Is he still a legend or is he a fraud?

Is he still a legend or is he a fraud?

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Why? Do you think Bruce Lee was a credible fighter IRL or something? You do realize all his fighting and training is meant for people his size IE other asians, right? IRL if a guy was big enough he could just tackle Bruce or pick him up and throw him like Brad Pitt. Hed be fucking dead IRL

i would knock him spark out

hes a chink and a racemixer he deserves being mocked by whites

still an insectoid

Overrated chink who was nothing special

kek you autists really need a life

t. seething mayo cumskin

fuck off chinknigger

Even the owner and founder of MMA credits Bruce Lee with Prototype MMA development.

t. Joe Rogan

u seething chink manlet lmao

he was ok at movie stunts
anyone with basic fighting skills would kick his ass though

Could beat the shit out of every poster on Yea Forums while barely breaking a sweat.

Only until recently there was no way to make any money as a fighter unless you were a heavyweight boxer.

My grandfather always used to say they killed him because he was giving Hollywood martial arts secrets is this true?

kek looks like i struck a nerve
go empty your piss jugs


Joe loves Bruce

>owner of mma
what did he mean by this?

>is he a fraud?
Fraud at what exactly? Did Bruce Lee ever say he could beat up everyone on Earth or something?

no it was some Samurai Ghost that some evil chink wizard put on his family for messing up his fried rice or something. His bio movie was weird


>Tarantino movies take place in a parallel reality
>think they have any bearing on our reality

Are you suggesting that Lee being portrayed a simp correlates with that?

I think he is meaning the founder dana white

You do realize that Bruce was incredibly fast and precise with his strikes? He was small but his speed and technique would make him a formidable opponent even against larger adversaries. It really doesn't take that much power to knock someone out if you hit them right on the button which Bruce was more than capable of doing.

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Joe loves Bruce Lee
McGregor loves Bruce Lee
Literally like all MMA fighters love Bruce Lee
fucking several of the Gracie's love Bruce Lee

but Yea Forums hates him

he was actually strong as well. atlean-x wasn't able to do bruce's workout because it was too much.

The tranny faggotry in this thread is reaching levels that shouldn´t be possible.

You´re all worth less than dirt under his fingernails.

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People acting like any schmuck off the street can beat up Bruce Lee is fucking ridiculous. There is this huge revisionist history that applies all of modern MMA fighting to the past 70 years before even jujitsu was popular in the US.

Lee was one of the first people to publicly acknowledge combination striking and grappling martial arts as superior to either. He was also insanely fit but did some stupid stuff for the screen (taking out his sweat glands).

ching chong go back to hong kong

Both he's a legendary fraud like Bigfoot

fucking this. retards are arguing power levels like that is the only way to appreciate a martial artist's worth.
hell, one of his philosophies is that there's always someone stronger. his discipline and philosophy in itself is what makes him cool.

Honestly, could be the Chinese Triad.

Blame the morons that get their ((((facts)))) from youtube and cracked.

>massive Chinese pandering over the last few years
>now they are making Bruce Lee look like a blow hard
Its for the Chinese audience, just like the removal of the Taiwan and Japan flags from the jacket in Top Gun.

do chinese people not like Bruce Lee


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This will only become more and more common as the Chinese audience has become one of the biggest markets for Hollywood due to the increase in the Chinese middle class

If he had a whole career he would have been in my eyes, but he had so many peers that didn't die and kept making movies that it's hard for me to call him a legend.

most people are retarded and think the big guys are always better than smaller guys.

I'm sure that retard loves to suck that chinks dick

Still a legend obviously

He was a star in China as well and said fuck that and made Hollywood movies, and like someone said in this thread already he was putting ancient Chinese secret into the minds of the West

Absolute fucking fraud.

He convinced the entire world that they just need to train shitty little karate classes and despite being like 5' you can beat up 3 guys.

Don't forget to lick his balls after you finish dilating

manlet chink. any 6 foot white guy could literally do the "hold you back with one arm while you swing futilely" thing from the cartoons. baby dicks and manlets can not be masculine or badass and chinks are both. the dude played a badass for movies, not one actual fight has been recorded. hack.

>Did Bruce Lee ever say he could beat up everyone on Earth or something?
He did

>f*Toid cope

He was never a real fighter. Just a showman.

That doesn't sound like any solid proof that modern Chinese audiences don't like him.
What the actual chink government thinks of him is a different matter

No he didn't


Hard to elaborate why but there's just something about Game of Death that I love.

He was a talented performer. Nobody thinks Jackie Chan could actually perform some of the crazy feats he portrayed in films, but he was a convincing actor.

he admitted the superiority of the BBC


Another time Yeung, aka [Bolo] went to see Bruce at Golden Harvest Studios. Bruce was screening a Cassius Clay [Muhammad Ali] documentary. Ali was world heavyweight champion at the time and Bruce saw him as the greatest fighter of them all. The documentary showed Ali in several of his fights. Bruce set up a wide full-length mirror to reflect Ali’s image from the screen. Bruce was looking into the mirror, moving along with Ali.

