Pulp Fiction (1994)
“It redefined cinema in the 90s… The non-linear timeline is great, as are the opening and closing scenes from two different perspectives.”
9. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
“Hitchcock, Wilder, Stanley Kubrick is the order of directors I love… I was haunted by that film for weeks… People don’t realize it’s a Christmas movie. There’s a Christmas tree in virtually every scene. It’s one of two movies I re-watch every Christmas Eve — that and ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.'”
10. Touch of Evil (1958)
“This is the last great film noir and I remember being blown away by the famous single take opening shot. It also has one of my favorite endings of all time.”"
IMDb Founder Col Needham Reveals His Top 10 Favorite Films for First Time Ever"
>2. Inception
Bring back the forums you cuck.
Col Sneedham
>2. Inception (2010)
>Eyes Wide Shut
>2. Inception (2010)
>“I love a twist ending or a twist middle. I am a big fan of Christopher Nolan.”
pleb as fuck
>2. Inception (2010)
Better taste than anyone on Yea Forums. People will greentext the couple of movies they deem to be “pleb” because they haven’t even seen the other movies on the list.
uh never heard about eyes wide shut and the christmas stuff, this guy is woke.
Plebeian tastes, desu. Though I am a little impressed by his pick of Touch of Evil.
Dropped right there
The only ones I haven't seen are bringing up baby and touch of evil. You can make an argument for almost all those movies, Inception is ankle-deep garbage for idiots to gobble up
>Col Needham
Yeah, this dude got picked on a lot as a kid. Pretty good taste in film, though.
You are pleb af if you think anyone here hasn't seen those extremely well known movies.
>2. Inception (2010)
>6. Aliens (1986)
>“This is actually the film I’ve seen more than any other film — more than 60 times, including twice in French…
I'm still upset about that too, but I blame Jeff Bezos since Amazon owns IMDB.
>founder of IMDb has IMDb tier taste
imagine my shock
Inception is kino you fucking brainlets
>Inception is kino you fucking brainlets
What is he a Colonel of?
Unironic retard.
What's so bad about the list? All of those are good movies
what a fucking idiot
t. pleb
The surface answer is Yea Forums is full of contrarians, bu the full answer is Yea Forums is anti-film.
>1: respectable
>2: HA HA you fucking normie
>3: respectable
>4: respectable
>5: not familiar, but it's old so pass
>6: Bold statement and respectable
>7: you stupid fucking normie
>8: Dude, respect.
>9: Lol normie chow
>10: respectable
Surprisingly solid overall.
I'd say he needs less ham. HEYO
>half are movies people have heard of
>pulp fiction
>good movies
western bias
EXTREMELY problematic
Wow, it's incredibly boring and mainstream. Who would've thought?
Inception and Se7en really ruins this list lol
bringing up baby is fucking hilarious tho but seriously inception #2???
They aren't really bad movies. But putting something like inception in your top ten is brainlet af. And no, it's not because it's a popular movie. If you think this is Yea Forums being contrarian you are just dumb. Those movies are pleb af.
: not familiar, but it’s old so pass
dude holy shit man Yea Forums is infuriatingly retarded
These kinds of lists always bother me because if someone asked me to list my personal list of films, I'd have to ask them to clarify whether they wanted the films I personally considered the best on an artistic or technical level, or whether they wanted the films that I just plain enjoy seeing time and again. It's basically the difference between whether they want me to list say, Citizen Kane, a well regarded and excellently put together classic that I can appreciate for what it is and its place in cinematic history or Duck Soup, which, while a classic in its own right, is beloved because I just plain laugh my ass off whenever I see it.
1. All neurotypicals know this question means personal taste.
2. "I fell in love with Kim Novak’s character," should eliminate all doubt in this instance.
You're new here.
list both now
>2. Inception (2010)
I had roughly 3,000 comments over a decade on the IMDb boards that were deleted without any notification or forewarning. That was my community. I found here shortly thereafter after a Talkbacker asked if a visited Yea Forums and then I found this board. I will never forgive Needham and hope he knows there are a lot more of me who are less forgiving out there. Hello to my old friends I'm sure there are a few of us still in here for lack of better places for film buffs.
Moviechat .org you dumb faggot
People want to see films they haven't seen on lists. Trick is to include 5 that are good popular choices, with one mainstream, and then five that are harder to find or discover. Works like a charm. Bait and hook.
