Easily his best film to date

Easily his best film to date

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Cliff driving around was super comfy

Was this film overwhelming pro-white and pro-male or what? Imagine what could of been if all the hippies got ate alive by pitbulls. What a world.

He drove like a maniac, but then I remembered he's a stuntman.

there was so little substance and so much style it felt off balanced. A 7/10 at best, mostly carried by top tier acting, music, cinematography and humour, bu dragged down by a boring story, plot point going no where and a focus on promoting 60s hollywood.

It's amazing how much more I like Tarantino when he isn't obsessed with people saying nigger or constantly talking about some irrelevant bullshit in a car or splattering blood on a wall every 5 seconds
It feels like a movie where he finally took a step back and decided to use the tricks in his bag sparingly instead of smothering the movie in it, and make the bulk of it just focus on well-realized characterization

Anyone pick up on Leo's character being dyslexic or can't read?

seems like he had a stutter when not acting

I'd rank it as my #4 Tarantino

>making chad kino in 2019
>BTFO satanists
how did he get away with it?

because it's so much fun, jan

Might be second to The Hateful Eight as his greatest pleb filter, dunno if it is his best film though.

When you have an arbitrary six month span at the climax point, it's entering a space that is acknowledging the need for a point is secondary. To what? I don't know. But I am glad this film exists.

>so little substance and so much style
That's Tarantino for you

Dropped Tarantula with Django, but might watch this.

yeah noticeable stutter

eh definitely one of his best. felt really comfy and grounded, ironically. mid tier behind pulp fiction, not better than inglourious retards

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yeah, did you notice his drinking problem/

Rick Dalton is bipolar.

>not better than inglourious retards
There's that American propaganda in action.

It's amazing that QT of all people actually got a massive Hollywood budget just to make the greatest pleb filter of all time.

It literally BTFOs any autistic, contrarian onions who thinks Drive is a good movie.

are you legitimately on the spectrum?

Drive is an emasculating movie, faggot.

I don't give a shit about Drive, you are for sure on the spectrum.

I really didn't enjoy the last 3 movies of his but this really was one of the better movies to come out in a while. It felt like watching Pulp Fiction for the first time. Just a good movie to see.

Do it. It is a return to form for him.