Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble gooble. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?
Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage...
Yea Forums tier humour
I named my cat Squeaky Fromme because she kills for me.
What fucking year is this? Go back to YTMND. That’s not even a good transliteration of the quote.
I'm impressed you typed it down.
hobo, jug of wine/10
What the F*CK is wrong with amerisharts???
>characters who did nothing wrong
also for trying to start a race war by murdering random innocent citizens
How did this looney tune manipulate so many hippie sluts? He also got to FUCK them all despite being a manlet. Does it pay to have 10/10 charisma?
You're incredibly gullible if you actually believe that
Genuinely the reddit of serial killers
>hippie sluts
> how
they were already incredibly fucking stupid, broken women before he found them.
another /pol/ idol
He made kino music and yes charisma goes a long way.
they were all a bunch of retards out of their minds in drugs, he was just scapedgoated for being the loudest one so they thought he masterminded shit.
Try this one, sorry
got a group out in the middle of nowhere twacked on 60s acid and told them a bunch of crazy shit until they became convinced he was a prophet
nothing wrong with that
Is this even possible today?
don't forget that what "charisma" usually is is believing your own bullshit, and Charlie was legitimately crazy and really did believe he was the reincarnation of christ
nothing fosters self-confidence more than being genuinely delusional, and nothing sells a personality more than true self-confidence
i.e., being stupid makes it easier to sell yourself to other stupid people
NXIVM, or however it's spelled
I'm nobody
What do you believe heater skelter to be user?
A complete fabrication to demonize and frame a man who had nothing to do with the murders
He was one of the most successful psyops the US government has ever conjured
There is a group dedicated to curing autism by forcing kids to take bleach enemas. If you make a retarded idea elaborate enough people WILL fall for it
But all of the women were obsessed with him, who made such a strange fabrication?
is it really that bad now?
This says a lot about our society
Charles Manson, Dan Schneider and Jeffrey Edward Epstein are the three people that have made me think about to commit murder in a serious manner.
They lied, Tex Watson was the ringleader.
Not really but I have seen some people who think quoting Ted K isn't edgy enough so they start unironically quoting Manson.
>man who had nothing to do with the murders
this is a post in a Polanski thread going on elsewhere on Yea Forums (); haven't listened to this podcast, but here it is if anyone's interested
>The Beatles lyrics "race war" being the impetus for the murders is bullshit, it was related to drugs and money exchanges at Tate's house. Manson also said on record that Polanski was a pedo long before his pedo rape. Manson didn't even believe in Helter Skelter, it was some half-assed babble.
>The author interviewed the cops and got full access to sealed reports, for the first time. Worth a listen.
>murdering random innocent citizens
It pains me to say it because they were rich scum, but yes it was undeserved and barbaric.
There are lots of very crazy cults out there
You're a faux edgy faggot
Communism is safe edginess. The people in charge don't give a fuck and don't feel threatened at all.
Fully fledged sociopath with messiah complex deciding who gets how much lsd.
Presents himself as a deity when everyone is nonsenically high. Is actually a most bitter and evil manlet
he was in Vacaville at the time they were doing MKULTRA there btw
Stoppit user your giving me the schitz
TeX was the enforcer. He lacked the personality of a leader.
>Black men, thus deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them, would be without an outlet for their frustrations and would lash out in violent crimes against whites. A resultant murderous rampage against blacks by frightened whites would then be exploited by militant blacks to provoke an internecine war of near-extermination between racist and non-racist whites over blacks' treatment. Then the militant blacks would arise to sneakily finish off the few whites they would know to have survived; indeed, they would kill off all non-blacks
>Mid-February: While riding in a car with Paul Watkins, Manson sees a white woman and a black man holding hands on the street. He explains to Watkins that that's why black men have not yet risen up in rebellion against whites: they're pacified by access to white women
/pol/ before /pol/ was a thing
Just another pervert, trying to make the world as perverted as he is.
>go home and look at your game, gamer girl
was he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Nowadays Manson would be an icon of the right.
>rightwing icon
Manson didn't kill anyone
Even if he told someone else to kill, does that mean he bears any responsibility?
I remember that gif and video being posted on Yea Forums all the time on Yea Forums, even back when was moderately readable.
>all these conspirators
it was literally a drug deal gone bad, nothing else
Manson faked his craziness to look cool and edgy to boomers.
Enjoy your visit from the party van ya simp.
Have you seen actual photos of the women he manipulated? Every single one looks like a MtF tranny. I actually thought Leslie Van Houten was Mick Jagger.
It's not hard to make ugly druggos do anything you want.
He's clearly mocking the reporter's question and playing into the media image of him as a crazy person.
Friendly reminder that Rick Dalton is meant to be the mirror image of Charles Manson, and Cliff Booth is his Tex Watson. The two of them will become famous media heroes in their world because their orgy of ultraviolence targeted the right people (filthy fucking hippies).