Bruce’s right hand followed Ali’s right hand, Ali’s left foot followed Bruce’s left foot. Bruce was fighting in Ali’s shoes. “Everybody says I must fight Ali some day.” Bruce said, “I’m studying every move he makes. I’m getting to know how he thinks and moves.” Bruce knew he could never win a fight against Ali. “Look at my hand,” he said. “That’s a little Chinese hand. He’d kill me.""

I like how in Enter the Dragon his main opponent is just some random black guy

he's not an icon in China at all, they think of him as a traitor

Probably because weight classes matter in professional fights

I say fuck them.
Chinks had no problem destroying their culture in the 60s-70s. They're not in any position to complain when evil whiteoids take away one of their toys.




this made me feel a little sorry for asianmasculiniity because Tarantino made their ultimate idol poster boy god look like a pussy
where do you even go from there


>Overrated chink who was nothing special

Want a fraud? Look into Frank Dux.

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Bruce Lee was one of those people who was going to excel to the very highest level of whatever passion he pursued. He was a genuinely extraordinary person.
Er- I mean, dumb niggerchink bing bong ching chong me rike fried rice

No he didn't, that whole speech in once upon a time was completely made up. He was actually really good friends with Ali

Literally any white guy would've wiped the floor with Lee's face

Confirmed and race-based.

He was always an egotistical cunt why is everybody pretending QT made some grand surprise revelation?

>Literally any white guy would've wiped the floor with Lee's face

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Frank Dux is hilarious.
>bought his kumite trophy from some trophy shop in California
>trained by his asian neighbor, secret ninja Tiger Tanaka (same name as a James Bond ninja commander)
>claims he was given a ceremonial sword too, but gave it away to free child slaves from pirates
Bloodsport is an awesome movie though. Based on a true story that Frank Dux made up.


Fucking this. It's amazing how many young males suck this dead gooks dick over the years like he was the Sun Tzu of physical combat. He was an actor that was also a martial artist, no different than Jet Li or JCVD or thousands of others. Any average wrestler would murder him in NHB. His highly touted handspeed would be laughably slow in boxing.

>took wife to see this
>scene where Brad Pitt beats up Bruce Lee
>she became visibly aroused, starts shifting around and biting her lips
Should I be worried? We are both chinese by the way

COPE. say that shit irl pussy you won't


I'm pretty sure that Lee's photographs can kick your ass.

>Bruce Lee admires Muhammad Ali
>Tarantino's Bruce Lee claim he could cripple Ali before Brad Pitt kick his ass
And don't bring me the fictional universe shit. Tarantino was too busy jerking off to 60s nostalgia for reading Bruce Lee, especially when the movie wasn't about him. It was the stereotype of the arrogant kung fu master and Tarantino wanting to push his boomer pet and self-insert Brad Pitt as a badass

ITT: The male version of those insecure old white bitches about that qt Kazahk athlete

He is like 4 foot tall, just put him on the shelf

Literally any dude taller than 5'6 could smash Bruce Lee lmao

Dude was a fucking manlet chink

Gook cope, some shitty street fight against some drunk frat boy. Go look at any combat sport, the gooks are a laughing stock, everyone expects gooks to lose when you see them step into the octagon

>He is like 4 foot tall, just put him on the shelf
But then user would stink up the joint.

>Going out
I envy you. My wife just wants to stay home and fool around with Dontrell while I look after the kids in the living room.

5'7" actually, the ideal male height

Tao of Jeet Kune Do was a great book, and was really what pioneered the idea of MMA, so he contributed a lot to martial arts philosophically. But of course legends are always bigger than reality and he was not the greatest fighter on the planet.


Holy fucking cope.

I personally assure you Bruce Lee reached Bodhisattva at some degree.

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>>bought his kumite trophy from some trophy shop in California
God, I love that he did that and gave it value.

>Bloodsport is an awesome movie though.
yer fucking-a right.

>Based on a true story that Frank Dux made up.

Not even mad.

5'8", Modern day German

Yeah, can't be mad

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Not fair that's a Central Asian, Russian like Provodnikov or Dimitry Bivol. Actual East Asians cower in the sight of white Gods.

Nah every white Yea Forums poster can kick his chink ass

looking at Enter the Dragon as a buddhist healing ritual is actually kinda nice
that's a pretty good take on it user

I thought QT's way of China pandering is to add Asian characters and BTFO them

And it worked. Kill Bill worked in China

pretending asians can fight is the largest fucking laugh ive had all year

>Actual East Asians cower in the sight of white Gods.

