Forgotten Lore

Movies used to run on a continuous loop in theaters. They started again as soon as the credits finished. Once you bought your ticket you could stay there and watch it as many times as you wanted. If you timed it wrong you would walk in half way through and have to watch the first half after it ended.

They didn't stop doing this until 1960. Basically because of Psycho.

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When did the wagecucks clean?

At night after the theater closed. They were not open 24 hrs, just ran the movie on loop during open hours.

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IDGAF post more LiLo

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Is there anything stopping small, unaffiliated mom n' pop theaters from still doing this?

>Yea Forums zoomers shit on prime lohan not even knowing of which they speak

My grandfather would buy a ticket to one movie and spend all day going to different movies off of that one ticket in different theaters. If anyone questioned what he was doing he would pretend to be confused and deaf. Pretty funny honestly, I will miss him.


pretty sure back in the 90's it was still this way from where I was from

My father told me the secret was just to go to the men’s room, and wait till right before the next showing started.

>I'm proud to be descended from a line of thieves and liars.

>hiding in the restroom for half an hour to save seven dollars

>>I'm proud
Where did I say I was proud? I said it was funny

If you spend a lot of time at the kinoplex, those dollars add up.

Yeah outside of North America I'm sure it stayed that way for much longer.

Prime Lohan was ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞/10

I think people who see her now and are too young to remember honestly have no idea how insane she was at 18.

Nothing about that makes sense especially when films came on actual reels that had to be changed.

If you think deceit is funny, then that means you're proud of it on some level. The fact that you trotted this little anecdote out so jovially proves you think there's nothing shameful in it.

oh simmer down judge judy

>this tight bodies only youth can provide
Why can't we halt the aging process yet?

Concession accepted. Jesus wept.

are you a boomer who's mad you hadn't thought of it? you're sperging out over something so harmless.

Lying and cheating aren't harmless. They rot the soul and the world along with it.

Anybody else got an insatiable urge to cum inside of prime lohan

I think someone shitting their pants is pretty funny. Explain how that makes me “proud” of it?
Much like how I think you making a complete idiotic fool of yourself is pretty hysterical, and I’m not proud of you in the slightest- a trait I share with your entire family

Her chest looks like bad CGI...what's the deal? I heard that they altered her chest for that Herbie movie that no one saw (assuming that is from it), but her chest looks huge and strange there. It's not moving naturally. And I think they deleted her nipples.

she had some seriously nice tits

>if you think deceit is funny, then that means you're proud of it on some level
not him but... no, user

Okay, if you see me in the theater tell me how much money you've given to jews and and I'll go get you a trophy of appropriate size.

Why aren't people posting more prime Lohan here? When I saw the OP image I assumed this thread would be full of pics of her.

Unfortunately her prime was only about two years before the drugs and booze took their toll.

They were a hell of a two years though

It was a period of brief perfection.

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You seem to have a rotten soul. Have you lied a lot or is that just how ((((God)))) made you?

meh waist, meh ass but everything else was 10/10

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well la dee da mr park avenue manicure

dayum i forgot how hot she was

I never looked at her sexually before. Goddamn. Just shows that you have better appreciation of young beauty when you get older.

by before I meant the time that this show aws aired

that kinda seems like a better system. movies back then seemed to have a more relaxed feel, even if the subject matter was serious. you could just pop in and pop out. in fact, some movies it's better to see the end first and then, knowing what is important to the ending, look for the things that set up and build to that ending.

I could very easily imagine somebody watching the last five minutes or so of The Third Man, then watch from the beginning to find out why Holly is shooting Harry and who the woman is that coldly walks past him. otherwise, when you watch the movie from the beginning, Holly is just drifting here and there, getting lied to by Harry's friends about what happened, and often not in english. the movie is kind of daunting at first.

Back then a projectionist had to physically change the reels. OP’s scenario wasn’t possible.

the good ol days...

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> Dad spends hours hanging out in gentlemen's public bathrooms
> "It's just for a movie, son"


Calm down Rabbi

>rotten soul

holy shit I hope Trump loses so you Americans have to finally pay reparations for things like this

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You are really stupid, you know.

are you unironically Ignatius Reilly?

They actually reduced it if you can believe that


You can literally bring in food in a backpack
Most theaters don't have any form of security, maybe an off duty cop.


based reference

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Kirby fully loaded or some shit? Those are some amazing tits. how the fuck old is she in this?

hurby fully loaded i think she was like 18/19 when it came out

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I don't think I could even count the number of loads I dumped out to this photoshoot, likely in the tens of trillions

Last time i remember doing this is league of the extra ordinary gentlemen, we came in during the red hulk fight then rewatched it all over again

> Dad spends hours hanging out in gentlemen's public bathrooms
> "It's just for a movie, son"
Wrong bathrooms asshole.
The bathrooms were men would meet and tap their soles were in certain public parks and bars.
My father warned me exactly which parks to avoid.
Some police officer at work had mentioned them.
Later the public restrooms in parks that were used were mostly shut down.

Your sad knows a lot about gay cruising

>My father warned me exactly which parks to avoid.
you keep digging yourself deeper bro

Apparently Disney freaked out over her boobs in this movie and digitally reduced them in some scenes.

We could’ve saved her bros...

>forgotten lore
That's shit you learn in your first week of film school you retard.

i want to meet that dad

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didn't she try to kidnap a kid last year?

Death In June is god tier.

>The bathrooms were men would meet and tap their soles were in certain public parks and bars.
>My father warned me exactly which parks to avoid.

So . . .your dad DID know. And told you. And you were both aware when they shut down.

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The urge I feel to breed this cannot be explained with words.

Her voice was hot too