Gets overshadowed in his new movie by the main casts and the director while at 44 being still a bachelor's with no kids...

>Gets overshadowed in his new movie by the main casts and the director while at 44 being still a bachelor's with no kids and a wife

What went wrong

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>fucking hot young girls while at 44 instead of marrying some old roastie
nooooooo you're not allowed to do that!!

>What went wrong
Getting abused as a kid by a hollywood pedo.

He would be much more handsome if he lost some weight and got a better hairstyle.

>while at 44 being still a bachelor's with no kids and a wife
that is a victory of the highest caliber

Got the impression he was playing himself a bit

Why bother? He can get any woman he wants on name alone.

>net worth is over $200 million
Nothing went wrong.

These faggy supposed aspirations like public esteem or family are just a cope for the poor. Money is all that really matters.

Ataraxia is the only thing that matters, but money is the only way to get it.

banging beautiful young women is cool, but that's all it is. he's just running in circles.

Leonardo DiBraprio

Bruce Pitt is constantly locked in legal disuputes with his ex- Angelina Jolie and lost a lot of weight.

Leo is stress free in comparison

>What went wrong

movie would have been better with cruise

He's probably having caviar licked off his balls by a qt half his age right now and you're here with us losers

>better hairstyle
like yours? could you please post a pic so we have a frame of reference on the gold standard of hair?

There are more important things in life than money, user.
Leo has those too, though.

>He thinks that means anything to Leo anymore
Dude is desensitized by now he probably watches TV while that shit happens and thinks about ending it all

>that finasteride face bloat

There's a story going around that when he fucks girls he just lays there and lets them do all the work while he listens to MGMT wearing headphones

>having caviar licked off his balls
that's disgusting and gay

nothing, all is going as it should. Leo is a retard who can't act and was handed an oscar because fags on reddit felt it was mean that he didn't have one but all his friends did. Wanna see how retarded Leo is? watch his oscar acceptance speech where he goes on an empty, platitude filled rant about global warming. The only reason he's as famous as he is is because he was passed around as the resident butt boy to all the hollywood pedo jews as a kid.

He intentionally looks like that because he wants to distance himself from his teenage heart throb years. If he didn't depretty himself, he would've been typecasted and been replaced

>it was all calculated, I was only pretending to be disheveled and overweight
it's more likely he just let himself go because he's already in the upper echelons of hollywood.

Leo is fine, he indeed gets overshadowed on this movie tho.

Why doesn't he get married already? Why does he waste his time dating models for 2 years then dipping? He can literally get any girl in the entire world. I think he just wants to fuck as many models as possible without being in a relationship, or he's gay

He's probably had his heart broken by an old crush and it ruined him. His behaviour is not healthy or fulfilling.

>he's gay
bingo. the chicks are beards

The amount of COPE in this thread. Face it anons. Dude lives a life none of us will ever get to live.

What's with all these faggoty armchair psychiatrists in this thread?

>What went wrong

Nothing. He's the most redpilled actor in Hollywood.

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$200 million actually sounds low for Leo, he should honestly be worth more than that if he weren't as selective as he has been recently

I like to think he dumps them on the morning of their 25th Birthday by quietly sneaking out at exactly midnight

I think that graph is what any non-retarded actor's graph would look like if they actually liked pussy

Based retard materialist

The only life I want is with a good, cute wife. I have no interest fucking strangers daily, even being almost 20 years younger than Leo.

>get called a pedo for fucking 22-year-olds
We live in a society

Why are you so obsessed with his personal life?

OP is one of the women Leo dated early on who hit the wall confirmed

He was the best part of the movie.
You'll all realize it in 5-7 years when you stop being salty that it wasn't about Manson/tate

>Gets overshadowed in his new movie by the main casts and the director

Blatantly false. Leo was incredible in this movie.

>still fucking prime pussy
>not tying himself up to used up roasties
>not raising dumb kids or paying child support
Leo is my hero

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Pretty much this.

Most men who get married and start families are just trying to be "respectable" enough to move up social hierarchies. If you actually *want* a family you're a passive, socially engineered beta full of estrogen.

What about the amount of manchildren who lust for his materialistic degeneracy?

If you think Leo life is good and can't understand why people see it empty, then you are most likely capeshit poster.

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>duuuuuude old statues and faggy christian mom views
just get out of the closet loser

That's from an article that quotes a girl who claimed to have slept with him. He was also apparently vaping. I believe it.

> mom go buy me some corn syrup and onions, I am watching some great flicks today!

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nah man that's not me. I'm all about fighting DEGENERACY and perpetuating the white race and christian values, you know, being an useful SOLDIER to my race and religion like the crusaders!

Oh, what that means in practice? Well, I have an increasingly chubbier wife and I work in an office, yeah yeah IT haha you guessed it. It's just that I filter reality and my copy-and-paste existence through meme ideologies to stop myself from commiting suicide. Here's a photo of a statue. Deus vult brother!!

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I am 100% confirmed that these threads are made by buttmad poltards who deny climate change

climate change is real, and leo is fighting it.

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His hair’s fine he could lose a little weight though.

full house confirms

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