This. Japan would literally kill every other slant for their white masters while sexpats ruin their women for them. This is why nobody respects you slope niggers.

>what is the Han Dynasty BTFOing Greekoids
>what is Mongol Conquests
>what is the Sino Dutch Conflicts
>what was the time the Chinese Diaspora chased the Spanish out of the Philippines and needed Christian Samurai to help them out
>what is WW2
>what is Korea
>what is the Vietnam war

We're not kidding when we say that focused energy, i.e., a highly precise and ultra-fast punch or kick, even from a not huge guy can be devastating. Lee literally could punch harder than many men just with his fingers. Disbelieve all you want, but it is real.

^not Asian, just a respectful non weeaboo white Germanic

>a fight between average everyday people with maybe some fight experience versus
>trained proffesionals likely on the juice with stringent rules
Now I know you're a cuck who's never been in a fight.
Also this,

read up on the Mongols big boy

He IS dead irl.

that's between two super lightweights

any guy 20 pounds heavier would smash the fucking chink

Dana white didnt "find" mma. The UFC is mma but mma is not the UFC you fucking brainlets

Boxing/MMAbros are annoying

Those "facts" at the credits kill me everytime.

>kill millions of unarmed citizens
>when you see enemy soldiers run away
Once the polish invented the technique of "just run after them" they were btfo'd in a year

Sauce on the QT?

belong to white men

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>after a few decades, the world is finally starting to understand that martial arts aren't magic and is beginning to smell the bullshit of the Bruce Lee cult

He was a phony just like his son, that's why my grandfather, who is costra nostra, had them both rubbed out.

>From 1975-1980 Frank W. Dux fought 329 matches.

Attached: matches.jpg (355x351, 36K)

>He retired undefeated as the World Heavy Weight
>Full Contact Kumite Champion.

>Mr. Dux still holds four world records:

>Fastest Knockout - 3.2 seconds
>Fastest Punch with a Knockout - .12 seconds
>Fastest Kick with a Knockout - 72 mph
>Most Consecutive Knockouts in a Single Tournament - 56

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you're such a fucking goober lmao

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>In the 2018 biography Bruce Lee: A Life, Matthew Polly identifies Lee's maternal great-grandfather as Mozes Hartog Bosman, a Dutch-Jewish businessman from Rotterdam

he was a fucking kike. you thought he got in the business because of his skill? you thought wrong

based tarantino shitting on this overrated jew.

t. zoomer whose idea of a fight is pushing back and forth

my idea of a fight is blasting your fat neckbeard ass with a double leg and then systematically breaking all your limbs

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>>Fastest Knockout - 3.2 seconds I mean...that's exactly how long it took the opponent to become knocked out after he was punched of kicked? What?

>>Fastest Punch with a Knockout - .12 seconds
So..the other record was just for a kick, or this means someone threw a punch somewhere in the world and someone got knocked out?

We laugh now but as kids we were totally fooled. They say children are wise.

>watching the movie
>Bruce Lee scene pops up where he gets his ass laid out
>three asian guys stand up and leave
>one keeps urging his girlfriend to get up and leave with him
>I shout "hey chink you aint getting your eggroll sucked, just go home"
>get a couple of chuckles out of the theater
>he leaves and she starts flirting with the white guy next to her
had a lot of fun that night

You sound like you will literally shoot up a mall or something because you can't really fight and all your ideas of fighting come from anime. kys

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>zoomers shitting on based Bruce

I want reddit to leave.

post your neckbeard and ponytail combo bro, let's see the man who thinks martial arts is mysticism and eastern meditative bullshit and not pure physicality

>and everybody clapped

I just like that image, I've got no stake in this argument.

Really boggles the peanut

He's happa. Blaming a happa for racemixing is as retarded as calling Americans white.


And the point of posting was just to poke fun at people acting tough on Yea Forums about how they could beat up other posters
thanks man i love you too


>all your ideas of fighting come from anime
>focused energy, i.e., a highly precise and ultra-fast punch or kick, even from a not huge guy can be devastating. Lee literally could punch harder than many men just with his fingers

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some people did clap faggot

Keep moving goalposts.

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zoomers shit on everything that existed before them, they're proud to be ignorant, they're the ultimate useful idiots. worthkess kike puppets.

joe only likes bruce lee when joey diaz is in the room. but I remember joe telling some mma guy that brock lesnar would "throw that chinaman like a ragdoll"

Imagine having asian guys living in your head rent-free. Big yikes.

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Whites are the best at stealing valor from real martial artists.

anyone with training > anyone without training
size doesn't matter as much as people think

That's not shitting on Lee, that's just pointing out the huge size difference. Weight classes exist for a reason. It's like everybody getting pissed at Michael Jai White for saying he could win with his nearly 100 pound weight advantage.