Touch of evil is great
Hi Brendan
I shouldn't even respond to you. Moviechat isn't the same. The old crowd isn't around. And IMDb had a prestige. I commented with several filmmakers over the years and countless people deep in the industry. I was told Spielberg had an assistant on the boards who greatly valued our thoughts but never communicated with that person knowingly. IMDb boards had a big unspoken impact on films for several years.
Why did it get shut down? Was it really Bezos protecting nu wars?
>putting Meme Fiction over Reservoir Dogs
Get a load of this guy.
>hating Inception
these anons opinion doesn't matter, lel
How many of these star PoC?
if you ask that it means you haven't seen them, which you have no idea how shit this makes you look. Kys
Imagine being this delusional.
Trust me I spent weeks emailing them for an explanation. This was my hobby you might say. Hundreds of us were there providing comments of great value unlike anywhere else. They emailed me back to say thank you and then said I might consider writing reviews, but the reviewers on the site are a mixed bunch and I never cared for it. They are too wordy or young. I once had a lengthy exchange with a producer of director Barry Levinson about his underrated horror film The Bay, and he shared about being in Manhattan during 9/11 and how the script brought up painful memories he needed to confront, fears of pathogens like anthrax. He was appreciative of my comments and I even emailed him and he sent me a keepsake from the set. You just don't find that level of interaction here.
>all the people here making fun of him
>"Inception is plebian"
I found Inception to be a pleb movie as well but do you people even speak English? It seems to me that most of Yea Forums is filled with autistic dimwits, I swear. He was asked for his FAVOURITES, not the objectively best movies he knows. Who the fuck lists only objectively good movies in their favourite lists?
I definitely have some objectively good movies in my favourite list but my favourite movie is Home Alone 2 because I laugh every time I watch it and because it's comfy. These threads are pointless if you don't divide lists into "favourite movies" and "objectively good movies"
Shadow of a Doubt is better and it's even Hitchcock's favourite film. Kim Novak is crass and not to be admired.
Okay. I can't troll this guy. He's a legit normie. Terrible.
>North by Northwest
>Double Indemnity
This whole list reeks of entry level.
>Bringing Up Baby
Are you a man or a 50 year old Jewish woman who visits a Broadway play every weekend?
Says it all. Alien is better.
Fincher is legitimately a Breaking Bad tier director for idiots who like to think they're smart.
>Pulp Fiction
Jackie Brown is better.
>Eyes Wide Shut
Fuck off. No one likes this film. He was probably invited to the premiere.
>Touch of Evil
>Breaking Bad tier director
What's that supposed to mean? Good or bad
This is every post in the IMDB forums:
"Do you like films? Put them in a list."
"What did the ending mean?"
"Perhaps you should watch Michael Bay instead."
There, I gave you 20 years of IMDB forums in 3 lines.
Seven is a great fucking movie, just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s bad.. being a contrarian doesn’t make you smart or deep you faggy little shit
Most people here don't watch movies. They just know Inception as "that movie neckbeards overrate."
>I only watch anglo movies
>Who the fuck lists only objectively good movies in their favourite lists?
Patricians who understand that taste is in fact objective.
he looks like shit when you take into account that he’s worth 50 million dollars
Dave Fincher is shit though.
I'm comparing him to a TV director of an overrated edgy series. It's not good, Jim.
I don't know how Fincher compares to a director of a TV series. Might want to enlighten us
>I am a big fan of Christopher Nolan.
10/10 list tbqh
Wow he likes the two Hitchcock films I dislike.
Fincher directed a tv series too idiots
My top 5:
1. मास्कको छोरा (2005, Guterman)
2. Otto e mezzo (1963, Fellini)
3. Det regnar på vår kärlek (1946, Bergman)
4. Le Petit Soldat (1960, Godard)
5. 若人の夢 (1928, Ozu)
north by northwest is protokino
>Yea Forums suddenly pretending like it doesn't love inception
>Yea Forums pretending it's full of film connoisseur and not totally not a fan site for capeshit
Great picks on North by Northwest, Touch of Evil, Double Indemnity and especially Bringing up baby. It along with Ball of Fire, To Be or Not To Be and To Have and Have Not is the funniest, most charming film I have seen.
Yea Forums has always been anti nolan
based and truthful
Liar. No human being has actually stayed awake through an entire Ozu film.