Besides death proof we can all agree this is his worst movie?

Besides death proof we can all agree this is his worst movie?

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It was alright in execution but what a dumb fucking premise like jesus all the buildup and footfaggery for 5 minutes of killing some hippy bitches what a waste of time

if by worst you mean best then yes it was

Nope, I liked it more than Django Unchained and maybe some others

But I can see and respect why someone would say that it’s his worst

Jackie Brown = Once Upon > Inglourious > Pulp > Kirru Birru > Django > > > H8ful E8ght

>t. haven't seen Death Proof but hear good things

An unassuming journey of Cliff and Dalton trying to stay relevant in 1960s Hollywood would have been far more endearing than what we got.
What we got was Tarantino doing exactly that, but also stitching on a Manson movie to it as well with some half baked subtext about the death of old Hollywood but somehow not because Sharon Tate is saved. He tried to have his cake and eat it too without weaving the two plots together like he did in Basterds.
Its a shame because this is one of the most stylish, most smooth films I've seen this decade and the story is garbage.

Forgot Reservoir Dogs but that would be equal with Django I guess (which I actually liked, it just isn't that great of a film).

Death Proof is actually pretty good.

at least it broke up that whole chapters scheme he 's been doing for like 20 fucking years

Biggest pleb filter of 2019. It’s one of his best, no doubt


No, because it's not

I completely agree. All of the things people praise this movie for are entirely unrelated to the Manson family bullshit that gets tacked on to add a certain edge cause le Tarantino. He could have done a lot better at crafting a fleshed out love letter to hollywood kind of deal

It was based, and the crazy chick who wanted Cliff's dick was hot as fuck

Your parents should have filtered you

>All of the things people praise this movie for are entirely unrelated to the Manson family bullshit that gets tacked on
This. The only praise I take seriously are these arguments. Most people praising the Manson stuff are this sort who just gape at the mouth at HIPPIES GETTING SMASHED LMAO. (But even I admit Cliff's sequence at the ranch was pure kino, and him making the guy change is tire was 10x more badass than any moment in the final fight scene)
But here's an exercise. Omit every non POV scene from Cliff and Dalton of Tate and the entire last hour of the film, and you still have kino.

Give me a rundown on the foot scenes

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Kek, notice how the one calling it his best movie uses the art that excludes Tate

I don't understand...what do you mean by that?

Really confirms how little anyone really gave a shit about the thrown together mess the Manson plot was

Imagine getting filtered™ this hard

Tate and Manson plot = worst parts / least priased of the movie.

Bro there were at least 3 if I'm not mistaken and probably the most extensive in terms of how long those shots lasted. Seemed way more obvious than in any of his other movies

Kill Bill is his worse flick by far, fuckin weebshit trash

Most people that really like this movie only truly like it for the Brad/Leo bromance element and the 60's LA look

Our guy Armond White says it's his best.

it's the best since pulp fiction.

Bro, the movie was an homage to jap shit that was absolutely based before the anime apocalypse. You're out of control with your pointless shit posting. Take it down a notch.

It's in his top 3, bro.