Did he die?

>most of the top MMA fighters are Brazilian or Russian

Makes you think

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Frank Dux was like Anderson Silva in his mind but whiter.

Joe would never say that. He legit sucks Lee's dick. Joe believes Lee is fucking magic.

>they're now whites

Case in point. I even see the comment section for Andy Ruiz being claimed by white boys, saying he's not Mexican he's actually American lmao.

Fucking pressure points are not Street Fighter II fireballs, user. Also don't post my picture anymore.

Those seething wh*te bois replies


This is your average fraud chink defender.

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>things that never happened

lol plenty of MMA guys get thier asses kicked by random bouncers every weekend

Being in a real fight is not the same as a cage match, usually the more aggressive guy who is willing to thrown down first is coming with a huge advantage. More often than not your BJJ guys who try to go to the ground just end up getting kicked in the face

So? We're not the uber fanbois saying that Bruce Lee can defeat Mike Tyson or anything.

We're just saying he's not a Steven Seagal type of fraud.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that face. He looks like he was laughing when he got knocked out and his face is stuck that way.

Fraud, I could kick his ass easy

TIL that Argentina can now be honorary white as long as they're able to win at sports.

I boxed for a few years and I've fought people without training that are bigger and I can tell you size matters very much, in many ways; range, weight, leverage... in fact once you clash with the bigger person in a grapple or push or whatever you know in a microsecond that the other person is stronger and all your instincts tell you to flee.

a dude needs to be bigger than you by like 30 pounds for it to matter between two untrained guys and one fist to a nose it all it takes to break a fight

I've boxed too and you suck.

>I boxed for a few years
>that means my experience in getting taken down by inexperienced people because I suck at boxing means size matters

Complete and utter fraud. Jeet Kune Do isn't even a real martial art and Bruce spent his life dodging competitive bouts.

are they on planet of the apes?

Meanwhile, in reality

>the laws of physics don't be real because the implications make me uncomfortable

Literally any white guy would've wiped the floor with Lee's face
- white guy

Which law of physics did this small Asian man defy?

or a kick to the knee
or a rear naked choke
or a full nelson
there are a million ways for a trained person to end a fight, but the untrained person mostly only knows the telegraphed punch or clumsy shirt grabs

He literally used to fight anyone who challenged him to duel even on set.
Bruce Lee is a beast, even though they tried to make him look shitty his pure toughness after he got slammed into the door was too much. He wasnt even warmed up when the dumb pussy interrupted their match.

Stfu whiteoid
Typical whiteboi fragility ik you're the pussy that tried to weasle his way out of the fight with a kid one grade above lmao

Obviously doesn't count because user is a shittier boxer than that. He can get beat up by bigger guys despite his years of training.

so we're just going to forget how Yao Ming is in the Hall of Fame huh

>he cant dodge telegraphed untrained punches because hes weak

I mean I would probably beat the shit outta most people ITT, but against a 6'3 220 lb dude who's been in fights before it's a very difficult thing to overcome. All I'm saying is if you don't think size is a major factor in fights you're an idiot that's never been in fights before.

You saying size is meaningless is pure denial. Also, I really really don't understand how posting a sport with weight classes can possibly further your point.

A white man would've knocked Pacquiao out. That's obviously another Asian man.

>yao ming

size obviously matters but the majority of people here who are either exactly bruce lee's height or taller than him by 2 inches and weight like 10 pounds more aren't going to win a fight against him

not that guy you fucking retards

Actual warrior coming through

>Chuck Norris had an outstanding karate tournament career from 1964 until his retirement in 1974. His tournament record is estimated to be 183-10-2, though opinions often vary on this to a significant degree. He won at least 30 tournaments.

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Bruce Lee was probably a top tier fighter during his time fighting trashcans, obviously would be a literal nobody by todays standards

>You saying size is meaningless is pure denial.
Good thing I didn't say that. And I quote someone else:

>size doesn't matter as much as people think

I also love how you're discarding the example of a smaller guy beating up a bigger guy.

it really isn't "major" dude. it only takes 3 pounds of pressure to the chin to knock someone out, and an untrained person has no idea how to guard a punch or move their head
maybe you're just subconsciously scared because they're bigger

just think about it logically

white men are larger than asian men
white men can fight better than asian men
asian women love white men
white men have conquered more countries than asian men
white countries have better economies than asian men

Not that user but he said it doesn't matter as much as you think relative to technique. You seem to think it matters much more because you got your ass kicked by someone bigger but untrained. You kind of shot yourself in the foot from the start.

Bruce Lee cannot be debunked.

What are your credentials big guy

I'd add that Brad Pitt is a manlet himself so him beating up Bruce is mostly white cope dream sequence.

