So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?

So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?

Or am I supposed to believe in the middle of their extremely busy filming schedules they manage to get this fit by going to the gym for an hour or 2 for a few weeks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can naturally attain those bodies, but you can also attain them faster with the use of steroids. You and I, living our regular 9-to-5 life, probably can't achieve it without serious dedication. Those guys, however, sign a contract, and with that contract agree to follow the terms of their role. They are given the best trainers, dieticians, and are monitored around the clock, spending months of production at all times inside the gym or before the proper foodset to maximize the potential of their bodies. It's possible, but it's a job, and it is, by all accounts, fucking torture. The 300 actors had to go through serious fucking training to achieve their bodies; meanwhile Chris Hemsworth straight up said he never again wanted to put in the immense amount of effort needed to become how he looked in Thor 1.

It's possible for movie stars because their full-time job, prior to shooting, is to become the best they can be, with all the money in the world behind them.

No. Actors hop onto PEDs with guidance from doctors and such. It's simply not possible otherwise.

I've honestly never understood why they insist on saying it's through diet and discipline though in interviews and whatnot though. Steroids are so taboo.

If you have the genetics this is achievable. But it's hard to maintain, it's pretty low body fat already. Also especially with these guys there is no way, that they aren't on roids and having proper coaches.

Tom Hardy admitted he ate Smarties to bulk up.

as a general rule if someone is making money because of their physique you can ALWAYS assume steroids are involved

This. It's not hard to get there, but to maintain it is hard. And when you're putting on mass naturally, your abs tend to disappear.

they train for months before the movie starts filming. its not "couple hours a day few days a week" it is mor elike 5 hours a day 6 days a week.

all with the help of the best personal trainers money can buy.

it's totally natural bro don't you lift lol?

Attached: natty.png (881x935, 1.34M)


Why do you want to look like that?

If it's for the girls, they will already be into you if you are tall enough and have a good base structure, women do not care about muscles. If you are short you are not getting women but if you like being muscular you can build muscle more easy, some manlets don't even need roids to look like that.

It's not impossible to look like that without roids, but it takes a lot of time/effort, and those actors probably used something.


Evans was fit even before he was the human torch

Attached: cap hydra.webm (1280x544, 1.25M)

You people are fucking stupid and don't understand that pictures/movies don't tell the whole story. Just look at picrelated. he's 5'11 175lbs. is he on steroids ?

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why should we care about some random no name faggot?

>extremely busy filming schedules
They film for like an hour then throw in the stunt doubles and then CGI the rest.

Is that your sister?

Oops he's a roider now! what happened??
dumb DYEL shits

Attached: natty2.jpg (540x960, 70K)

did the Jocker attack him?

You can but it takes longer. Theee guys put on a large amount of muscle on in months with little to no fat which is impossible.

You’re going to put fat on when building muscle. Bulking. You have to eat more than you burn. Most body builders are chubby during the months they bulk. Months! Then they cut and shed the extra blubber.

I’d bulked during the fall and winter then around spring I’d cut my calories dramatically to shed the fat by summer

no his brother

Reminder that /fit/ can give you body dysmorphia

Yes if you lift weights for 2 hours a day 6 days a week

i would wager that the time for make up, costume and setting up shots is the majority of time spent
"acting" is probably very minimal when it come to capeshit

he's a friend of mine that does natty bodybuilding contests. lifting for 10-15 years or something

Attached: natty3.jpg (1536x2048, 425K)

I dunno the Thor guy looks like that's pretty close to his natural body type from a lot of years of maintaining it. He looks big and relatively slim but not as shredded as you'd see from roid cycles. The other two guys definitively look like they're cycling.

excessive training doesn't help you if you're not on roids

>2 hours a day 6 days a week
that sounds reasonable

how many months are we looking at? for all the training and bulking together? could this be achieved in a year of intense shit? currently skinnyfat like most anons here

for evans and pratt, sure
evans has always been pretty fit, he just needed to focus on his lats in order to complete the look
pratt isn't even all that impressive, a lot of it is lighting and posing, I guarantee if you look at him in even lighting, even at the same level of dehydration that he's at in that shot, he wouldn't look that much better than your typical gymgoer
hemsworth is most definitely on juice, though, and I don't think he's ever bothered denying it

intensity is less important than consistency. going super intense 100% for six weeks and then getting injured/overtrained/etc and then only going 50% for the next six weeks is worse than going 75% for all 12 weeks. consistency is the most important aspect of physical training.

