Endgame bluray literally just came out why is there not discussion about it?
Endgame bluray literally just came out why is there not discussion about it?
Did Yea Forums rush to see it in the cinemas, and not wait for the bluray (hence why there's no discussion of it) while you all pretend to hate capeshit? Lol
>implying I would buy this flick
This is strictly a rental-only type deal.
Because everyone watched it when it came out and discussed it then.
Because it's only out on digital right now, not bluray you absolute cumbrain
>Why isn't everyone discussing this shallow children's movie?
This lmao
I knew it, Yea Forums has become reddit-lite. You all rushed to see it in the cinemas. And you pretended to hate it. You've got the exactly same reddit-irony and reddit-sarcasm. You Americans have this obsession with pretending to hate things you secretly love (why else see the film in the theatre? its mostly a pain in the ass, expensive etc)
For the record in case you care, I waited for the WEB-DL which came out 2 days ago. And I liked it a lot. I have enough balls to say it.
Also I did it on a 2nd plat, if you know what that means :)
Cause tv isn't full of poorfags who have to torrent everything
I watched it today . Infinity war was much better. Capeshit is off the menu for me once again
This, it boggles my mind how much praise that garbled pos got, Infinity War wasn't Citizen Kane or anything, but by god Endgame makes it look Oscar worthy in comparison.
I’m not poor I’m just embarrassed to go to the cinema alone
unironically this
I'm not even sure which is the most self indulgent movie: Endgame or Tolkien?
The Endgame final fight is so much better (the trio vs Thanos and the two armies fight)
Blu-ray isn’t out yet and I’m not watching shit until I get my 4k Dolby atoms version hooked up to my entertainment center
It was even worse than Ultron
>mom didn't bother to go see this in theaters
>pass by her watching it today
>doesn't get hyped when Cap picks up Mjolnir but cries when Iron Man dies
probably the plebbest a cape-consumer can possibly get
Because the Russos are hacks and these movies are for faggot children.
Bruh it was so shit it's less entertaining than playing with action figures, no stakes, no explanation or background for anyone's abilities, oh Thanos demolished the whole compound with everyone in it?, yeah they survived, Thanos has an army and a massive spaceship with immense firepower?, lol subverted here come the wizards and every other cunt on earth, Thanos still held his own and is fucking everyone's shit up?, nope here comes Captain Fungus, Thanos has the gauntlet and is about to snap?, nah Tony pulled a sneak on him and stole the stones, fan fic tier writing with millions of dollars worth of effects and actors.
would have been way better if ant-man picked up mjolnir, since cap was basically robert paulson giving out group help sessions and shit.
Sounds like you can't get immersed very well. You're probably not very artistic, in which case this stuff isn't for you.
I like when Pepper lands and youre like "Whoa who the fuck is that?" and then her mask goes back and you see it's Pepper and youre like oh shit it's on now motherfuckers.
>he says, while getting excited for the latest Nolan movie
Nolan is a hack, too. The only good living director is Terrance Malick and even he hasn't made a good movie since Knight of Cups.
You can only suspend your disbelief so much before you start recoiling with disgust, the movie doesn't give you five minutes without breaking your immersion with some shit or out of place dialogue, bullshit makes no sense plans, lol quantum physics pim particles time travel Back to the Future brah, even smart Hulk sounds like a high school student.
I liek mudkips.
that, plus being busy reading every spoiler available for the new star wars they pretend to have no interest in.
>Nolan is a hack, too. The only good living director is Terrance Malick and even he hasn't made a good movie since Badlands.
FTFY you pretentious asswipe!!!FACT!!!
Hard to get immersed when during the final battle ant man is in the time van then seconds later it shows him in the background fighting a space dragon
Now THAT I legitimately have no interest in, lol. Ok I started watching The Force Awakens just hoping to see some cool scenery and effects but got way too bored less than 30 mins in. I liked Rogue One though it seemed a bit darker.
I am very comfortable saying Rogue One is mt favorite star wars. It has the best:
1. Robot
2. Female
3. Villain
4. Space battle
5. Motivations
6. Speeches
7. One liners (see: robot)
8. Perspective ("It doesn't matter what flag is flying if you never look up.")
It captured more about the nitty gritty of the Star Wars universe than even New Hope.
all the power level shit becomes irrelevant when they have a character who can be as powerful as he wants
That’s a yikes from me famalam. Battle in Titan is kino blockbuster spectacle. Battle at avengers base is fucking messy. The only sweet parts are Captain Hammer and the portals.
is there an open matte / imax ratio version?
pretty sure a selling point was the movie was shot on imax cameras or something like that
why didn't iron man wish to not be killed?
Now that the dust has settled, was Iron Man kino?
The movie was a piece of shit and we spent months laughing at its glaring plotholes
Only some parts of first Iron Man. The second Stark said 'I am Iron Man' it became unbelievably stupid and remained so for the rest of MCU.
anybody? aren't you supposed to be movie nerds or something?
Just watched it the other day, thought it was an overrated piece of shit. Definitely not a top 5 MCU movie, maybe not even top 10.