Brad Pitt has not trained in anything. Boxing. Wrestling. MMA. He'd be less than a trashcan. Bruce Lee will spank his twink ass.

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>Good thing I didn't say that
>that means my experience in getting taken down by inexperienced people because I suck at boxing means size matters
are you retarded? do you know what you were implying here?

anybody who thinks whites have any rep for fighting haven't watched british boxing

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>white men are larger than asian men
>white men can fight better than asian men

You were saying, white boi?

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This. He was like Royce Gracie in early MMA. Prime Royce would get trashed by nobodies in the modern era. Bruce was just in the right place at the right time when martial arts films were gaining steam. In reality he just some faggot off the street.

>have to go back to the 1600s to find them slaughtering russian migrants in manchuria to find a war where they can beat a foreign power

>you said this
>no I didn't
>y-you implied something

Ah, look at that goalpost go.

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>He was like Royce Gracie
and this is a bad thing...?

>below black
>below latinos
>below asians
>barely above pajeet
Shits embarrassing my fellow white dude

A better example would be Ronda Rousey, who everyone thought was a literal god until she starting fighting women who were taught how to box

you are literally too stupid to argue with
>well, even though I said it, I didn't say it in those EXACT words so I win!

boxing isn't even real fighting tard it's just a glove slap sport that niggers dominate in because it requires no skill except cardio

there is a difference between "like royce gracie" and "just some faggot off the street"

People say Bruce Lee's credentials are movie magic but at the same breath says manlet male model Brad Pitt can take him on when he never had a fight scene without quick cuts in his life.

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>a better example would be Ronda Rousey
who still has a 12-2 record?? are we watching the same fucking sport

>y-you're stupid because I misread your greentext

The statistics were right. White IQ is waaaay lower than Asian IQ.

I would bet my life you've never been in a fight before. You think it's so easy to land that perfect punch because you've seen it in a youtube video where the other guy is a complete doofus. You might know the science but you don't actually know how hard it is to hit a moving target while trying not to get hit. Obviously if the person has no experience it'd be easy but if the person is a fighter, even if they've never been in a gym they still know how to defend punches, it's not rocket science. Experience is just as important as training.

why is that white guy getting ko'd if its just slap sport

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size always matters, physicality always maters a big dude with a week of training will always kick the shit in of a manlet with 10 years of training

you haven't started shit, faggot.

So what you're saying is that whiteoids don't have cardio?

And the only way they'd look good in a fight is if it's in the editing room and filled with CGI?

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stop replying to me or I'll embarrass you with my big white dick

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s m h

Like he said. No cardio.

No punching power either, but mostly no cardio. 5 rounds of manhugging at most.

if you had reading comprehension you'd already know why

lol this dude is still samefagging?
Sorry fellas, not all white people are as insecure as this cockgobbler.

>9 armbar victories against soccer moms with often 2 "professional" fights under their name
>finally fights a competent striker
>holly holm dominates her and KO's her in the second round
>amanda nunes destroys her in 40 seconds of the first round
>retires and goes to the WWE
Gee I wonder whats happening

>pretending it isn't you
hatton had great cardio, his style demanded it

Case in point.

Whiteoids can't cope and have to edit movies to win in fights.

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Fighting absolute nobodies before the money began to attract other female fighters who could take her out

Its like watching those lame UFC matches that drag out Tito Ortiz, sure he might have been great back in the day but at this point the fight game has evolved while he has stayed the same

>a competent striker
most people who say they can take on bruce lee say they would do it through grappling since hes literally known for striking

what i'm saying is mongoloids and other lesser peoples are more in tune with being pack animals that do hard labor for their white rulers of course

But guise, Brad Pitt is a badass!

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No the Royce Gracie comparison was apt. Royce came along at the right time when UFC was just beginning like Bruce did with martial arts films. Ronda was just a hype job that got exposed.

>white rulers
The same white rulers crying about muh white genocide lmao?

He could kick 10 penises off in 8 seconds.

Attached: bruce-lee.jpg (1200x1500, 190K)

Is this board such a racialized /pol/tard shithole that it hates Bruce Lee now?

a real life fight rarely goes to the ground, shit that works in the ring won't work as well in real life.

if you cant dodge telegraphed punches from a street brawler then you're trash

no we're just exposing the chink for what he is

a fucking fraud, any 180 lb white guy would just hold him down on the ground while smashing his face in

Brad Pitt is a guy who will fuck you up in the street.

As in give you a blowjob as lube for your penis in his ass kind of fuck you up.

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Only half if they're wh*te because they're too small to aim at

Just some /pol/tard trying to trigger non-existent asianmasculinity posters that no one have ever actually met irl

Lee will Masvidal your face if you try it.

Why would he kick penises, was he gay or something?

this thread in a nutshell

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Why did they miscaption that picture of Howard Dean?

what's /r/asianmasculinity doing in this thread?

