Reviwbrah will not tolerate your hate, Yea Forums.
Reviwbrah will not tolerate your hate, Yea Forums
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Based time travelling alien.
When did Reviewbrah become such a cuck?
he has lost all mystique and become full on reddit corporate drone
In the future it's get cucked or get cocked
when he realized that the post can be stilled in a another comment and this will just be the only way to seek the last
Anyone who complains about "homophobia" is probably a faggot themselves.
One has to eat, man.
You fucks told me he was redpilled! What's next, a /pol/user never actually went into his house and took pictures?
Same with racism
Reddit fandom
Didn't he explode in popularity, going from less than 100k subs to over 1 million in a year? He's just playing it safe.
youtube bux are only safe if you're woke. Reviewbrah is just ensuring he keeps cashing those checks. I can't be mad at him for it.
Fuck that little shit. God, I could never stand him.
Disgust and fear aren't the same thing, Review Faggot. Hope this Woke thing works out for you, it sure works out so great every time.
Honestly this website has dragged him into so much shit it's no wonder he had to denounce. This is his job after all.
I miss the bullying comics.
this dude is such a normie now. a testament to what youtube fame does
He's like Moot to me. Too pure to stand this shithole for too long. And too career driven to let it weigh him down. We're losers bros, we post vile shit for laughs and that shit just isn't cool with the rest of the world.
>please say trans rights
glad I dont use twatter
I like how they couldn't find a better picture of that girl next to him than one with the retarded thot filter over it
Well the rest of the world are faggots
God i remember the threads when this shit was going down. Good times.
well, he's a faggot nigger then. that's all there is to that.
You were never here when he was in charge of the site.
What happend?
Yes, I actually chatted with him a few times on Yea Forums about the Bears
Moots reign was great. Sure there was a lotta downtime and renegade mods, but he was a present father. He routinely showed up and shitposted with us.
I mean look at him
Wow, now that's sad. On some respect, I can't blame him, considering the state of our times, but he could have said nothing... Too bad, but I don't care that much either
watch as he eats another McCoporate hamburger totally not sponsored by McCorporation without any hate or misogyny
Anyone remember when some rando Aussies literally hacked Yea Forums and got total control and fucked all kinds of shit up and posted a bunch of screencaps? Site was down for a while IIRC
over some girl from france i think
since the 2nd or so youtube adpocalypse
he doesn't want to get demonetized because of memes
>confirmed based after what he said years back
He made a career out of being a lanky oversized-suit wearing fast food critic, of course he's going to protect his bottom dollar , get some good boy points for no actual effort, and not violently suicide his potential for /pol/lack street cred
It's when he starts spamming
that you can start worrying he's a lost cause headcase
Major reviewbrah leaks coming next week. Stay tuned.
junk food has soi in it
I hope moot's eating enough
>you should act like a decent person
>wtf!!!!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck you
there's being a decent person, and then there's tacit approval to the slow death of civilization
Seriously, didn't he used to dogwhistle /pol/?
Mods. Breaking rules 1 and 2
Losing Moot was not even a loss.
Leave Faggot.
You perceive mere life as a 'slow death' because of your own ingrained pessimism and weird relationship with control. You're weird, bro.
He outright mentioned that he visits it often, and that he's also aware off the problems of the world as well as where it's heading. That's more than anyone should expect until he pulls a Mel Gibson while reviewing a cheeseburger
based toreador
does he like loli?
he should get a real job if internet jobs are too hard
I just can't stand the world where the barbarians eat away at the foundations of our posterity while we're only supposed to sit and smile as they do it
silence is violence, user.
He could always just be apolitical, you know. No need to be a virtue signaler to please the left.
>leave faggot
The mods banned for replying yo dora.
But leave this thread up.
Why is this allowed
But orange is the new black gets banned?