>When you suffer through normie movies so you can pretend to fit in

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Shut up cracker
^ based

what's a non-normie movie?
do they even get made anymore?
I can only think of BR2049

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Why do whites make this face?

This is the face I make when I have to listen to someone else’s bullshit and have to not be condescending for a few minutes. All I want to do is tell you how wrong you are, why you’re wrong, and why Search engines exist in the first place. 99% of people’s home pages is some form of search engines FOR GODS SAKE TYPE YOUR QUESTION THERE


this. literally mfw libtards start talking about muh wage gap or muh racism. also mfw i see an indian on the street like nigga you should be eating curry in your home country

haha epic thread!

Uh I’m thinking this guys based


i wanna make white babies with her

Not worth it man. Your time is limited. Read plot synopsis.

But I don't want to fucking fit in with the trash.

It's a face that lets whites communicate non-verbally to other whites that there's currently a non-white creature commiting ebonics nearby.

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That pic is from when she was a teenager, she's 30 now.

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>tfw hate white babies are pretty much nonexistent now
>tfw all for race preservation
>tfw i'm part of the problem
>tfw mexican with a white gf
I'm sorry.

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shes a mild now


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A mild what?

actually under president trump white birthrates have surpassed those of nonwhite birthrates for the first time in a long time.

>only person that enjoy watching my movies with me is my sister
>forced myself to watch Dark because she liked it

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milf. was it really that difficult for you xD

whats her name

us white people haha

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Well, that's good. Specifically in USA, yeah? But can you keep that up?

I didn't even try to do any begrudging smile during Chef. I was just confused the entire way through as to why this piece of shit is so fucking popular. There is no style or substance. Jon Favreau is an egomaniac who starred in a movie he also wrote and directed. He is the Iron & Wine of cinema because a lot of people enjoy it but the rest of us can't understand why. It's an enigma of the intellect. I really hope that one day people can realize that they were wrong for liking this movie. I don't know how that could be possible, but it would restore some of my faith in humanity. Fuck Jon Favreau. What a fucking dick.

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Marina Mogilko.

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Why the fuck would anyone do this?

>tfw me and my sister grew up watching movies together so we have similar tastes
>mfw watching LOTR trilogy every 2 months under a blanket with her

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I watched Chef because nobody will shut up about it. Chef has been the talk of the town for almost five years, so when it showed up on Amazon Prime, I pressed play to get "in on it." I Was immediately struck with dull disappointment, yet I suffered through to end so I could craft a full opinion. My conclusion - sheer confusion as to the tastes of popular culture.

>Search engines exist in the first place.
To confirm whatever you want to believe of course, want UFO proof? you got it, want proof liberals aren't retarded? you got it, want proof that Clinton is a lizard? we got that covered.
Using search engines to confirm your flavor of shit then telling others to "do the research" as if that ever meant anything is the ultimate plebfilter.

It came out months after I left my last restaurant job and it was cathartic

Imagine spamming this picture everyday to force a meme yet you are still the only one using it...

>implying search engines are totally unbiased and show whatever you're looking for
search anything related to trump and you won't get what you are looking for, especially from independent or right wing media, it's 90%+ corporate, left wing garbage. google algorithms are biased in favour of the establishment, yuo're a retarded if you think goygle isn't manipulating their algorithms for political and monetary reasons.


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No, you see, you watched it out of curiosity, i am talking about the kind of tards who would endure a visit to the cinema with their normie friends to watch captain wifi™ vs printerman™ 8: the game ends® when they are sure as hell they ain't gonna like it.

Oh no, OH NO, someone poured water all over this girls crotch and pants.
Why isn't anybody giving her a towel?


Yeah but i am talking about the random things of life that serve no voting purpose thus often don't get messed with, it becomes pretty much an acid trip where you can dwelve deep into whatever rabbit hole you stumble in first.

I did that once watching the pilot for 'Suits'. Never again.

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;) ooopsies

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Marina Mogilko.
She's a russian youtuber or something like that.

>spilling your drink as an adult
women are such retards honestly

Why the FUCK isn't my mom into incest like this?

Dark Was The Night (2018)

yes, you can probably find whatever bullshit you'd like to justify your crazy beliefs (israel did 9/11, white genocide doesnt exist, trump colluded with russia etc etc)

Lmao, i tried watching mad man thinking it was some sort of businessman world breaking bad, turns out it was people talking in random places while wearing suits then the season ends.
big disappointment, who was this made for?

Be nice to snuppa and her piss fetish

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Its why the flat earth thing got so popular, the more you look the more it brings you shit that confirms whatever you are looking for.
My mother is one of them.


This is why I can't trust innocent looking women ever again. I ended up dating that one quiet shy girl from my class and she's fucking insane with her fetishes.

Do pure women truly exist?

Yikes. All this time I thought she was white.

I don't think you know what "proof" is

>cant even get the gif right

fuck off libtard

nigga just look outside does it really look like a ball to you
>mfw globetards

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unsure. its highly speculative. it depends on the economy and immigration situation. if you can keep the economy up in middle (white) america and stifle illegal immigration i think those two things alone would drastically change the situation. i think a lot of people dont realize how much the "white genocide" in the US is dependent on the economy. a shitty economy will decrease rate of white births

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yikes. she has the liberal crazy eyes.

She's russian, so she'll either be right-wing or not care about politics at all.

I'm a 30 something femannon and the idea of making sexual advances on teenage boys makes me sick, especially ones you're supposed to be nurturing. Am I turning into a true mommy?

kill yourself roastie

Don’t reply to me again.

Have kids.

When is your period suppose to start so I can put it into and physicly help you through it when it’s time

show feet

I been molested when i was 9 by my 20something caretaker, and i can confirm, it felt great, she sucked my kiddy willy so aggressively, i used to cum so hard i coudn't fucking walk.

you're so cool and unique and no one else understands just how unique and cool you are. the most special thing about you is just how special your thoughts and opinions are and honestly? no one else gets it. you're the most special and deep person on the planet and it's just like, no normies could ever even comprehend the levels of uniqueness you're operating on at all times

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Take your meds sperg

she's a female russian millionaire who works in LA. she is a liberal.

>t-take your meds
google bias isn't conspiracy, it's been proven true. are you ignorant, or just retarded?


fuck off

so just retarded then. gotcha

Then why is she making that face?

Please stop posting you waste of oxygen


retarded, mad, AND a lefty. what a shocker!

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Kill yourself reddit tourist

say the line about how i'm a russian bot next



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programming error, the instructions from china weren't translated properly


It's how you say Hi to black people when you see them walking by.

It's ok, chances are that you're in America so it's not like you're ruining a white place to begin with.

Easy there juan. You will create nonwhite monstrosities

>brown hair
>brown eyes
>dark taint
Is this considered white now?

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I had to sit through watching Bad Neighbors (Zak Effron, Seth Rogen), when some friends wanted to watch a movie together. I wish I had stayed at home.

I don't "pretend to fit in", I'm just not an asshole.
Stop being such an autist.

>tfw she looks exactly like a girl from a bunch of my classes back in High School