What the fuck was their problem?

What the fuck was their problem?

Attached: Matrix_Reloaded_Twins.png (448x191, 141K)

They were white.

Rappers used to look like this.


Ima green ima bleblibalaala

That us my oarsoy of the ima blue ima beyae a guy song but i used the word sxsren instead beacsue of the overly green color correctiok in all the scenes in the matrix in the matrix a funny parody if i cod say so yself

Albino twins?

Can we move it along?

>Whites with dreads

they came out of the head of trannies. the first movie was thought up by a hatian woman

they were programmed to look like balding albino niggers. you'd be mad too if someone could make you anything they imagined and they made you look like a 40 year old black woman

are you having a stroke?

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>Halloween party at highschool a long time ago, right after this came out
>couple of guys came in dressed like low budget versions of these guys
>guy in charge of the music starts pointing and losing his shit
>puts on Milli Vanilli
>sets the verse to repeat
>now more people are laughing
>one of the guys gets pissed off and leaves
>other guy takes off the wig and tries to stay in the corner the rest of the night

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they kind of still do

based as fuck

i liked them, there phasing shit was fucking cool with the katanas and shit and being completely white
wasted potential, just like the franchise, except for the original Matrix and animatrix

Brad Dourif stole all their roles

They were getting very aggravated

The Animatrix was pretty great
When an animated spinoff trumps the source material, someone somewhere fucked up


It was the one who started doing weird gender BDSM shit in his spare time who fucked up

A negress did NOT create The Matrix, you liar

The best part is the wachowski’s short is the worst.

which one is theirs? the lsd one?

Babylon (AD)

The CGI one with the slope female and nigger.

you have pride my dude. go praise your tranny lovers.

the guy who made the tabletop game cyberpunk 2077 is a hatian black man. those people in haiti are the lost tribe of Levi so it would only make sense

These characters were awesome

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Just too cool for school

My sides!