>Actors who are in better shape than most professional athletes
>are they doping?
Athletes in real internationally recognised sports (not ones only played in America) rarely look like that and they dedicate their entire lives to it.
They have to get PED tested regularly
Actors don’t get tested at all
Do the math

divegrass isn't a sport Paco

Their coaches are dog shit. I wish people stopped spouting this line as if they know. Every single time, celebrity trainers are full of horse shit and have no idea how to program a hypertrophy routine.
Good explanation:

in his Defense. Rock trains like a mad man since decades.

they look like achievable bodies to me if you're consistent
If you're not trying to make working out/being healthy part of your life there's no point in doing it in the first place

most american pro athletes dope
there's plenty of shit that cant be detected

I’d lose fat before bulking. Get down to atleast 12 percent. You start bulking when you’re already fat you’ll only end up putting more fat on than muscle. Then you have more fat you have to shed shed which means a longer cutting period which you’ll lose the muscles you do get

Bulking not an excuse to eat like a pig. A good ration is .5 pound of fat to a pound of muscle

bodies you see in video/photos are not maintained

you have to take steroids for that

>best personal trainers money can buy

>Scott herman

lmao who fucking care about manlets

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At last the ladies have these guys

Men don't have to much to watch in capeshit
Look this actress Ms Larson...

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ur mums snatch ayylmao

you got to understand it's their job and they get paid millions to do it, they work with highly paid trainers and doctors

if you ever held your job, it's a commitment, even if you don't want to do it you do it

there's something more motivating and you can't exactly say "I'll go to the gym tomorrow"

also those bodies aren't incredibly difficult to achieve, must be an American mindset

Yeah be rich have a personal trainer and a dietician to regiment your life for 6 months

>lifting for 10-15 years or something

that's the point. you don't get the rapid big transformations you see from actors without PEDs.

nobody can go from untrained to those bodies in six months naturally. most of these guys probably had some training/were in shape before which helped, but PEDs are the likely answer. just get your private doctor to prescribe HRT and train/eat perfectly for 6 months on top of a decent base and it's attainable.

but they take years to achieve naturally, not months like actors do

he's not saying it took that long to achieve that, just that he's been doing it for that long.

>best trainers money can buy
>spotting a hip thrust
>deadlifting 50 lbs at the end of a meme circuit
I see why you'd rather talk about his height than about the actual topic at hand.

Is this that brazilian guy that makes porn fucking trannies?

Yes but it's incredibly hard to maintain. Those scenes are shot first because they don't look like that shortly thereafter. Evans did push ups between takes for that scene.

Personal Trainer. Also consider when the scene was shot. Not everything is shot sequentially. They could have shot everything suited up while working out on the side, then filmed the shirtless scene near the end of production. Or vice versa. "Fit shirtless scene" at the start of production, "who gives two shits when the rest of the scenes we have to film have them in a suit" after that.

Holy fuck your buddy is shredded

>So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?
No, of course not.

You forgot that he "has low testosterone" so he takes "TRT".

you know this guy is from New Jersey.

>by all accounts, fucking torture

it's literally not that bad. 10 hours/week in the gym, greens, whole grain bread, peanut butter and hardboiled eggs, water only.

It's hard and I wouldn't want to do it consistently forever, but 3 months out of the year it's very tolerable.

Hell is going to war. Dieting is only mildly uncomfortable if you're used to a high-sugar diet. actually, it's pretty nice when you start reaching peak fitness, you feel really good all the time. like, damn I just wanna run 3 miles for shits and giggles because I woke up feeling like a coiled spring.

That's really funny you think that, because he's from Boston and currently living somewhere in Florida.

It's called having low body fat. Something I'm sure you are not familiar with. None of them are particularly big.
they most likely took shit though, but it's not necessary

>None of them are particularly big.

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please shut the fuck up

not unless you have godly genes and the finances to maintain that lifestyle

post body

God I wish that were me...

This and why would they announce doing something still considered illegal for recreational use on national television?

They're relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.