I like Marvel's Avengers, The Winter Soldier, Civil War (practically an Avengers film), Infinity war and Endgame.
Most of the other MCU films aren't dark enough for me... e.g. the whole Thor series, just too reddit. And Ultron is a gigantic piece of shit, I'm pretty sure the studio realized they fucked up with making that one too broad in its appeal, to much CGI and just stupid scenes (flying truck lol).
If they made some of these films dark and gritty, and visionary and stylistic, like 300 or Man of Steel now THAT would be ebig...
It cost me like 10 minutes of work. How poor are non Americans ? This include and icee and popcorn btw.
What's there to discuss?
yes how dare people watch movies and tv instead of only reading greentext about it, hating it on principle, and shitposting about it
fucking reddit i swear
The first half was a good flick.
>movie literally beat Avatar
Yeah of course everyone did, no question about it
>The second Stark said 'I am Iron Man' it became unbelievably stupid
you mean it became K I N O
Formerly capeshitter
Capeshit fatigue.
I haven't even seen it.
Why do you type like that?
What will be the new fad after capeshit?
Iron Man 1 and 2, Captain America 1, GotG 1 and 2, The Hulk, Spider-Man.. I'm not saying these movies are better than Endgame because of how good they are, more so because of what a huge piece of shit Endgame was
i already watched the chinese camrip then forgot about it months ago
Capeshit is filling the niche that Westerns filled, so we might have half a century of it before it finally burns out.
Time travel was just a bad plot device, I wish they found another way to solve their problems. Although having Tony, Cap and Thor find solace with Howard, Peggy and Friga was pretty neat for their character arcs. The problem is that you erase character development too in Gamora and Thanos.
Captain Marvel was completely pointless. Aside from her being really annoying, she had no development with the Avengers and was completely OP. Honestly, they should have just left her until Phase 4.
Professor Hulk was pretty disappointing too.
Along with the out of place "she has help" moment.
On the other side.
Cap and Mjonlir, Antman punching a leviathan, Tony dying, Cap dancing with Peggy. All amazing stuff. Wanda vs Thanos was my favourite moment.
Infinity War was the better film overall.
Going forward, Doctor Strange is really the only thing I'm really excited for. Thor 4 sounds cool too but I know nothing about female Thor so I don't know how they'll handle it. I think Thor with a love interest is just bad, I'd rather he bro out with GotG.
Professor hulk was such a cute, I liked him as a light hearted character.
I'd rather not watch it in the cinemas with a bunch of normies or worse yet, watch a Chinese camrip (just lol...)
I waited for the torrent like a true kinossaur
I hate what Disney has done to the MCU and I "quit" paying for the movies after Civil War but IW and Endgame were a must see, some kind of goodbye to the franchise in my eyes. Won't be paying for any of the movies to come, even if I'm hyped for Shang Chi and Strange 2. Already skipped out on every single movie Disney produced this year except for Endgame. They shit on quality so I'm out
Discussion about a movie for kids.
Interesting. You gotta love Yea Forumstards lol.
age of ultron was ten times better
Couldn't stop laughing at this scene
Shut the fuck up about this movie. I don't care about capeshit they suck and aren't interesting or funny. Why is this movie getting so much critical acclaim? What is the purpose of it? To serve as a culmination of 6 or so years of shitty superhero movies? I've been trying to figure it out and it's frustrating me. Even people I know that don't give a fuck about capeshit are watching it. Everybody I know has watched it at least once. This shit is making me so mad right now I'm going to quit this board until all of the capeshit goes away.
it felt forced as fuck and had literally no sense at all. even my girlfriend was like "why are they doing this?"
I thought it was bad too.
I understand what they were trying to do, but their execution was bad.
I thought Wanda vs Thanos was a much better "grill power" moment that wasn't forced.
>Why is this movie getting so much critical acclaim?
to be fair, it's the first time a franchise has had over 20 movies in one universe in such a short time span. that's pretty cool. the quality has turned to dogshit after Phase 1 though so you're right about that
>What is the purpose of it?
making as much money as possible through brand awareness and brand loyalty, how could you not have figured that out by now?
kys. This garbage hasn't even been out for a year and its already one of the most profitable movies of all time. There is no reason for that.
I was too busy being annoyed to laugh. I did chuckle when they panned over to Mantis though. Thank god they brought the empath, they'd have been fucked without her, she's really gonna feel what that Thanos monster army is feeling.
Can ant man make his dick bigger?
I only watched it recently (torrent)
What a fucking boring movie... I thought the only entertaining aspect was the big fight at the end. Everything else felt like "remixed/alternate" scenes of Avenger 1 and 3
idk, but he can make mine bigger
I've never paid for any marvel films, but pirated most, I kinda liked infinity war/end game, they were pretty entertaining although forgettable like most of the mcu, hated the other avengers films though they were truly fucking dull.
Because it wasn't girl power, it was her as an individual. Something that actually matters to people.
Any time people do this group identity shit, it's embarrassing
Went to the cinema with friends for this. Even my feminist friend found this forced
way to talk like a retard
>There is no reason for that
I literally told you several reasons in my post, you dimwit. Are you too stupid to read or do you just lack basic reading comprehension?
