Fuck Netflix

fuck Netflix and their shitty service
>they have so much trash like "boss baby: back in business"
>they never have the big blockbusters when they release on digital.
>they have almost no superhero films.
why does anyone use this shitty service

Attached: 250px-Netflix_2015_logo.svg.png (250x68, 2K)

Attached: SLOW CLAP - RIVERDALE.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

>almost no superhero films

That's why I left Netflix, they should have zero superhero movies

oh wait


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Re up Norm and put World peace on there and I’ll buy a year sub

>depriving myself of grown men in gimp suits over acting in green screen and spouting cringey one liners for 90 minutes is bad

I also deprive myself of stepping in dogshit.

Attached: 1561044188496.png (380x467, 14K)


>someone actually thought this - then went ahead and wrote it on an image board

Boss Baby III: The Afterbirth

Attached: 1556747079365.jpg (1024x903, 70K)

If this thread is deleted than 4channel has officially been bought by Netflix for adspace.

i read that as scarface on the thumbnail

Originals I've watched:
Was pretty based, good action, alright acting, heavy catholic themes. 8/10
>Orange is the New Black
Started off promising, could've been an exciting prison drama, turned into a dykeathon buddy comedy with a lot of dindu nuffin prisoner sympathy. 6/10
>Bojack Horseman
Good Depression core, Season 1 & 2 were good, Season 3 was okay, Season 4 was shit. 6.5/10?
>F is for Family
Comfy. Not that funny. Feminist. 6/10
>Nu-Black Mirror
Not as good as old Black Mirror but has it's moments. 6/10
>Big Mouth
Satanic. Unfunny. 2/10
Was very good. Lovable characters, healthy look at mental illness. 8/10
>Russian Doll
Cat lady kino. 7.5/10
>Norm has a Show
Not Norm Macdonal Live. 7/10
Not bad. 7/10
>Stranger Things
Bland, Nostalgia-Bait. 5/10

Netflix is not worth a sub. They have 3 or 4 good originals but have a lot of bombs too. Doesn't help it's all propaganda.

Forgot Jessica Jones which was a 5/10

Watch Dark.

Sure, I've got 2 more weeks of Netflix before I drop it for good.

>They have 3 or 4 good originals
Also they slap their little icon on anything they had no hand in producing but bought the distribution rights for, in order for you to think they made something decent.

Don't watch Dark.

hi pol

>he hasnt seen The Last Kinodom.

Try watching something other then cartoons and superheros

>They dont have capeshit
Subscribing now, ty user

Not a netflix original. Also shit compared to the books, which I highly suggest reading.

its literally listed on netflix as a netflix original
they paid to get to call it that so it is

>being this much of a brainlet