>cheap 24h fitness gym membership
>2h out of your day to lift
>daily oats/eggs/rice/greens/protein powder and what ever meat is on sale
>calorie counting app

there's nothing expensive or overly time consuming about bodybuilding. its whether you want to do it or not

have sex incel

The Hollywood trainers they work with are frauds who tell them to do meme exercises and shit like circuit training. So many gullible idiots bend over backwards to give these actors the benefit of the doubt. Why would you take someone who's job it is to literally tell lies at face value? They aren't dieting 100% clean or lifting heavy 7 days a week for 10 million hours. They're still going out at night to sip mai tais and eating cheat meals. These guys are simply on PED regimens monitored by doctors which lets them look like a peak natural lifter after 3-4 months (aka a cycle) of moderate training. It will take a natural multiple years of strict dieting and heavy lifting to achieve such full physiques while still being shredded like these guys, assuming they even have the genetics.

Oh and I almost forgot, they're achieving these miraculous results in their late 30s. It's a farce.

>going to the gym for an hour or 2 for a few weeks
no, going like 6 days a week for 2 years or so will do it tho

With years of lifting and strict diet, you can maybe achieve that natty. If you have good genetics.

In Hollywood, they supercharge getting jacked in every way possible. For the stars, it’s basically their full time job 24/7 to get as jacked as possible starting 6-8 months before shooting begins.

During this time, they have personal trainers who monitor their exercise routine and chefs to make sure all their meals have perfect macros.

On top of this, they get primo tier medical HGH and testosterone.

lmao buddy forgot to do face day

have less sex roastie

>extremely busy filming schedule
Beeing an actor is a joke when it comes to actually "working"
they have 2h a day for training, no problems especially when it's paid with a personal trainer and 100% calculated diet.

Stallone confirmed that his body for Rambo 2 and Rocky Balboa was 100% natty (see pic related)

so yes, it is possible, no matter the age

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>So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?

>They are given the best trainers, dieticians, and are monitored around the clock, spending months of production at all times inside the gym or before the proper foodset to maximize the potential of their bodies.
No, they aren't.
They take steroids.

Jesus fuck... you people

Your friend is lying to you.

>chris hemsworth age during thor: 27-28
>chris evans age during CWFA: 30ish (he was already jacked before for FF and even before that)
>chris pratt age during GoTG: 34ish
pratts the only one close to late thirties, but even then, it's not like you become an invalid.

Pratt is natty, other two are roided

Stallone lied.
Almost all of them lie.
They lie through their fucking teeth for years and years on end.
That's a different subject that has a lot of depth to it.

The Rock claims he's been natty for every movie he was ever in btw.

Attached: actor gym.jpg (1200x788, 157K)

Lol what. They all have personal trainers and dietitians lad, go look at Tom Hardy talking about preparing for Warrior
>2 hours boxing
>2 hours kickboxing
>2 hours weightlifting
>2 hours Muay Thai
Every single day, and he had PTs there beside him every step of the way. Imagine what the big blockbuster capeshit actors are getting

>They have to get PED tested regularly
The testing industry is incompetent and corrupt as fuck, anyhow.

Evans got sick upper body genes so it's possible he's natural
I know cause i'm the same and my chest puffs up very easily + broad shoulders and thin waiste

Pratt too is built like a fridge already so I imagine he doesnt need to put a lot of effort into getting buff

I dont know about Hemsworth though, his biceps are too massive and his brothers all look average so I doubt it's genes

I was going by their current ages. Late 20s early 30s is still pretty damn late to go from no base to what they achieved, especially in the short amount of time they did it in which is the big giveaway. Evans is the only one who has a case because he maintained a solid base for years beforehand. Pratt's transformation from obese to that picture in less than a year at the age of 34 is a joke though.

Everyone in this picture is named Chris haha

Wasn't Hemsworth's early career as a beach hunk? I assume he wasn't as jacked as Thor, but was still pretty fit.

none of them really went from no base though. Pratt wasn't always "obese" he only got fat for like couple of years. I'm not saying none of them used juice to get where they are, I'm just saying they didn't necessarily have to.

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he was. Him and cavill had essentially the same transformation.

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This is the perfect male body. Only fags like or want anything more muscular.

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Every single male actor is on roids. It's too efficient.

Blue pilled

> "they just work out twice a day!"

He isn't natty like 90% of professional natty builders m8. I know a couple who i myself buy gear from once in a blue moon.

For some information 3% of the male population uses steroids. Let's generously say 50% of the population is in the age range to lift, that's 6%, then let's say 50% of those aged appropriately actually go to the gym. That's 12% of regular male gym goers who use gear.