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They're making a deity out of an actor nearing 60 years old who's a manlet versus an actor who actually trained in martial arts.

The only physical training Brad Pitt has done is put his dick into contact with thots. Or his ass into contact with producer groins.

You mean


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That smile at the end

And I quote:

Screw Tarantino, and anyone defending him as a "true fan."

He's as much in our corner as the white guy with a samurai sword collection looking for an Asian girlfriend.

Some Asians are so grateful for any white recognition that they don't recognize what they call "homage" is actually an attempt to steal from Asia -- steal Asian techniques, steal Asian authority, steal Asian mates.

You want proof, look at how he "helped" market Wong Kar-Wai's classic film, "Chungking Express."

someones upset

kid legit isn't all there. probably has autism for real
that screaming gives it away

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Do basedaboys who date danger hairs count as white?

Can confirm.

Wee/a/boos who love anime always complain about how nips have "shit taste" in anime and the top anime always sucks compared to what they want to watch.


this is the average white guy if he is interested in asian girls, they both probably have boyfriends too

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White people can pick up asian fighting techniques faster than asians can.

okay chang

Hang on hang on. I just had a thought. Did the people who made bloodsport actually believe all that shit frank dux made up? They made the movie like they did, which I cannot believe. Or were they literally just fucking with all of us? They made that movie like a documentary damn near. But they didn’t believe him right? No one believed him right? He told people he went to Asia and won a tournament to the death, his only proof being a shitty trophy he bought at some store in the states. And they made a freaking movie about it, his dumb made up story. How does this happen.

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stay fat losers

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cant even cherrypick right

Can we just nuke this thread. Asian masculinity is out in full force tonight. Go back. No one wants you chinks here.

>yet this board is obsessed with this obscure shit

Slope women are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to being taken seriously about their race. Just give me my massage and happy ending Ling Ling.

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>Did the people who made bloodsport actually believe all that shit frank dux made up?



someone post more white guys with asian girls so these retards can leave

He's racist for squinting his eyes like that to mimic an Asian person.

Sorry, can't hear you from uo here, manlet.

ever notice that the people who bring up asian masculinity also save up a bunch of images of white men and asian women or dating statistics or whatever

They are obsessed. It's mostly guys who are living vicariously through other white men.

But what if this turns on Asian Masculinity?

even south asians love BIG. WHITE. COCK

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It seems hard to believe it never crossed their minds that he was bullshitting them. But maybe they knew and just thought it would be a cool movie (it was). They showed facts at the end like films based on real history though. Don't know whether that was because they believed it or if it was just to add flavor.

Yep. And they're the same fatsos who couldn't even get an Asian girlfriend too, complaining about Chad.

I just tell myself that what REALLY happened is that Frank Dux truly was a super secret government agent death machine and that the tournament actually happened as shown-but THE MAN doesn't want us to believe in the totally true and not invented at all scenarios because it's realistic inspiring energy is an inspiration to us all.

tl;dr It's bullshit, but I believe it.


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this chick looks native american faggot

White people tears is a code word for semen.

>falling for obvious bait
You do realize everyone remotely familiar with the history of MMA considers Bruce Lee to be a pioneer and an integral part of the movement, right?
>a big white guy can beat the shit out of him
It literally doesn't matter. A toddler with a gun can kill a "karate expert" from a mile away. That's totally besides the point.
Sounds to me like you're turning Bruce into the next pic related.

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>there are unironically posters here who lurk reddit and 4channel
>even links reddit in the thread
Just kill Yea Forums already. You fags have completely ruined it beyond any hope of saving.

Can you blame them? I mean really. Can you?

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>sup guys, just got back from Asia. Btfo like 100 chinks in a tournament to the death. They invited me back next year, no you can’t come it’s super secret, but it happened I swear
> damn dude really? That sounds like it totally happened let’s make a movie about that.

That guy must have been the best bullshitter on the planet. How did he even say that with a straight face. Didn’t he have a dojo and students etc that presumably believed him? How stupid can that many people be. Iirc he made up a bunch of other shit too.

This is what happens when a Bruce Lee fan turns into an MMA bro.

Which is ironic since Eddie Bravo himself is a huge Bruce Lee fan who thinks that his toddler watching Enter the Dragon is a rite of passage.

It is not Tarantino's job to make Asians look good.
He's white.
It's not his job to make women seem empowered.
He is a man.

One of the best things about this movie is that it is a subtle fuck you to the trend of being a cuck. A part of this is probably because of what happened to his friend, Harvey + the fact that Uma Thurman tried to metoo him, spitting in his face for making her career.

I mean, QT just made a movie about how twink Brad Pitt beat up Bruce Lee and you have people saying it's accurate.