>and playing into the media image of him as a crazy person.
This. He's on record of having told his girls that he'd play "Crazy Charlie" while in jail to make them release him quickly since he'd be seen as too crazy to keep in jail. Probably also to get the attention he craved
"the only thing Charlie didn't lie about was that he'd play Crazy Charlie in jail" - one of the girls many years after the murders
Nobody is innocent, there are only differing degrees of guilt.
Why would anyone be scared of this faggot
(ohhhhh he killed someone!!) so fucking what I could kill him but I would sooner just beat the shit out of him and piss on his near dead body.
Nobody is innocent because guilt isn't real.
I still don't see him as anything beyond some hippie who coersed other hippies into doing some evil shit. He can't stand shoulder to shoulder with other cult leaders or killers. What do people who find this guy interesting see in him?
Did he even kill anyone, or didn't he just coerce some gay weak minded hippies into doing his dirty work?
so wait...if we stopped giving blacks all of our 400 lbs landwhales and drug addicts, there would be a massive chimpout?
Tex Watson found Jesus decades ago and he'd have to reason to keep lying. Charlie's dead, and he's never getting out of prison anyway so there's no reason not to admit to being the ringleader except HE WASN'T.
He ran the underworld, guy
>little bite of Manson hamming it up for the media
>omg must be bouncing off walls 24/7!!
>random guy doesn't look like Chad meme and gets laid
>"omfshg what!?!?! How does this *insert percieved inadequacy here* get laid!?"
You seeing a pattern there pal. There's more than one Avenue to getting poon.
In conclusion, you are a dummy dumb dumb.
It was a different time.
And LSD.
I can fucking guarantee that I’m the only person in this whole fucking thread who’s read ‘Charles Manson in his own words’ by Nuel Emmons.
Yes, Charlie killed a couple of people.
No, he wasn’t directly involved in the Tate-LaBianca killings.
No, helter skelter wasn’t a thing.
Yes, Bugliosi created a fake narrative to ‘explain’ the Tate-LaBianca slayings.
But what can you do? The establishment wants you millennial fucks to argue over third hand shit on Wikipedia instead of reading an actual fucking book with a first hand account.
He had much to teach, if only we'd listened
Yea Forums tier humour more like
>believing any fucking thing Charles Manson says, ever
Daily Reminder
Charlie Manlet btfo
He come to me with money in his hand
He offered me, I didn't ask him
I wasn't knocking someone's door down, I was running from that
When I got out, I was in that
I was already through that, I had that
I had the studio, I went to the studio
I went to Vox Studios. I had it all, and I looked at it and said, 'This is a bigger jail than I just got out of.'
I don't want to take my time going to work
I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag
And ten or fifteen girls
What the hell I wanna go off into -- and go to work for?
Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world
I'm the king, man
I run the underworld, guy
I decide whos does what and where they do it at
What am I, gonna run around and act like I'm some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else's money?
I make the money, man, I roll the nickels
The game is mine
I deal the cards
He knew that the women who had been little girls in '50s suburbia were simultaneously repelled by authority and needed a strong father figure to keep them in line. Every one of Charlie's bitches was a spoiled middle-class girl with daddy issues. He could sniff them out right away. Get them hooked by giving them safety after they'd run away from home, then treat them like shit like they knew deep down they deserved, get them hooked on acid, and pretty soon you have a harem who will fuck or kill anyone you want them to.
But here's the real secret: this would be even easier to do today, young women are WAY more fucked up now than they were in the '60s.
Boomer nostalgia.
>giving a shit about pathetic lunatics when Ted is still alive and corresponding
Imagine following some stupid ass manlet schitzo man.. wtf was wrong with those retards..
based Ted, how do I write to him
Thread theme:
>I run the underworld guy
Who was the underworld guy?
He specifically made sure to recruit retarded loser sluts who would both jump at his validation, and would also be easily led into drug addiction which would only strengthen their devotion
He certainly had charisma and charm, but he mostly started small and worked his way into a larger group of followers
>mfw this is a bigger jail than the one I just got out of
>he takes the time to go to work
>he doesn’t have a motorcycle and a sleeping bag
user, if they bother to travel 8.462 km to come see me, I receive them with coffee, cookies and a copy of Endgame in 4K.
>He doesn't have ten 15-year-old girls.
check out /r/blackpillscience.
women like violent, confident, high-status men.
But Albert Fish was /ourguy/
>tfw no ten or fifteen girlfriends
No joke he studied scientology and used their techniques for his own gain. Based if you ask me but also if you asked me I'd say FUCK JANNIES FUCK TRANNIES AND FUCK NIGGERS!
same lol
>mfw Geraldo doesnt have 10 to 15 girls following him around