Think of the top 12% of those you see lifting, most don't look 'roid huge'. Maybe 1 or 2 guys in your gym of a 50 are huge. The reality is they're blast amd cruising as well as dbol, hgh etc. The guys who just look decent are on test cycles.

I do test once every other year and get up to about 95kg, people remark that I've been hitting the gym harder than normal but it doesn't look obviously roided.

Most actors are on gear, in fact when i hit mid-30s i plan on going on trt just for health. Your marvel actors are on much more than just test.

The first actual lifter ITT

I doubt he gained that much mass in 1-2 years without roids

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>without roids
like I said, him and cavill had the same transformation

Why do people have a problem with actors roiding up? They're just actors, not UFC fighters.

I'm surprised not all of them are ripped to shreds

You know they pump up before doing a scene right?

Also, I watched 'The Guest' with DVD commentary. The guy had to to a bare chest scene and he wasn't "allowed" to drink from the day before. Just like at a bodybuilding contest. No one looks like this in relaxed state. They literally go from 'the workout' into the scene. That's why they look the way they look.

I have no problem with anyone using roids, I wish all UFC fighters were (openly) on them.

That being said, faggots on here are just haters with crab mentality and instead of changing themselves they just want to shit on others. Sour grapes.

he's also been juicing since decades

seething fatties


Only 18 year old first time gym goers do. They get a photo of bane up on their phone to show their PT saying "i don't want to get TOO big though", then get upset at the idea their heroes pinned to get there. For them it's either Arnie or natty.

My brain can only process this as a head photoshopped onto a different body

They do both. All sports stars abuse steroids. Compare actors to sports stars. Actors need to attain the look without living the life style permanently.

They use steroids.

too bad for him that he looks like the grinch

That's a virtually untrained body besides cardio and maybe push ups. Here's Evans in 2007. This is probably his peak natural physique from his early 20s. Now I'm actually more convinced he roided for Captain Merica considering how much fuller and shredded he looks in that movie. I give him credit for getting 80% of the way there natty.

Attached: Evans F4.jpg (313x500, 18K)

>considering how much fuller and shredded he looks in that movie
all he did was get a pump going, don't need roids for that.

Yes, if your entire job for over a year was to be fit,, you would be fit.

There job is to be pretty and pretend.

The job part is why they have the dedication to do proper cycles you dunce.

>So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?
Yes, but it will take years, a perfect diet, and good genetics. The average man working a 9-5 job will never look like this.

t. /fit/

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sports stars use other PEDs to increase performs, not necessarily the usual anabolic steroid for muscle growth

Yes, he did considering how much smaller he was in the next movies.

This is a top tier natty physique, anyone who lifts can see the difference in size and general proportions to his captain look.

>t. /fit/
more like t. Yea Forums

Is he related to Stephen King by any chance?

Is everyone here a complete retard? You think you need steroids to achieve this physique? hahaha

>not knowing about /fit/'s obsession with dumbbell nan kilo moteru

lmfao that stuff's exaggerated for pr bro, u dont just go from average joe to 8 hrs of working out a day

Are you implying he didn't have a pump going in Fantastic 4? I assume they would use the same method. His muscles are larger with less body fat in Captain. This one passes the eye test for me the other sets of red flags. Like I said, he definitely had the best base of the 3 regardless.

Post body.

>The average man working a 9-5 job will never look like this.
you're acting as if there's only 8 hours in the day. Anyone can look like that IF THEY WANTED TO.

>I dont know about Hemsworth though, his biceps are too massive and his brothers all look average so I doubt it's genes
what?? his brother liam is massive too

Pratt legit is the body I'd pick over any of them. He looked fuckin' rad there. He's my build, except I'm dad bod in the belly. No matter what I fuckin' do I can't get abs like that.

Are you retarded?
They don't keep it a fucking secret that they use roids.

>he thinks /fit/ cares about some shitty anime because a DYEL mod stickied it

>yeah, it's the genes, right guys

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It's stickied, people post about it, retard. Way to expose yourself.

So why don't you?

>doing all that work in the gym when you have a fucked face

kek this is why I can be chubby and still get laid.Women like handsome faces most of all.



You can’t get that natty unless you’re one in 6 billion genetic beast!!!

Godamn Mac is based.

>So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?
But it requires basically hitting the gym perfectly with zero rest days for about nine months and having all your meals prepped.

