In the mood for pattinson kino, should i watch high life or good time? i haven’t seen either yet

in the mood for pattinson kino, should i watch high life or good time? i haven’t seen either yet

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this nigga is the kinostar of the 2020s
screencap this

watch Cosmopolis and also the other 2.

High life is not good.

Good Time.

Good Time was a lot of fun I'd pick that. Haven't seen High Life though.

and you silly niggers said pattinson couldn't be batman

Sounds more like you're in the mood for Pattinson cock. Do you deny it?!

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Good Time was wonderfully written and acted. High Life is not quite in the so-bad-its-good category, but it's kind of enthralling just because it's so terrible.

Good Time
High Life is sleepkino for when you have insomnia

Good time is KINATOA

yep just saw good time, really enjoyed it. i guess i’ll pass on high life based on these replies lel. thanks lads

Good Time sucks but it has a certain feeling to it that is too real and nostalgic to me. Particularly when he’s hiding out in the black girls house

Now watch Kids

Good Time is literally MOTY 2017, OST from OPN, directed by Safdie's, it's a really dark comedy at heart.

On the other hand, High life is no good. I try to give movies the benefit of the doubt when they're being pretentious af, but High Life is shit. Great premise, fucking awful execution, Robert was still kino though.

Is High Life that bad? I've been meaning to get into Claire Denis with that one.

op here, yeah me too. it’s a shame, the premise really intrigued me

It's really really bad, and not in an amusing way. It does have a kind of trainwreck vibe, it's kind of fascinating how dumb and poorly executed it is. Especially the unbelievably cheap set

Wait, we like Pattinson? What about the Twilight shit and bad acting in it?

Don't see why Cosmopolis matters
Or why any David Lynch movie matters

That was nearly a decade ago, and a surprising about of kino has happened since then. He's even featured on a Death Grips song. I think in another decade, it'll be weird that he was in Twilight, not that the Twilight guy took on bigger projects.

Don't see why your post matters.

Yeah no

He's on the record for shitting on twilight as pleb trash and just did it to get the money so he can do whatever he wants the rest of his life.

watch the Rover

I agree 100%. Dude has a bright fucking future ahead of him.

>He's on the record for shitting on twilight as pleb trash

Even while still making it lmao.

He'll make Batman kino once again.

Attached: robert pattinson-3.jpg (1200x797, 152K)

>he doesn't have a framed headshot of Robert pattinsons in his house

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Holy shit, what a charismatic... handsome... uhh

ee yikes good thing you're a woman or a fag because jesus otherwise I'd tell you to kys both ironically and unironically somehow

Based, when he puts out endless kino next decade they'll understand


extremely good taste user

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These are the reactions I hope to simultaneously elicit with this statement piece thanks anons

Is this some kind of meme or did every other poster ITT just ape you after you said that?

That being said, The Lighthouse is primed to be my FOTY