all memes aside,
All memes aside
Other urls found in this thread:
she wasn't really cute back then, she's kinda ugly now, and in 5 years will be totally hideous
what memes? what aside from those unknown memes?
What is the youngest I would go? 18 years old.
for me, it's the last two digits of my post number
yeah absolutely
Her face cracks me up, holy shit lmao.
what this guy said
holy shit!! how?
All pedophiles should be rounded up and placed in camps. they should be forced to work nonstop until they collapse, at which point they will be dragged into a dimly lit room, pumped full of adrenaline so they can’t pass out, and tortured. and when i say tortured, i mean the most depraved shit imaginable. waterboarding? pussy shit. their nipples should be sliced off and shoved up their urethras. their faces should be skinned off and then super glued to their ballsacks, and then tear it off and repeat. finally, when they’ve had all they can handle, i will drag them into the gas chambers, where "friday" by rebecca black will play over loudspeakers until they asphyxiate on the mustard gas.
based but bluepilled
Someone was molested as a kid
All memes aside? It wasn't a good show
even worse than breaking bad honestly
So talented too
Based and redpilled
Also all pedos should die
jesus christ man go easy on the blackpills
Clearly was molested by his uncle and hates how much he enjoyed it
>being attracted to a person is bad
>sadistic torture is good
Now THESE are dubs I can get behind.
Did you work for Epstein? How many famous dicks did you suck?
The image of her going down on Drappers massive cock gets me every time
I don't know how they got away with it but I'm glad they did.
Looks shoop
Yeah but not bad
she was hot, but not really cute
the prophecy
Yup. This is apex autism.
fuck man, made me lol
hey man I didn't make the little girls super sexy
what emotion is she trying to convey?
Contempt for white cocks.
the lolita gaze
I want to be Zhe's husband so bad
Tuck it back in, son. You're not impressing anybody but yourself.
i want a sexdoll that looks exactly like that
zh-zhezhe pls
holy shit, you can almost see her cunny
First and foremost, and let's be absolutely clear about this, "Cunny" it is NOT, in any way, a moniker for vagina.
Cunny means love, Cunny means life.
It is a most needed term which encompasses all the pristine, sublime qualities exclusively gathered in those few, exquisite, finest manifestations of the female genre defined as "Cunnys".
A word which successfully combines the deepest meaning of beauty, the purest form of contemplation, and the earnest, inmost sincere, unblemished expression of love.
That, my dear friend, is the true meaning of Cunny.
final redpill here gents. take note
damn at last i see the truth
She's been hollowed out like a olive I'm afraid
>Cunny thread
Clean it up Jannie!
fucking hell
but seriously, why? what specific rule is being broken?
based cunnyseur
jannies ban you for posting "sexualised images of children" but they aren't really sexualised. so jannies are essentially admitting little girls are inherently sexy
honestly? 13
Fuggin saved
never found where was that specific rule stated. anybody knows? or are there a lot of unspoken rules only an elite is supposed to know about?
what memes?
It’s not about television or films you retard
wut shes horny
as well as the vast majority of posts, but why are little girls threads and pictures specifically banned instead of all the rest?
not funny; delete this
Because they make the mods and janitor seethe because they like roasties
literally me
Honestly am rose is pretty based now that they dropped the gay thing and put him with prudence
source? whose the actor?
grainy ass picture
nevermind. thanks for ruining my night.
It's literally nothing. It's a mind trick. The four guys are actually kissing each other and not th girls
the kiss was in a show and the other pic doesn't mean anything
you pedo!
everyone knows you have to wait until they're 11.5!!!
you need at least half a year for a proper grooming
Kek what is frodo doing?
hehe doesn't mean anything hehe