These actors are all shrinking during filming because they have to get a pump prior to the scene and they don't have the time to work out enough and eat all the time to maintain their mass. Chris evans talks about that during an interview.

Or, you can just go 80's mode and do steroids and then jump on TRT like stallone and gibson in your 50's.

>it’s not hard to get there
Post physique lmao

That’s too much unless you’re on roids retarded fuck

>watching anime
you'll never make it

>a year
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FUCK YOU! If you want to look like that, blast tren

Are you fucking joking? Achievable if your consistent? Maybe if you work out for 15 years and you have 1 in 1 billion genes

Post physique. Cap and Thor physiques are legit impossible without roids

It’s fucking roids you imbeciles. Prohormones at the very least but more likely test cycles and then winstrol/anavar to cut

Post physique
You can bodybuild like a wild man for 5 years straight and you won’t look anything like that

So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?
Yes. It's achievable without RIDICULOUS amounts of steroids. It's NOT achievable without steroids though.
>But it requires basically hitting the gym perfectly with zero rest days for about nine months and having all your meals prepped.
Are you fucking retarded? You obviously have no fucking idea how muscles develop. Stop talking about shit you obviously don't understand.
>zero rest days
Fucking moron.

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>2 years
It absolutely won’t. Post body. You don’t know shit about lifting
Nope. First two pics are unachievable natty

kys it's just cartoons.

>Personal Trainer
You're a god damn fucking idiot

Attached: pt madness.webm (1280x720, 997K)

you can't have that size and be that lean naturally, pick one

He’s not natty either
Tom Hardy in Warrior looks like fucking shit to compared to Cap or Thor. You’re off you’re fucking head

I don't want to.

10 hours a day nigger

Post physique you stupid fuck

What gym do you go to? About a quarter of the men at my gym are on roids. Anavar is weirdly common here

Penis Erectile Dysfunction?

Why is he just standing there doing nothing when her form is that bad?

Cringe. The guy from the Guest is actually natty. He’s small as fuck compared to Hemsworth and Evans. A pump does not make you fucking huge

>bro its just cartoons

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Cringe. The guy from the Guest is actually natty. He’s small as fuck compared to Hemsworth and Evans. A pump does not make you fuck
It’s embarrassing how stupid you are. You really think pumps make someone look 25 lbs heavier while also being leaner? Good fuck you’re stupid.

I meant to say without skipping gym days. Of course rest days are important for muscle development. Chill.

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Stupid ass

Why the fuck would they risk their endocrine system for a fucking movie? Roids are hit or miss PCT wise depending on what you’re taking. As far as I know, they only give them Test and Clen but sometimes you don’t go back to baseline levels after Test.

Because it's he who have picked the weights and is responsible for the piss poor form. He probably doesn't even recognize the piss poor form.

They're all on test. Don't listen to anyone in this thread.

>Why would they take a tiny risk to their endocrine system under doctor supervision for tens of millions of dollars and worldwide fame?

Are you listening to yourself?

I thought it was obvious? He clearly doesn't know it's shit form; he likely just lucked his way into training celebrities (or sucked enough dick, whatever) and has 0 fucking clue what he's doing.

Just go on Instagram and look up #fitness. The amount of uneducated fuckwits, bot people working out in general and trainers, is fucking astounding. If you've ever forgotten that most people in the world are absolute dipshits, it's an easy reminder, even something like fitness that has ludicrous amounts of easy/free knowledge and at its core is actually really fucking simple shit.

Fattie niggers. You will never make it.

>You can bodybuild like a wild man for 5 years straight and you won’t look anything like that
Not even remotely true, very dependent on height as well, but average 5’9 guy can get that body in 2 years max with full dedication. You’re probably a retard that does like 3 reps, some pushups and calls it a day.

The real question is how do they keep their hair? You think they're under contract to use Finasteride or do they just get hair transplants? Evans seems like he has good hair genes so maybe he doesn't need anything. I wonder if they have cutting edge shit.

Meant to say Hemsworth with the good hair. Evans is definitely thinning.

Tom Hardy has gigantic traps and shoulders that makehim lookbig, the rest is not actually that excessive. Made me put more time into shoulders-traps myself.

You literally get a shot or a couple of shots of week depending. Obviously you train hard and have a nutritionist to be that lean. Everyone is on steroids..Olympic athletes have already been exposed. You're telling me actors can look lean carrying 200 lbs of muscle. Grow up.

tfw Chris Hemsworth is bigger when on a starvation diet than you eating normally or bulking

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Damn his shoulders fucking suck.