White people are desperate for white representation when it comes to manliness in the 21st century due to being cucked by SJWs.

>steals from Asian films but makes the stars white
>any Asians in his film are turned into jokes

Sounds legit. Tarantino just Frank Dux'd Bruce Lee.

You're dumb as a pile of bricks. It's not about being a """"fan"""". It's about giving credit where it is due. Was Bruce as formidable as he appears in his movies? Likely not. But he's not venerated for no reason.
Like I said, you're implying he's a Steven Seagal, when he's not even a JCVD (another semi-fraud).
Or maybe this is just a race thing, idk.

Another weird thing is stuff like this

This is exactly what's going in at the back of the minds of the people saying, "It's just a fairy tale, dude? Why are you so sensitive lol"

I like to tell stoners who idolize him that marijuana was a contributing factor in his death.

Did you read the rest of my post before you lashed out at me all emotional?

ah yes hello fellow white person

Oldfag here, alot of you youngins have no idea what life was like when you couldn't just google all the information in the world in an instant with your phone. Alot of funny bullshit people used to believe simply because there was no way for your average person to instantly verify it

One chink sucker punches a guy who wasn't even seriously trying to swing at him. Soooo brave.

JCVD is legit, has a solid kickboxing record. Made good movies too.

>starred in a gay porn movie
>does the splits and his training looks like BDSM in movies

semen = protein = gains

I know man but that was some serious bullshit. Like when your friend comes back from camp and said he banged like 20 girls there. You know he’s full of shit. How broken does your bs meter have to be to believe a dude that says he went to Asia for a kumate tournament, like 4 times and won them all. You can’t tell me if a friend of your told you that you would believe him. Or does this really sound like a plausible story to you guys?

>sucker punches
lmaoooo you really have no experience being in fights, huh? Don't lie now user

He's definitely got some skill, but he's not as legit as you're making him out to be. Randy Couture's legit, JSP is legit, Michael Jai White is legit. Bruce Lee was for the most part legit too.
Seagal's an example of a lying sack of shit who wasn't legit. As a matter of fact, JCVD called him out once at a party and he made a pussy excuse to not fight him, despite the fact that he was talking shit for a very long time up to that point.

Eating white male tears is MAGIC!

Also: I knew /fit/ was gay as fuck.

>non existant
this thread proves otherwise chang

The problem is that alot of guys like Count Dante were legit Martial Artists who found that it was easier to peddle snake oil to comic book reading incels that it was to make money from legitimate martial arts. From then you get complete frauds like Ashida Kim and Frank Dux in the business but with a martial arts scene used to eating bullshit already there for them to exploit.

Jason David Frank would've kicked his ass.

You seem to be forgetting that everyone on Yea Forums is an 8 foot chiseled Aryan god with a 20 inch cock and a PhD in 150 forms of combat sports.

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wouldnt be surprised

He’s a legendary film maker.

MMA was invented by Antonio Inoki when he beat Muhammad Ali

Live if you're so great.

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Taekwondo went from legit martial art to something soccer moms take kids to when they're not doing soccer because of the money too.

I know little about Count Dante, but he's kind of fascinating to me.

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Not him, but you're shitting on someone that has proven himself time and time again to be skilled and has earned his fame for a reason.
Don't be surprised when people call you out on shit like that. It's like saying Bill Gates was a phony who didn't know jack about computers and got lucky.

>Bruce Lee was Wimp Lo all along

"I'm bleeding, making me the victor!"

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What about Gene Lebell vs Milo Savage in 1963?

He looks like Ethan Klein with an afro.

what the fuck are you talking about? either way thanks for proving my point

thanks fren, looks interesting

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Your point is that shitting all over Bruce Lee is like you shitting all over Bill Gates?

i never said that,might want to re-read.

My point is that you're delusional if you think Bruce Lee was a talentless hack.

I can't wait for Pinkman to make a video about Bruce Lee in order to see all the Bruce Lee fans lose their minds.

Make him compare Bruce to Frank Dux for good measure.

Asians can't fight for shit because they're midgets with no testosterone.

Scientifically proven fact.

ITT: Anons who cannot throw a proper punch argue the martial merit of Bruce Lee.

Lee isn't some mystical Pai Mei character blessed by the Divine court with Kung Fu mastery. Lee's real strength is just his obvious dedication to training and self-improvement. It's wild getting older, and watching as more and more people talk with the scepticism of those who have had their entire life documented by the internet.

Bruce Lee has no recorded video of him fighting in formal matches. That said, his skill is there. You see it in his execution and technique. Furthermore, Lee used to be a young punk who would get into street fights as a kid. People used to get in fights all the time as young men before the ever-watchful electric eye began to peer into everyone's lives.

nigga wtf are you talking about i never brought up any of that,calm down and take a deep breath.

are you ESL by chance? honest question

Bruce never made outrageous claims. Dux went on for years claiming to be a special forces CIA agent who fought in underground kumites.