>11-year franchise
>built up fans all over the world in that time frame
>mediocre but feel-good movies
>lots of jokes to cover up mediocre storylines, CGI, and character development = happy (yet blinded) audiences
>brand marketing is all over the place, making people feel more engaged with the movies and company as a whole
>Disney has been targetting these people since their childhoods for generations
You are the dumbest fucker on this board if you don't think these are plausible reasons why it made so much money
Watched the camrip
Mantis not dying is retarded as fuck. Literally anyone who attacked her should have immediately been able to kill her
oddly enough, I found the first half to be the best part. seeing these characters deal with emotional difficulties was the one thing I wanted from this entire shitty franchise, yet Disney never delivered. Too little too late obviously but I liked it. The rest felt like the go-to generic crap they always bring to the table. The end fight and especially the effects were garbage
I agree that it's a really dull and generic movie(like all Marvel movies really), but I thought the last act/big fight was the least interesting to me. Wow, they shoved a bunch of CGI garbage onscreen for the last third of the movie, how original, they do this for every single fucking movie, I just tune out and barely pay attention when it happens now.
>thanos whips out his dick
Who reacts favorably?
This series is pretty deep I like the connections between them all.
I like the way Thanos sat down ("legs turned to jelly"), that he felt so desperately that he was right and lost nonetheless.
And there's lots of other little connections like this.
You can always tell when a movie comes out on Bluray because suddenly there are threads for it when there might have been only a couple when it was out in theaters
There's nothing to discuss. There's no deep themes or anything it's just a serviceable popcorn flick. There's only so many times you can say "It was hype when Cap lifted the hammer" or "It was cringe when all the women lined up for no reason"
watched the camrip, movie was shit.
Who as an individual? Each individual girl grouped up to how their power as an individual?
>when there might have been only a couple when it was out in theaters
Are you implying this is the case with Endgame? Because the board was nigh fucking unusable from the sheer number of threads about it back when it was in theater.
o im laffin alright
> It's been out for days
I downloaded it. I guess I'll rewatch it some day.
The real joke is how fast the Sequel SW movies are just dropped from the social discussion table. They are that bland and forgettable.
The black lady has surprisingly long arms
It's almost like everybody watched it and discussed it 3 months ago.
It's a weird, almost simian feature...
It honestly bugs me that we live in a world where people's moms are watching superhero movies of their own volition. People are so easily programmed.
Imagine if evangeline, turned into the size of ant-man in civil war, and picked you up and stuck you inside her pusy, ha ha it be so weird
Alita is the first time I've ever thought that there might be potential in manga adaptations.
better to swing form tree to tree with.
Watching it now jesus it's shit I'm at 40mins and nothing has happened. Just realized how much i hate robert downey junior fucking cringey manlet.
What were they even trying to do with the gauntlet at the end when they were taking turns running around with it? I thought they were playing keep-away but then Peter gives it to captain Marvel who literally hand delivers it to Thanos.
To a point. I kind of wanted to see him full on Hulk out at the end.
TFA and Rogue One were a brief blip on the radar, but we were already in the middle of the Marvel tidal wave by that point, so when Rian Johnson shit the bed as hard as he did with TLJ, people immediately lost interest, and went back to Marvel.
Also during the same scene there's the part where Ant-Man is fixing his van then it cuts to Black Panther running with the gauntlet and Ant-Man is now giant in the background pushing a leviathan through a portal for some reason. So I think they fucked up or went through a bunch of rewrites just trying to find something for everyone to do.
It was shit. I love to hate on capeshit, but I liked Ultron and this movie just nullified the impact that Ultron had, Ultron is now feels like a 3 hour filler.
>oh no we suffered a giant defeat
>jk time travel haha
>Ultron is now feels like a 3 hour filler
Aside from setting up Civil War, it basically was.
Yeah he was barely in the final fight at all, sad.
Clint, the man with no super powers or any armor whatsoever, somehow survives the missile barrage that destroyed the whole area and manages to get the gauntlet topside, Antman's van through magic plot convenience also survives because apparently it was parked in another state and Antman walked all the way to the building, so they figure the best plan is to try and fix the time machine thing in the van with no tools, amidst an alien invasion, and to get the gauntlet to the van, so they can send the stones back to their original timeline.
10/10 writing.
They were trying to get to the quantum tunnel, which happened to be where Thanos was.
I'm sure they went through a lot of draft and editing changes. This film was written and shot years ago now, before Ragnarok was released, and before Captain Marvel was wirrten/shot.
I just never watched it period
I was disappointed with Hulk honestly. I thought his personality would be a mix between Banner and Hulk, but Hulk is just dead now. Banner doesn't seem like the type of person to fight like Hulk did.
Nah, I saw a cam rip.
I watched the 1xbet kinorip on the opening Thursday night
And a few minutes before that when Strange summons all the reinforcements they do a similar scene with all the black characters coming together, but it was more subtle than this.
Cheesy af.
>my feminist friend