Most are naturally balding or have natty good hair genetics. Cavill is on gear but it might not even matter he might just be predisposed to balding

>It´s the body he´d pick because it´s the best he can get


10 hours a week is a lot...

He is holding them backwards to look skinnier

Sure bruh. Doesn’t explain the other pics of him.

>he isn't natty

Yes he is. He's 5'11 175lbs, that is not "big". Never trust pictures or even videos. You can only ever really tell who's on roids when you meet them in person. If he was roiding he'd be 200+ lbs with the same bf %

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how many hours a week do you spend in front of your computer doing nothing?

You've got 60-70 hours of the week spare after sleep and a wagecuck 9-5 job. 10 hours is fucking ~15% of your free time, if someone can't fit 10 hours into their week to workout, they need to fucking manage their time better. Or if you're prioritising some stupid bullshit like video games or watching movies over being healthy and improving your strength/physique, that's some fucking dogshit priorities.

Not to mention you could easily shave that 10 hours down to anywhere between 5-10 and still be getting solid workouts in, just don't fuck around in the gym and run a program that works with shorter sessions.

It’s not guaranteed that you’ll come off even with supervision.

The 300 actors had their abs painted on bro

>If he was roiding he'd be 200+ lbs with the same bf %
not necessarily

Lots of people take more shit than these guys do just to look good. They're likely on a standard test cycle with a lower androgenic steroid like anavar added at the peak to lean out while retaining muscle. That's a pretty low risk cycle compared to the rewards. I think the vast majority of people would take that bet.

except for that one dude that obviously on something.

How can you look at those veins and think that's natural? You're deluded. Pro tip: even bikini models are on gear now. Natty bodybuilding is a joke when it comes to testing.

Man I fucking hate the Bikini Division of bodybuilding.

Horribly undertrained women with little muscle mass, getting way too lean, doing all kinds of damage to their system and throwing away hundreds of dollars just to look like shit and get a crummy trophy. These girls end up having the worst times of their lives but then come to instagram to bullshit about how "empowering the experience was" and they can't wait to step on stage again. And all that does is just convince other horribly undertrained women to give it a shot and the cycle continues (ironically, unlike theirs for a number of months), it's genuinely fucking disgusting and I want to put a bullet through the head of every dipshit trainer that lets a woman do that shit knowing full well they're not ready for it.

If that chick won Physique Division though, Jesus she must've had some horrid competition, she looks trash.

>he likely just lucked his way into training celebrities (or sucked enough dick, whatever) and has 0 fucking clue what he's doing

He's muscular and handsome so he looks the part. Appearance is everything.

I know he's natty. I was just talking about how dehydration gives you extra definition. And so does exercise right before you do a scene. I'm not talking about size. Your size stays the same. but about how they look chiseled and every muscle seems like it's on the surface. They pump before a scene. Muscles don't look like that when they wake up in the morning.

Kek, care to post your picture with height/weight? You seem to have so much knowledge and experience, you must look like a Greek statue

pretty cringe thread tbdesu

>hurrr serious dedication
>hurrr its an immense effort
>hurrr only those that i worship can attain it
You are so full of shit. Literally eating less/better and exercising an hour a day gets you to ottermode, at the least, in 2-3 years. If you have time to watch capeshit garbage at home, you have time to work out. Not all of us lack discipline like you do.

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I don't know why faggots keep saying that you might not come off even with proper PCT. I hate this fearmongering.

The male model body requires roids or a super strick gym/diet routine that no person with a normal job could follow. The best you'll get naturally is big arms + beer gut or a toned swimmer/gymnast body.

>roids roids roids

You're deluded. It's completely possible without any shit. A couple of years ago, I did nothing but push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and squats at home, and some running 3-4 days a week, and had to stop after some 5 months because of how fucking buff I started to look. I think big muscles are grotesque.

>he doesnt lift for his waifu

I'm a chubby 250 pounds and I'm pretty solid just from moving boxes at work.
If I lost 25 pounds and worked on my arms under a personal trainer I'd reach this in a fairly short time.