If he wants his video to get ratio'd then go for it.

Already done.

>Dux went on for years claiming to be a special forces CIA agent who fought in underground kumites
I was at one with my dad as a kid. It's true, all of it. I can verify that 72 mph kick.

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>brings up Asian Masculinity in a thread about Bruce Lee
>acts surprised when people talking about Bruce Lee talks to him about Bruce Lee

Are you ESL?

You pushing the notion that everyone defending Bruce is a triggered "asianmasculinity" poster.

Bruce Lee was an all-talk chinese pussy. i put that on your moma and your dead homies.

Bruce came from an era where most thing were never filmed. Even up to the late 90's a good number of UFC matches never made it on tape either. Fucking zoomers can't comprehend a world where every minute of a famous guys life isn't on snapchat

I love when these Bruce Lee haters always disclaim they're Bruce Lee fans too.

Pinkman comes off as an Affliction t-shirt wearing MMA bro with famine arms and couldn't throw a proper punch to save his life.

You gotta admit all this bullshido and mcdojo nonsense really started from the deification of Bruce Lee after his death.

This. The only outrageous claims about Bruce Lee comes from his family, students, and his sycophantic fans.

He himself is humble and he'd never say shit like he'd cripple Muhammad Ali.

except i wasnt the one who brought it up and yet here you are yet again proving you triggered fucks are actually lurking and lashing out at shit i never said you fucking pussies jesus christ this is pathetic.

Hunter Schafer?

In some sense because martial arts became a big craze and bullshit artists sprung up to satisfy the demand for it. There was always BS in martial arts though. See

>say dumb shit
>get called out on it
Gee, I wonder why.

>make shit up
>get angry
>shift goalposts

Why are you so upset at being called out?

for years the only fighting on TV was boxing and fake wrestling, without the internet to actually see Asian martial arts in action you got alot of frauds making outrageous claims that no one could verify

Funny how when Japan started showcasing MMA you got Shaolin Monks show up to fight and they style looks just like kickboxing and not the magical shit you see in movies

Quads confirm. This oldfag gets it.

Because MMA is a thing now then maybe people will appreciate the flashier fights of Jackie Chan as flashy rather than realistic.

>make shit up
>get angry
No shit I'm gonna get angry.
And you seem to be mistaking me for some other anons who called you out, but it's not without reason.

>shit talk long dead martial arts master
>get erection

>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol/!
>nope dont pay attention to the butthurt asians with a masculinity complex posting durig primetime asia hour
>some time later.....

you tell me retard i never said one thing about the guy yet here you are starting a slap fight over literally nothing,are you doing this just for bumps or something? You could have just asked instead of samefagging a non issue.

>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol/!
Never said that.
>nope dont pay attention to the butthurt asians with a masculinity complex posting durig primetime asia hour
I doubt there's even a single one ITT desu.
Not quite. But people suddenly acting like he's a complete fraud is just absurd and inaccurate. I'll agree that he's overrated, but come on.
I'm not samefagging either.
This guy summed it up perfectly Most other posts are garbage, including the ones claiming Bruce could wipe the floor with just about anyone.

Tarantino is a grimey nasty little fuck with a foot fetish I dont know how anyone could think hes based.

Pretty much everyone he fought in the movies would have beat the shit outta him in real life; Chuck Norris, Kareem-Abdul Jafar, all those guys. But he would probably beat up most little asian guys in real life.

Smaller men may have less impact in their punches but we all will break bones if we fall off a 5 story building. Did you know it only takes 7 pounds of force to break the human neck? Of course it all depends on where and how the neck is hit for this to happen and there lies the truth to all of this. The same way a man can go 5 rounds in the ring and still be standing yet another man can take a punch to the jaw and instantly drop to the ground in the first 10 seconds of a match. Its all about where and how you strike an opponent and thats why anyone with 10 years of martial arts training regardless of size will have a huge advantage over any street brawler they come across. Just look this up on youtube and you have all proof you need. Anyone who says otherwise is insecure, larping, or genuinely in full blown denial.

>still making shit up
point to where i mentioned bruce lee ESL do that one thing or just admit your upset someone called out your reddit inferiority complex

You're a complete and utter retard, or just baiting for (You)'s. Either way, the topic ran it's course. Funniest thing is I'm not even a diehard Bruce Lee fan. Just pointing out facts.
In the future, don't be surprised when people get irritated at stupid claims.
Next I'm expecting a thread stating Michael Jordan was a fake all along.

glad you could admit you're wrong,i hope you can improve yourself someday to a point where you dont feel so insecure about your maleness.deep breaths ESL deep breaths.

enjoy page 10