>chubby 250 pounds
>250 pounds

Attached: 1402796415300.jpg (221x228, 8K)

Hollywood muscle guys are all on roids. There's no way they could transform so quickly without them

Hollywood actors have limitless resources, from personal trainers to the highest level PEDs with doctor assistance. Reaching that level of mass and definition isn't possible without dedicating your life to it or using roids and personal trainers and nutritionists.

If your like 6'5 that's chubby

post physique brah

>So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances

Of course it is.

But it's much easier for celebrities to do it because they have expert trainers, people to handle their diet and they literally get paid to get into shape.

If you're a 9-5 wagecuck finding the time to make yourself the right meals and do enough exercise is the challenge.

Attached: I just don't know.jpg (281x500, 65K)

>Comparing ottermode to the physique's displaid in the OP
>that pic
lmao fucking lanklet. Have a protein shake, pussy.

I'm a brit
I'm 5'10

Id be more like bane chunky than catalogue model like these guys. I'm thicc in the centre of gravity.

>Men don't have to much to watch in capeshit

phase 4 looks like shit in general, richard madden is the only attractive guy they've added and the best from the women is salma hayek if you're into milfs

i'd post shang-chi too but no one should have to look at awkwafina

Attached: eternals.jpg (780x438, 90K)

>250 pounds
No comments

>If I lost 25 pounds and worked on my arms under a personal trainer I'd reach this in a fairly short time
You're fucking delusional. Like all fatties you overestimate the amount of muscle and underestimate fat on you. I'm saying this as someone who lost 45 pounds and found out there wasn't much muscle underneath all that fat and I wasn't even blob like you.

You want to know what roids look like? This is the fat guy from 'Lost'.

Attached: (560x415, 34K)

>lifting body pillows

I was skinny as anything up until my mid 20s, weighed about 135lbs at 6 foot tall. Decided to start lifting, drank four pints of whole milk a day. Over a year or so I went up to 185lbs without getting so fat that my abs disappeared, those beginner gains are nuts, but it stopped there and I didn't really make any more gains over the next few years. Moral of the story is that if you bulk hard and lift hard you can get into pretty decent shape very quickly, but if you want to take it to the next level and look anything like the guys in OP's picture then you may well have to roid. Of all of them I reckon Pratt's body is the most likely to have been natty, he didn't turn into a musclemonster with giant pecs and boulder delts like the other two and he was always kind of builtfat anyway.

Since my wife had a babby about a year ago I've been working hard on replacing that muscle with fat, I need to get back into lifting.

>250 pounds
>I'm thicc
Stop embarassing yourself, lardass

Chris Pratt yes.
Evans and Hemsworth no. Especially not Hemsworth. He is 6'3 and 220 lb and yet jacked with a 17 inch biceps. No natural in the history of mankind will ever look like that.

better pic. He always claimed it was 'natty'. Fucking kek.

Attached: download.jpg (630x356, 72K)

That's not how muscle building works user. You don't suddenly gain muscle faster if you hit the same muscle group more than twice a week. You gain even less if you do those retarded splits with one muscle group per day.

its not achievable..unless you take testosterone.

I'm at work right now. I move 20-30kg boxes around all day long.

There are people who would just need to cut a little to get like the bottom right OP figure, walking down any street. Loads of people in construction and menial work are solid, and a lot of people look pretty good just from playing sports casually.

Pratt is on gear too.. being coached. He literally has a doctor injecting test into his butt cheek.

They’re not wage slaves so obviously they have free time but I think it’s about steroids too, I don’t get the big deal, who wouldn’t use them for a multi million dollar film and the fame?

>He is 6'3 and 220 lb
This is nothing at that height.

>I don’t get the big deal, who wouldn’t use them for a multi million dollar film and the fame?

Probably because it fucks you up for life?

Menial work doesn't produce hypertrophy like in OP pics. You have lean muscles under fat. Cut and see for yourself

>I'm at work right now. I move 20-30kg boxes around all day long.

Based. I used to do work like that. Boring as fuck, but I looked great without having to do anything for it.

Doesn't matter how much free time you have. If you're lean at 6'1" carrying 200+ lbs of lean mass at under 12% bodyfat especially with a celeb life routine... you are in fact using steroids.

>celeb life routine...
All the free time in the world?

Literally just be ottermode 6'5. Who cares about being swole n shit

>Oh you don't want to get big easy muscles? Okay we'll just pay this other guy millions of dollars. Have fun making commercials.

You're basically working out 38-hours a week. Rode my bike to work too. 100km a week. Shit like that keeps you in prime condition. Too old and lazy now.

All the training time would be useless unless they were using a base of test. It's science.

They're busy partying, fucking, drinking and snorting. Anyone who believes they follow diet plan and workout routines is a retard

>Shit like that keeps you in prime condition.
Shit like that kills your joints, you imbecile

The perfect body is a twunk in a speedo

Kek a guy who used to work here cycled that much also. Crazy stuff.

This is what natty looks like. Granted his routine is slightly retarded but it's also what natty looks like.
If they're in capeshit then they're 110% juicing to hell and back.

Attached: Mark Wahlberg.png (592x511, 299K)

You're wrong dude all the mainliners IE the main white bois follow a strict routine set by a trainer. They also use test which will never be disclosed because it's Hollywood.

He's on test too.

No it doesn't. Running a marathon kills your joints.
20-30 kg is not that much weight. You're doing fitness and nothing that overloads your body.

Yes. This is achievable natty

Attached: chris-pratt-shirtless-latest-guardians-trailer.jpg (300x300, 33K)

>Hell is going to war.
Literally just going on car rides and wanking in a portapotty. Almost no-one dies in war anymore.


Ha ha, no. He's 48.

Attached: 1564310909878.jpg (825x464, 91K)

no dude
natty limit is far right

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Thinking of doing steroids but i dont want to lose my hair or get acne

That dude is like 5'1.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 122K)

>peanut butter
lol wtf

same height as marky mark

It's a typical instagram showoff shot

>48-year-old man with this body

I am honestly impressed by the level of stupidity this board is capable of.

Attached: marky mark.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Whats more likely:
1. Invest tons of time and money to look like that (their time is worth way more than ours btw)
2. Spend like 50 bucks per month on juice so they can have more time for junkets and jewish movie bullshit
3. You’re a faggot tranny with aids

>damn I just wanna run 3 miles for shits and giggles because I woke up feeling like a coiled spring.

>tfw you will never experience that feel where every muscle in your body is tingling.

I took my body pretty far though. I think Plato or Aristotle said something in that regard. When you're a young man, you need to see and experience what your body is capable of. 20 to 30 is pure bliss for a man on a physical level. Your body will never be as strong and resilient again. So test it, and enjoy your physical peak.

But that is very clearly a different body to the one in the other picture. He's obviously on cycle in your picture, obviously not in the other.

Once you've done a cycle you're not natty anymore, retard. There are permanent changes to the muscle tissue even if you get off completely.

>Nothing at all

I'd fight that manlet

He'd probably fold your fat ass like lawn chair.

He's not that big. He just has a low body fat percentage. That could definitely be natty, but not sustainable. Looks like he cut a lot of water weight to shoot the movie.

Genetics (frame), steroids and the luxury of having a Hollywood studio to bankroll your obsessive training and diet regime.

Simply not possible for the average man.

Nah Id bite him in the jug and start threshing like an autismo

>Genetic wonders don’t exist

Those actors also have endless dopamine in the form of motivation from friends, family, and money. I have none of those things, and I'm supposed to torture my body for years, eat only chicken and rice and give up all junk food foreber, just to get to level they STARTED at.

hes been on hgh for years, got busted in Australia for it

>this level of cope

Don't bother. You don't have the willpower to get fit.

It's not about big. It's about the fact that he doesn't look natural. He looks like a beef on roids. Ameritards always seem to confuse bulk with muscle. You have no clue when it comes to body aesthetics. It's literally more mass=better.

I started lifting/running/dieting about 5 months ago, and honestly, I'd be satisfied with a Brad Pitt Fight Club body, or Ed Norton from American History X.

Attached: Fight Club.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

So if you don't want to shoot yourself with a gun, does that mean you lack willpower ?

Sounds like giving up to me
You can get way bigger

And where did you get the money to buy that much milk? I want to start but I'm poverty tier living paycheck to paycheck

Oh, I'll definitely keep going if I hit that point, but that's the landmark I'm shooting for right now. I'm getting decent upper body definition, but I just need to cut my body fat percentage quite a bit. I'm at about 16-17% right now.

Get a job, maybe?
I drink 6.3 pints of milk every single day

sorry, I'm not from Hanoi

>irtually untrained body besides cardio and maybe push ups.

Lol bullshit. Look at his Lats. There's no way he wasn't working out.